Just under a year golfing and broke 80 for the first time today (picked up my first set May 10, 2023)!

Also used the same ball the entire round (callaway supersoft). I think I have found the ball that I’m going to stick to for a while… I had been letting my ego get the best of me and was trying to play/waste money on Prov1’s. I noticed that whenever I find a supersoft I play way better with it, but would still get the prov1’s just because I WANTED them to work for me. Ended up buying supersofts because I forgot to get some prov1’s before I got to the course & didnt want to pay $19 for a single sleeve. Best mistake for my game! Time to drop the ego! Here’s to another year of golfing & getting better 🤙🏼

by cmorrisonj

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