I Did NOT Expect This – NEW DRIVER AND Irons In THE BAG!?

it is quickly becoming the season of new golf clubs and today that is exactly what we are discussing however it is not in my bag it is in this man’s Chris how are you oh very good yourself now you’re not a tackle tart as it were in the UK that’s someone who changes their golf clubs a lot and spends a lot of money on things Chris spends nothing tackle TS but we’ve got a whole fresh bag of golf clubs in here so guys we’re going to film a couple of videos today so hit that subscribe button if you want to see those and go and check out Chris’s Channel if you’re more interested in specs and things I needed a new driver we’re also going to test that on both channels and see exactly if it still works cuz I’d be very interested to see if it still works how does it affect performance it’s actually so Chris we’ve got new irons in the bag we’ve got new driver in the bag we’ve got new wedges and the new putter we’re going to split it over a couple of videos so first of all would you like to explain to us what are these first up the Wilson mban the Wilson Staff irons so tested them couple of weeks ago gone for a combo set so I have got the CBS in the longer irons but again I just fancied a change play with them in Gran Canaria and they felt fantastic what doesn’t feel fantastic in Gran Canaria though that’s what you’ve got to ask yourself so we’re going to test them today at woly Park not that woly Park isn’t as good as gr Canaria I’d rather be here than gr Canaria actually me too but we’re going to see if it does work here on UK soil we’re going to test short isons long is we’re actually going to have a bit of a match today here and we’re going to talk about what drives in there cuz you won’t believe I I never had you down as this driver never had one no so guys stay tuned and find out what it is never had one I’ll give you the honor oh how far have we got although I’ve never had Wilson irons either let’s check on the pf1 Bobby really enjoying this actually so let’s see 155 playing 153 Bumblebee’s in the car and it’s actually called Yellow Submarine Bobby what you got you got full eight full eight I yeah MB what we’re playing for breakfast breakfast oh tell you what for the first swing of the day that is unbelievable all take it Bobby zoomed on that what were you laughing at Bobby have you not seen that gif bobb’s going to put it in I don’t we can’t put it in you can’t you can’t put it in there’s a line that you can’t cross isn’t there we’re going to have to beep like most of that out keep’s Bobby on his toes go that’s bunker I think oh that’s done really well I du that that has done well Duff that first swing of the day not hit a club in quite a while so on to the next since yesterday so Chris why now to change all your clubs because we’re not going to delve too much into the bag on this hole but I always find it interesting that we test clubs for a living like every day and very rarely do we change a lot of people do comment on my videos and your videos and say well you test all these clubs but you never change them and I think you can’t go through your golfing life changing your clubs all the time because you would never have any consistency no and also I think if we change everybody would say I can’t afford to change every week but as F to change obviously again they look a little bit different to the to comos I’ve been using which were also a split set so and Wilson’s something that you don’t really see I like last year’s irons and we don’t get them very often around here it’s very hard to find them in shops so no we’ve actually got to test today these and last year the Wilson Triad ball was spectacular this is the new one so I want to see if it holds up like they’re saying the best value B it’s under $40 well last was it last year the year before we tested it INB and it was better than a prov1 it was y not the matte finish though wasn’t a f no that wasn’t great go go on go on I’m actually really pleased with that cuz that wasn’t an easy put that iron did exceptionally well did I think it must have landed on the down slow cuz I was thinking it was bunker bound personally yeah me too I never thought I’d see him with one of these either me neither big fan what a role though oh if I left was wasn’t it if IID left the flag where it was I think You’ have been all right so we’ll not talk about that too much we’re going to discuss that in a separate video cuz there’s some matching clubs that you’ve changed to go with them two lengthy ones for PA it stayed High it stayed High that’s terrible more Le to go one up nice can I say how much stoppage yours had on it as well cuz it’s pitched there yeah pretty there didn’t it the MBS all flight so carried about 160 which is exactly what I would expect 168 I am Beast animal up the willson okay unfortunately that is one down for myself but I think when you’ve got new clubs I mean only so I beat Gaz when he had new clubs but I feel like that’s not a challenge really is and Gaz actually thinks when you get new clubs they take some bedding in I’m the opposite I think if you’re not having a honeymoon period with new clubs then it’s never really going to get any better gaz’s got a lot of excuses hasn’t it wow there we go I’ve never had a tailor made driver and this is a qi1 LS and it’s got the graph graphalloy blue extra stiff shaft in it the shaft that I actually tested you just kind of took it for a video didn’t you and then yeah took it for a video and again just liked it again we did test it but it was more of the testing was inside at the start of the year but to get it out on the golf course it did feel fantastic I’m just watching this guy that might kills oh man this is at us as well yeah he flushed it oh Jesus that was far too close to not out wasn’t it it was close I like his confidence but again uh drove it really well in gr can area again with this driver also you drove it well on the next 100 series we filmed filmed a couple the other day and he used it and to be fair we used most of your drives which we’ve been using mine haven’t we so yeah we had You’ been driving the ball well with your new driver right chis you go then we’re going to talk settings on it because probably the most adjustable driver on the market today that one one the most expensive it’s up there nice nice that bloke stopped in motion cuz he knew that Chris has a top in him that’s true this driver has seen some tops already early on in its life so talk us through exactly what settings we’ve got it on because like I said one of the most adjustable there is it’s got the weight settings it’s got possible different ways you can fit it for and you’ve gone for standard LOF 10 and a half yeah 10 and a half so got a little bit more Loft this year again problem I’ve always had his spin so you might say well if you put more Loft on it that’s going to create it but found with a 9 degree you try to manipulate it a little bit and sometimes end up Mis striking it with this I’ve been able to get a good flight more carry and also just more distance it’s a very low spin head as well to be fair I think it’s kind of coming back you know the old loft up spin down kind of argument but I think the brands are getting better at it when that first kicked off with the R1 it was just terrible wasn’t it yeah I think they went too far trying to get you in a 12 Dee driver but obviously now it’s leveled it out technolog is better very consistent that’s an absolute bullet isn’t it well no idea where that’s come from so Chris when you are testing a new driver I think numbers are vitally important not as important is coming out here like you said but when you put that shaft in or when I put the shaft in it and you borrowed it longterm longterm another longterm one I’ll not run this one over I’ll try well that’s Brett’s fault it is Brett’s fault so Brett if you’re watching pick that tent up yeah and what were the numbers like with this kind of combination then because obviously you were you attempted to use the Cobra this year yeah used the Cobra that had a stiff shaft in it but again obviously with this driver it’s gone to extra stiff brought the spin down a little bit for me it was around about 2,000 I’ve always struggled with it being too well around about 3,000 maybe even more so again The Loft up there still able to get a good ball flight on that the Cobra miss it was more for me with this was obviously Mis centered hits was still not spinning too high still in the 2000s whereas when I tested it against the Cobra Cobra M strikes which we all have were creeping up into the mid 3000s so well i’ say what could be a real dark horse is here as well guys we’ve just been invited down to a certain place in the Midlands to test a potential new Drive for kind of the middle to back end of this year from one of the world’s biggest brands and it could really rule some feathers comment below what do you think that is you can get all the new drivers you want it’s not that my driver isn’t new but done him I don’t know how we’ve avoided that bunker but we have surrounded would you like a yardage Christopher yes please let me just get one for you see how instant that is 164 playing 171 which means it’s a CB and it’s a 6 so again seeb’s in the longer end I thought he might have gone six iron in the blade and no I’ve changed it seven iron so six iron is where we change but again just a little bit thicker top Edge just like in the Tacomo really but I like the blade length and the look behind the ball that’s not your best strike i’ really interested to see what satell lights for distance I think it’s up there right carried that mound spit again and that’s why if that was a blade you might well have struggled quite a lot more and fingers would have hurt right we did have a technical problem Bobby but now we’re okay what the what the wasn’t my fault he got very close to me a bit strange that Bobby he’s in oh Bobby get that right unbelievable yeah great are come in come on social we’ll have a bit of that so I have it a longer drive and it it closer but as we all know that’s not the be all and end alling go new trousers Chris new trousers you to you spent a fortune in Canary are you they were 8 these I can tell 44 waste 44 I think that must be European sizes this is a very difficult two roll simmer excellent Pace it did dive it was the line wasn’t it right this would be lovely to take it back to level although I bet him man say he’s not going to make that is he with the the special putter you’ve not hit it you’ve had the line you’ve not hit it oh there’s plenty left oh that it’s going back to you is that 10 un you know just after Green’s maintenance and you they look rapid and they roll gorgeous oh see see what I mean oh on to the next whole Square Loser by his breakfast oh again Bobby Bob’s hungry so Chris when it comes to the new irons is there like the reason for changing we’re talking more forgiveness better feel better spin rates better flight windows or just the fact that they look absolutely gorgeous uh well they do look again they just felt fantastic when they feel a little bit better than the tacos potentially a little bit again price point they are obviously they’re a lot more expensive three or 400 at least more expensive so but for just for me behind the golf ball it looked like a shorter blade length looks just again a bit of a thicker top Edge as well so a weird combination but yeah I liked it right 15 1 playing 154 I’m going to go with my Tacomo 8 iron come on James G stay there that’s it oh cracking shot hash browns beans I think poached egg today maybe whole grain bread a black pudding why are you having whole grain bread more expensive than you’re buying oh is it more expensive tell you what that’s good as well is it up oh it’s incredible delightful they just spin back on mine but remember new clubs take a long time to bed in Gaz a spin back that’s not a bad Innings is it to be fair no shots roll one of those in not yours well you’re going to show me the line and then you’re going to show me the toast the eggs the bacon and the Sausages sausages guys do us a favor get in the comments below are you thinking about changing your clubs this year well they haven’t pitched over there is it no it has not I’ve got this I’ve got this one that’s going to be the move fish pumping just rehearsing my you know footballers celebrate the celebrations practice it do they yeah well Tottenham players [Applause] do left it short oh it was straight in the middle as well it was in the Jaws and this is to beat another man with his new clubs I should have definitely stood behind you and watched that it was a lot of movement just swinger oh it’s a big shove shove City guys we’re going to finish this with a bit of a short game challenge with Chris’s to be fair new short game clubs as well there’s a couple clubs in there that you haven’t seen that video will be live tomorrow so go and check it out and see who’s going to win the breakfast


  1. The sense of camaraderie among participants is palpable. It's like being part of a tight-knit community bonded by shared interests.🍭

  2. It's refreshing to be in a space where ego takes a backseat to the pursuit of truth. It fosters a culture of mutual respect.🌺

  3. GOT a new G430 HL 5 wood and have the G430 7 wood HL on order , should get it in the next few days . 425 driver and irons will stay in the bag , no putter change either. The putter is a Sigma 2 black . keep watching Get Good at Golf so I can get better .

  4. I'm looking at the CBs Chris has. I have t100s at the moment and just want a tiny bit more forgiveness. The traditional lofts put me off a little as I'm not the best at compressing the ball. Still get 165-170 out of a 7i thanks to the 2⁰ more from the S'

  5. I’m using the Wilson Staff Model Blades. They’re brilliant. I know I need to strike them well or the distance takes a hit. So what? I just have to swing better.

  6. I just sat down to eat my second breakfast, and this popped up. I recently bought a set of all hybrid irons from GW to 7 irons. I still need to put them in a bag. I have not purchased any new clubs in 15 years. I am still determining if I am ready for a change, but they are fun to practice. I may wait 5 more years for a full two decades.

  7. My bag fell back off cart cracked my speed line cobra , I apoxied it and it
    Wioroked 4 about a year . That was my second speed line incident. 😳so I have another !!! I treat it like a baby 😅

  8. Is he using a Good Good DoubleWide DB putter.. looks like a light blue jailbird?
    Also, subtle Swag flex at the end.. those are crazy expensive.

  9. When looking at new clubs for yourselves, do you look at the lofts across the set ❓ Do you prefer the old traditional lofts or the newer ones ❓. Keep up the great work.

  10. I probably won't change much this year outside of maybe a new wedge. I am trying out a LAB DF3 putter right now which I do like. I am due a driver update, but I have tried to replace my F9 the last few years and nothing was notably better when I tried. Irons maybe next year as I am still working my way down from a 30+ to currently a 17 HC.

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