***Have I been teeing up the golf ball wrong for 20 years?***


In today’s video we’re performing an experiment with different golf tee heights for irons using graduated golf tee’s.

How much difference will different height golf tee’s have to the ball striking and ball flight with irons?

#golf #golfball #golftips

[Applause] so just a couple of months ago I did a video an experimental video which went pretty viral it was experimenting using my driver and different tea Heights to find out which tea height suited me the best and how much difference in distance and accuracy can make if you use the correct tea height I’ll tag that video below if you’ve not watched it but today we’re back to test tea Heights for irons because I’m sure you’re as guilty as I am you know you get on the tea you find any old broken tea and pop it in the ground some of you are going to saying no guys I use graduat teas but this video could still be for you because we’re going to test how much difference only half an inch can make when you teen up your ions and whether it makes any difference at all you know I’m I’m guilty and not knowing the answer to this I’m looking forward to the results so for this experiment today we’re going to be using brand new provs out the sleeve we’re going to be using green 1 in teas red one and A4 inch teas and blue one and A2 inch te’s get in the comments guys if you’re using graduated te’s and what color are you using for your ions and today let’s find out what color te hat is going to suit me best for my irons we’re going to be testing with an eight iron and we’re going to be having a look at the numbers to discuss what you should be looking for if you do this test yourself and find out which is the best color tea height for my irons right so we’re going to collect some data and we’re going to start off with the green 1 in te’s now I must say I’ve never never actually used a te as low as the green this is just a smidge off the floor I mean I don’t use graduated te’s myself but if we’re having a guess at what color I’d be using I think when I team up they’re probably about the height of red so I’ve set that green at 160 yards I fell a little bit short of I think this uh a time when I strike it well goes between about well I’d say about 155 that’s a so I must say after just eating a few balls already with green I feel a little bit uncomfortable um I don’t know why I’ve never teed it this low and I don’t know if it’s fear but I’ve just I just feel nervous before I even hit the ball because it’s a bit lower than I’m used to seeing so there is that element as well ain’t there how much confidence does your ti give you te it up a bit higher give you that more confidence CU I think you know we all probably see you know as tour players and good players te it really low but are we a good enough golfer to actually that loan have the same confidence as they have so if you’re going to do this test at home what I would certainly be looking at is efficiency or Str now if you’ve got a launch M that’s pretty easy but if you’ve not got a launch Mone what you could do is test maybe five or six shots with each te height and just you know manually mark down on a scale of one to 10 how well you thought you Struck it and see if you can sort of get an accumulative number and find out which one you felt the most confident with because after that first one we green I would imagine that uh my score would be pretty low and we’ll have a look at efficiency at the end to see if that is actually true but this tea now with red looks about how I I try to tea it when I’m using wooden [Music] teas that fell straight away that felt more out the middle of the golf club and just a lot flusher that just feels a lot better [Music] now we’ll have a look at Club data as well at the end but it wouldn’t surprise me if my club Ed speed has got a little bit quicker with this tea and it’s not because I’ve warmed up more because I’d already warmed up I think it’s just that confidence of the ball being a little bit higher I’m just feel a bit like I’m I’m swinging a bit more freely it’s only an observation and I might be wrong but I certainly feel as though I’m just swinging with a little bit more freedom let’s have a look at them to before we get on to Blue so if we firstly start by looking at Club data the club speed didn’t even increase I just felt more confident I felt looser because it was up on a te you know it was suspended a bit more in the air so I had that confidence but look at efficiency how much more I’m getting out the club let’s look what that’s doing to our ball data wow so I mean ball speed because I’m hitting it more out the center of the face I’m I’ve gained an extra eight miles per hour in ball speed you know that’s resulted in you know look at the carry that’s incredible that’s at 14 yards extra carry and 10 yards extra distance and that’s just by changing TI and you know ballf flightwise look at that launch it’s very you know very consistent to the to the green tea on launch it’s matching it but it just carries and flies a little bit further now what’s going to be really interesting what does blue do yeah so my first thing I would say there is I felt as though the ball was suspended in the air and I almost felt like I were having to I weren’t hovering my club but I felt like if I was to get I don’t know like too low I we going to hit it high out the face so I’m not sure yet if I sit I’m going to sit it on the floor like I normally would so I don’t know if I were suspending it a little bit actually it does look I feel uncomfortable I think you can tell already I feel uncomfortable with that tea hat surely nobody’s using blue for irons are they if they are you must have good coordination because I’m feeling a bit nervous over this one I’m going to sit it on Flor and just play our I normally would I mean that felt nice no don’t think this is going to be the one one more I’m just not sure I’m already feeling that my strike has been so inconsistent I’ve not kind of felt the same feeling out the club face you know twice in a row it felt top of the face bottom of the face I feel as though yeah when it’s suspended too high in the in the air I don’t think that’s actually helping and I think a lot of handicappers might do that you know if the scar of top in the ball is TE up too high and then do you actually ever get can you get a consistent St when it’s that high let’s have a look so if we firstly start by looking at Club data you know I could have told you that efficiency rate was going to drop I felt uncomfortable you know I didn’t know whether to have it settled on the floor to hover it that came at a sacrifice and not in the middle of the golf club um Club head speed you know that’s dropped again probably a little bit of nervousness not knowing what I’m doing as much certainly the red teeth I just felt like yeah so confident with if we look at ball data so that little bit of dropping Club speed has dropped ball speed which has resulted in you know another loss in distance so between the red tea which I felt most comfortable with and we’re talking about a quarter of an inch here it’s made nine yards of difference in carrer and six yards of difference in total distance but look at the dispersion as well look how much wider with blue it is because I was a lot less confident you know obviously as soon as I got on that red tea it’s probably not the tightest dispersion it’s a lot tighter than blue you know back to front distance is tighter obviously left and right’s Tighter You could argue green is probably the tightest but it’s such a drop off in distance you know it’s probably not an amount of distance you want to lose is it so just to summarize if I was teing it up too low with irons I’m losing up to 14 yards carry I’m losing up to 10 yards in total distance and when I te up too high I’m losing nine yards a carry and six yards a total distance but not only that I’ve got a hell of a lot wider dispersion left and right and back to front so optimal TI for irons is very important guys and I hope this gets you thinking about how I Y teen it up and you know when you’re using them wooden teas is just guessing going to give you the optimal numbers I’m convinced now that I need to te up the height of red teas whatever that means that I have to buy red graduated teas and look like a I’m going to say it look like a hacker because that’s what we all think of these tees don’t we or I can find some wooden tees with some markings on to help me tea up consistently the same height but I’m definitely going to be thinking a lot more after this test and I hope you are guys make sure you subscribe and I’ll see you in a couple of days time get in the comments if you like me to do any more tests and uh yeah let’s keep improving our golf thanks guys bye


  1. Hi Gary, How you even hit a short iron off the red and blue tees baffles me, I wont even hit a short iron off the green tee I would just knock a little ground to get a perfect lie nice and sat up. You say you dont feel confident with the green tee, but you hit irons off the deck waya way way more than you do tees so how does it feel too low? If you hit off the floor you will hit your normal yardage surely so its all in your mind with the green tee in my opinion.

  2. I've only been playing for 7 months and I use green tees for Irons, Hybrids and 5 Wood, move up to red for 3 Wood and up again to pink or white for Driver.

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