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hi guys J Smith here welcome to Al Golf Nut channel so this video is for the seven correspondents I had last week on this topic alone five were actual swings and two were messages describing the problems and so we are going to go through this and so this video is for those seven people and for anyone down the lens who’s watching this who also suffers from this classic thing how many times have you seen this swing so any decent posture get down to hit it and is it going to make it is it going to make it just the Classic over-the-top move that you see all the time now as you can see there path was nearly 13° across my face nearly six open and strike was not good at all I’m not surprised not easy to do what people see on there is a classic this they see at transition they see the go golf club coming across the grip coming across this shoulder coming across the grip and head the shaft plane going very vertical steep is what people call and then across and then open that idea now people see that as a transitional issue now the thing is actually that problem started way before then it started at takeaway and we get to the takeaway now the classic thing what you see there is people pull the golf club in because their subconscious thing is I go across I go across the line I go over the top I need to swing more from the inside more from the inside so they end up pulling the golf club more and more and and more from the inside you get the classic open up Fanning through you get to the top of the position at the top of the back swing and the golf club is across the line really stuck behind them and then the massive shift happens the shoulder goes towards the golf ball then we get the go standing up that kind of idea now I’m not saying there’s no transitional problem at all there is but the subconscious move of the transition going the way it’s going is happening because of the stuck nature of the takeaway and the classic way of dealing with this initial pull back has always been golf ball behind and then you set up in your position here and the whole idea is so you move that golf ball back that way you try and push the golf ball straight back which will get your golf club moving this way that works let’s say 10% of the time doesn’t work all the time let’s say 10% not very much the biggest change I’ve had with golfers doing this move has always been Trail arm now what’s happening with the trail arm on the way back there’s this move this this pull from this right hand most people are right-handed right hand dominant is they start the swing off with this massive move from the inside they fan the golf club the right hand is moving the golf club this way and there’s always this want for this Trail arm to want to do this to want to get in this position here of course as soon as you’re in this position here you’re stuck golf club is super flat you come round across the line so we need to fix that how do we fix it this Trail arm goes under the lead arm wrist and so you get this locked in like that on the way back from the from the takeaway literally you just move now again you cannot because this right arm here this Trail arm is locked in to the left arm you cannot fan it cuz your bones just won’t go that way the only way you can fan it now is if your wrist wants to do this and if anyone has held a golf club in this position here and they will know how weak this feels you will distinctly know you’re doing this straight away because you haven’t got your right arm on there which is stronger protecting your left and so you feel it straight away that’s a great thing with this drill you get instant feedback about what your wrist wants to do now if you get into a position where whatever uh posture you want whatever stance you want that that’s locked underneath there you get back now your wrist is going to be in this position which is a Dar sight stronger and your Club face is in a much better position than pulled in fanned open and so what happens is you can get to a point where you can do loads of block practice you can do this repeated as many times as you want you get into position here you can see how the golf club wants to move you can get to the top of the back swing and you can hold it there and from here that transitional point there then you can start working on the moves that you classically think swing out to the right bring the elbow in drop it in the slot whatever you have thought whatever you’ve worked on when it comes to your pro of trying to get your transitional moves better you can start working on them then but it’s this initial want to pull the golf club in which starts the whole ball rolling of of going over the top so you do that trying to get this drill working this way you can get your back swing working a little bit better and then hopefully as time going goes on you can start hitting some better shots don’t go through the green hit some better shots and learn to enjoy your golf some more so hope you like the video if you did go on thumbs up like button down there YouTube like so do way down there is also subscribe button it’s free it’s great for the channel if you could subscribe so thank you and next to that is a bell icon that’s a notification Bell if you click that one that will notify you next time I upload another video so hope you well we’ll see you again soon


  1. Thanks for the great drill, Jay. Somehow, during my 6-month ongoing convalescence , I've developed the dreaded disconnect backswing. This is something that I will be able to do to nip that ugly habit in the bud!

  2. Hi Jay. Great little lesson. I started rehabilitating (tuning?) my takeaway about 6 months ago. I am not normally a training device kind of guy, but I thought the ProSendr practice device, which is a cuff that you put on your trailing arm, really made sense. It is consistent with what you are teaching here. The trailing arm and wrist position on takeaway leads to a better position at top, which sets you up for transition, etc. For me, it has made a big difference. My path is straight down the line now, and I'm now more focused on transition to get a few degrees inside to out. Also, you conveyed in 5 minutes what takes other guys on youtube 20 or 30 minutes. Brevity is very much appreciated! 😅

  3. Great drill, and very timely. I just filmed myself at the range and I noticed I was hugely inside! I didn't even realize it. I've been working on improving the takeaway and seen excellent results. I'll definitely be incorporating this drill into my practice routine.

    One question: I've had fabulous results with my irons, wedges, and even fairway woods, but I'm finding that those feels don't seem to transfer to my driver takeaway. What would you suggest about handling the longer club that's more forward in the stance?

  4. I believe I'm guilty of this but I hit draws (sometimes big ones) with my irons and rarely pull my iron shots. The pull slice really only appears when I get into my 3 wood and driver and it happens pretty frequently. Can you make any sense of this?

  5. Never seen this drill before but it definitely feels very simple and unified and gets me in the same position of my eyes staying centered over the ball.

  6. Spooky coincidence Jay. Just been to the range with mini ninja as hinging/fanning is one of her problems.

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