Witness the chaos as officers respond to a drunken brawl at Marysville Golf Course in Ohio. A heavily intoxicated golfer clashes with staff, resulting in a wild altercation at the sixth hole. Stay tuned to see how the situation unfolds in this dramatic incident caught on camera. Chaos ensues as tempers flare on the golf course!

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Maryville Ohio officers have been dispatched to the local golf course for a report of an assault upon arrival officers found that a heavily intoxicated golfer became belligerent with staff which led to a fight at the sixth hole we driving out there or walking we’re driving I Ain walking it’s like all the way back there so this gentleman that just came off the he’s all bloody like he’s messed up this guy here yeah most likely you going to golf cart it get on a golf cart right you I’ll follow you out there then if you’re going on the golf cart that way a cruiser y I’ll got you right here is that him hey buddy let’s uh let’s drop the club first I don’t need to drop anything yeah you do drop the club yeah that’s okay keep your hands in your pockets for me too can you come over here so what’s going on today man I these guys came at me for some reason in in what way who came at you no both those guys these guys yeah I played 18 here and I came here and played another 18 and they just came at me pretty hard okay so when you say came at you what do you mean cuz that that can have a lot of meanings like they came at me like saying getting kick it off the course like they know the own I mean I’m not really doing anything I’m playing by myself so so these guys did yeah so did you get any sort of altercation with anybody today not really no physical fights of any kind how’d you get the scuffs and stuff on your elbow cuz that looks like you hit the ground pretty good there on the elbow it’s oh that’s that’s pretty fresh yeah I got scraped all over me too OB I’m the one who on the phone calling so we got old he act like I came at him or whatever I mean it it it was a situation where he came at me I’m I’m playing my second 18 holes you know I’m not causing any problems I’m playing by myself and they came at me okay what about the older gentleman can that is bleeding from his hands and his arms because you pushed him down he’s bleeding he’s bleeding that’s new to you you didn’t you didn’t touch a older gentleman today no do you have an ID on you sir yeah that is a health savings account oh my bad oh oh you want well I don’t want your bank card that’d be considered bribery I want your driver’s license yeah I was going to to okay how much have you had to drink man probably 12 years 12 yeah I got a you Uber here yeah all right so again I’m again hands out pocket I appreciate you man I know it’s habit so um so you said you got an argument with them yeah you that’s pretty serious they’re trying to kick you out me he’s he’s like he can’t be here so how you how’ you get the scuffs on your elbow and on your leg then cuz he came at me I’m not causing any problems do you think I’m causing problems I’m ahead of them they’re pushing on me I’m push they’re pushing on me got him for a minute yeah okay so cuz they’re they’re saying that you got in a physical fight stay over here all stay over here it’s not that I don’t trust you I just don’t like people near clubs and stuff golf clubs hurt when you get whacked with them drops the club comes over to me in my car with my lady over here and I was like yo man stop don’t don’t even get near her right now punches me I don’t know my ear in my face is super red right here so he came yeah I’m talking like this so I yeah so no punches and stuff no punches okay um so when they you say they came at you physically yeah he think he thinks I shouldn’t be on the course so I called the staff it was like the third time day we complained I was like hey man look like this guy’s playing really slow he’s really intoxicated this that and the other I was like guys least come check on them or just ask them to speed up a little bit all right so you got an argument with them and they came at you physically yeah what what were they trying to do just trying to push you off the the if you think they I came up them physically that’s so totally false I’ll take that to my grave he starts getting a heated argument with them they as they as politely if hey we’re going to drive you in we think you’re under the influence we don’t want to do and he immediately puts his hand on him starts pushing on him and that’s the older guy the older guys one with the knee brace he just had knee surgery man so he has fell right over I’m ahead of them I’m playing my second 18 hole right now okay I’m like four over you know I’m not like some drunk like H balls no water you know like cut for birdie right now you know like I’m not [ __ ] crazy you know maybe a little crazy but you know that’s not a crime to be crazy yeah the other guy started trying to get him and he started getting like he’s heavier than him he started getting on top of him so I went over like I started yelling didn’t put hands on anything first started yelling I was like hey stop don’t do this man like we don’t like this is going to really turn about stop doing this right now keep your hands out of your pocket for pH keep your hands out of your pocket no stop stop putting your hands in your pocket keep your hands out of your pocket it’s not a complicated thing to say okay thank you get up immediately immediately punches my shoulder so like stop doing this [ __ ] he grabs a club and then we all just we like no no man so the scrapes on his knees I took him and threw them off cuz I was not about to keep I was not contining getting assaulted okay took them off me for sure all right cool but I mean that’s what it is well can I get you f a witness statement just giving your side of the story and we’ll go from there all right if you just want to come over to the passenger side of my car then all right and I’ll just have your feel out the W statement okay go on over that way I’ll follow you sir there’s that for you so what I need from you is your name date of birth address go phone number and just kind of tell me in your words where’s that for you you think at 21 yeah pretty much he insulted two people at this point just write down just a brief a brief story about what all happened okay oh they’re coming to me okay if you don’t want to fill one out you don’t have to man this guy [ __ ] this dude he beat up you know Lou you know Lou well he was super intoxicated he’s like 12 13 beer Steve they wanted him off the course because he was causing trouble he didn’t want to get on the golf court push Lou over Lou’s bleeding all over his hands I mean he’s older and then punch this guy in the face punch him in the shoulder he’s defending himself through him on the ground I defend himself absolutely you want to fill one out or you going to pass yeah pass okay push you’re cross process all right so at this point we’re are going to be placing you under arrest okay so turn around put your hands behind your back hey wait hey hey that’s not an option put your hands behind your back rela bring me this hand put your hands behind your back relax Hey sir you need to comply okay okay everyone Hey sir relax man sir that’s a bad idea stop stop bring this hand back this arm yeah I got you okay bring this hand back give us your arm man hear me you’re under arrest give me your he give us your arm you hear me we got to get him up in a second he’s breathing hard start a medic 953 could use AIC let’s get them on a side okay relax e your bre this fell okay your no don’t do that don’t do that you’re going to break your own arm man D don’t do that we’re trying to help you we’re going to get you a medic get two cuffs I’m don’t say that I’m going to say it I swear to God that’s so I’m going to roll you this way so you can breathe okay all right relax okay you’re C fix my pants please we will just relax right now just relax glasses man let’s go the other side so I can search that side okay relax we’re going to keep on your side can you can you lock those cups so don’t hurt them stand by you going to give us any more problems no do we need to hobble strap you this is what I want you to do we’re going to have you put your feet down you’re going to sit if you try to get up we’re going to go on top of you again I don’t want to do that so we’re just going to be sit on the ground okay all right you want let his feet go and we’ll let him officer Smith go like this and we’ll help you sit up do not stand up you hear me just sit up there you go stay right there so you can breathe you all right we’re going to have a medic check you out okay I got him for what I don’t know dude he’s coming me if you choose your answer questions at any time you may stop all right you’re un able to afford a lawyer one can be provided for you so you have any questions me about those not really you understand your rights yeah at this point you’re under arrest for assault and for resisting arrest okay all right when you start trying to fight that’s where that extra charge came from okay okay what’s your criminal history like like you been arrested before I’ve been arrested six times well you just had a bad day our biggest thing is you got to listen to us when we say something okay oh what I did wrong he told you unrest and you start pulling away like you’re going to run and then you and then you fought with us so so they call the cops on me for what for assault for what assault for what for punching and pushing somebody I’ll get my statement in tomorrow every time we’re together every time you’re here that’s the problem I was getting away from you guys there’s so much complication over there like people calling cops cuz I’m at the course and they’re freaking out like I I don’t think it was just that you were at the course I didn’t I didn’t do anything wrong what I did wrong sounds like there was a fight I I did something wrong F if you want to make it seem like that you want to make it seem like that do you really want to make it seem like that I don’t make it seem like anything man cuz I’ll make it seem who the winner winner is that’s crazy that’s crazy time you get here at the course probably like 10:00 10:00 this morning yeah you know what time it is now probably 4:00 pretty much yeah you start drinking when you got here at 10 yeah you’ve been pretty much drinking steadily through till now yeah pretty much all right oh how’s that putter it’s the best putter nice one listen that you get that um where do your balls go right side right here right that’s good so I want to put them back in the wrong spot huh yeah right does that make him unlucky no no I’m not a golf guy I would I wouldn’t know the rules I wanted to get a Red Sox cover cuz I’m making moves it’s serious steel dude it’s like it’s Millennial this is like Millennial the steel no Red Sox cover I’ll stand over there yeah make yourself useful jeez I mean just only thing I can say is they’re making it seem like I’m a bad person and I was just playing golf I’m [ __ ] playing golf I’m trying to get water right now and they’re coming at me they’re behind me they’re behind me and I was doing nothing wrong I was doing nothing wrong and they were behind me so they were trying to cut in front of you yeah and that is that against I talked to two people in front of me today it went fine it’s not like I haven’t dealt with any people these people came at me hard got so they came at me hard I don’t know like if I should ever come here again or what like well it sounds like that might not be a choice my guess is you’re probably going to wind up being trespass from here okay do you have like a season membership here or something yeah well that sounds like that’s your medic coming to check you out make sure you’re good to go so after we talk to the Medics and they give you the the blessing of clean bill of health minus some little abrasions take you over and do a photograph and fingerprints okay all right I I’m not dealing I’m you think I’m going to deal with people coming after me on 18 on so here’s the deal B they were trying to come at you because they thought you were highly intoxicated and they wanted you off the course that’s when you became hostile towards them over after 30 are they are they course employees yeah they work here so they are well the two work here they just wanted you to get on the cart so they could drive you back cuz they thought you were call the cops and that’s when they you got into your little altercation and whatever happened happened is that what really happened do you not remember no I don’t remember okay so do you know who Lou is do you know who Lou is you come here often I’m assuming you don’t come here often okay Lou is one of the main time oldtime guys here okay you push Lou off the golf course he’s now bleeding from his hands okay so let’s we can recollect what happened if you don’t remember all right okay then you got an altercation with the older gentleman the other older gentleman was trying to get you back onto the cart to help you get off the course so they could get you off the course cuz they thought you were highly intoxicated and you can not continue to play golf does that make sense so far you have to say it’s pretty fair that you’re pretty intoxicated right now especially if you don’t remember what happened 30 holes and I’m thirsty okay well then another gentleman came by to help out the other older gentleman and you guys got into a little fight oh cuz they came at me for sure okay well I’m just tell I’m just saying I understand I do understand what you’re saying I understand the whole thing you just said I’m just saying I’m not coming again anymore I’m glad these didn’t break I saw my glasses fall off and we all landed on I’m like they’re just thinking this dude has had 10 beers he’s he’s done you know that’s that’s what it came down to I mean that is a lot of beers I mean I’ll take that to my grave I I’ll say what it came down to this dude has had 10 or 12 Beers he’s done they’re within their rights to do that as as you know management here what happened what’s it I’m just telling you that’s what happened sure yeah and that may be that may well be what happened hey dude get that thing off my nose that’s crazy he B me what’s going on today buddy uh this guys the guys are worried about me okay why are they worried about you drinking okay yeah how many have you had to drink today probably like 11 11 is that typical for you or pretty typal okay said he started drinking at 10: he’s had 10 to 12 we’ve gotten different answers so somewhere in that range how do you feel right now a little kind nervous and freaked out cuz there’s a bunch of you guys out here okay they came after me and I was on the golf course who came after you there’s people I’m okay if you don’t want to go to the hospital I’m going to release you with the custody of the PD then all right you good with that I mean whatever that means it means that means you’re going you’re going with us not them what does that mean means you’re going with us like I said to go get fingerprinted and photographed okay for what for assault and resisting arrest I didn’t do anything okay you know your social security number at all John so I can get it in my report let’s get it together buddy what are you deal with you deal with serious [ __ ] or not so I can put in my report is all I needed for it oh yeah is that what it is for that’s it money is that what it means money no it has nothing to do with money just so I can put it in my report if you don’t don’t want to give it you don’t have to just confirming 583 Alum I don’t understand I don’t have the paperwork me now but I believe so if he knew [ __ ] he’d be a cop and said he’s a firefighter so I mean let’s be real let give me a second here let me I’ll let you know who’s better in her a second give me a minute got be I mean they save they save cats we eat donuts I mean what would you rather do I’ll go with a paramedics I’m I’m struggling dude struggling what I can’t breathe dude if you can’t bre I got I got problems dude if you can’t breathe we need to take you to the hospital I I need Pro I have problems what what’s your problem I have problem what physical okay what’s your problem I’m ask so I know so I can treat you appropriately all right I have problems problem shortness of breath problems breathing problems or yeah I have full physical problems so you want to go to the hospital get checked out then okay those your clubs yeah those are my clubs dude brother I’m going to throw your ball in here all right where does this go beautiful oh man that hurts we’re ready whenever you are driver okay cuz in in golf you’re trying to go for the high score right you’re mind don’t talk to me right now in situation like this I’ve had three DUIs I’m dealing with life and death situations and you’re talking about if that’s good or bad don’t talk to me dude my bad man I’ll pass all right this one that might look better I don’t know we figure it out dude I’m not wor about it it no your hospital B I don’t got to pay [Music] don’t don’t shake your head at me there’s no reason to shake your head at me I listen I run this do you yeah you do is this the magic paperwork it is he’s ready to go this is actually a big deal I need to get back to work by Thursday all right already talked about this with you about six times dude no you know you didn’t maybe like two or three exaggerate six maybe not six times but definitely two or three don’t exaggerate three and a half you’ll have a arment in the morning we can go from there okay at least you’re laughing about it do you guys have all my stuff you getting it together please tell me have it all together we have all your stuff yeah except the really expensive Club the the really expensive Club I’ve got in my car I’m joking it’s a joke we have all your stuff well they technically are in his car for tonight going to go over here to this Cruiser think you know anything you want to deal with anything I I don’t know anything man I’m just a cop that’s why I’m a cop cuz I don’t know anything you want to talk to me you want to deal with anything we’ll talk I love talking I know yeah I don’t I don’t personally like my my deep demeanor is talk I don’t like to talk it’s a little bit small for a big dude like you if you go in butt first it might be easier on you all right so you turn around going butt first scoot down in for me and swing your legs around little cozy for big guys that’s crazy dude that’s tight that’s that’s crazy that’s you watch the office no not really that’s that’s tight though you know who Michael Scott is he got it no I did I did don’t actually got it all right watch your D come at me again can you put your knee in there dude no no oh it’s going to smash we can’t ride with the do’s open just for a second not like pictures me right now we just have to you know how close that is joh what is this surance John can I explain this the closest picture ever dude so John because we you don’t this is just because we had to take you down to the ground so this just to document the the injuries and stuff to your forehead little there and then this one might be a little flashy maybe not your right elbow prior to


  1. Dude in the white shirt asked him where his balls go? I'm going to assume they go back in his pants, next to the putter.

  2. lol!😂 I didn’t realize at first that video was fast forwarding when cop was in golf cart. I was thinking wtf he was driving so fast.

  3. Why didn’t the 4some just jump ahead of him? I’ve let people go before me during miniature golf!! 😂😂

  4. I've got out of tickets and even got out of being arrested because I was cooperative and polite with the officers. When the cops asked the guy to drop his club and he said he doesn't have to I cringed.

  5. If he was black they would have tased him as a greeting. They treated this guy like he was the mayor despite holding a deadly weapon and leaving an old man bleeding.

  6. Here's a case of someone that is such a drunk he has no memory of anything going on around him. Total embarrassment to the game that most people play with some class and dignity. Six time offender and way more he should have been booked for is my guess. The police are wonderfully professional here and did a great job here protecting good and decent citizens.

  7. They called the cops on a guy because he was playing slow and was drunk on a golf course?! This society is finished!

  8. Can you stop and try to imagine for just a moment what America would be like if the prohibitionists had won instead of alcoholic, moonshiner Southerners turning running from the cops into a sport and forcing the federal government into legalizing it just because they could make money off taxing it? Almost every video I watch where someone is acting like a violent or irrational fool is related to alcohol. Imagine the families that wouldn't have been ripped apart by abuse or violence. Imagine all the DUIs that have ruined lives and even worse, the innocent victims of DUI-related crashes.

  9. Why was the dude in white shirt on the scene? He's some kind of a detective I presume… Do they send detective to a rich guys country club?

  10. One of the most enjoyable arrests I've seen!! 🤣 He reminds me of Ghoulianis son when he was a kid.. 🤣

  11. Save the 19th hole for the 19th hole, enjoy yourself on the links, don't know what the 19th hole is the club house

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