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The Champ is HERE! | Harry Cobden Joins the Show | 1000 & 2000 Guineas Preview | #HOAP

After finally clinching a fiercely contested race, the newly-crowned Champion Jumps Jockey, Harry Cobden joins Izzy and Liz to reflect on his achievement, look at their favourite memories of the National Hunt season and who he’s looking forward to riding next season.

They also preview the first classics of the Flat Seaon in the form of the 1000 and 2000 Guineas, reflect on Jonbon’s performance at Sandown, and mourn the tragic passing of National Hunt legend Shishkin.

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hi welcome to horse racing on another planet in association with Planet sport bet with me Li and with me Izzy and this week we’re going to be joined by a very special guest Planet sport bet Ambassador and the newly crowned Champion jockey Harry copton and we’re going to be taking a look at our highlights of the national Hunt season and also look to some of this weekend’s action at New Market for the first classic of the flat season okay so Liz let’s look at our hot takes this week our biggest stories this week and really we start with looking at a staple that’s gone from the highest of highs on Saturday to the lowest of lows with some news on Sunday so we are obviously looking at Nikki Henderson’s yard in seven barrows with John Bon who won the celebration chase at Sandown on Saturday in emphatic style it was so exciting we we got the Clash we all wanted with Al fabiolo and for once the British horse came out on top I think he showed so much heart and really showed just why we all love him so much as we do I know on this podcast we’ve absolutely loved John Bon but and I was really hoping that by the way that they were going to clip up that bit of me and you talking about how the railway fences were not to be not to be uh messed with at Sandown and they really weren’t John Bon’s jumping was well to be honest stressing me out a little bit at times because he kept putting down right before before the fence but he ended up going away with ease to be honest with you he just run them ragged went out in front and run them ragged and it was one of the most exciting performances I think I’ve personally seen this year what about you Liz what did you think of John Bon’s win in the celebration Chase well I just thought yeah it was it was a great race um and he did make it look easy in the end and I was like surprised but not surprised if that makes any kind of sense um yeah no it does on their recent form it was surprising yeah and um well I was watching it on my phone when I was meant to be paying attention to my uh daughter’s swimming lesson so there’s no parenting points here um but yeah it was um I did manage to catch it um in between um and when he kind of yeah just jumped that last and then he just off he went I thought El fabiolo looked quite tired in behind although he did stay on to to be fair to him um but I don’t know he just look he just looked tired to me um so maybe um yeah that maybe Cham hit him harder than than maybe people thought but um yeah John John Bon was was impressive um and yeah I was so pleased to see it um but obviously it was um a race where we also lost elixir denes of the tards um he was beautiful gray horse I’ve seen him a couple of times um and yeah unfortunately um his time was sadly cut short um which I guess um kind of goes into horses that that lives are tragically cut short um and uh obviously with the with the news um of shishkin um that obviously passed away on Sunday evening um when that came up like I was scrolling and I just genuinely couldn’t believe what I was um what I was reading um obviously he was cast in his box um so for those that that don’t know what Carson’s Box means I did have a couple of questions um it means that that yeah horse lays down and then their legs get effectively stuck um and they can’t get back up again um and usually um you can you can try and help them to to get unstuck at that position but you have to be really careful because obviously they’re so fragile so when they do get stuck even when you’re helping them there is a high likelihood of of some damage occurring when a horse is cast because obviously it’s just the level of weight that can roll onto the wrong part of the body at the wrong time yeah or they or they lash out to try and kick out um and yeah that that’s unfortunately that’s that’s what’s happened um but yeah it was yeah it’s was just a really big shock to me to to me I mean when I look back at his kind of career um and the race with auramine in that in that Clarence House chase at ascot long live in the memory for me um but he was also just a really quirky horse at the same time like do you remember when that tape went up and he was like not not today um he was such an interesting horse but that’s why people loved him and if you have a look at like he was trending like it was absolutely every other tweet I think was dedicated to shishkin and it obviously just goes to show what a special horse that he meant to people he was um the one thing I noticed was there were so many people that obviously had been to the Lamborn open day and seen him there and there was so many beautiful videos of him popping his head out of his stool and obviously you as usual you get the videos of their best victories the best wins and it was just I always feel sad when I hear of a horse passing but this one felt really different I think it was was because of how quick and tragic and sudden it was in the sense that you know like Nicki Henderson said in his statement he was due to be loading up to run at punchestown this week I thought he was going to annihilate him at punchestown this week bless him I I love shishkin and I think because he was such a character and because he was so quirky every time he did line up to run we all we so hopeful and it’s that hope that a horse can instill in you that every time he was going to run there was always people that were right right there behind him you know and that’s even right into the King George where obviously you know just showed how quirky he was where he clipped his own heel bless his heart and bought himself down it’s just he he was a clearly a horse like no other and had such that kind of fighter and hero story that I think that’s what made it all the more tragic um with the loss of shishkin yeah really really awful so obviously our condolences from the podcast go out to the owners and everyone in the seven barrows team you know especially the stable Lads and lasses that look after these horses and you know shishkin in particular I know is so obviously so so fond fond of him and yeah really really heartbreaking news on Sunday so obviously outside of Nikki Henderson and his weekend we had other trainers so we had Willie Mullins and his weekend so a slightly uh better note obviously we had Willie Mullins win the trainers Championship he was the first irish-based trainer to win since Vincent O’Brien about 50 years ago so he won he also won the Sandown Gold Cup with manella Kakuna as well just for just for good measure just to put the cherry on with his place money for Al fabiolo he’d already secured the win in the race before so then to go and put the cherry on and win the big race of the day it was such Mullin style to do it and I know we spoke a little bit last week about just how fantastic we thought Mullins was with you know the people in the parade ring the members of the public and speaking to fans but did you see Liz that there was the people with the Mullins masks on and he was full on taking pictures with them and they he was even letting them hold the trophy what a dude what a dude um there were obviously other winners on the day we had Patrick wadge JP mcmanis and obviously our very own Harry cobon all seasonal winners um who were crowned at the bet 365 finale Mee meeting and there were also special trophies given out to Jamie Moore Paddy Brennan and Aiden Coleman um for their time in the saddle which I thought was a really lovely Touch by Sandown to make a point to give give out kind of those trophies as well because they don’t normally do that so that just shows you how much those three jockeys meant to the sport with what they did as well just going back to the to the Willie thing um Jesus Christ [Laughter] sorry now um he won it by um prize MoneyWise he won it by £344 716 to be precise um but just to put that into context so um Dan Skelton who obviously came second um did it with 120 winners and 387 places Willie mulling comes in and he wins it were 28 winners and 84 places um so yeah to to yeah he’s obviously the class of horse to that Willie obviously has to win these uh big big prize fund races um yeah is is incredible and I know we’ve spoken about that a few times but yeah just to think you’ve you’ve saddled 120 winners and 387 places and it only gets you second and then see somebody Rock up with 28 winners at4 place it’s just it’s just the sheer class of the horses that he has and testament really as well to some just fantastic training performances and actually the rides as well um obviously Paul town and I think he’s a master of the saddle but but awesome rides this year as well from from Patrick Mullins and Danny Mullins as well some just just awesome all around like I’m going to punches town on Sunday and I’m but I’m so excited to see what you know obviously Willie Mullins calls in the 18 but they really are they’re just awesome yeah imper imper and pass was um I know that he was really short in the market um but yeah he W he won that that really well and it just that Sandown was a it’s called the Sandown finale and it yeah what a finale it was um what that race did as well in per pass was it got rid of the any doubt that came from the uh interference shall we call it at anry our final hot take of the week which was our day at SEL it does we went on Sunday so um yeah we went on Sunday was um they had quite a big race there it was a class two um so uh yes we were there on Sunday uh we were yeah we were we picked best turned out uh we presented trophies to to Winners um Hospitality was Second To None wasn’t it it was lovely and then obviously in that class too um where we saw pridwin um win that that comfortably in the end yeah for George Scott who was there with his daughter which I thought was lovely I’d actually met pridwin at the cess open day when I visited George Scott’s yard which is a beautiful yard by the way hopefully he’ll be open again this September coming um I would recommend that if you do go to the Henry CES open day visit George Scott um all of the horses popped their heads out over their stable doors they they had carrots and polos and things for you to give them as well so it was really really welcoming and you can tell the level of care that goes in so it was lovely to see George Scott get you know a premier meeting big winner which was awesome and thank you very much Planet sport bet for allowing us to represent you and give out all the trophies my favorite job of the day though Liz was doing the best turned out it was really good yeah I really enjoyed that we’ve we’ve had yeah we had a gray we had a chestnut um but yeah the amount of care that obviously goes into into horses to get them ready for races a lot of platting we were we were fan of of the plat we did like the plat and I tell you what though just be aware if you ever see me is picking a best turned out don’t back it because um we we put the mockers on just about everything we picked didn’t we we had a second second second we had like four seconds in all the ones that we picked and then one of the ones that we picked was the 80 to one rank Outsider yeah I know you well that’s what okay maybe don’t not back them maybe back them each way is the the phrase so when you hear that come over the tanoy who the best turnout is and you see that it’s me Li that’s picked it go and have an each way shout yeah yeah Place only yeah but it was awesome and what I really loved about saor and we spoke about this a little bit if you ever do manage to V visit the track I think they were saying they are hoping to be open to full capacity for their ladies day in August so that would be nice for us to kind of go back for that but what we really liked was the way the track is set out it’s all very easy to get to you’ve got you know the pre-parade Rings right next to your parade ring they just do a short walk up and actually although some of these bigger tracks are obviously beautiful and picturesque and it’s lovely and it’s all very fancy and feels very Grand it was so easy to just get around and see everything you wanted to see quite often sometimes at some of the bigger meetings at the bigger tracks it’s actually such a walk from the from the stands to the parade ring that I don’t always I don’t always go out because I want to get a drink in between and it’s a bit busy and I don’t always get time and or you know you end up stood around the back watching the race because you’ve missed the off so what was lovely is that it’s really easy and quick to get to everything you want to see they’ve got a lovely little winners enclosure where you can get nice and close to all the winners and they’ve got a lovely winners room as well for their winning owners where which I didn’t realize this but you get to like pick your trophy basically so the trophy that they were that we were we were handing over on the uh Podium shall we call it yeah wasn’t the trophy they necessarily took home they got to go into this winners room and pick one of these beautiful trophies and I I posted a video of them on Instagram and got some really funny responses for which ones people would pick so someone said you’re basically crazy if you don’t pick the petal shaped bowl someone wanted to have the the kind of shallow glass ones that they could do a giant espresso Martini I wanted one that I could have made a really good trifle in it says more about me top right on your pictures it looked like a trifle dish it did a little bit actually I quite liked the plate for like we we’re just talking about practical applications for trophies now but plates would have done a really lovely Shak CER board but I don’t think um I don’t think we’re going to be owning a horse is he um in order to order in order to order a trophy unfortunately no just have to order a separate sh cuchery board won’t we or trifle dish go to TK Max they’ll do a trifle dish so that’s it for our hot takes Jo us in a moment where we’ll be joined by Harry copton for fan corner so we are joined by special guest and Champion jockey Harry Cobden Harry how exciting is it that we now have to say Champion jockey before your name every time we say your name for the next year at least anyway so what we’re going to do now for fan corner is we’re going to have a little look at our season highlights um if I start with mine mine personally comes in a race that you were in Harry so I apologies I’m not picking your horse in this but you can probably understand why I’m picking gallop and desant winning his second Gold Cup this year I thought he was fantastic I really think he’s a horse that can go and make it three so it’s the GDC GC for me Liz what’s your highlight of the season um my highlight of the season um only because it was a race that literally had um everything was uh the King George um obviously we have poor old shishin who I think had that race won personally before that stumble um but just when you thought it was between alaho and brave man’s game um Huck came flying from nowhere um practically um but yeah it had it had everything that National hunt racing um yeah is so well known for so that was my highlight was the King George so Harry we’ve asked the fans what they think your season highlight is in terms of your best ride but perhaps if I was to ask you to pick one that you weren’t riding what do you think was one of the most impressive wins or victories this season the ride Paul Town gave statan I thought it was a fantastic ride he was Mr Cole the horse jump brilliantly and um although he only won by a couple of lengths I thought it was um a fantastic ride and uh yeah it was it was great watch for me so with your rides this season I put out four um so I I set out stage star in the Patty power Gold Cup at chelham I put Noble Yates in the cleave hdle which I still personally haven’t forgiven you for pck Ori in the Ascot Chase and mon maral in the patent and out of those four the winner was picked or in the Ascot Chase with 30.2% and there were some pretty cool comments about that one James Hall said picked or he he rode them to sleep brilliant ride which I thought as well absolutely just you got the jump on them easy and they just never came back to you it was beautiful and then uh stepen Power blogger said he your favorite his favorite ride of yours was wrapped up in May yeah that was uh looked rather unlikely from a long way out so uh well fa place of the horse he battled down battle hard really well and um we were won that day but i’ um I actually have to agree I’ve for a personal highlight I think um P Dory and the Ascot Chase was uh probably one of my favorites as well it was just um it was it was a joy to ride that day he was obviously very sharp um um at the start we nicked A Healthy Advantage he jumped from fence defense and um I must admit I what I enjoyed watching it back you had some really good rides I mean when I look at that stage star in The Paddy Power go cup although he’s probably not one of your favorites because he must have been at absolutely dying thinking oh my God he’s going to fall he’s going to fall but the way he battled on for you up the straight I thought was just showed his heart as a horse yeah once again fantastic horse and to be fair apart from the last fence he jumped uh all the others um immaculately and we just sort of came down to I think it was slight miscommunication between a joy and uh thankfully I um stayed on so that was all that mattered and we had many happy owners group members at Cham that day so it was a great at fair play thousand when you come into the winners enclosure yeah I know it was a good cheer anyway I’d had more of a cheer in the Patty po than I did my J Festival when I know that yes well I think I’d have given you a bigger cheer on Noble Yates if you hadn’t have just beaten Paisley Park but we can we can forgive we maybe I’ll forgive maybe one day she won’t ever forgive just FYI so in terms of this season and obviously like you’re your best rides have you got a horse you’re really looking forward to to riding next season uh perhaps a a race you’ve got your heart set on with a particular horse um well obviously the Gold Cup is um the main race I want to want to win uh it’s just whether I got a horse F enough and um I think you girls would be uh would be very surprised if if I said FR man’s game could turn over Gallop in the shum so it’s looking really unlikely but um in terms of horses to look forward to um we had a really nice bumper horse this year called Regent stroll um who obviously won the 100,000 pound golfs bumper at newbry uh really impressively um so he’s one that I’m really looking forward to and we’ve got a couple um couple of nice novices as well um a horse that sort of had a little niggly problem after his run taon this year toti Cony um he’s one that I’m excited about and um if I was to give you one in the handicap hurdles um it would be cabal de Matan oh well I’m not gonna forget the name toti Conti in a hurry quite like that brave man’s game though Harry bra the brave man’s game yes um have you ever thought that he’d be good in the rher I have yeah definitely um I’ve thought that lots of times actually um I just don’t think things probably went his well this year he obviously ran a big race in the King George first time out he was very good as well probably just blew up a little bit Fitness wise um weatherbe probably came a little bit too quick for him after um sorry hoock came a little bit too quick for him after Weatherby and um the ground was gone for him in the Gold Cup and inry wasn’t ideal either so it’s back to the drawing board it wouldn’t surprise me if he had a little wind up this summer um um and if anyone could get him back uh Paul Nichols can what about um veret road because I’ve seen an update that he’s set for a bit of a flat campaign what’s that looking like for next season for him uh news to me I haven’t seen that so uh I suppose that’s that’s a bit of positive news that he’s he’s coming back but um he was obviously very good first time out of chelham and we bumped into a bit of a machine in um what was that good old called toon Gino yeah so Gino um at chelam on his um Second Run and um obviously then he got injured before the Triumph so he was a non-runner there but uh he’s a horse with lots and lots of ability and um if uh if he improved from um three to four then he could be a serious horse in those sort of I suppose he’d imagine he starting something like an elite hurdle or something like that and then and then progress to a champion hurdle if he was good enough he seemed like he was going to be didn’t he and then like you say uh Serino happened but I I quite fancied him for the Triumph before that so I was a bit sad obviously to see that he ended up having that kind of little injury and then he ended up being out for the rest of the season but yeah it was a Sporting Life article B ber Road could make a brief return to the flat this Autumn um after injury denied him a shot at the JCB Triumph so want to keep an eye on for the summer I guess and then see how he comes back but he’s certainly one I’d be looking forward to seeing next season for you um obviously outside of you the usual kind of Nicholls Brigade I know obviously you’ve got some fantastic rides with Paul but yeah I he was one for you I was really interested in this season I was really gutted so right he was he was freakish good first time out wasn’t he and I actually I don’t think he was ever ever right on his second one I know he got beat FR Square by saido but he never really felt like the same horse and I just wonder I’m not saying he did but maybe that little issue that he had um after after um that race maybe it was just niggling him a little bit beforehand and we could have been why we didn’t see the best of him so um I suppose he’s still very unexposed and um the dream is still alive I think so he’s well I I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you I think it was perhaps that he didn’t seem the same horse you’re you’re absolutely right I thought there was going to be more of a show and he obviously went out with a little bit of a whimper in that Chum race and it he he’s clearly better than that on on that first run so yeah would love to see him back maybe uh going up against sigo again who knows what’s the uh plans for the summer for you I was just about to ask that where you going on holiday yeah we we were talking about this before um before you joined isy about what yeah you don’t get a lot of time off you Harry no we’ve got a 7day break and obviously that’s not really long enough to go away or well anywhere substantial anyway so um I didn’t plan anything um Saturday is back to work as usual few few rides at you tox and um I’m going to give it a good a good go through um May at least anyway and try and ride as many winners as I can and it normally gets a little bit quieter June July August um so I suppose the target uh throughout the summer without being ridiculously busy would be 40 winners if I could um I don’t want to take the foot off the gas um but at the same time I don’t want to be a busy fool so uh we’re just try and hopefully have a happy medium with the racing and um just a bit of time off do you think you’re going to try and go for back toback championships um don’t get me wrong if the opportunity arose and um I had a good start to the summer then um I’d seriously consider it um it’s just I don’t want to be going to Soule uh for the 9:00 at night for one ride or the 8:35 um uh with for one ride that could possibly run well like I did last year that didn’t seem much fun and um obviously when you’re going all that way for which is 160 quid uh take home by the time you pay your fuel and you drive you’re probably coming out with a minus in front of it so um I won’t be doing that no like you say it was worth it when you knew that that Championship was really in your grasp so maybe the sort of decision that you you might make for yourself closer once the Summer’s kind of over and done with and you can sort of see where you stand in that sense but hopefully um you guys can pick up some of the bigger prizes and give the Irish a run for their money I know that I saw your interview and I’ve referenced it quite a few times in the podcast actually that you gave to Sky when they were asking you about Willie Mullins and what can the British do and your answer is something along the lines of basically we’ve just got to be better and you know I couldn’t agree more do you think that there’s going to be changes in the way some of the British trainers do things Paul Paul in included in that well I’m not sure well from from the Nicholls aspect of things I don’t think they’ll be mive changes in the in the way he trains the horses because that clearly works when we’re on song We’re hard to beat um what about maybe sourcing the horses or something then well that’s another argument you can get into with someone else but um in terms of um sort of our yard and and whatnot we we probably don’t spend as much money as the Irish trainers spend well I say the Irish trainers Willi and Gordon they probably got 350 horses I think Willie Mullin ran over 270 horses this year and I think Gordon Elliott probably ran another 100 more than Willie did so um I suppose we don’t have as many horses as them they probably have more owners and spend more money and buy more horses so naturally they’d have um better stock because they’ve got more of them so like I suppose you J enough muck at the wall some will stick won’t it um whereas I suppose we need to just um sort of regroup um there’s a few horses that are in IR that probably aren’t good enough and they’ll go to the Sals and we’ll fill their boxes up and the dream will be alive until the second week of October until they run and fingers crossed we’ve got a few good ones in amongst it yeah I hope so I’d love to see you know we like to see horses regain their titles you got CTO star and Sprinter sacr now it will be Paul’s turn he got to regain his title now so well hopefully hopefully we’ve got uh we’ve got something lurking in in the in the yard there with a bit of ontap potential that could be uh as good as a couple of them um but I think the I think the the the the brutal honesty of it is is that we don’t have the quality that the Irish have and this year um I actually think Paul would have won the championship if um we’d had a bit more luck you know obviously Gren atine never ran um this year he’s a horse that normally makes at least 100 Grand if not more nap as Hill um unfortunately had a little injury after he won the rising stars MC fabulous never ran all year he’s been retired I think he had a an issue as well so um and and and Bray man’s game probably won um 100 grand um less this year if not more in prize money so you factor you know just those four horses um you’re probably in front of the trainers Championship so really we haven’t actually had a bad year we’ve just missed a few stars um a couple have been retired and obviously a couple are injured so hopefully um if we get a few um uh a fresh legs next year and the old ones come back from injury will be uh will be all right you’re absolutely right I was thinking this actually on Saturday at Sandown and I was looking at the race that Nickelback was in and I was thinking to myself that Hermes alen would have won that and you know there another one that you he he’d been doing very well for you in terms of placing prize money so you like you say you’ve only got to have a few um you know have that kind of bad turn of luck and it just really does turn the tides so yeah Chuck truckers LOD is retiring this year so he’s been a faithful servant to the team great horse unfortunately I never rode him when he had his big days um was written by Lan Williams and Freddy gindel but what a horse um stood stood um up to in all of those good staying handicap chases um had lots of lots of high-profile runs and um you know it’s great when you get a horse like that he wasn’t the biggest in the world but he was a Hardy little type and um he won his first share so happy retirement to him absolutely and uh on that on that summer plans um you got any horses that you follow for the flat season Harry because we could do with some help don’t this especially uh I couldn’t tell you anything about flat racing if I’m honest I’m not I’ve been so fixed on jump racing Runners rides whatever is going on in my uh jockey booking in the last week and um I’ll be honest with you I could barely keep up with what I was riding let alone the flat that’s fa enough nothing for the 2000 guine this weekend then Harry no honestly I would been able to tell you it was on well if you hear any like sneaky rumors of you know a good thing send it our [Laughter] wait but hope you have a good seven days break and don’t burn yourself it’s ridiculous seven days it’s ridiculous come come work in the school Harry get get a good summer break do what come work in a school you get a good summer break you can teach all the children about cows no I could do that all right but yeah not good with the young children I’ve been told that my mother even told me that so good job with horses instead then yeah don’t don’t certainly don’t burn yourself out and obviously we’ll be uh cheering you on all the way through the summer season and you know the start of the the Autumn season as well and congratulations again you’ve been awesome and and you know you really do deserve it because you’ve like you say been all over the country riding one one horse here and one horse there just to make sure that you got that win so it’s so well deserved yeah well done lovely job thank you so much so the flly is back Liz so we’re going to preview the first two Classics of the Season we’re going to look at the 2,000 guies which is run on Saturday and the Thousand ginies which is run on Sunday the girls the Phillies can actually enter on Saturday but they often choose not to so you end up getting all the boys running on Saturday and all the girls uh running on Sunday um these two races are actually part of the five Classics um which also includes the Derby and the St Ledger as well um and the last horse to have done the triple winning uh the guiney and the Derby and the S Ledger was actually n ninski who has been the last horse that won and it’s the last horse that’s actually won it since the world war so since World War II Liz no other horse has won the Triple Crown so not since 1970 that’s incredible when you think about that isn’t it that’s mad I mean I know it’s a feat don’t get me wrong yeah but since 1970 what’s that 44 years ago well you were saying earlier weren’t you Liz that actually not many horses tend to even go for the Triple Crown now no no um maybe yeah maybe that that’s why but you’re still 1970s a long time you never know you never know never say never so um let’s have a look let’s have a little look at the betting for the 2,000 guies on Saturday and surprise surprise the favorite is city of Troy we’re at four to six on um second favorite roselan 4:1 notable speech 8:1 night Raider 11 to1 ghost riter 12 to1 um and really just bigger the rest Harm’s in there at 28 to1 Liz do you do you fancy anything outside of city of Troy I’ve got to be completely honest I’m I’m enamored with with him I think he’s marvelous I remember his first race he was in there with um a runner from JP as well and it was almost like Dad showing the others what to do with city of Troy who burst onto the scene he wasn’t even favorite he wasn’t even favorite in the race he actually the reason I remembering him winning is because he won on my 30th birthday last year he won on my on my the day of my birthday party and I remember I stopped all of the music so that I could watch this race on my phone because I was bluetoothing the music from my phone and um yeah my me and my brother backed him and I thought he was something special there and obviously he went on then to show even more and more every time he ran I don’t see him being beaten I can’t but do you know what some people have pointed out that the Cults of justify so the city of choice s or dad um they don’t go on to improve from two to three years old um and a couple of people are calling that out orbe it I think it was done um on a on a small scale the people that looked into that I think I think they’re clutching at SC straws potentially but um what do I know um but yeah he’s he’s unbeaten uh won the Jew Hurst um he obviously stepping up to the mile as they often do um but Aiden O’Brien’s looking to win this for the 11th uh time although his last recorded win surprisingly was in 2019 um so a few years ago not a million years ago clearly um I thought yeah Aiden O’Brien said that he’s the best he thinks he’s the best twoyear old that he’s ever trained and if you think of all the two-year-old Aiden O’Brien’s had that is um yeah that’s that’s some uh statement they really think a lot of him don’t they massively I mean I personally thought that it looked like aen O’Brien’s horses weren’t in great form and obviously that was the lunacy that led me to back against kit prios at the weekend turns out turns out they’re actually in great form and I don’t know what I’m talking about so but I I really do feel confident of city of Troy we’ll have a little look at the Thousand guies next so that is the race on Sunday usually um you know only so only Phillies can enter into this one as we said any fancies here Liz want me to run through the odds so you’ve got fallen angel with Planet sport bet at 11 to4 y Lang y Lang at 7 to2 dance sequence 5 to1 ramou 8 to one see the fire 10 to1 pretty Crystal 14 to one and bigger the rest I think you pronounced y langang better than I can I always really struggle um but um Cole Burke’s really bullish on Fallen Angel um winner of um the Moy glore Stakes at the Cur in September um but I don’t think you could obviously ever write off um an O’Brien horse who does have Yang Yang um content and Brilliant um in the mix at the moment obviously we’re recording this on Tuesday um pretty Crystal has been supplemented uh since a win um only a few weeks ago in the nail gwin Stakes at New Market um and I I always look to see some typ why would you throw money at a race if you didn’t think that you were going to be um competitive um so yeah there’s there’s a few in there but I actually quite like maybe the French Raider um that Christopher headed is bringing over um ramama Ram Ramon is it I’m not very French clearly um but um I think he’s got a decent each way each way chance at the price that he is he’s been out once so far this season over in France coming um I think came second in a group three but that was on very soft BR so that could potentially be an excuse um but for a bigger price uh yeah the French horse I um I seem to like but there’s a lot that’s definitely more competitive in this 1000 as opposed to 2000 I think feels more open doesn’t it I think certainly I do quite like the look of uh an Aiden O’Brien double so I do think y Lang y Lang when she stepped up to a mile last time at New Market she she was impressive it was on soft ground and there’s not that much rain actually forecast in this area over the weekend it looks like the forecast was lifting a little bit it was lovely and sunny today and I’m not too far from New Market so yeah y Lang y for me I think the double city of Troy y langy Lang I wonder what that double will pay see if Planet sport bet will do us a special Liz and izy double [Laughter] so yeah that’s it for us with the selections for next week best of luck with whatever you’re having a punt on so um what are your plans for this weekend is he you’re going somewhere exciting maybe I am so for the first time I’m going to viand it’s my first time going to Ireland and obviously I’m going racing so I am going to the balmore family day at punches town and before everyone rushes to tell me all the good Racing’s done then I know but I really wanted to go to the punch Town Festival so I’m going and I’m so excited um so yeah me me and Dad are going we’ve got flights to suit we’ve got big plans for a night out in Dublin so yeah I’m I can’t I haven’t I haven’t that Dublin is an amazing night out oh yeah I forgot that you yeah I did two nights in a row too old um but you I think you will absolutely love Dublin yeah I need to sort out outfits so I’ve got my little tiny ryion air case you know the one that like fits into the strict Like rules so I need to work out what I can fit in there I’ve got all my travel minis I’m nearly there so I don’t know what else I got I need Euros don’t forget those pay on your card yeah I know but don’t you get charged per transaction and I’m not really about that so I’m G to try and pick up some euros um also I do I do like betting cash on track there’s something about it you know yeah that that I was just about to say um a few Euros for The Bookies um on they won’t except pounds will they there some bookies accept you when you go to CH I know but is that because yeah I feel like it wouldn’t work the other way so gonna try and be respectful and get some euros out so yeah just need to get my Euros what about you though Liz what you up to the weekend any nice plans any racing related plans um there’s no racing related plans for me this weekend I have to wait till next weekend um when I’m off to the Victoria cup at Ascot um so yeah quiet weekend I’ll be watching uh on the Telly especially uh the guine as that um obviously flat season really does start to lift off now at some speed um so yeah I’ll be I’ll be looking forward to that but yeah te Telly job for me for the race in this weekend we’re gonna really get you into it this year aren’t we the old flat season it’s gonna be a big one for you is from a from a betting perspective I actually don’t I do better on the flat than I do the national hunt surprise yeah that day you did better at Windsor than me I didn’t have a single winner I must have only had one because I’m hopeless at Windsor at the same time Windsor is like my graveyard I go to Windsor to die any luck I’ve had goes when I go YK is mine never had a winner at York I don’t think have you not mine is Windsor mine is genuinely Windsor I have such a bad time there Mor chelam I’m pretty good at actually had pile driver last year um and oh gosh what horse did I back last year at Ascot can’t even remember now it’s like was massive massive prize like 80 to one or something cardem how about cardem oh card Charlie Hills yeah I don’t know what I was on but yeah quite lucky Ascot but yeah Windsor is my graveyard so hopefully punches town will have better luck for me hopefully I’ll be Ascot vibes lck of the Irish and all of that the Luck of the Irish absolutely and this week I’m gonna have my first ever Guinness in Ireland I’ve never had a Guin first Guinness though right let’s just get this straight it’s my first ever Guinness and it’s going to be my first ever Guinness and I’m gonna have it in Ireland have you just been saving it for that your first ever point of Guin yeah I think saving it I’m a I’m a Fizz I like to drink Fizz so I like to drink a um like a champagne or a PCO Bouie um I’m a more I don’t mind like a ler beer but I’ve never really been a Beer Drinker so this is my first Guinness so like even with my granded like when I was younger you know when they do that thing where they’re like oh do you want us try a little bit and I’m like no I always used to say no because my Grandad always used to drink like a bitter so I’ve never never ever had one it’s creamier over in Ireland I find yeah I don’t know why just transporting it across the sea makes so much difference but it really doeses it really does so I’m so excited and I’ll do a little video for the podcast so okay just to prove my first experience of Guinness so yeah I’ve also heard about Baby Guinness and quite excited because I so I watch the Kardashians quite a lot can probably tell and Kim Kardashian had a Baby Guinness and I’ve wanted a Baby Guinness since last year but because I knew my plan was to go to Ireland I’ve held off because I wanted to say that I had my first Guinness in Ireland well I hope you enjoy it don’t um down it like like me try and sa for try and sa for The Taste I’m sure you’ll love it sa for the flavor yeah exactly but that is that that is all from us this week um obviously now we’re GNA start moving into the flat season as Liz said she’s at the Victoria cup next week and there’s also the May festival at Chester as well to look forward to so we’ll be taking a little look at those next week but really we need to know what flat horses to follow this season I know we’ve said this before but don’t forget to # hoap and share with us your flat horse to follow this season but thanks for joining us and good luck if you’re having a bet

1 Comment

  1. Absolutely quality jockey 👏 great show, I'll give 3 horses I like this weekend, city of Troy, cinderellas dream, and in Kentucky derby domestic product Ew.

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