get up to a wall put your lead leg against the baseboard your knee your thigh touching the wall or very close to it we want the hip to be touching the wall or very close to it lead shoulder touching the wall or very close to it my hands are now just going to hang where they need to but just by having those checkpoints alone to try and stick into that setup a little bit more is going to align me where my hip line is already a lot better just keep rehear vering this just very subtly you don’t even have to hold a club Lead Foot lead hip lead shoulder and we’re setting up like so so then when it comes to a real life goal shot we can just step straight into it with a little bit of muscle memory now I can make that turn it’s so much easier


  1. EVERYTHING was better about blackout except not being able to bring dead teammates back. If they had made it free to play and crossplay and it had the advantage of being released during covid, doubt warzone would exist. I had a 7kd and 100k+ kills on there, would ditch warzone any day for a blackout 2! 😻👅

  2. Sono grato per l'opportunità di impegnarmi in un discorso così ponderato. È un privilegio raro nel mondo frenetico di oggi.😛

  3. Sono continuamente colpito dall'eloquenza con cui ognuno esprime i propri pensieri. Discorso così articolato!💖

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