Lisa Longball provides tips to get you ready for the upcoming golf season!

hello everybody it is Springtime it is almost almost the last day of April here heading into May and so I am so excited to do our uh spring ladies night out uh Golf Town Clinic so we’re starting a couple minutes early so I started uh logged on two minutes early so we can say hi to everybody and give everyone a chance to get on so that we could start right at the top of the clock which would be 5:00 p.m. mountain and 700 p.m. uh e eastern time so if you are here and you’re already online with me please throw your name in the chat tell me where you’re from tell me if you’ve played your first round of golf this year I’d love to know and if you how it’s going how how’s the start of your season been so I see Golf Town they’re on they’re ready to go so ladies watch for those comments uh with GF town as well they’re going to do some fun uh fun little pins and uh let us know what’s going on so we’ll watch the the chat for that so can’t wait to hear all the ladies that have joined us and all the guests in fact uh all across Canada and and hopefully internationally as well too because heck golf is a global game so can’t wait to hear from you all so again throw your name in the chat tell me where you’re from uh sh Sharon you loved your your my golf town in March for international women’s day thank you so much Sharon that’s perfect you’ve come back because we’re going to build on that video so that’s fantastic elain thanks for saying hi I appreciate it sh shelle Ellis you’ve been out five times in Nova Scotia okay yesterday was my first round in Calgary Alberta so Shelly golf clap for you that is absolutely awesome I love Nova Scotia golf there’s so many beautiful courses there uh obviously you’ve got cap BR uh cabin cap Breton but all across your beautiful Province you’ve got great courses uh SG started golfing and still don’t follow through like you tried to teach me that’s okay I’m glad you’re still working on it we’re going to talk about that a little bit today and Vivie uh hello hello hello caboi so nice that you’ve come to I hope I said that right or Calabogie Calabogie so hope I said that right I know my I I always Mi mix up the names a little bit there Louise from Oakville Ontario can’t wait to start golfing well I hope your new round comes soon Suzanne Sparks from New Brunswick thanks so much for joining us and Ellen uh so glad you’ve come back and and to join us and thrilled that you appreciate the chats I see Debbie uh from Nova Scotia hope you’re doing well and you’ve had a great start to your season as well and hopefully you even had around already uh in new Bruns or sorry Nova Scotia should I say so the maritime so beautiful all the way from Prince Edward Island no WIS Scotia New Brunswick Newland so many great choices out there and Sharon from Lookout Point uh Country Club so welcome welcome well we are at the top of the hour so I want to get started right away welcome to everyone who’s joining us if you’re just coming on right now please throw your name in the chat tell me where you’re from if you’ve been golfing this year I’d absolutely love that so my name is Lisa blowick nicknam Lisa longball I’m an eight-time Canadian long drive champion and I am so excited to partner with golf town to share tips and tricks with you on how to hit the golf ball longer straighter better we’ve already started with one Spring Clinic in March on International women’s day uh GF toown is actually going to uh throw that in the chat they’ll throw a link in the chat if you did not get a chance to catch that clinic because today’s Clinic is going to build on that clinic as well um and so if you can’t find that in the chat GF toown will throw that in there a link to watch uh that previous Clinic uh if not please go to the to YouTube go to golf town and in that very first video posted under for you on the gulf toown YouTube channel is that clinic uh so you can find it right away so would’ love to absolutely see you there um well today’s Clinic is in celebration of ladies night out which is happening Sunday May 5th next Sunday uh at all 47 stores across Gulf town and across Canada should I say so can’t wait to chat about that we’ll talk about that uh at the end of the clinic but just want to tell you that’s why I wanted to do this Clinic let’s get you ready let’s get you started for the season and then we’ll chat about a really fun ladies night that is coming to hopefully a store near you so thanks very much just before we get started Barbara McDonald I see you’ve been out twice that’s absolutely fantastic Donna Carter from Ferguson Falls Ontario hello hello and Jack bonjour from Saskatchewan hello hello I was actually just in Saskatoon watching my son play in the WHL playoffs the Saskatoon blades took us down though the Red Deer Rebels so good luck to you I hope you guys make it all the way to the Memorial Cup so thanks everyone for joining now you’ll also see that GF town has just uh pinned a registration for that lady’s night out that I was talking about about we’ll talk about it later in the show but if you have a chance take a peek at that we’d love for you to register for uh ladies night at one of the 47 Golf towns across Canada so last one Sandy from Maine hello hello great that you’ve joined us all right let’s get down to action as I mentioned in my last clinic for international women’s day in March uh I chatted about uh grip posture and uh also the keys to hitting it longer so those of you who are really looking for distance as well I talked about my turn the shirt turn the skirt turn turn the shirt turn the skirt and how that’s the big Powerhouse I also gave some drills about dissociation so if you’re really struggling with distance go back to that video well moving on from that video These are some of the tips that I have found have really helped golfers Kickstart their season in a great way now one of the things I talk about in terms of the three biggest things that you need to do in the golf swing brush the grass which I talked about in that March video I also talked about turn the shirt turn the skirt and part three of the keys to hitting a great golf shot is finish your golf swing finish your golf swing finish your golf swing if you’ve seen any of my videos before you know I’m a big fan of finishing the golf swing what do I normally see what is the power leak in most people’s golf swing well most people when I see that they’re not getting a lot of distance or if they’re not hitting it straight this is what I’m noticing when you make a golf swing if your arms are finishing by your face or just above your head if this is where it is in Finish you are losing at least 20 yards and a good chance that you’re leaving it out right as a right-handed golfer left as a left-handed golfer huge huge power leak and then I also see the other thing I also see when you go to make a finish that your foot is barely off the ground maybe it’s just the heel sometimes I even see people finish with their golf swing fully flat footed holy cow you’re losing so much distance so finish the golf swing finish the golf swing finish the golf s these are the checkpoints I’m looking for in a properly finished golf swing so when you finish the golf swing all of your weight should be on your front side you should be able to lift up your back foot off the ground while you hold your finish because all of your weight is on your front side number two you’re standing up nice and tall you’re not leaning forwards and you’re not leaning to the side you’re standing up nice and Tall number Point number three you need to look for I need to see that club all the way on your back that club needs to be touching your back and you might say to me oh Lisa I’m not flexible enough to do that oh yeah you are I want to see that club get all the way to your back if you have ever seen the LPGA Tour logo it’s a picture of a girl with a cute ponytail and her hat wears that Golf Club it’s right on her back so check out that logo to know that you can do it that’s the position that we’re trying to get to so we got to get all the weight on the front we want to stand up nice and Tall we want to get the club to the back and this next one is super important to show me that you have finished your golf swing in a properly finished golf swing I need to see the entire back sole of your back shoe most of you again I can just see your heel and as I said earlier some of you in you finish are completely flat footed and this is my cheater reader what I call sometimes I just see what I say crunchy toe so even if you get your Club to your back but you have a a toe on your back shoe that’s just crunching like this that’s a fake that’s a fake finish that’s a When Harry Met Sally I see the diner incident happening that’s a fake finish I don’t want to see that little crunchy toe all the way through I want to see the entire back sole of that shoe show me some soul show me some soul at the end of your ramp the toe the top of the toe of your back shoe should be dirty because when you finish that golf swing finish that golf swing finish that golf swing you should have dirt on the top of your shoe H at the end of your round I’ve actually had have had students from my golf school take a picture of their shoe at the end of the round and text it to me to say dirty toe Lisa dirty toe yes that’s what I want to see so I promise you if you finish your golf swing not only will you add yardage you’re going to hit it straighter so when people say me one of the biggest issues for amateurs are are that they slice one of the biggest reasons people slice is because they don’t finish their golf swing so if they finish with their hands up by their face or by their head heels barely off the ground look where your hips are facing guess what that’s exactly where your ball is going to go however had you finished your golf swing your ball would be going straight down the pipe straight down the pipe so again when you leak it out right is a righty or left is a lefty ask yourself did I finish my golf swing another thing I would recommend video yourself use your cell phone put it on selfie mode I prefer slow-mo almost all the cell phones Samsungs so Androids or iPhones will have that uh ability to obviously switch the direction so you’re on selfie mode go to slow-mo and video yourself in slow-mo look for the checkpoints is all my weight on the front hand side am I standing up nice and Tall did my club get to my back can I see the entire back sole of my shoe and check for those checkpoints and I promise you you’re going to hit be hitting longer and straighter shots so finish your golf swing finish your golf swing finish your golf swing and that’s in everything from irons hybrids fairywood and Driver all right well I see that we have so many other people that have joined us and come come so thanks for throwing your uh name in the chat and letting me letting me know where you’re from thrilled that I have so many people that have been already outplaying their first round of golf across Canada and across the globe so it is golf season and man when you were what we were watching the Masters earlier this month nothing better than that Diane McMartin from Ottawa she’s played she played 40 rounds with her husband Jim I love Diane and Jim a dear friends and I love as Canadians they sneak down south to beautiful United States to go to play some rounds so so awesome that you got 40 rounds in and I see Amy has joined us from Windsor thanks so much I love Windsor it almost looks like you can hit driver pitching wedge across the river to get to Detroit such a beautiful place such a beautiful place and and Christa wood I was speaking of my golf school Christa came to my golf school from New Brunswick and not only you know what I love about about meeting fabulous women from across the country fabulous women that are so strong uh Christa is a cancer survivor she makes me so proud and I just I I watch and I’m so honored when I see people with that strength and the big smile and she came to to play golf that’s what life’s about supporting each other lifting each other up and that strength Christa sending you so much love so thanks everyone for for joining us so far all right so we talked about point one which is finish your golf swing finish your golf swing finisher golf swing number two so many golfers tell me that for me this has been a great tip uh that I have shared with them um I have always hit my driver well but sometimes I’ve struggled with my irons and even my hybrids fairwoods my coach PGA of Canada coach Paul Horton taught me this in terms of ball position and this made a huge amount of sense to me if you’re someone who’s struggling with ball position I want you to look at this ball position so here’s the deal what you have to remember in golf is that golf is a buffet golf is a buffet so meaning that there isn’t just one way to play golf look at Louis usas and swing from South Africa and Jim furri swing from the United States both have won tons of tournaments phenomenal golfers and they have very different looking golf swings and that’s okay we don’t all have to be cookie cutters so I’m going to show you a different way to do ball position heck try it if it works for you awesome if you like your other way better great now this is the way that most people have been taught ball position so ball position for most people has started with ball in the center of the stance that’s how I was started SO pitching W wedge in the center of the stance actually I’ll use an alignment Rod just to kind of help you know where that center of the stance is there we go so pitching wedges in the center of the stance nine iron would be slightly forward then eight then seven then six then five then four iron hybrid fairywood and every single golf pro on the planet will tell you that driver this is one of the few non-negotiables in golf driver should be off the InStep of your lead foot period every end of sentence every single Pro will tell you that so that’s the way I learned how to have ball position for all my clubs and for me I found it a little bit difficult because I never quite knew where I was and never felt confident with that so when my Paul this is what my coach Paul Horton said to me he said Lisa you want to have better ball contact I said yes I’m struggling with those irons he said okay this is how a golf swing Works in a proper golf swing you actually want to the club is going to come down on the ball it’s going to hit down on the ball trap the ball compress the ball squish the ball into the grass whatever that swing thought is but it’s hitting down on the golf ball I’m like okay so he said basically what’s going to happen your Club will come down you’ll hit down on the ball hit it trap it compress it squish it into the grass then it’ll squish into the grass then the club will bottom out after you hit the ball and then the divot will be on the driving range or or a hole side of the golf ball always in front of the golf ball the divot should always be in front if the divot is behind your golf ball you know you’ve done something wrong okay something in your swing or something you’ve done wrong if the divots behind you always want to have the divot in front of the golf ball so he said to me if you want to have ball first Contact then you want the club to bottom out after that he said why wouldn’t you just start the ball at the where your where the lowest part of your swing would be which is where the club would bottom out so this is what he said he said the club the lowest part of your swing is actually your lead shoulder joint so that’s your left shoulder joint for my right-handed golfers and right shoulder joint for my uh left-handed golfers basically what he said is this for ball position he said that if the lowest part of your swing is your lead shoulder joint why would would you just start the ball the width of the ball or about 3 in behind your lead shoulder joint then you’re guaranteed to have ball first Contact squish the ball trap the ball compress the ball then the club will bottom out after the ball and create that divot and it was like this this mindblowing aha moment for me that just made sense because the more in my opinion the more we can make the golf swing consistent and have a process the more more consistent our swing will be and the more consistent our shots will be so I tried this and it has been a game changer for me so let me walk you through the process so the process for proper ball position or a different type of ball position if you’ve been the person kind of going pitching wedge 9 8 seven you know so on and so forth is this so what you want to do is you want to take the golf ball whether you’re on the t- box or whether you’re in the middle of the Fairway you’re going to eyeball the ball in the middle of your feet you will simply move your lead foot so the foot closes to the Fairway by about one Club ahead or 3 in towards the hole or towards the drive range your lead foot then you’ll simply put your back foot to comfort so if you have a pitching wedge which is a smaller a shorter Club you’d probably just go to here and if you had a longer iron perhaps a five iron four iron or even a hybrid you’d have a slightly wider stance but s the back foot is simply to comfort based on the length of club that you’re using the front foot always stays the same now this is the ball position for every single Club in your bag except driver so this is all of your irons hybrids and fairwoods even if they’re teed up just not Dy dri this is not ball position for driver so just to review it one more time I eyeball the ball in the middle of my feet move my lead foot the width of a club head or 3 Ines back foot to comfort okay this is the ball position that has helped me tremendously now one more little trick that I promise you will help you so much I want to show you watch this watch when I make a golf swing when both my feet are dead straight so when I go through this process and I move my le foot the width of a club head or 3 in back foot to comfort now I’m going to move the ball out of the way I’m going to make a go swing okay this is my golf swing that’s as far as I can possibly turn my hips are facing kind of the corner of my basement here now the only change I’m going to make I’ll do the same process move my lead foot three inches of the width of the club head back foot to comfort this time I’m going to Fan My Lead Foot just to about 45 degrees not 180 not like crusty the clown just 45 de now that’s the only change I’ve made now I’m going to make a golf swing and now my belt buckle is faced right down towards my callway hitting Nest I just gained 45° of turn and all I did was fan my front foot so for those of you that have knee injuries hip injuries Fanning that front foot will take a tremendous amount of torque and pressure off that lead knee and it will help you but whether you’re healthy or or or you have an injury everyone should fan that lead foot to 45° now I asked my coach Paul Horton I said can I fan what what if someone has two bad knees or bad hips or bad back can they fan both feet he said absolutely so if you’re if you have a slight injury on the on your back leg on your Trail leg then yes you can fan both feet but if both if if if your back leg is healthy keep the back foot straight and but fan the front foot this is for full swing we’re talking full swing so this is for all of your irons hybrids fairywood and Driver you’re going want you’re going to want to Fan your front foot absolute GameChanger so use that process for ball position now I’ll review driver as well too because this one’s massive and so easy so ball position for driver and this is the one that every single golf pro in the entire world will tell you it’s the exact same ball position for driver is only in one spot and that’s off the InStep of your lead foot so ball position for driver again I’m a big fan of process simply it’s feet together eyeball the ball in the middle of your feet now this one’s easy ready simply move your back foot and then you still fan the front foot now now I always fan the foot at the end why because I just want it to Pivot around my heel I don’t want my whole body to turn with it so I only do it at the end I only pivot on my heel at the end but ball position for driver I have asked my coach I said what happens I’ve seen people do this all the time they get set up for driver and they’re about ready to hit their driver and as you can see here the ball position is in the middle of my stance and I’ll say you know how much distance are golfers losing when their ball positions in the middle of the stance and Paul told me minimum 20 to 30 yards if your ball position is in the middle of your stance so ball position might be something you haven’t even thought of that will help you gain distance tomorrow when you Tee It Up so make sure to think about your ball position try the one for irons hybrids and Ferry woods but definitely do the one for driver you’re going to love it there so oh I see Donna mcgavic has joined us hello hello thanks for throwing a hello in the chat hope you’re enjoying these tips and that they’re going to help you have a great start to the season so thanks everyone for joining us I really appreciate it Okay so we’ve talked about okay we’ve time to talk about one more cool thing just before we do Carla anger oh Carla anger she’s from my hometown in Calgary she loves the processes for po proper ball position I can’t say that enough process process process if you want to be a better golfer if you want to drop your scores have the same process absolutely love it and Heather has joined us great to see you Heather changing the stance helps absolutely great to hear that you’ve enjoyed that changing and I see Mara Jones and Tracy from New Zealand hello thank you for joining us so appreciate that Tracy love hearing our golfers from around the world that come to join us and of course Heather from Kingston OH love Kingston Ontario so beautiful The Tragically hit baby all right last thing I want to show you to kick start your uh season uh and really help that uh golf season get started well short game you know I love the driver I’m an eight-time Canadian long drive Champion I come second in the world twice lost by three yards to I lost world championships with Sandra carlberg but uh or in 2016 but oh boy oh boy if you really want to drop your score guess what it’s short game it’s short game so so many people tell me they struggle with chipping so I’m going to show you my chipping technique that I’ve had tens of thousands of people tell me Lisa this works men and women have said oh my gosh Lisa the flamingo I absolutely love it so let me teach you the flamingo if you’ve been struggling with your chipping and the great thing about these lessons what it does is it can help uh teach you new things or it can also confirm what you’re already doing well and even remind you of the things that you know but maybe you’ve even forgotten so absolutely love it so let’s talk about the flamingo now chipping the cardinal sins of chipping number one cardinal sin of chipping is when you’re chipping and chipping would be anywhere I would mostly say five to seven yards off the green somewhere where you’re going to keep the ball relatively no it pitching would be more higher higher up if you’re trying to carry over a bunker or maybe even from that 20 30 40 50 yards away I call it the thrump in your mouth distance we’ll talk about that in another clinic uh but chipping would be kind of that 5 to seven yards off the green and if you struggle with that if you can the whole purpose of chipping obviously to chip it in but at least chip it close to one putt if you could chip it close and one put it look how your scores will drop this season so here’s my technique that I call the flamingo so as I said cardinal sin number one for chipping is leaving weight on the back foot so some people really want to pop help pop get get that ball up in the air so what they do is they lean back and they literally try to lift up that that ball in the air well you have to look at your clubs your clubs are already designed with Loft your clubs already have a beautiful amount of Loft up there so let the club do the work you have it’s designed to Pop the ball in the UP UP Pop the ball up in the air so by you trying to help it up you actually end up lifting the club off the ground blading it or chunking it and it’ll skull across the green or be sitting right there in front of you so cardinal sin number one we never ever ever leave uh weight uh up on the back foot cardinal sin number two is getting really risty a little bit like putting you never want to get risty and putting either because when you start to get risty that’s when you get poor contact so I can’t say this enough keep those wrists nice and quiet like a putting stroke so again it comes back to process here’s my process on how do we do the flamingo chip let’s do the flamingo chip so my process when I’m chipping is this I always start with my feet together so same idea of what I just taught you feet together simply move the the lead foot foot closest to the to the green or or Fair whatever we’re talking about uh 3 in or the width of a club head now here’s what’s different 100% on the weight on on the front side 100% of your weight should be on the front side I call it the flamingo because you should be able to do this chip on your lead leg only and the reason why is because if any weight gets to the back that’s when we chunk and skull so you have to shift 100% of your weight onto the front so feet together move the lead foot 3 in with the width of a club head 100% of the weight on the front side now like we talked about in my March intern women’s day video we talked about arms should always hang like ropes from your shoulder and that’s when you we where we grab our club because our weight is all on the front when we let our arms hang like ropes from the shoulder and grab our club the butt end of our club should be facing our lead hip butt end of the club is facing your lead hip please here’s Cardinal S number three people try to redirect the butt end of the club to the belly button yes in your full swing you want the butt end of the club to face your belly button but not in our Flamingo chip in the flamingo chip you got to leave the butt end of the club facing the lead hip that’s going to help you brush the grass and pop that ball up okay so feet together move the Lead Foot the width of a club head 100% of the weight on the front side arms hang like ropes from the shoulders let the butt end uh Point towards that lead hip don’t redirect it to your belly button and then we’re going to use a putting stroke we’re going to use kind of that triangle as you would as if you were putting and zero wrists zero wrists and uh the anything with the chipping it’s not aggressive it’s not hard soft hands I need you to think soft hands soft hands and you’re literally making a putting stroke okay so soft hands and listen carefully you might not be able to hear that but it’s a brush the grass brush the grass and that goes back to our March uh uh International women’s day Clinic that we did you have to brush the grass this whole technique will not work if you don’t brush the grass and I don’t mean the tips of the grass just the tips of the grass I need you to really brush the grass now you’re not going to to take a divot but I need to almost hear a thud a little thud or a thk when you’re when you’re when you’re chipping again soft hands and it’s not aggressive a great swing thought for chipping tick tock tick tock kind of like a metronome that’s the that’s the type of Swing you want to have tick talk tick talk and you’re brushing that grass keeping that weight on the front side so when you do that chip I’m promising you what you’re going to do is you’re going to have this great technique that’s going to pop the ball up so what I do is I use this technique where I’ll use my 60° wedge hold on can you see that there 60° wedge or sandwich when I have a front flag then I use the same technique I don’t change my technique I change the club I’d use a nine iron maybe for a white flag or middle of the green flag and if it’s a blue flag at the back of the green I’m using a seven iron a bump and run so same technique you just switch the club so again here’s my technique is feet together in for this is for the flamingo for chipping simply move the Lead Foot the width of a club head 100% of the weight on the front side arms hang like ropes from your shoulders butt end of the club is going to face that lead hip let it stay there do not redirect it and simply make a putting stroke and brush the grass and then it’s going to pop right up there so that’s I had my coach it hit my coach and came back but that’s the key you got to brush that grass brush that grass practice that stroke you can practice that stroke in your backyard and I promise you you’re going to be a better chipper and then experiment with your different clubs it doesn’t have to be sand wedge or 69 you can use an eight you can use a pitching wedge but just same technique switch the club the only thing that I want you to watch for is your sand wedge and your n iron should pop up it should be up if it doesn’t pop up you didn’t brush the grass but seven iron will be low seven iron will not pop up it’ll fly a third of the way roll 2/3 and of course you’re always when you’re chipping you’re actually reading where you want to land it because of course the ball is going to roll like it would a putt so you’re really reading the green as well well I hope that these three tips are going to help you have a fabulous season we’re going to do some more tips at the end of May so next month as well we’re going to do some more tips and we’ll just keep building on this but uh I really hope that you get to that point that it’s finished the golf swing finish the golf swing finish the golf swing really make sure that we focus on that and we’ve got it that that making sure that we uh this this chipping technique so so important to do that chipping technique and again I hope you’ve enjoyed all that but I do want to wrap up our Clinic with some great tips on what’s Happening for our GF Town ladies night out so Ladies Night Out is a fabulous night throw in the chat if you’ve done a ladies night out throw me a hand throw me a star throw me a heart throw me a heart in the chat if you’ve ever gone to our ladies night out at golf town it’s at 47 stores across Canada actually the way I became a golf town Brown Ambassador I was attending a GF town uh Ladies Night Out years ago and I ended up doing a clinic and uh it was so wonderful that I ended up meeting oh look at all the hearts look at all the hearts for people who’ve been to the golf town Ladies Night Out that’s so awesome um so I was and I ended up meeting Fred lco the the go the marketing director with golf down and he loved the clinic I was doing and he said Lisa we want to help female golfers across Canada we want to bring you to all 47 stores across Canada so I’m almost there I’ve gone to at least 38 stores I’m still coming I’m still coming across Canada so if I haven’t been to your store I’m going to hopefully be coming to your store soon but Ladies Night Out is on Sunday May 5th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at every single store across uh AC across uh Canada now you want to show up early because the first 50 people are going to get a goodie bag a little gift bag so first 50 people get a gift bag but there’s going to be prizes all night there’s going to be a driver that’s given away putter golf shoes gift cards there’s just fabulous fabulous prizes and one 19 only Golf Town specials so Ladies If you’re looking for a new outfit uh you know what I’m talking about or maybe you might just do some pre-shopping that you know for mother’s day maybe you just have a little Mother’s Day oh I’d like this I’d like this like this but it’ll be one night only deals so you’ll want to go in store but most importantly ladies go with your forom go have fun celebrate women in golf have a fabulous time and just enjoy so enjoy ladies night out there’s the registration is pinned here in the chat so you’ll want to go to the registration uh to to to make sure that you’re registered for your store if possible that would be fantastic and we’d love to join you I will be attending if any of you are in Calgary I’ll be going to the shaunessy store so youall be there next Sunday May 5th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. can’t wait to see all the golfers there I had my first round with my family yesterday and there’s nothing more spe special devices are put away my husband son and I were laughing chatting my son is 17 years old almost 6’5 hey I can still out drive him barely barely it’s not cool when your kids start to get better than you but uh I’ve got them for now I still have them for now but very special times ladies and gentlemen everyone who’s watching I wish you a wonderful wonderful golf season I sure hope you get a chance to go out to ladies night on Sunday March 5th thanks so much for joining you me and I hope that my tips will help you have a fabulous season thanks very much everyone I’ll see you next month bye


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