if you’re a highly skilled player then chances are good you were going to be looking at a four wedge system meaning a pitching wedge a gap wedge a sand wedge and a lob wedge if you’re the type of player who wants to make sure that you have lots of full Swings with your wedges and with your scoring clubs the more wedges you have the more versatility you’re going to have the more you’re probably looking at a four- wedge system but if you are somebody who struggles to shoot say anywhere below 90 or 95 if you’re somebody who has got a 20 handicap or higher you should probably be in a three- wedge system which means you’re going to have a pitching wedge and a gap wedge and a sand wedge you’re not in my opinion going to be a candidate for a lob wedge why is that lob wedges are really hard to hit and more often than not they can get you in trouble if you’re not a skilled enough player to use them a sandwich which might have 54 to 56 Dees of loft is plenty of Loft for players who are shooting in the 90s hundreds and above I highly recommend you stay away from laob wedges 58° and 60° until you’re skilled enough to really use them consistently

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