here’s what I carry in my golf bag we’re
rocking the Stitch SL2 fadeaway bag in
the big pocket I have the Stitch pouch
and I have some te’s some bigger ball
markers some little ball markers divot
tools and then the Sharpie and the ball
thing when I want to mark my ball in the
cooler pocket we got our water bottle
left sleeve we have our golf balls and
then we carry the caddy talk Cube
Rangefinder it’s one of the cooler ones
on the market obviously we have to have
our cadd Splash we rocking the great
white Stitch towel and obviously to
finish it off the Stitch love


  1. What’s the difference between an older range finder and a newer one. Mine is older but I want to know if I’m missing out on new features

  2. i payed 800 for my entire set of clubs, Cobra Fly-XL. plus 170 for a 60° i just picked up. That bag alone is just shy of 500. Geeze….

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