Learn how to effectively shallow your golf swing with Carolin Pinegger, Leadbetter Certified Instructor and Previous LPGA Pro. Subscribe to Scratch Golf Academy for weekly golf tips and drills!

so we’re going to turn the club around
and we’re going to grab it just on top
of the head and then we’re going to set
up and we’re going to swing the club
back and we’re going to try to touch it
on the top of the back swing so we’re
touching the top of the back swing and
now the really important part comes is
you keep that that grip traveling down
the wall until probably hands parallel
to the floor halfway down your down
swing so again we’re going up we’re
touching the wall with the grip and then
we keep coming down that wall and we’re
not cuz if we were to come over the top
if we were to come and rotate and you
know wanted to hit our little slice
there um then we would come off see when
I started rotating my body this club
comes off immediately it does not stay
against the wall but if I start dropping
my right shoulder and if I start
transitioning correctly with my lower
body I can actually keep that grip on
the wall


  1. So basically, keep shoulders closed and extend right arm so it brings club down whilst your pivot brings the club to the ball. It’s rotating your shoulders not the body that makes you come over the top. Hopefully bit more explanation helps your watchers , thanks .

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