Welcome back to day 2 of project 50. I believe that a morning routine is the foundation for a successful day. So, if you want to tackle project 50 it’s important to get your morning routine dialled.

#morning #morningroutine #project50challenge

Morning routine, project 50 challenge, 7 am morning routine, influencer morning routine, Andrew huberman morning routine, Patrick Bateman morning routine, productive, healthy

having a morning routine is important as
it sets the tone for the day it helps
set a good foundation of productivity
and I’ll help you conquer the day I wake
up at 730 and I immediately brush my
teeth so my mouth can feel fresh again I
also brush my teeth first so I don’t
have the mint taste in my mouth when
drinking water I then wash my face in
the morning I keep it simple cleanser
toner moisturizer and sunscreen can’t
forget the sunscreen then I drink some
water I try to finish one bottle in the
morning then I go to stretch I was
sidelined from golf because of tightness
so I want to reduce set happening again
and last I edit yesterday’s short

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