This week we talk about our trip to Nashville for the DGPT Music City Open where we had the opportunity to meet up with some of our past guests, listeners and Tour Players. We break down the Top 10 in FPO and MPO and Oh yea there was a threat of violence at the tournament, so that sucked. Thanks for listening and please Share!
—CV Pod Links
—Intro Song performed by Fascinus Rex

I your wind shine
hello everybody Welcome to the podcast
this is the courtesy violation
podcast and we are Trevor over there in
that beautiful pink courtesy violation
shirt pink is one way to put it oh yeah
it’s purple I call it
purple well pink purple whatever I got
OD purple on too OD purple and I got the
uh BR
pink boom yeah we got some new shirts
which will be available in the next week
probably we got a couple designs just to
start us off we’re going to be adding
stuff to it and when they do become
available we will be sure to post it
everywhere so of course of course I uh I
like it dude I do too I’m liking the
design it’s just
yeah our cursy violation logo play
around with a little bit yep like I said
we’ll uh we’ll let everybody know I’m
going to warn everybody they are print
to order so they do take a while to get
them yeah so don’t expect to get it this
is we’re not Amazon no we’re not that’s
not what we are we don’t we don’t do two
days no we Amazon don’t even do two days
it’s true Amazon isn’t even Amazon
anymore they they don’t even do two days
so I mean you’re probably looking at a
week a week and a half
have to make the shirt fabric to sew
them together by hand no print to uh
yeah you have to direct to print is that
is that what call order print to order
rather yeah so it may be it took us
about a week and a half to get these so
but this was the first time they ran
them so I don’t know if that matters now
that it’s in the system if it doesn’t
take as long or I don’t either man I’m
new to the shirt game yeah we did find
somebody that we like the the um Quality
so we’re going to stick with those and
uh even if it does take a little bit
longer I’d rather the quality be you
know there but after doing this it did
make me think about just designing a
bunch of different shirts not even for
the podcast shirt just [ __ ] silly
[ __ ] put on a shirt with how easy it is
which I kind of knew how easy it was
before but now that I have it I’m like
oh this makes me want to do a bunch of
these yeah oh we’ll put a mount there
for sure I mean not even like I said not
even courtesy violation I mean just
pictures just someone’s face on it you
know just shirts dumb shirts I don’t
know just IDE is around yeah just want
dumb shirts made I mean if George
Fiorini from dark Ace can do it I can do
it you know his shirts [ __ ] rule
shirts do [ __ ] rule he ruled we got
to meet George this weekend super nice
guy yeah for sure man we got to meet a
few of the people we’ve come in contact
with because of the podcast over the
weekend at Music City open and none of
nobody disappointed everyone just like I
thought honestly was super cool
sweet it was a warm welcome that we
received it really was it was uh it was
a real good time and uh like you said
everybody was really cool everybody we
we knew and everybody we met um got to
talk to some players got to talk to some
people around the the dgpt and uh it was
just just a great [ __ ] time it was my
first Tour event and man I didn’t think
going into it I didn’t like since I’d
always heard from people that like you
know these players are super
approachable and uh most most of the
time very personable people like I kind
of knew that and it’s true but like I
didn’t think that I would be a star
struck yeah and then when I was there
like just being able to you could just
walk past these players you know just on
the tournament grounds and see them and
I was it was so surreal to me for my
first time I was like that’s [ __ ]
pomc Beth was anybody bigger or smaller
than you thought they would be that’s a
good question um I said that about
someone in particular but I forget who
it was um no everybody pretty much was
about the same size as I thought they
would be I don’t know I don’t know I
knew Paul MC Beth was a short dude so I
like Paul Omen I knew he was tall but
[ __ ]
that’s how he got his name yeah tall
Paul for sure tall Omen that would be
wild if he was short and his name was
tall paw yeah like the tiny he is he’s
he’s tall tall for sure that that was
one that’s one that really sticks out to
me but I think there was somebody else
that I was like wow they’re bigger
smaller but I can’t remember who it was
I know Ezra looked even more jacked in
person yeah he really did he looked
absolutely just ripped yeah he he really
did the camera did no favor no favors or
it didn’t hurt him either I mean [ __ ]
it this is what you
see he looks just like that guys if you
think he’s hot on coverage wait till you
see him in real life IRL yeah it’s uh
and the what was your like when you seen
him throw was it this like I only saw a
few shots but I don’t yeah I was I can I
be honest with I’m talking about this
overall about him throwing no any
everybody not just asra I like you oh
when I saw them throw yeah okay that’s
what I was going to get to uh I’ll be
honest with you for whatever reason I
don’t know why but their discs looked
slower like for I don’t know what it is
but watching them fly the distance I was
like holy [ __ ] very fascinated by how
far they could throw but for whatever
reason I was like the disc flies slower
than it look like I don’t know why I
thought well I I can answer that
probably tell me well first off they’re
probably throwing mid-range just for
than you thought they were no a lot of
it I think it’s because we were in the
Katch cam area so we were catching the
end of the flight so we were catching
the the slowest part of the disc yeah
that’s true maybe I was just seeing a
lot of that yeah if you’re standing next
to the T boox when it first come out of
their hands I bet you be like God
because you can hear it I’ll watch some
of those too for sure but and it was I
don’t know overall the experience was so
[ __ ] cool though um I can’t wait to
go back I left
very happy and semi- emotional when we
were on our way back I was like man that
was such a good especially Sunday the
final day we were there it was just
everything came together and [ __ ]
what a first off the FBO was the lead
car was good they had a little battle
there you know and but that no lead card
final round was just I mean for me and
you we couldn’t really I mean if Ricky
would have got thrown in there instead
of gayon and I love gon don’t get me
wrong I’m
guy mhm but if Ricky could have somehow
got on that card I mean that would have
been I mean dream card for us yeah a
dream card yeah I mean they had Chris he
had Chris on there which that’s our boy
mhm paully Chris Paulie [ __ ] Simon
Simon Says Simon’s ass Simon said get
the [ __ ] out of the way I’m about to
take this [ __ ] he really did dude wow he
had a just he played ridiculous yeah uh
I mean I guess you could say he smoked
everybody yeah I think that’s safe to
say yeah five Strokes Mo hard to win by
five Strokes nowadays yeah I think that
he won by he won by as many strokes as
all of the other five tournaments yeah
every other tournament been one stroke
and he won by five so pretty impressive
there he matched it but uh man his he
was throwing him in or I don’t guess I
guess it’s a putt for him for me I would
consider a throw in but like
it’s a flick 70 foots a flick of the
wrist for these guys for sure I mean
it’s that wild that was wild uh more
than anything the amazing putting skills
like watching them bomb drives was
something but it’s easier to put in
perspective how far a 60 foot putt is
you know then a 500 foot drive or
whatever U for me personally but
watching them drill them from way
downtown was like oh okay that’s [ __ ]
rat and a headwind and
[ __ ] their puttings crazy for sure yeah
we got to we got to watch Paul drain
that like 60 or 65 foot I don’t remember
how far he was on whole
uh 14 13 um and in person yeah it was 13
the little shorty through the woods
through the woods yeah headwind Putt and
we I was just
like that’s the Paw that we were used to
seeing you were you were getting ready
to take a picture and you said a he
ain’t going to make it yeah yeah that
and I couldn’t get the basket and him in
frame I wanted like a oh guess together
so I was just like put my phone up and
then he drills it and I’m
like it is funny to put your phone away
and assume like think bet really don’t
he doesn’t have it like he used to so he
probably going to make this before we uh
go much further because I’m sure we’re
gonna talk about m a lot um on our way
down we were like oh [ __ ] we should turn
coverage on because we were we’re going
to get there probably about 30 minutes
after the lead card fpo lead card heat
off and uh
all of a sudden it said it was play had
been delayed we’re like what the [ __ ]
and it said scan a QR code didn’t know
what was going on so you you got on it
and found out that there was a threat
made yeah and uh then we got on the horn
to a guy that we knew that was there and
he was uh he was actually around some
players he was he was back in I guess
with the with the players with a few of
them the FB players so we kind of got
the scoop going down there what it
happened yeah let me it’s a bad look for
Tennessee it’s a bad look for people
that sound like me which sucks no it
wasn’t one of us no it was definitely
make the threat yeah we would never do
anything like that but um but it was
someone who sounded like us most likely
more than likely they sounded just like
me yeah but it wasn’t him it was not me
it was not Gibbs no um I wasn’t even
awake they said it came in the night
before or something I don’t know I
haven’t really heard exactly but [ __ ]
person and [ __ ] that [ __ ] I’ll say that
that’s the dumbest [ __ ]
ever yeah like you said bad look is the
second Pro Tour event in Tennessee and
[ __ ] I’m hoping it wasn’t last year
there was like some uh uh not a rally I
guess but some protesting at MCO I don’t
think so oh maybe I just made that up
but uh it’s not regardless it’s not a
great look for us but
I don’t know most likely too is like not
that it shouldn’t have been taken as
seriously as they did they obviously
took the right precautions if someone’s
threatening a ter a domestic terrorist
attack yeah I guess but
uh most likely it was just some [ __ ]
dumbass idiot that was just trying to
cause you know stop the play just be a
problem be a be a Nuance to be a dick
yeah I I mean yeah like you said you
know thank thank God nothing happened
right but it was probably just all just
a bunch of [ __ ] most likely nothing
was ever gonna happen somebody pulled a
fire hydrant because they didn’t want to
take a test there you go exact or
something like or called in a bomb
threat cuz I didn’t want to take a test
that day or didn’t feel like going to
school that day they pulled the old bomb
threat Fire H yeah yeah it’s uh but yeah
I mean like you know thank God nothing
happened but that was [ __ ] and it it
does make people that sound like me look
very [ __ ] bad and I hate it well only
because it happened in Tennessee let’s
be real that could have happened
anywhere well let’s let’s be real the
the phone call or text message or
whatever could have 100% not came from
Tennessee right it could have came from
anywhere and they could have did it just
to make people that sound like me look
bad yeah that’s probably what it was I
just want to make sure everybody knows
that it was not definitely not Gibbs I
was with him the time that the call was
supposedly made allegedly
made but but it’s it is this [ __ ]
but uh by the time we got there wide
open again yeah he was we we caught
right up with the lead card and we that
and not only that but other than just a
few people talking about it that day it
was almost as if everyone had forgotten
about it yeah I’m sure their card didn’t
considering there was a police officer
following them around the entire time I
don’t know if they did the S Sunday the
final round did they have
a maybe I we stayed with the leag card
so yeah we got to uh we did watch some
of Natalie Ryan’s card the uh on
Saturday and yeah there was a there was
a copper roon yeah right on right on
right next to him yeah yeah 5 yeah
walking around the whole time probably
thinking he was wasting his [ __ ] time
but uh like Jefferson from Disc Go world
but it kind of crazy that uh it took
something like that for them to start
searching people’s bags coming
in I mean yeah that is that is
interesting I just assumed honestly I
just assumed until I read after that
that’s what they did at every Pro Tour
event no I mean I didn’t I didn’t think
about it but last year when I went
through MCO like it was there was like
no like you walked up and got your
wristband and you were gone like they
didn’t look at your bag you could have
carried whatever in last year did they
make you strip down and do a cavity
search to you they only did that to you
for some reason yeah I don’t understand
why I’m the only one that really you
asked for it oh
well okay maybe I’m playing a little
dumb of course you asked him to you’re
like I bet I don’t have something in my
ass yeah yeah I was like I didn’t hide a
bomb in my ass don’t check there and
tensions were high that day because of
what had happened earlier so they felt
like they had to sure you played the car
you played your car drive you knew what
I was doing I was like oh
boy no way there’s a gun hidden in my
ass right now but it was I can’t wait to
go follow Natalie Ryan’s
card I wonder too and the I I wonder how
much it was 4:20 Saturday and I wonder
how many people forgot about like oh
[ __ ] have my bowl in my bag yeah you
know and I wonder how many how many
people that they just said yeah through
I bet I bet they didn’t [ __ ] with I bet
they they weren’t well you know the cops
were sitting around there but yeah I’m
sure if they’ seen something cuz it was
volunteers but I’m sure if they seen
something there it’s
like 42 first off for sure got you got
to celebrate smoking a little little pot
here and there Ain got to hurt a disc
off event yeah it’s not a [ __ ]
domestic terrorist attack but yeah just
smoking a little weed but that’s that’s
all I don’t know enough to talk about it
I think it was [ __ ] and regardless
regardless of what you [ __ ] think
about it there’s no reason for that
stupid [ __ ] no man so you’re going to
threaten and shoot a bunch of people or
whatever whatever happened right
whatever they threatened we we I
honestly have no idea but because
somebody wants to play discov [ __ ] off
they we you know it’s it’s [ __ ]
frisbe man yeah it’s just it was just
like I like I said I don’t think I’d say
it’s safe to say that those words didn’t
have any weight behind them it was just
to cause a stir just to disrupt the
tournament you know it was just to be a
dick yeah just to be a [ __ ] yeah
that’s all it was what if it was just
taken out of context what if it was just
someone that had called and they were
like I hope you hope you shoot well
tomorrow I don’t
[ __ ] yeah hope you really blow it up
out there they’re like whoa but yeah
this that’s we do not condone at the
cury violation we’re all about [ __ ]
some stuff up and being [ __ ] but
that’s we’re not all about not that
we’re not that that’s not yet that’s
it’s not a good look in case you were
wondering we are anti-de threats we are
I know it’s been up for debate for a lot
of people for a long time but just to
set the record straight we didn’t like
it I didn’t like it Saturday and I still
don’t like it but once again it almost
it seemed like or at least the people
that we spoke to it was just kind of
like anyways Disc Off nobody it wasn’t
it wasn’t like any really nobody was
really even talking about it yeah I was
concerned before we had gotten there
after we had read that that it would
kind of be a BL day yeah it’d be kind of
bummer like oh what’s going to happen
now like is this tournament going to be
fun even is it going to knock the wind
out of everyone’s cells you know no let
me tell you something too turn down I
don’t even know if it
happened Tennessee or Nashville or
whatever you want to call it MCO people
[ __ ] showed up people can talk about
it’s a bad layout basket suck whatever
the mediocre [ __ ] tournament I tell
you the people that were there including
me and I would say Trevor too I thought
it was a great layout I thought the the
new the new holes were spectacular
baskets yes those baskets suck we all
know they suck we’ve always known they
suck but this just that’s part of it
right you know the veterans hate veteran
basket hate I’ve just learned about
recently I honestly or unless I’d
forgotten didn’t realize that they were
hated on so much because of the
stainless steel chains is that the yeah
whole thing is just they’re too [ __ ]
slick and they I think they they’re a
little high but yeah the stainless steel
they’re slick if you putt hard they’ll
go right through it you know I was I’m
so stupid this whole time I thought they
were great baskets I was always like
yeah Dynamic veterans are pretty good
you know I’d always thought they were
great and didn’t even think about the
fact that they’re chainless or stainless
steel chains and that makes perfect
sense of course they’re not going to let
they’re not going to catch as many
frisbees well I think that’s a earlier
one of the veterans too and the the
chains don’t hang down as low too so in
order for since it’s not hanging down as
low the cone is higher so there’s not as
many chains you know like if it went
down there’ be more chains closer to the
bottom so they could collect more putts
even I guess I mean that’s just should
in theory I don’t putt hard enough that
it’s not an issue with me and you know
you i’ been hear you know it’s all over
the place well if you put hard doesn’t
baskets suck well if you’re playing on
them baskets and you know if you putt
hard don’t putt hard then don’t putt
hard I mean I understand that’s not your
style but whenever I’m on Prodigy
baskets and my putts softer and it kicks
it right back at me because I don’t putt
them hard enough nobody gives a [ __ ]
about that right harder yeah everybody’s
like you’re going to have to put them
harder to get them stay in nobody cares
but if you’re a hard putter then it’s
the exact opposite with those can’t win
or lose yeah you you you’re not good
enough to putt hard no it’s just not the
way I putt yeah now you’re putting too
good genon putts too good he does he
does putt hard you know and like he said
yeah because he was with [ __ ] Prodigy
for years he had to learn how to putt
like he was driving a spear through
someone’s chest he said I know I putt
hard but these P still
suck but that’s true I and you know a
lot of his putts do come out that are
questionable to me a lot of them are
just [ __ ] high putts that spin out
and I’m like that happens to [ __ ]
everybody if you hit the chains High
really hard they might might pop out to
hit the [ __ ] basket yeah um there’s
times that they could
stick but if it doesn’t it’s kind of one
of those instances it’s like that was
high yeah you know that’s kind of my
fault yeah there was a there was a what
Paul on the whole 10 final round that
thing was dead [ __ ] Center I don’t
know how or from my angle it looked dead
center I haven’t watched all the
playback so it’s you know I’m I’m
talking about somebody that was looking
at the basket from the course you know
but that putt looked like it was [ __ ]
perfect yeah and it kicked it now I
don’t know I and it yeah obviously like
it could be the shitty baskets and I
mentioned this while when we got there
that they the baskets were being talked
about because they had to like add a
couple well I think there was there was
a from and I didn’t know this somebody I
think Swiss might have told us there was
two different kind of baskets they
weren’t All Uniform so there was like an
older model and then a newer model and
then so they had to to make them uniform
they had to add links to some of the
older ones to to help like that way
they’re all the same I guess right right
but which I guess is easier than just
replacing all
baskets but for a Pro Tour
event it feels like to me I’m not saying
all the baskets should be the same but
it shouldn’t there shouldn’t be it feels
like to me like there shouldn’t be a
discussion of like oh they had to add
this or fix this to these basket it’s
almost like can you not just do all like
all the baskets be the same for like
well I’m sure what’s happened is some’s
got damaged and they had to order new
baskets so in order order and you
couldn’t get the old model so you had to
you had to you know fix the old ones to
match the new ones because you’re not
going to go buy 18 brand new baskets if
you only need seven fair you know or say
you want nine new ones or whatever you
know cuz baskets are going to get
damaged just from weather and you know
whatever which that course isn’t up all
the time yeah you know it’s a it’s a t
course so yeah that’s that one of my
takeaways also from this weekend is and
I I I wasn’t the first one to say our
friend Chris that was with us had
mentioned it and uh I think it’s a great
point that as far as the best
representation for Tennessee disc off I
love the course but I don’t think you
know like that course mil Ridge would be
the best like when you think Tennesse
the pro Tor being in Tennessee I think
it should be like on a course that’s
like this is what Tennessee disc golf is
like and maybe not the best
representation for Tennessee disc golf
but all around I’m with you I I enjoyed
the layout enjoyed the course had a
[ __ ] blast yeah we uh I can’t
remember who I was talking to about that
maybe Chris or maybe all three of us but
the thing is though it’s the spe it’s
it’s for the spectators you know like of
course there’s Great Courses leaving
Harmon Hills you know that would be a
great representation for Tennessee disc
golf but there’s nowhere for people to
stay there’s no places for people to
park there’s you know it’s a it it’s it
you have to have the room for spectators
you have to have the room for them to
stay you have to you know what I mean
it’s it’s there’s so much more to it
than this like yeah we’re going to have
a [ __ ] Pro Tour on this course yeah
you know I think honestly I think uh the
hardest layout at Clayton would be a
great representation of Tennessee disc
golf because sure yeah you have nine
holes in the woods and you got nine
holes and bomber wide open yeah which
aren’t really wide open you can play a
lot of OB you know you know manufactured
OB be but that would be a good place and
there’s a lot of parking there’s a lot
there’s places to stay mhm but mil rich
is rad I like I mean I really in I’ve
I’ve said this aund times this weekend
probably the new hole 10 I [ __ ] love
it yeah I love that hole it’s just such
a cool hole you got to throw you got to
throw over a creek which the creek
really don’t come and play at all pawn
to the
left and then there’s the basket’s
sitting in the middle you either have to
come in with a spiser forehand or a
Hiser backand you can’t go straight at
it I just that hole was the funnest for
me in person that was the funnest hole
to watch absolutely and we got to see a
lot of people almost put it in the
basket on their approach on their second
drives yeah yeah swinging over the trees
and it’s almost like the basket was a
[ __ ] magnet for discs 11 was 11 was
sick to watch in person too if you got
behind the basket cuz it looked like
they were a mile away and they were just
it was just ridiculous yeah but that was
a cool to I I liked it I had I had a
great time of course it was it was
awesome we had a [ __ ] blast um
another thing another takeaway from me
that I noticed that stood out uh the
watching their discs and how windy it
was see both days we were there Saturday
and Sunday it was pretty [ __ ] windy
Gusty on and off all day and uh watching
their discs flying in it as if there
were no wind and I’m sure they flew they
differently right but not compared to
when how when I watch my frisbee fly in
the air it’s
like being taken by the wind their disc
cuts through the [ __ ] wind yeah I got
to get RPMs dude RPMs and this the nose
the angle control that’s a lot of it for
sure there’s a there’s there a few
things stuck up or one thing that stuck
out for me was like a for the FBO side
Ella Hansen whatever that yellow
mid-range is that she throws maybe md1
maybe I’m not sure it seemed whatever it
was it seemed like it could handle some
torque but she can absolutely bomb that
damn thing dude she was throwing it as
far as the other ones were throwing
their drivers and stuff their Fairways
yeah I remember you kept comen yeah cuz
it was just so slow and I was like it’s
got to stop soon and it just came yeah I
was like I don’t know if that’s a putter
or a driver they all fly slow to me man
I don’t know what they are anymore she
was just absolutely killing it like it
was crazy yeah that was that was awesome
it’s funny though like act being out
there on the course and just taking it
all in and obviously talking to people
while we’re there and watching and I
miss more disc golf and I didn’t get to
see it feels like I didn’t get to watch
as much disc golf than I would have if I
would have watched it live oh I’m sure
you know yeah yeah it’s it’s you don’t
see as much for sure because you can’t
be at two places at one time like the
cameras can but to me it’s worth it like
it’s if if you’re a disc offer and
you’ve never been to one you have to go
you got to go no one will call in a bomb
threat it’s just the whole it’s the
whole it’s the whole scene like uh this
the the people you get to meet and you
know luckily which I mean a lot of these
people are very approachable it’s not
because we have a podcast or whatever
but like bearby like such a cool dude
you know and we got to hang him and then
got the you know like you said it’s it’s
I don’t know it was it’s just it’s the
whole scene like we got to talk to Ali
Smith she was so nice yeah I mean it’s
it’s everybody is cool I talked to cat
merch sweetheart absolutely sweetheart I
mean we met we’ve seen cat merch’s cat
just sitting out in the Fairway yeah Mr
Ley just sitting in the Fairway and I
was like we were walking by and I was
like that’s a cool looking cat and I was
like damn I think I recognize that cat
yeah one thing that stood out to me
about the cat actually I didn’t think
about it either and we walked beside
like like right by this cat it didn’t
move most cats would just like Scurry
the way literally let both of us walk
around it and then I was like man that
cat’s really docile really chill and
then that’s when you were like I think
that’s cat Merchant’s cat I was like
that ex that’s 100% her cat it has to be
I know it is and they the next round
they had the one of the dgpt guys had to
go grab it because it was like in the
middle of the Fairway with the with the
players coming around and he was like he
I’ll go get it and he was sitting over
there holding it and I was like I went
and talked to him he’s like man this is
the coolest cat he’s like you don’t I’ve
never seen a cat like this he was just
holding it pting I wonder how many
people are like can she get her [ __ ]
cat or if everyone’s you know since
their disc offers are just like oh yeah
I’m sure it’s a cat [ __ ] it it’s a cool
cat it is a cool cat it was a very cool
cat I feel like I could just reach down
and pick it up you probably have I
wouldn’t have no I wouldn’t pick up
cat’s cat cat’s cat don’t touch cat’s
cat run through the damn FBO I’ll run
through the
FBO uh you know who won it I do Kristen
Tatar shocker Yeah by four strokes but
it was a battle
or I don’t even want to say battle
Holland Holland gave it a shot and then
she had a bad hole and then it was then
it was over it was looking yeah that’s
that’s the thing it was looking I was
like here it goes there were I think
Kristen they there was one stroke
between them at one point and or maybe
two I think it but I can’t remember okay
maybe two strokes but they had like
three or four holes left to play and
then Holland ended up bogeying double
Bing 17 16 whatever and uh it was over
from I mean Kristen secured the lead
easily or the win easily um two years in
a row first uh first time that there’s
been double Champions double doubles
double yeah since uh 2020 that’s pretty
neat with Paige and Paul yeah um I
learned that from the upshot so Kristen
Tatar obviously winning it with a 1017
averaged event she’s going to get it
she’s going to get the that it’s
definitely looking like she’s going to
get that on the next update U she’s only
performed over a thousand rated golf
since the last update so average and she
only needs one point so she only needs
one so she will be the first fpo player
to reach a thousand most
likely most likely going to happen all
right guys I know there’s people that
have issues with it but just what it is
course second place Holland Hanley at 9
down uh shooting one over that last
round so yeah she didn’t I said couldn’t
give it the effort that she needed to to
really give her a chance it was windy it
was tough it was very windy and tough
and you’re talking about [ __ ] Kristen
Tatar yeah I mean let’s be real most FBO
players aren’t averaging 107 events for
three rounds I’m telling you when
Kristen comes out and she on Sunday and
she has black on black on it’s it’s
[ __ ] you better watch out Darth Tatar
Darth tar you don’t want to [ __ ] with it
she just looks like she’s
pissed she does she just she I don’t
think she smiles I don’t think she’s
just she’s in a zone no she’s a she’s a
different Beast she really was she I
actually was able I walked by her after
a round like we crossed paths and I was
was like I did like the nod where I like
smiled and went and then she nodded back
at me so I kind of talked to her that’s
pretty cool I kind of got her number
kind of depends on how you look at it
there was something there you could feel
it I could feel it she knew did she wink
you know what no she didn’t wink we just
two head nods but I tell you something
we did the thing we walked away from
each other for like 60 feet and then I
turned around and when I look back I saw
her stop and then she turned around and
we locked eyes again damn that’s crazy
it didn’t it was probably I turned
around and then she was didn’t see me
then I turned around and then when I
turned around she turned turned around
two opposite so we weren’t able to have
that moment really but you know it
happened though I think it happened I
turned around I’m assuming she turned
back around to see if I was still there
probably I I would bet she did yeah
Holland Hanley uh Second Place hna
blomus yeah in third place even solo
third right solo third nine Strokes off
of second [ __ ] gez dude and she had a
good third round to climb up to third
place yeah she shot four under that last
round uh Ella Hanson tied uh for fourth
with Haley King uh Haley King that was a
player that I had seen that I didn’t
know that they were she’s tall oh yeah I
didn’t know she was tall I just thought
she was skinny I didn’t know she was
both she’s tall and skinny tall and
skinny double threat gal uh evina Solon
tied for six with your girl cat merch
who you got to sign your Frisbee I did
she was so so nice yes you have Katrina
Allen which I didn’t get to see at all I
didn’t see her one time I didn’t see her
play at all I’ve seen her in uh the the
grit the shop area the the fly Mark okay
seen her at the U Squatch Squatch T oh
okay because I know she spent some time
at the grit discs tent Cali mcor’s oh
okay thing I think she
uh that might have been where she was at
then because they were right there next
to each other who do you think the next
person the the top oh sorry actually
skipped one Silva sainin who we got to
watch I haven’t watched a ton of her
play but watching it in person on
Saturday was [ __ ] rad yeah and Sunday
yeah she’s got some sneaky distance yeah
she does never throw and I didn’t
realize this until the last round that
she never threw forehand I was like oh I
guess I haven’t seen her a forehand at
all all backhand um she also does this
thing I noticed when she’s in the field
maybe not all the time but I watch her
do it multiple times when she’s in the
field instead of a runup she will almost
always stand still yeah she throws stand
still a lot that’s interesting yeah
she’s good at crushes stand still but I
wonder if it’s like a footing thing
maybe she just don’t think she gets
enough distance to take away from the
accuracy just weighs it out yeah she’s
like I know what I’m doing when I stand
still she can she was crushing stand
still like had to be had to be like 350
pushing 400 sometimes yeah I don’t I was
like holy [ __ ] it was hard for me to
gauge distances while I was there you
know remember on whole 18 I I watched
the uh I watched a couple cards te off
of whole 18 on Saturday so the second
round and afterwards I was
like how come none of these guys are
reaching it cuz I thought it was maybe
like 300 400 ft or something and that’s
when you told me you’re like it’s like 5
something 550 540 I was like oh that’s a
[ __ ] Chuck down there into a headwind
yeah you know so this whole time like I
don’t know distances I for whatever
reason watch watching these guys throw I
was just like nobody it is hard to tell
I mean I was looking at my phone so you
know but I felt like a goofball for that
though cuz I was like if you knowing
that it’s that long going into it then
you have a much more a better
appreciation yeah you know so um as far
as I’m concerned none of them were very
they didn’t impress me at all on that
um uh after Silva 10th Place who do you
think this is I’m gonna ask you first
and think for a second who’s what what’s
a name you haven’t heard yet that’s all
that’s been in FBI Rebecca Cox Rebecca
Cox took a 10th solo 10th place at 8
over I figured she was up there cuz she
was always on the chase or right around
the leag car
yeah how interesting was that to see
Rebecca Cox cat merch and uh Natalie
Ryan on the same card on
Saturday after all that it happened like
oh man this is
weird so
weird um but yeah there’s your Foo to
round that out that’s U it was fun dude
it was so fun to see Kristen dominate
yeah like I said it wasn’t I think they
were t going into the final day am I
crazy for thinking that I thought she
was down they were tied going into the
third day yeah they were both four
strokes down going in the second round
right I think yes yeah yeah Holland was
Holland had four strokes on her going
into the second round and they were tied
after round two and that made it [ __ ]
interesting but it didn’t take long no
for Kristen tar had that lead and kept
it only after a few holes I guess yeah
uh it was fun it was it was it it was
fun watching him for sure Darth tar yes
dude I’m telling you black on black with
that bubbly half bubbly jacket dude dud
you don’t want to you don’t want that
and you don’t want to be playing against
that on a Sunday it’s a she’s she’s a
different Beast she’s good consistent
yeah but then if you talk to her you’re
like hey Kristen how you doing she’s
like oh very nice she’s actually a real
sweetheart probably I would I would
assume yeah she’s not like don’t talk to
me n of well
most of them everybody I spoke to was
pretty cool yeah it was it was a it was
it was
nice one thing that I I thought was very
funny though you ended up buying some
frisbees from Nico you got to talk to
our hero
Nico Nico is your this made me laugh
Nico is like has been your favorite for
like however long you’ve been playing
you’ve modeled you when you started
playing you kind of modeled your putt
after his you were learning how to play
from him by watching him yeah by
watching Nico from being [ __ ] and
back then he was [ __ ] the cream of
the crop yeah he was he was and you you
uh told him that you kind of told like
hey I’m a huge fan have been for years
and I thought it was funny that
afterwards he was basically just like
yeah thanks so anyways I’ll sell you
these two for $35 yeah yeah he gave me a
deal that made that made the e
experience that much better I feel kind
of bad for him really yeah he just seems
like he’s not happy really yeah he was
just kept on he kept on saying you mean
back when I was good I was like you’re
still good man he’s like then he said it
again you mean back when I was good I
was just like man it stinks because we
talk about it on here and everybody
knows like negative self talk is the
worst thing you can do while you’re
playing sure and if he’s this you think
he knows that if he’s just in that head
space all the time yeah can’t be great
oh dude while he’s putting he’s ready to
[ __ ] punch someone the whole time
just I don’t I don’t see how you could
expect to play good if you’re not having
fun even in on the proor but it’s easy
for me to say that because I’m not
making a live and doing it you know what
I mean exactly there’s different
pressures different things that these
people have to kind of but everybody
else just seem so just to nice happy
yeah everyone else was very sweet he was
the only one that didn’t and he wasn’t a
dick he signed my deal sure yeah I was
about to say he I didn’t hear him I was
listening to him yeah he he wasn’t a
dick he just didn’t seem happy yeah yeah
you know everybody else was like happy
but as far as I’m concerned I think it
was a win oh yeah as far as experiences
go oh yeah for sure you went there it
was so funny it was Saturday you got to
meet him he had signed a Frisbee for you
a flat um Flight Club Forbe for you and
then he had hawked a a couple of his
sacred feminine line discs to you I
wanted one anyway right you were going
to buy one he’s like he two for 35 and
you got them and I thought it was so
funny I was to be like even after what
happened earlier today you’re still
going to support this yeah well I’m the
way I looked at it I’m supporting FBO
somebody else got paid damn right so
somebody somebody some other lady got
paid because I bought those this exactly
and I I kind of do like
the whole idea and this is probably
cheesy of me I don’t give a [ __ ] I like
the whole idea that he’s putting
Lavender in those discs I think that’s
cool when I asked him how they were
infused and he he said he’s like I’m not
using he said I’m not using essential
oils he said I’m taking the whole plant
and I’m rubbing them rubbing the plants
and getting them broke up and we’re
infusing the actual plant into the disc
wow he’s doing this that’s what he said
he said he was the one taking a plant
and grinding it up and putting it he’s
like hell I pressed the discs in the
[ __ ] Factory I don’t know he’s like
dude I’m not winning anything nowadays I
got to get money [ __ ] however I can
dude he’s like I’m actually clocking in
at the [ __ ] Factory and making the
things but yeah he said he was they were
taking the whole plants and they’re not
using cuz I figured it was you know
essential oils right but it’s not it’s
uh it’s actually plant plant-based like
plants in in the disc something Savvy
that a Salesman would tell you if they
wanted you to buy their product that’s
true he might be lying it feels like
he’s like dude I made this with my own
Blood Sweat and Tears it feels like
there’s stuff in it yeah really yeah
[ __ ] leaves if like yeah it feels
like there’s grd in it yeah interesting
I kind of I like the way the putter
feels if it wasn’t so deep I’ll probably
keep one and smell the other with one
mess with one of them you know butt with
it and but yeah I I helped pay another
FBO player that’s
true politics yeah regard regardless of
politics I think another person getting
paid this bonus right someone should
come behind him and make their own idea
of disc to make and to sell and then pay
the person after the person that Nico
pays that’s what they should do that way
it’ be two extra two extra pay and then
she just keep going down the line till
everyone in the F field is paid I think
that’s what I think everybody should get
paid everyone or just get a gift card
like we do like the amateurs do yeah
that’s what should happen for people
that don’t cash is they just get like a
10 or $15 uh gift card to their store
their disc store yeah it’d be better
than whatever they get nothing I guess
yeah uh you want to run through M yeah
want me to do it do it all right so
first place obviously Simon lazat
winning over uh [ __ ] Paul MC F Yeah
by five Strokes domination domination
complete domination but after Saturday
watching Paul on S on the lead
card I wanted Paul to win I kind of
wanted Paul before they started play
after I knew he was going to be on you
said you you said you just pull for Paul
before they off yeah I was I was pulling
for Paul the whole time I was uh knowing
he was fck yeah playing on the lead card
that got me hyped yeah I was is it going
to be the [ __ ] it was great it going to
be the Paul show it was it was great I
it wasn’t it was uh I I kind of I don’t
know I I can’t say I knew it who was
going to win but man Simon was just
playing ridiculous all
weekend but I mean Paul played great he
he really did I hope he’s you know he
said back in he said don’t judge my play
until we leave Texas yeah you know so
maybe he and he even said during this
tournament he’s like listen I’m getting
I’m getting ready for a champion scuff
I’m getting ready for a major yeah he
said I’m not taking this this tournament
granted but you know I’m I’m just going
to play what I can play I’m still I’m
still getting back to my old self so of
course I mean he looked like he was
getting close man he did and that’s
something the the takeaway that I had
from it after uh watching after
spectating over the weekend I actually
got to see it firsthand is that uh you
know Paul hasn’t I haven’t always felt
like he’s necessarily the most accurate
player but he could hit putts from
everywhere you know he’s always been
well-rounded in every aspect yeah but
like the putting is what always stuck
out and he still doesn’t have it I don’t
think I don’t you know it’s still not
old Paul putting but he’s dropping a lot
more nowadays but I think that’s the big
difference if he can get that [ __ ]
putt I mean he’s the guy that said I
forgot what tournament it was but he
kept throwing this shot on off the
teapad and he kept turning him over
something kept happening where his discs
were Landing like 50 feet away so
instead of like adjusting he was just
like well I’m just going to practice
putting from there and he just practiced
hitting putts from he’s like that’s
where my disc keep Landing that’s where
I need to hit putts that’s genius that’s
[ __ ] that’s genius yeah and he can
right because he’s Paul MC Beth but
that’s so once we start seeing that
putting come together more and we kind
of did over the weekend he was dropping
more but he was missing some shorties
dude I did watch him missed a couple
ones d Everybody did it was the win I
mean dude that win was so Gusty like it
might go it might be pretty calm when
they line the putt up and then by the
time they’re releasing out of their hand
it was like 20 25 miles hour I mean it
was really Gusty so I mean I think I see
we’ve seen everybody hit some band you
know or misjudged the wind or you know
whatever I mean it was it was definitely
Gusty I think that had a lot to do with
a lot of them missing yeah but I think
if Paul just [ __ ] he’s on the upward
I don’t want to say it
yet the possibility of seven time hey
isn’t gone it’s his course isn’t gone
this year he he’s he’s had he designed
one course completely MH and the other
course I’m pretty sure he might as well
designed it too yeah so I’m not saying
that’s going to help him at all didn’t
into Olympus but uh it’s
it’s it he’s going to be there and he’s
going to be 100% by then hopefully
unless something goes back you know
we’ll see but I’m excited because as
everyone knows the Old Guard has as it
has been coined yeah has
returned you got Simon leading of course
Simon no spring chick no spring chicken
he’s 30 yeah uh Paul MC Beth in his 30s
second place Richard wasaki 30 something
Chris Dickerson probably
30 I
should let me see Paul MC Beth and then
tide for third Richard raki Chris
Dickerson that was [ __ ] that that’s so
wild big
germ fifth place so you’re top five
right there MC Beth wasaki dick
Dickerson coing as brown said get off my
lawn at least yeah at least for this
[ __ ] and uh who knows we’re going to
it’s next this week’s going to be great
absolutely Champs Cup champs cup even
though it’s not an Appling which yeah
it’s beyond circumstances any be nobody
can [ __ ] with the Beatles no instead
they decided to have it at the hardest
course on the tour yes it’s going to be
wild the h w WR Jackson yeah WR Jackson
wasn’t no [ __ ] easy ass wasn’t no
know I mean it is a I mean it because it
it is or it was you know kind of coined
as the wooded the wooded major right I
mean it was the first major but you know
it’s tight woods so he kind of playing
Northwood or whatever you want to call
it Northwood black whatever
um kind of
fits the mold right I mean yeah but it
is I’m excited oh I love I love
Northwood I do and they’re only playing
course [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what’s the four
rounds four rounds yeah what’s the score
going to be after four rounds what’s
going to win it I’d say I don’t even
remember scores from years prior of like
I would say somewhere close to 43 43
under yeah that’s what I’m guessing that
seems very high dude but there’s four
rounds to play
with yeah I say 43 someone’s going to
shoot 10 down a day and then pop off
with a 13 down one day maybe yeah I’m
not going to go that high I’m going to
go I’m going to go really
low and
say no I’m not I’m GNA say 30 30 under
it’s possible he’s going to win it i’
say it’s somewhere in between us but
yeah the truth lies between us I just
see somebody popping
off like dude that’s hella good though I
know I wish some is not going to be
playing so that’s that takes a little
bit away but 30 seems a little low too
though yeah it’s somewhere in between us
we’re not good at [ __ ] like that that’s
not what we do we’re not dude uh so yeah
tied with calling Nicholas onela here’s
where you get to the younger
folks and tied for seventh place Bella
Salah Schultz I didn’t get to see Salah
Schultz play at all this weekend I se
him throw some definitely I se him to
off a few times watch him play whole
three a couple times so uh Ty love tied
for was was tied with Anthony Bella
Schultz and Ganon Burr all tied for
seventh place at 19 down um didn’t
really get to see a lot of Ganon play
just a few
holes whole oh well obviously [ __ ] I
forgot about him playing the final round
but did you see a bunch of spit outs uh
I was gonna ask you that I seen a few
but not a whole lot yeah I don’t
remember seeing a bunch but I’ve heard
that there were a bunch yeah yeah I mean
that’s that’s like we were mentioning
earlier you can’t but you can’t be
everywhere so right you’re only really
watching One card I’ve seen more
personally I’ve seen more ban hits than
I’d seen spit outs yeah SE a lot of
heads wow but that’s so they got to fix
the bands of these baskets they supposed
to catch like I said it’s I think that
was the win just you know trying to have
a tail win or just misjudge annoying so
of course of
course uh you got Joel free oh that’s
that’s it man Joel Freeman Tod for 11th
with Jake Heimer and Yuna Heinen Yuna
hinen yeah but there you go Simon lazah
1065 damn that’s strong that’s pretty
good that’s pretty [ __ ] good for
Ridge yeah Nashville that’s pretty good
dude he was hitting some deep boys he
really was he was hitting him from all
over he’s doing it
again keep he can’t [ __ ] stop yeah it
was crazy I
got it it was just you know he hit right
off round one he hit that long one on
one so the rest of the weekend if he was
within 7 foot you’re like and he yeah he
kept hit he hit him a couple of he hit
him it crazy he get him more than you’d
think you
know um I was wanting to talk speaking
of putting though I was wanting to ask
you do you have any
like putting games that you play or with
yourself in your garage like to practice
putting do you make up fun games or
anything like that I do the same thing
most of the time well I’ve got a couple
variations but uh yeah I do um I tried
to do make I got to make five in a row
from 10 15 25 30
35 and then I I’ve got 43 in my basement
that’s as much as I get but plenty by
the time I get to 43 I could I could be
there all day not hit five in a you know
what I mean 43 is [ __ ] out there but
uh yeah I usually go I try to go I call
it climbing the liner yeah I’ll go you
know 10 15 20 25 30
35 then 35 again 30 25 20 15 10 yeah and
I won’t leave until I get get that I
like it I I play this game it’s you can
call it whatever you
want for the sake of argument let’s say
I call it ass but it’s just three
letters whatever word you can use an
acronym whatever but and I I go from in
my garage I go from about 28 feet it’s
about as far as I can get 28 30 feet and
I take all my Putters it’s usually like
I think 12 10 or 12 of them and I putt
from 28 feet
and every time I miss all the ones that
I miss I grab and come back and try and
make them until I’m done but you only
get two
opportunities if you so every time you
go to the basket you get a letter M so
after I putt my first round that’s an a
go get my as many disc as I have left
putt again it’s an S once I walk back to
the basket if I go back to the basket
three times that’s another s and I’m an
ass I got you so you don’t want to be a
[ __ ] ass you have to make all 12 I
don’t call the game that I play ass I
actually use a different three-letter
word but I’m not going to tell you what
it is you can create your own it doesn’t
matter but if I if I don’t get it within
three tries I’m an ass and that’s always
fun for me I also like to hit a four
banger I will I will not let myself go
inside I will not quit putting until I
hit a four banger four banger is it’s
pretty easy it’s going to sound dumb to
a lot of people four putts from 25 ft
got to [ __ ] make them got to make a
four banger you should do what Simon
does I think this is I wish I could dude
this is a cool game he takes 10
Putters and uh 25 foot I think I think
it’s 25 foot he said he did to that he
25 or 30 but he takes 10 Putters putts
all 10 get one point per make but if you
miss it you have to leave it laying so
you only get to go get the discs that
you make that you make and then and then
go back to the same spot put to your
miss or put put out and it’s one point I
think his high score was like 73 yeah
you just go till you run out of frisbee
that’s a way cooler game it is cool game
I’ve been doing it too yeah that’s fun
it’s a good way to keep track of you
know how well you’re doing or how bad
you’re doing this this power DGA I’m
pretty sure that’s where I heard it yeah
got to get that power DGA they’re trying
to I wouldn’t waste your time maybe not
because they’re trying to sell that
[ __ ] thing like they’re trying to get
rid of it yeah it’s a I I think power
DGA is is great if you just started like
I think it it would be spectacular yeah
for a brand new player they would learn
so much and I think that’s what it’s
really for because I mean it I’ve
learned some stuff from it I’m not I’m
not I’m not dogging on it at all but I
think it’s more based on beginner disc
offers like it teaches you the very
Basics but there is definitely stuff
that anybody can pick up and learn on
for sure but uh yeah it’s uh I like the
Simon’s mental game that stuff I like uh
Ezra’s stuff is good I like the build a
bag from Ezra and and Holland Hanley I
like Holland Hanley stuff I haven’t
checked out the Jake wolf stuff yet just
because why because my shoulders [ __ ]
I’m I’m never going to use it no I meant
like just because why would you oh yeah
yeah yeah yeah I mean there’s no way I
can yeah I mean maybe to get out of some
mess all right guys I’m going to teach
you how to get surgery eventually yeah
I’m going to teach you how to get Tommy
John’s surgery or whatever that [ __ ] is
Jimmy John’s that’s what that’s what I
need the Jimmy John surgery John surgery
so I can eat as many sandwiches as
possible uh yeah I don’t I like the the
idea of fun little games though and your
putting I’m trying to think of more just
to make it more fun and silly you know
yeah I think putting games definitely
it’s it’s way better to have a game now
my game has been with the uh put
confidently is 20 25s I try to see how
many I can make you know yeah I take my
stack of 10 and I do
10 and then 10 and then I go back to 20
and I I do I do 20 25 20 25 5 20 so I do
50 putts on it because it’s tough man
the putt confident is tough it it really
is makes it makes you it hurt your
feelings but it is cool when you turn
your basket around you’re draining them
and really it really helps your confid
that’s where my putt confidently has
been on the backside ever since I turned
it that way I need to turn it back
around and start you know practicing
with the putt confidently Target but I
don’t know man it I’ll be honest it kind
of feels like to me if you just practice
putting you probably be all right too
well it just Narrows your it just
Narrows your aim Point really it really
does help like it it for sure helps
there’s it’s there’s no way it hasn’t
helped my putting really yeah I think so
I’m more of an oldfashioned guy myself I
just smoke cigarettes and put a
bunch but I do I would like to turn it
around and actually give it another shot
because I I [ __ ] with it like I said
that first week or two and then I turned
it around and it’s
been catching errant putts you know
that’ll try to go through the basket or
maybe too far left that putt confidently
will be on the backside to stop a putt
from leaving the basket and I’m like
thanks putt confidently before we uh go
on everybody go subscribe
dcri uh like all our [ __ ] follow us on
all the social medias set the reminder
so you’ll know when the new YouTube [ __ ]
pops up do all that stuff for us and
share the hell out of it share it to
friends yeah we we want you to tell
everyone about it everybody everybody
scream it from the rooftops we have a
listener question this week which is
kind of neat and it’s uh from Andy he’s
want to know what’s the one tip that
you’re like working on right
now that you would think would help
people like do you have a tip that
you’ve heard that you’re working on or
no I don’t really trying to think let’s
hear yours first oh mine’s mine’s just
that I had something yesterday and then
a couple years ago I think I started
using more of a backloaded grip instead
of front loed and uh I I was really
enjoying it and um
I went away with went away from it for
some reason I don’t even know why I quit
doing it I think in my head I thought I
was going to I was getting more spin or
something by doing the front
loaded but I went back to it the other
day mhm and uh I wish I never would have
you think this might this might be the
key I think that if you have smaller
hands maybe uh backloaded grip is better
for you and alls I mean by if you don’t
know what I’m talking about like front
loads like when you pinch your index
finger with your thumb right that you’re
loading the
front and the back load you kind of
pinch your two back fingers to the palm
of your hand right so the pinch point is
with the the last couple fingers yes
rather than your first index yeah I
don’t really I don’t put much pressure
with these when I do it but um I don’t
know if it creates more spin I don’t I
don’t know I don’t have this this T I’ve
never done this before I want to try it
um I don’t know if it’s the spin rate
I’m getting or if it’s it helps with
nose angle yeah but for some reason like
I can like it’s a big difference like I
I I threw a couple and like this my
proxy yeah that’s what I was practicing
with was my proxies and uh with the
backload i was throwing like 20 20 to 25
more feet consistently than with the
front Lo wow I don’t know like I said I
don’t know if it’s spin there’s science
there we don’t understand it but there
is some science there to explain it and
and I started thinking about it I was
throwing further when I was doing the
backload before yeah and I don’t know
about accuracy I don’t know and this is
this is just for backhands this is have
nothing to do with forehands obviously
right but uh I’d say give give it a try
if you’re out there you know you might
like it I like it you just taught me
that yeah I’ve been I’ve never I’ve
always thrown my put like still until
very recently like the last six months I
would always throw my Putters with the
backload yeah it just feels I have
smaller hands and maybe that’s a thing
too maybe if you have bigger hands you
wouldn’t want to do that because it
might bundle your hands might be a
little bit too more too much bundled up
but if you have smaller hands like I do
I think I just say give it a try that’s
all I say give it a try don’t knock it
till you try it uh mine would be so
cheese dick and just generic but I guess
throw with mids and Putters as often as
possible that’s really only for well
people my skill level and under so I
think you I think throwing with Putters
is I do more field work with Putters
than I do anything else and I have the
room at my house that I could throw
drivers but I I’ll do sometimes but I
think that throwing Putters maybe it it
corrects you can it exposes your form
more absolutely I really do I think it
exposes uniform a lot more than a driver
I mean obviously it does yeah they uh
they need more finess than a faster disc
to throw them that’s very obvious to me
and how bad my release is with off axis
it’s my putter it’s very obvious when
you see me throw a putter uh also I
would say as a tip for me personally I
don’t know if this helps with anyone
else if you are having a problem turning
your Putters
over is to focus on your nose angle I
think I read this somewhere or heard it
somewhere but when you’re throwing
Putters nose up a little bit maybe try
to give them if you’re having a problem
with them turning
over could be because they’re a little
too nose down so that’s one thing that
I’ve been trying to be more conscious of
when throwing Putters is to really focus
on my nose angle I may be spouting out
[ __ ] and lies and it may not be the
best uh tip just keep in mind that these
tips are coming from Sub 900 rated
players haven’t gotten there yet so
there you go yeah I’m not even close I’m
not even I’m barely pushing 880 yeah you
can’t ask a couple of basically
beginners to ask you I don’t know
whenever throw if throw a 13-speed
driver on a 200 foot hole
but yeah that this it give mine give
both of ours a try and let us know try
the backload I think that I think a lot
of people
will actually like it and I think a lot
of people might not even know anything
about it and I can’t remember where I
learned about it at it was obviously on
YouTube or something yeah joking off
probably I do back grip on that jerk
yeah you started doing for the forward
grip and you were like oh I getting hot
up on the head
mushroom tip dude yeah so you just went
to the back finger with all the grip I
only need two fingers let’s to be honest
that’s true I’m not a full gripping it
no if I hold if I held my penis in my
hand right now the tip wouldn’t even
stand wouldn’t even come out it’ be
like silly you only need two yeah it’s
dumb you guys are uh overcompensating
with your grip when you
masturbate you ain’t got to boys you
don’t need this is all it takes
but [ __ ] um let’s end it here with our
picks for Champions Cup let’s do a you
want to do one pick for Winer and then
like a sleeper or one pick for FPL
obviously and one pick for n okay and
then a sleeper okay I’m not going to
look at who’s playing because I’m not
even sure who all is playing I’m
everybody it’s a it’s a major yeah Fair
yeah it’s true no one’s going to well
there’s few people Simon Simon will uh
have we heard anything about Eagle he’s
playing supposedly really yeah that’s
the only he said he could have probably
played last weekend but he didn’t want
to take a chance on Miss champ that’s
the thing I’d heard that he was out
there oh he was out there for sure I
didn’t see him either but he definitely
was out there he was well hidden but he
he did say that he probably could have
played but he just don’t want to take a
chance of missing a major I get it fair
makes sense it makes sense uh and it’ll
just make his return all that much more
exciting yeah uh um but yeah what was I
saying you don’t know who you’re gonna
okay I’m gonna go with for so we’re
going to do an a sleeper and who is my
pick for actually
for well I’m GNA go for fpo christar
yeah and then my sleeper I’m gonna have
to go with on scog that’s not a
sleeper I’m gonna have to go with
[ __ ] Katrina Allen yeah that’s a sleeper
that’s a [ __ ] sleeper that’s a
sleeper I mean pregnant as [ __ ] she’s
not pregnant as [ __ ] she’s pregnant but
she’s not pregnant you wouldn’t describe
her as pregnant as [ __ ] I don’t know how
she’s slightly pregnant yeah she’s kind
of pregnant she’s just a little how far
long is she I don’t know yeah I don’t
think you’re pregnant as [ __ ] until
you’re like six and a half seven months
okay that’s pregnant as [ __ ] right I
think she’s she’s probably not that far
along okay well what the she’s pregnant
she’s kind of pregnant yeah she’s kind
of pregnant right now I’ll go I’m going
to go Kristen also yeah’ beid but then
my sleeper is going to be I had somebody
in my head but Jessica whis that’s
that’s not a I mean she does have the oh
[ __ ] I wanted to change I want to change
my sleeper okay go ahead Rebecca Cox
yeah that’s where I was going [ __ ]
that’s good you can have I’ll go
um shoot I don’t know
now damn sorry I was going to go Rebecca
Cox um keca
rocks dang I’m on the spot now um I
should have shut my damn dirty mouth I’m
gonna go Stacy hos okay or Stacy
keer oh
okay she got married okay yeah don’t
even know she’s playing but that’s what
I’m that’s who’s going to win it yeah if
she’s not there she wins in my heart
uh for M I’m GNA have to go
with Anthony
Barella my sleeper is Chris Dickerson
Chris Dickerson is not a sleeper really
no he hasn’t won a [ __ ] when’s the
last major he won I don’t know Champions
probably did he win Champions Cup yeah a
few years ago mhm well Isaac won it last
year right yeah
I wish I was I wish I had the N like the
knowledge that disl nerds have where
it’s like oh that’s they won that back
in 2020 or they won that back in [ __ ]
I just I can’t with numbers I can’t
relate to when they win when they won or
anything um okay my sleeper is not Chris
Dickerson so I guess I’m gonna have to
go with uh Nathan Queen there you go
I’ll go I’m picking Chris Dickerson win
that’s mine that’s picking and then uh
Ezra Robinson
sleeper I like that calling him a
sleeper kind of reach so uh I agree
that’s kind of a sleeper yeah I don’t
know he’s he’s good but he don’t win
yeah he might he may all right let’s go
all right we love y’all love you guys
peace out spread the
word go support our boys over at heer
creep use our code CV pot it check out
to get 15% off
they’ll thank uh thank me later we’ll be
back with more dick jokes next week yeah
we kind of took a break off we were kind
of happy CU MCO we like we were got a
little too serious about it it kind of
emotional this is kind of an emotional
episode sucked no I wouldn’t say that
need coming dicks dude I mean we can add
that later can we add it in post
production can you just have like fart
in out of nowhere love y peace out peace


  1. Pros should be able to adapt their putts for basket types. Just like trad golf pros have to putt differently on faster greens

  2. Why didn't you talk about when Trev and Ezra walked circle distance apart then turned and locked gaze? That happened right?

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