Started golfing ten months ago, goal for the summer was to break 120. Hit 117 today.

by light–treason


  1. niallw1997

    I’m around the same time played and score. No one prepared me for how hard this game is lol. And the fact even if/when we break 100 we’ll still be awful…

  2. Acrobatic-Salad5607

    Very nice! Now turn those 8s into 7s and youll be golden

  3. Loftzins

    I hit 84 my first year. But i played a lot of baseball before.

  4. Motionislotion69

    Keep striving for those Bogeys and I’ll see you in a couple months when you break 100 🍻

  5. Inevitable-Bass2749

    Hell yeah man. That’s exciting. Close friend of mine just started playing and he’s usually in the 100’s and when we play I get almost more excited for his good shots then my own. For me It’s fun to see your friends get better

  6. RevolutionaryScar472

    8 shots on a par three you must be a joy to play behind.

  7. Fuzzy-Guarantee-9941

    Been playing for years. Shot a 115 today lol

  8. cronaldo86

    Congratulations! Looks like you found a zone on 15-16-17, that’s 90s pace.

    Keep swinging!

  9. floppydisk69

    Home boy needs to learn how to draw 8’s

  10. bank_slemes

    I’ve been playing for 3 years now and have only broken 90 4 times and all of them happened exactly a year ago within the span of like 2 months lol. Since then I’ve shot an astonishing amount of 100+ rounds and feel like I’ll never get back to the low 90s/high 80s. Just stick with it and keep being patient!

  11. Medical_Dimension919

    117? im a little suspicious. good that u broke ur record tho!

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