After a busy month of April, Aash repped Golfheadz at the Quiet Golf x Puma Collab event as they introduced a full collection. Also, JP & Josh hacked their way into the Masters and share their experience.

Timecodes 🕰️
0:00 Intro
0:44 Quiet Golf x Puma Collab
9:32 Road to the Masters
18:25 Merch Shopping
28:00 Thoughts on Augusta National
47:50 Scottie & Nelly
56:30 Vestgate with Malbon

the Masters was
epic like a dinosaur could get like a
raptor could just pop out cuz I I wanted
to save my one In-N-Out privilege so
like maybe go take a nap or
something all right y’all welcome back
to the heads up pod um as you can see
I’m Decked Out Master [ __ ] everyone’s
got Master stuff on um we’re here to
talk about the Masters Augusta some of
our experiences we’re also here to talk
about Scotty the tear he’s on Nelly
she’s on fire um we also talked about a
few other events that we did touch on in
April like quiet golf but let’s
transition into why don’t we talk about
quiet Golf and Puma um how did that sort
of come through yeah I will say like so
quiet golf is a relatively new golf
brand MH um I I looked at their
Instagram they started in February of
2021 um so it kind of just came out of
nowhere cool and uh since then uh they
opened up a shop in in Southern
California yeah yeah um and then just
recently did a pretty sick collab with
Puma yeah a whole collection including
shoes yeah um so Ash went out to lagona
beach yep uh did a little event there
just to kind of promote this new club
but yeah Ash how how was that yeah so I
got a chance to represent golf heads out
there at the event um honestly uh you
know we I’ve been fortunate since
joining golf heads part of St up with
Jay been out to a lot of these events
you know you always see like the
different creators influencers all these
guys show up and they’re not always
really [ __ ] with the product or the
collab or like you know whatever it is
they might like components of it or
whatever here I really saw everybody who
came out was really rocking the gear
like they really loved the product and
yeah these guys nailed the collab like
the kicks turned out really like pretty
like they look pretty beautiful like the
green Paisley yeah the green PA what
what are they called do they have a name
or is it that was so it was a classic
shoe model from Puma okay um so it just
released this year yeah and I think this
was their first kind of brand clab on
that shoe sweet so it kind of has that
like foot Joy look to it got it more of
your traditional yeah but it has like a
like a really clean green PA Paisley but
the Paisley Design’s not like a
different color it’s it’s all it’s all
green so it’s more subtle yeah cool but
it looks it looks clean yeah and so yeah
I would say like the turnout was great
people are really engaged with the event
we literally we’re playing in a canyon
uh so it’s like such a like such a great
location um got to play with uh a couple
really cool people that I hadn’t met
before um couple like up and cominging
semi-pros and amateur golfers um but
then played with our boy Matt Kang uh we
considered an amateur though right he K
let’s go trackman amateur
track uh wait before you move further
what do you remember what the course was
called yeah so it was called The Ranch
at luguna beach um and so it was like
really cool like you’re right on the
water on one side but once you enter the
the the course you should like literally
tucked inside a canyon and so like just
The Greenery in the surrounding area
like you really feel like you’re kind of
transported you know what it looked like
it looked like that Hawaii Hawaii course
yeah the one that we play on track man
it might be yeah but you’ve seen that
course right it’s like it it’s like kind
of located in the Jurassic Park area
yeah um with the with the backdrops and
it looks unreal but that course it’s
funny you say that cuz it had that kind
of vibe like you felt like it was like a
movie like you’re really like somewhere
else yeah like a dinosaur could could
like a raptor could just pop out somewh
it’s kind of it had like that rain
foresty CU it did just yeah we got we
got poured on which like again like it
just goes to show you like people were
just about it like they were happy to be
out there yeah got to play with our gu
mat Kang uh met Sam y who um a lot of
people shout out to Sam such a good dude
but again you know those Sun Sleeves you
see a lot of live golfers wearing them
that’s his company cool so he’s really
you know really involved in the
community and and influencer in his own
right and so just like a really
interesting kind of group of people that
came together and then yeah shout out to
Raul and Diego over at quiet they’re uh
you know we see a lot of these brands
that are coming up and I think they’re
really doing things the right way like
design is really at the core of a lot of
what they do retail experience all that
just it’s it’s elevated and um I think
they’re going to continue carving out a
lane for themselves I was kind of
surprised they did uh a collab with Puma
this early yeah but I think it just goes
to show you like I wouldn’t be surprised
if now the next wave of collab comes out
for them whether that’s with a tailor
made or an Adidas or one of those other
brands totally I could see them now kind
of expanding on that and it’s pretty
pretty cool yeah I do really like the
brand just how um they position
themselves uh it’s a contemporary brand
but a lot of subtle designs not too
flashy not trying to be like overhyped
yeah uh in this collab you saw Ricky
Fowler and Gary Woodland we where the
where the fits you never see right like
you never see the players actually like
buy yeah and they just they it just look
clean even the polo the green polo had
the Paisley on it the subtle Paisley in
it I was looking at that I should hit
Diego up yo I got the cream one the
cream one The Paisley like cream on
cream Paisley is fire sick and just the
material everything like they really
were were a lot of people wearing the
shoes at the event hell yeah like again
and again this is a place where like
typically like I I had my nines with me
I was thinking about I would rock those
yeah I I consciously made the effort to
rock them because I just I’m like this
just goes with the fit I want to I want
to rock them yeah yeah yeah and that was
definitely the vibe I got from everybody
it was cold as [ __ ] I will say that for
like you’re in Laguna you think you’re
going to be like nice and hot whatever
totally they did a really good job like
they had uh a really nice hoodie and a
nice crew so you saw a lot of people
rocking that as well nice so again it
just shows how diverse that collection
was but right it was a full run which is
kind of rare like we went to um a pretty
big retailer there I can’t I’m blanking
on the name but it’s like our version of
golf town okay and these guys had a full
20x 20 setup there yeah right that’s a
big real estate to take over in in a
major retailer and these guys had like a
full women’s collection and men’s
collection nice again for an upcoming
brand to partner with a puma like you
know a top tier producer you just don’t
see that [ __ ] that often it’s like
pretty impressive yeah yeah yeah
speaking on the shoes and the fact that
you did play in them you know can you
talk about comfort and and how it held
up yeah good question so I you guys know
me I’m not much of a classic shoe wearer
I like the new sneakers I like the new
style I like the the kind of the lighter
kicks in general yeah um these felt
light they had a lot of the new tech in
the soulle that came from the Nitros the
new Nitros and so it didn’t have the
same like new weird kind of uh you know
those cleats at the bottom yeah but had
a very custom kind of uh Puma golf kind
of built-in cleat at the bottom nice but
all that to say it was super lightweight
and it didn’t it didn’t look heavy right
you know you see some of those old
school shoes the Bas just looks a little
thicker bulky yeah yeah yeah it just had
that nice silhouette and then to Jay’s
Point earlier like the the green Paisley
just it kind of Pops off on the way they
designed it yeah even the the the QC
Puma logo on the side like they just did
they right yeah yeah clap for Puma So
like um just sort of taking it to like
the charts you know design what would
you rate that shoe the shoe oh that good
question nine out of a 10 nice yeah I I
think I say n out of 10 cuz that one
extra like again you guys know I have an
issue with the toes on all these classic
shoes being just like [ __ ] a plain
white block yeah yeah yeah and I get
there’s some function in form to that
but aesthetically there’s still still
something missing when you take all this
effort in the back half of the shoe and
then just leave the front so empty and
after two Wars cuz I’ve worn them a
couple times now out on course you start
seeing crease lines and that kind of
stuff and it’s like okay had they just
done a little extra there whether it’s
like a little wing tip design whatever
they could have Incorporated right it
would have fade faded out some of those
imperfections that come out over time
totally and would have given it I think
a little bit more longevity in my closet
yeah but other than that I think they’re
fire uh comfort-wise 8 out of 10 okay uh
no blistering No No Nonsense again yeah
feels pretty good like I still think
Comfort like that I’ve tried a couple of
the foot Joys I’ve C tried a couple of
the other brands out there where
Comfort might be able to go like one
more tier up yeah uh and what’s our
other performance value oh value value
value I got blessed by the quiet golf
team so you so we good value Great Value
yeah nice yeah no I I honestly think
like if you’re looking for a classic
silhouette and you’re like I want like a
good approachable shoe that I could wear
all season long the value would be up
there on on a kick like that for sure
hell yeah man but okay so all this to
say I was super hyped about being out in
Laguna Beach yeah but while I was out
there and this was like pretty early in
the month you guys had been plotting
something uh a little bit bigger at
least Josh had been yeah and JP you kind
of fell into something but [ __ ]
Augusta both of your [ __ ] out there
I know Ash with the fomo listeners with
the fomo talk us through first I I just
want to hear what was your path to
getting to Augusta cuz I feel like
that’s like that that Northstar course
and event for everybody in the golf
world yeah uh but I think everybody has
a different path to get there and both
of you guys obviously different stories
and yeah want to hear how how’ you end
up at the Masters the Masters was
[ __ ]
epic like like oh my God man you know
I’m I’m still on a high and I’ve been
home for about a week yeah you must be a
little high with that
this guy wears this outfit every day
Polo this is my pajama this is my my
morning gear this is my afternoon gear
yeah um so if you can’t already tell man
I’ve been like I had a blast it’s you
know it’s really actually hard to
explain how you know the emotions kind
of went through when I got there to even
when I’m leaving and to now um nothing
short of like you know what you’d expect
yeah for sure how about you J you still
feel that high from from The Experience
yeah well I mean I wear this hat every
day and I always get compliments like
people are always asking like did you go
to the Masters I’m like yeah they’re
like how was it I’m like [ __ ] unreal
um like you said it it met my
expectations yeah um but it’s it’s funny
cuz like when you guys were gone I
didn’t have plans to go to the Masters
no so I was I I felt foral cuz I wanted
to come to the Puma quiet event but I
couldn’t and then you got hooked up at
the Masters which in my mind I thought
was impossible like I I had no idea how
to get there like I I I felt like the
lottery was impossible it’s called a
lottery you know like how you’re
supposed to get tickets yeah so yeah I
didn’t really have any expectations for
that week but then when the opportunity
came I just jumped on it and never
looked back yeah you like and you know
maybe touch on that that opportunity you
know like how it come up yeah yeah so um
so I met this guy through Instagram
through the go feds account his name is
Jed connected through the Instagram
account a couple years back and uh we I
took him out to a round at one of the
local courses here and we just kind of
hit it off we talked about like the Sim
opportunity too he was interested in
that U but he’s like a business guy he
moved out to the Philippines with his
family um he’s been going to a lot of
PGA tournaments through his connection
with Tom Kim okay nice so him and Tom
Kim’s brother are like best friends they
grew up together
um and Tom Kim actually moved to the
Philippines when he was a kid to to get
as much golfing practicing cuz again
Korea was super expensive it’s really
hard to kind of develop your game out
there yeah and so yeah they just kind of
grew up together uh had tickets for the
entire week but he didn’t know that he
had weekend tickets as well so he only
thought he was there from the I think
Tuesday to Friday wow so at that point
he already booked his flight home he
plans some friends that were coming to
town so he couldn’t really cancel all
that so he hit me up on on on the golf F
heads account he was just like hey I got
Saturday Sunday tickets like do you want
to come so you didn’t even reach out to
him he reached out to you no like we
were supposed to meet up in Toronto um a
week before but it didn’t work out okay
so I knew he was kind of in town but
then he was he was at the Masters all
week and he he didn’t he didn’t want to
sell them obviously cuz they were kind
of gifted through through the players um
so but didn’t want them to go to waste
got it so so Tom Kim hooked him up
essentially yeah so Tom Kim pretty much
hooked me up man thanks Tom Tom you want
to be on that podcast any time one all
right but yeah I mean basically when he
said like do you want to come Saturday
Sunday I thought about it uh was guy
messaged me he’s like yo should I be
should I come to austa dude like cuz you
hear all these different stories right
like people getting like screwed over
yeah um one of the the one story I did
see was from new dying
saw that as well oh man what a disaster
s to hear that Brandon [ __ ] but anyway
that’s why I was like dude like make
sure these are real send me a photo of
the pictures like I could tell you if
they look all right um yeah I mean I
thought about it I’m like okay well
first of all I I met I met him in person
yeah but he wasn’t charging me for the
tickets so unless he’s like a complete
ass and just wants me to pay for a
flight and stay out there and not give
me the tickets I’d be like I mean he
gets nothing out of it other than a
laugh true you
knowok know he has all his camera set up
pped so I didn’t feel like a gamble but
I guess when I was telling people I got
two tickets to the Masters like it seem
sketchy so yeah I’m so happy you came
man it was just like it was so hard to
explain how I was feeling at that time
and I was like dude this is a one this
is like an opportunity that you can’t
really you know Miss on you know when is
this ever going to come around again I
mean you can message them next year but
also I thought about too at that point
tiger made the cut how many years does
Tiger have left you never know right
right right right that’s cool man and I
guess you you flew into Charlotte I also
did the same thing yeah um so I flew
into we flew into Charlotte uh with the
the company that I did go with u they
brought me on as like a like a
production coordinator sort of like
photography sort of supervisor um and we
got there on the April 4th so like a
good like week and a half before the
actual tournament um and so I think
that’s one of the you know valuable tips
you know if you’re going to Augusta is
like flying to Charlotte um it’s it’s an
only uh it’s a two-hour flight um and
it’s also from Toronto from Toronto and
then once you get to Charlotte rent a
car and then you drive to Augusta which
is only like you know a two two and a
half hour drive yeah um so super helpful
because I hear like the Augusta Atlanta
airport is is a mad house especially
during that time of year um but yeah
like uh like I’ll sort of just touch up
on how I got there is just like you know
I I met this guy a couple months ago you
know and he whatever we met at a job and
he he does a lot of um Event Photography
for big companies such as like the NHL
uh NFL NBA and then I asked him you know
like if he does anything else and he he
mentioned the Masters and like me you
know being very animated I was like dude
like I love the Masters like please let
me like keep me posted and then that you
know it came to fruition two months
later he hit me up sent me an email very
cryptic email that said new project are
you interested gave him a call he
brought I had to go into his office and
he had to tell me and like I was just
like hell yeah like no problem so so
what what was the what was like the
setup the activation that you had going
on at the Masters uh so uh the company’s
called Pi experience um and our
activation was at founder Circle yeah um
and then so that’s in front of the
clubhouse right um and it’s down
Magnolia l and that’s where a lot of the
members and golfers come through yeah so
it’s very like you know I’m looking
forward at founder Circle then behind me
is Magnolia Lane you know it’s you saw
it it’s it’s such a you know a magical
like literally like a hallway a lane
like where all the magnolia trees are
just hovering over the road right um you
know middle of the day you see all the
like the sun leaking through the trees
and you know it’s it’s it’s clear as day
because you know there’s not much
Wildlife there’s no squirrels running
across the road there’s no birds
chirping in your ear you’re kind of just
like in this magical moment you know and
it’s uh it was pretty special pretty
fortunate um but essentially we have
four different like tripods on uh with
cameras um and then we have this huge
lineup um that people you know wait to
get their photo done and essentially you
know we scan a QR code with uh like our
iPods yeah and then it transmits uh to
the camera and then once the photo is
they’re done we give them the card where
they can then scan the QR code at home
and get their their digital photo right
away as a suer yeah cool yeah it just it
just makes a lot of sense for this event
because you couldn’t bring your phone in
those tournament was that like one of
the few I guess it was like the only
photo op right like exactly Yeah man so
and that’s what’s funny you know a lot
of people uh who are there for the first
time are going to line up for the
souvenir yeah um but that’s that’s the
biggest debate you know is like are you
lining up to go to the souvenir uh to
get this souvenir or are you buying
souvenirs from the merch shop right you
know or are you are you placing down
your chair at the first T you know and
you got to make all these different
decisions based on I guess your point of
view and why you’re going to the Masters
yeah and I guess how long you’re stay
there for too right because like
obviously I’m sure we’re going to touch
on it but the merch you know shout out
to the G here um the merch is obious
like a big part of the Master’s
experience they [ __ ] crush it from a
revenue standpoint we we Jay and I were
here some stupid numbers that they
brought in over the weekend um crazy and
then just hearing about how they funnel
inventory out like the logistics behind
it is very sophisticated and very very
interesting as like a case study but how
do you guys prioritize like isn’t it I’m
sure it’s like especially being your
first time was it overwhelming going the
first time and walking through the gates
and saying like Okay do I do exactly
that do I go plant my seed at a hole
right do I go to amen’s corner and like
get a spot do I go to the Pro Shop do I
go to find a pimento cheese sandwich
like what what what’s that first kind of
like intuition when you guys are walking
through the gate yeah yeah I mean I got
some advice from other people that
attended the event uh Sunny was saying
the first thing you should do is go to
the Pro Shop so I got there early before
the gates even opened what what’s early
like what time do gates open good
question it was 8:00 a.m. okay but I
think I got there at like 7 7:30 so it
being my first time I didn’t know what
to expect really so you didn’t know if
there’s going to be a lineup
what parking situations so you know
right at the beginning uh you get
funneled through there’s a volunteer
pretty much like every like 10 meters
guiding you to parking like there’s so
many people right just helping you get
set up and and when you get there when
you go into the parking it’s a big field
kind of looks like a campground and it’s
it’s massive like there’s no shorters of
parking right um and do they scan your
like ticket your car like what you have
to show parking’s free like they don’t
they don’t look at anything um it’s
really just when you get to the gate is
where you have to scan got it so I mean
there there’s people that when I when I
left for the first time to drop some
stuff in my car yeah there were people
in the parking lot asking like oh are
you leaving can I can I gra tiet right
here I’m like dude this is a weekend
round I’m coming back where am I going
yeah yeah yeah yeah no [ __ ] chance
so but but but yeah I mean I got there
early there there were a good amount of
people but it wasn’t like a massive
Festival where you’re just like you know
wait for an hour I probably got in the
first 15 minutes nice um and then they
had multiple lines to scan uh quick
checkin um so it’s it really quick to
get in there and then when I went to the
Pro Shop no lineup um in my mind I was
thinking like oh people don’t really
care about the Pro Shop Right But as
soon as I left the lineup was massive it
was like back to the to the checkin how
did how did you find the Pro Shop like
you it’s it’s the first thing you you
run into basically oh really you can’t
miss it oh I see you know you you walk
down this little path and then Pro Shop
uh food area it was kind of like a
little kind of like a cozy covered in
trees little area kind of like a little
village from it was really that that
particular entrance was was really nice
and then when I went to the north gate
another time that’s more of a grand
entrance know you could see the massive
practice practice area and then the Pro
Shop’s like 10 times bigger yeah um so
it’s cool different Vibes a big contrast
there totally um but yeah no it was it
was was inventory similar between the
two locations like did you feel like you
lost out on anything by going to South
first as oppos as opposed to North a lot
of it is the same but there’s probably a
few like different hat Styles and and
some smaller merch that you know aren’t
really game changers that we’re missing
right right but even the smaller Pro
Shop had so much inventory they had a
back room so they kept stocking up on
stuff and there was no shortage um I
think there I saw a lot of people
wearing different hat styles that
weren’t available and I think that’s
just due to it being picked up on the
first few days okay right some like the
beige ROP hat that you know is now
selling for like times I got I I was
able to get four of them actually
yeah yeah where are they yeah yeah them
up you bought the boot Lake box where’s
the real box yeah don’t give me this
[ __ ] box I gave it to the fam you
know they you know they knew I was going
again this was an opportunity that I
don’t know if I’ll ever be back um so I
did just kind of like load the bag with
what I thought was cool um and it was
hard for me to really like decide you
know like are people going to like the
classic fits yeah or because it’s the
Masters it’s classic or do I go with
like more of a modernday Tex stle
rope hat you know so it it was hard
really deciding what to get for people
um but no like the I was just curious
like between you know South and North
Gate what are things that uh what items
were in the north gate that wasn’t in
the South like is was it more
accessories you know what I mean like I
know the sizing is is a lot different um
but to beat the rush of a line and to go
to the south gate versus the North like
why wouldn’t you do that yeah I think I
feel like when I went to the south gate
and got all my stuff I got everything I
needed uh then when I checked the north
didn’t really feel like I missed out on
a few things maybe a few hats that I
even could have picked up but they
weren’t that nice right yeah so I think
I’m glad I went to the south gate just
cuz there’s probably less of a line
right people get in and out totally but
yeah had everything um how much did you
spend if you don’t mind me asking so so
it added up pretty quickly yeah but when
you look at the price tags they’re all
fairly reasonable yeah you know the hats
were 32 bucks um the I got a towel that
was only 19 bucks ball markers 20 bucks
you know so they weren’t really price
price gouging you USD yeah and then the
USD which kind of sucks but um yeah I
spent it came up to maybe a th000 bucks
us oh nice which uh I got I felt like I
got a lot of stuff I got the gnome
too this is 30 bucks which isn’t that
you know like people are reselling that
for like 150 I know some are going now
for they’ve climbed even more clim mini
ones yeah minis are going for like 250
wow ads like the pimento hat was for
three four bills yeah like some of this
stuff is getting real yeah real flip
value yeah yeah actually I got a mini um
Master’s putter was about the size of
the like I don’t know like a ruler yeah
yeah yeah and it was it was hard metal
it was green I I I showed a picture of
it so it looked like a little Master
Scotty Cameron nice I brought that on my
carry-on and I couldn’t bring it through
the security they thought it was an
actual putter I’m like I I can’t f a
real putter in my carry-on luggage they
took it out they’re like you got to
check your bag in your actual what front
gate so I was like [ __ ] I I can’t I
can’t go all the way back there so I’m
like okay just take it but I was pissed
oh so you have to leave it
yeah you couldn’t just walk on with
itess your it couldn’t F in your carryon
it was it was in my carryon they took it
out took it out they’re like you can’t
bring a golf club on the plane I’m like
it’s a souvenir yeah oh my god dude yeah
no way yeah no I [ __ ] love that
thing man there’s no use to it like what
you do it
but that was that was a little
disappointing look I think if if you’re
at the Masters and you have a couple
days um you know get that out of the way
you know go down on the first day early
in the morning line up in the shop it’s
worth it um because you can spend hours
in there and buy as much as you want so
highly take advantage of you know being
I would suggest going to the north one
versus the South one just in terms of
like inventory and what they have yeah
um and then take it to your car right
away because I made the mistake of um
carrying two bags around for half the
day cuz I I wanted to save my one
In-N-Out privilege to like maybe go take
a nap or
something so I was walking around my
arms were killing me and then I finally
just took it to the car I was like I I
regret it I should have just done it
right away yeah yeah um for sure man and
and like for for all those like
collector item people like the Gnomes
the bigger gnomes go fast like they go
within the first hour I don’t know if
you saw any big gnomes the like if you
told me to grab it on the first day I
could have I could have got you you saw
them they were there but then I checked
on the Sunday they’re all gone the south
gate both wow yeah both that’s so that’s
another great tip man like if you’re I
didn’t know that but and if you’re
looking for the Gnomes the big gnomes
like they’re a hot commodity like people
like a a lot of people dress like The
Gnome like you know what I mean like
it’s it’s actually nuts um so if you’re
if you’re going go to the North or South
Gate you know big gnomes are definitely
going to be the hottest commodity so get
there as fast as you can um then once
you get the purchaseing put it back in
your whip and then you know continue on
with the day line up at founder Circle
um yeah yeah yeah so so what do you
think of the actual course cuz like you
know we watch the Masters on TV you kind
of see how beautiful and pristine it is
but then when you’re actually there like
what stood out so the course oh my God
it was like so the way I entered the
course from the north gate shop you’re
walking you’re walking and then to enter
the the course um the first T is on the
left hand side but then the leaderboard
is on the right right so I wasn’t even
actually you know my first the first
thing that caught my eye was the
leaderboard I was like oh my God like
look at this Master’s leaderboard and
there’s guys working the leaderboard
like there’s a huge ladder like guys are
swing like a you imagine those old
school libraries old yeah where they
have like a ladder and they have to like
go across like that’s exactly what they
were doing on the leaderboard yeah on
the leader it was cool with the
leaderboard cuz whenever um you know on
the final day when Scotty would hit a
birdie people are like waiting for them
to change it and they flip it or
whenever someone hits a double bogey
they they see the the score change and
everyone just starts like booing or like
like everyone was like anticipating the
score to change it’s it’s so true and
that’s that’s an experience that I’ve
never taken in you know in in a golf
world you know like we’re so I so used
to it watching on TV yeah um but this
was like a live you know switch up yeah
and you could tell the emotion of the
fans being like Oh and they were’re all
like wait what happened and then you
look at the scoreboard I think big part
of that too is not having your phone
right because you can’t just check
what’s happening with tiger on 13 right
now like you really have to be involved
like you know stay on top of I think
that was one downside with that
leaderboard so it would show the top I
think like five to six players okay so
not the full field and then there’s a
side panel will show the the players
that are on that hole of what they’re at
so that would switch out but then you
had no idea what was going on at the
bottom of the leaderboard so like right
if if you had some money on people you
had no idea where they’re at yeah um so
that’s one thing you know if you don’t
have your phone too right know no idea
what’s going on but it worked out really
well on the final day on the cuz that’s
all you cared about yeah it’s true and
and and it’s not like they have one
leaderboard there’s like leaderboards at
like every turn you know what I mean so
you’re really aware of what these guys
are shooting how they’re shooting um you
know if they’re getting doubles whatever
um but yeah so that that big Master’s
leaderboard it it had everyone on it it
had like it had say let’s say it had
Tiger Woods where he’s from and like his
his score which was pretty cool yeah so
like just seeing all of like cool you
know the the international players
coming through guys who were from the
area you know I thought it was really
personal you know and it had like a nice
little touch and on the top of it it had
all like all the different um the Flags
you know Canadian flags you know and it
was awesome really cool um and then uh
so back to the course you know I walk
past this leaderboard and then I walk up
this hill and you’re on the first T um
did you watch anyone tea off on the
first t uh yeah yeah I caught some SES
yeah yeah um but super cool you know
like uh there’s like a a line you know
there’s obviously the ropes where you
can’t cross but that those ropes are
like they’re people are hugging the
ropes you know to like take in you know
who was teeing off um and like man the
first look at the actual course down the
first hole I was like oh man can I could
hit the
Fairway me like I’m like it’s beautiful
you know what I mean and um you know
playing from tips you know it’s far like
a lot of like
elevation um you know it’s a very narrow
Fairway there’s a bunker on the right
trees on the left you know you really
got to hit your shot um but I was just
blown away not only by you know how well
uh manicured the course was but how you
know everyone’s so respectful too of it
all you know and um again like probably
the best course that I’ll ever step foot
on um and uh yeah it was it was amazing
dude for sure yeah I would say like some
of the holes did seem pretty open um
some pretty wide Fairways yeah uh and
but there was just a lot of uh
undulation throughout the entire course
like just perfectly manicured yeah um
yeah when you look up in the Fairway
there’s no bumps it’s just like
perfectly flat go goes all the way and
you can’t even see across that it was it
was Unreal yeah uh there there wasn’t
any any rough like even the kind of like
the rough area was felt like a almost
like a fairway which was interesting
right so a lot of a lot of shots were in
play yeah um but then but then you get
to more to the back nine that’s where
there’s a lot of water hazards and and
uh dog legs and stuff like that yeah
yeah yeah um but yeah overall just like
such an accessible course you know with
with you being able to cross multiple
holes uh very easily um you can see so
much Golf and just standing in one area
right um the first T box is also right
next to the 18th green so like you could
even just stay in that area and catch
catch everything yeah even the ninth the
ninth green yeah I mean that layout is
just perfect for for this for this
tournament I mean the grand stands are
in perfect locations so much space right
didn’t feel like I had to hover around
people that catch most of the the golf
yeah right a lot of concession stands
everywhere a lot of Pro Shops like
dispersed on the course yeah um you know
they also do have like these uh how was
the food like all the hype food did you
guys did you guys try any of the
sandwiches and stuff like I know last
year obviously that was big on social um
yeah what how’s the
pimento yeah go ahead yeah yeah so so
with the food um they have uh they have
rows right where you scrab and go and
they constantly have them stopped um so
it’s really efficient in terms of
walking through that and grabbing food
um but you’re grabbing
sandwiches all the time there’s no like
other types of uh made to order food got
it um so you had the pimento cheese
which um I don’t know it’s like a cream
cheese with some peppers where the hyper
or there’s a ton of different cheese in
it I like what would you rate
it I don’t know like a five out of 10
um nothing special about it I actually I
I brought one and left it in my bag for
for half the day and it got warm gross
no but but the cheese the cheese kind of
melted and I don’t know if I was just
starving at that point but I was eating
it and that’s actually when I liked it
yeah new servic cold yeah yeah which
isn’t like my cup of tea um but I did
like it I think the first few bites I
was like oh this is amazing and then
like you know two days later I’m like H
this is okay you know mean novelty kind
of wore off yeah um was it boo people
drinking of course yeah yeah there was
booze and a lot of people like at the
end of the day I’m walking around and
and you see guys girls they have like
all these cups you know and then like I
think that’s a souvenir too of course
you have the gray the the transparent
cups with the Master’s logo you also
have the green cup with the Master’s
logo like very special those were
selling 4 for20 on on eBay yeah really
so so the green ones you only get the
you only get the you only get the you
only get the green ones when you uh buy
buy alcohol got it got it yeah so then
all the clear ones are is the sweet teas
and the pop here and I saw some kid who
only had white cups and he wasn’t
allowed to drink yeah so he went up to a
guy who had all green cups I was like
hey do you mind if I trade you uh the
white ones for the green ones that’s and
he was nice about it but you know Deep D
just like dude this is like three times
the cost as your white cups like could
have bought your cups easily so they did
a little trade yeah nice but yeah you
definitely want to collect those it’s
just part of it yeah next year when you
have a master’s part of your house you
just serve one in those cups yeah like
it’s I have enough I have enough for
like a beer pong match legit yeah yeah
yeah outside of like obviously there’s a
lot to kind of experience and see
especially for the first time yeah how
was the golf like how is it seeing
Scotty take down the Green Jacket what
was like obviously like I know we we
kind of touch touch on this kind of just
us talking offline but like Bryson was
minus 7 after round one yeah and the
leader finished atus 11 for the
tournament yeah and meanwhile everybody
was saying oh the weather’s supposed to
get better throughout the weekend and
all that but it seemed like things were
relatively flat from a scoring
perspective so what was the vibe like
for you guys out on the course like
seeing like the gameplay like where guys
struggling like what was the what was
the vibe
like yeah I mean it it was uh it was
tough tough Golf and I think a lot of
players lose Strokes on on their
approach shot not let not sticking the
green right um I was watching the first
Hole uh for quite a bit when I first got
there and yeah people were were hitting
the green and then it’ roll off on the
back and it you know a lot of the greens
were kind of like a turtle back layout
so it just trickle all all the way down
and without the rough it wasn’t catching
it right so it just kept going um but
then saw some amazing recovery shots um
the greens were fast so you see them
just like tap it and it it Go the entire
way yeah like you wouldn’t think it
would reach the hole just based on on on
the stroke but totally just kept going
so yeah um you know I think watching The
Greens at the Masters like kind of
staying around those areas is where
you’ll see um a lot of struggles I guess
I I 100% agree you know like these guys
can like you know off the tea even their
second shots are pretty [ __ ] money
yeah you know what I mean and the and
the putting I think is where you know
separates you know someone great and
someone good um and when you’re on that
type of green where yo you I I you can’t
really see it on TV but it’s like it’s
it feels like there’s Moguls on the
green like they’re so hilly I’m just
like dude how do you even you know
comprehend what to do and where to put
the ball you it’s nuts I I just don’t
get it like the the speeds of the green
change throughout the day like that’s
wild to me which you know yeah it’s
crazy honestly watching it just on TV as
I was I’m like you ask uh but like on
Sunday in particular you know like I
felt like Scotty was really just playing
his iron like his approach game was just
smart golf like yeah he was you guys you
know you hear it all the time um like
you gain more experience playing austo
over time like Max home I think was
saying you have to play this place at
least three times to get a feel for it
yeah for sure and it just felt like he
was not only was he able to find those
spots on the green that felt like a
safer spot but he was doing with so much
freaking confidence totally and he was
dropping in and he was okay with taking
a three- put if he needed to he he just
knew how to play it
responsibly and mature on our side like
watching on TV we we don’t see all that
stuff right like you don’t see the
greens like that it’s like why the
[ __ ] he putting it into the middle of
the green and all of a sudden you see
the ball fly 20 ft to the right yeah and
okay there’s something that we’re we’re
missing just being in the audience that
like yeah I was really curious about
that like is do you feel that imp person
right like the speed of the greens and
stuff I mean I I was watching uh some
players practice before they te off and
I saw Scotty and Colin they’re just
working on 4ot putts for like a good
hour like L literally from here to to
here yeah just getting that feel making
sure they knock down those like it’s
like clockwork Call’s like oh should I
switch up my grip yeah exactly but uh
just the amount of focus they have on
those short putts like I I’ll never go
warm up before round and just do those
putts all the time yeah they did for a
very extended period of time that’s what
makes breaks around you know if you miss
one of those for sure straight up man
yeah it’s a huge momentum killer right
like we saw a couple of these guys like
have a couple fuckups here and there and
like Collins cins whole week turning
around in the span of three holes yeah
yeah right which is insane like you play
really awesome golf all week and then
have it blow up in your face like that
yeah and then Max kind of similar thing
some of the early guys that were on the
leaderboard never we have made it
through to the weekends right I guess my
again watching from afar it felt like
this was Scotty’s tournament even when
it got close there I actually didn’t
feel like there were that in it right um
what was the vibe like there like would
like obviously don’t have the
anticipation of a tiger coming up the
ranks or Rory being part of it or you
didn’t have the whole live versus PGA
kind of like at a at a at a very
competitive scale at the very end right
like in the home stret so like what was
the vibe like was it like okay yeah
we’re just we’re sitting here to watch
Scotty win and hope he doesn’t [ __ ] it
up and then like the other half people
are like I hope he [ __ ] it up so
there’s something to watch here like
what was the vibe like from my
perspective yeah um cuz I’d be chilling
at the 18th I it was hard for me to like
walk the course especially on the last
day you know and then you’re looking at
the leaderboard so you’re seeing all
these different scores go up and down up
and down but you just see Scotties go up
right um so the people that I were
surrounded by were just like very
Scotty’s got this you know Scotty’s a
machine you know what I mean like
they’re favor for this guy you know and
they’re like no one’s going to come
close to to Scotty um even like I would
make conversation with the people that
were in line coming up to take their
photo I’m like oh like who do you guys
want to win today and you know a lot of
them were like uh you know they’re not
saying Scotty right and I’m like and
they would ask me and I’m like I’d love
to see Scotty they’re like oh you’re a
Scotty guy you know what I mean I just
feel like that’s the story of austa of
of just like a lot of these tournaments
these days you yeah yeah I mean I think
Scotty he’s he was on before the
Masters and on the final day you had
Colin uh Max and Alber there and auber’s
first tournament uh at the Masters he’s
sick by the way he’s very very solid
yeah yeah he I put some money on him he
he’s he’s fun to watch yeah he is um and
then and then Max hasn’t really um won
any big tournaments uh well no majors at
least and so it did feel like there was
a big separation in terms of just
experience right um from those three
yeah so even if there was a one stroke
difference like it it felt like Scotty
had this in the back yeah yeah and then
he just kind of ran away with it as soon
as they all made a mistake right but
yeah like you said they’re two strokes
Scotty like there still a uphill battle
even if there’s seven holes left you
know didn’t feel like okay Scotty’s
going to blow up on one of these cuz
Scotty was so consistent that entire day
and just played smart golf yeah no major
mistakes I will say like on his
consistency so I was able to catch the
18th hole I was able to catch Scotty
finish every single day Thursday Friday
Saturday Sunday and his drive would end
up in the same exact spot every single
day I I love that like it sounds like
you guys got the full gamut of it right
like you saw a potential future goat
take down another Green Jacket first
time M experience off off the top of
your head out of 10 what do you rate the
experience like [ __ ] 12 a 12 yeah
straight up okay let me rephrase that
for you boys leaving that leaving the
Masters for the first time like any let
Downs or anything that you didn’t like
or like anything that you like you’re
like ah this was like you didn’t hit it
for me yeah there there are a couple
things like I don’t I hate to be like
nitpicky but we talked about the food
like I I feel like that could have been
better the P pork sandwich was Unreal
but those sandwiches could use a little
bit uh a little bit of work especially
four days of that if you’re there for
the whole week exactly no exactly I was
going to say like if you’re there for a
day you know the food might be something
that you’re really into the novelty of
it all of that yeah exactly but then if
you’re there for like a longer duration
like you know get all that food out of
the way the first day you know explore
exactly the menu honestly aiming Corner
was kind of disappointing oh yeah
because I I I couldn’t see on the whole
12 like you can’t see the green so you
can’t really see what’s going on from
from from even the grand stance um
because it’s it’s like you can see the
TX but then it’s pretty far out right so
like you you know you cheer when they
make a putt but you don’t really see
like what happened around the green
right right I I wish you could just have
a better look something you know cuz
it’s such an iconic ho yo right and on
that note I saw a lot of people with one
binoculars yeah and rangefinders which I
thought was really rers was oh
interesting yeah so another tip for
y’all that’s a that’s a big tip um yeah
binoculars makees sense too like you can
really well at least on the putts and
stuff then you’re engaged right you
track it you’ll follow it at least with
the golfers you like exactly oh it’s
dope uh from my POV man I’m a I’m a
Augusta National Advocate [ __ ] brand
ambassador over here see um no real real
talk like it was again like one of my
favorite events all time um I’ve been to
a few and uh this is definitely on my
like top three like you know events that
I’ve ever been to um so I don’t really
have much negativity to say toward um my
experience yeah um and it was It was
kind of different than you know what
people are going to be used to you know
right right I kind of had like an
all-inclusive experience you know the
food was free the beer was free I didn’t
really have to park um you know so it
just different yeah and like I was very
fortunate to be part of that situation
and yeah um yeah so it it’s yeah it’s
still a 10 out of 10 though yeah like
the everything else was just I feel like
they hired a consultancy agency and just
figured out how to make the most
efficient tournament ever right and they
had more they had so many employees and
volunteers even in the washrooms like
the public washrooms there were so many
stalls and they had like four workers in
there swiping down the counters guiding
you through right like at every single
Wall Street um um the parking lot had
like hundreds of people just guiding you
through the parking lot I love that I I
think that like those are the things
that make uh take like a really cool
event and make it a memorable
experience um and like yeah it’s pretty
amazing like yeah the fact that they’re
staffed up to that to that extent is
pretty pretty incredible so yeah go
ahead a lot of the staff there um
they’re either in college and it’s like
an internship it’s like a co-op um like
the restaurant that we did go to it was
all just like college kids you know and
and a lot of PE a lot of locals that are
working there are are volunteering you
know and that’s why they’re able to like
staff up and who wouldn’t want that to
be part of their you know portfolio or
or experience but yeah dope um cool I
mean so well [ __ ] you
guys thly from all the golf heads
followers um but no that’s amazing uh
Master is done Scotty continu his Terror
he won again the week after I think last
week uh at the uh RBC RBC Heritage um
Nelly killing it on the on the women’s
side last couple weeks or [ __ ] last
couple months yeah man five five in a
row she’s taking a break like she like a
self-imposed break really yeah yeah
she’s not playing next tournament she
was like yeah I’ll just let some other I
let somebody else let someone else win
for amazing man good for her man well
deserved yeah I think a big part maybe
of our next episode is going to be
talking about like just the future of
golf like we have some big tournaments
coming up over the summer we’re
typically pretty involved with RVC
Canadian open um and so like yeah just
looking at like you know we have a
couple outlier golfers here but the rest
of the field feels a little a little
stagnant or a little flat right now like
I think there’s a lot of interesting
upand cominging uh golfers talent but in
that upper echelon of actually competing
for wins yeah I think that group is
narrowing down even less and less every
every tournament for sure and so I’m
kind of curious to see where this goes
where are you going to see what we kind
of saw in tennis and other individual
sports where you have a couple of these
goats that just end up ripping all the
majors all the big tournaments and kind
of just see a takeover of three or four
golfers donate everything yeah or are we
going to see like kind of post tiger
where as soon as as he stopped like
really pushing for all the majors now
you started seeing Diversified a little
bit and other golfers kind of coming
through right right I’m really curious
to see where that goes um I thought the
Masters as much as everything you guys
loved about it and the experience sounds
amazing like I was actually a little
underwhelmed from the actual golf side
of it I hated the fact that like the
Bryson of the world Brooks Rory tiger
all like that wave fell off after day
one or two the hype was gone right and
you only had like really Homa
Chef top four yeah you had a couple call
in right like a couple guys that I would
consider household names that were
actually competing right and that does
worry me a little bit like I think it’s
interesting as the new wave of golfers
comes in but it also speaks to like you
need that Core group of golfers that
people can really start to Rally behind
and get behind and I feel like we’re
kind of missing that right now yeah I
mean like a lot of the big names going
to live I think that hurts uh a lot of
the tournament you know it would have
been cool to see you know Rah up there
on the lead like if if if Rah was second
or third to to sheffler on the final day
I would have felt like okay this can go
either way right but with Colin and
alberg and H like I didn’t feel like
they they just were at that level to to
compete to compete right yeah no I so
cam Smith Brooks you know Bryson was
kind of there but I mean I think Sheffer
is just going to go on a terror Without
Really any comp any comp
as a fan I would love to see like one
either the PGA and Liv come together or
you know top top PGA guys play Live guys
you know have that as like a tournament
moving forward and like I think that’ll
just you know not only engage the
current uh audience but gain noon ones
you know what I mean it’s a different
style of golf play like cool um yeah on
the flip side though it is is it is nice
to see there’s kind of someone taking
the rein from Tiger you know Scotty’s
kind of that guy right now and and
Untouchable so he still has a long way
to go to like uh match Tigers uh record
of being number one I think he needs to
like be number one till
2035 oh my gosh yeah that’s wild you
think there’s any issues with him being
like honestly calling calling spade a
spade like he’s kind of boring right
like even even his game style right like
he’s pretty conservative really tactful
player but like it’s [ __ ] boring the
most exciting thing that I think has
happened to his game in the last like
year has him was him switching to
Putters yeah right and even that like
okay now he’s rugging them spider okay
so like like what else is interesting
about the guy and so so true I I do I do
like again just thinking about golf as a
whole right you have all these young
golfers getting really hyped and really
into it like growing up I had tiger to
fall into and when he was done like Rory
was that young golfer up and coming I
like Brooks a lot so there’s a couple of
these guys that were coming up in the
last like 10 years years or so right but
like I just feel like behind him there
there’s a little bit of a gap there um
and I’m just again I’m curious to see
how it plays out curious to see if like
people are just as hype about going to
all the major events moving forward like
we’ve you know knowing that it’s just
not as competitive like the field isn’t
as big as we think it is anymore and the
women’s game has seen that with Nelly as
well when you have like an outlier like
that just taking over like does it
actually end up as much as you want to
watch their greatness does it suck away
from from the rest of it and I think
part of that is because people can’t
associate with with Scotty the way they
did with tiger yeah right you want to
see tiger win every tournament it’s it’s
so true and like comparatively like if
you look at them too Tiger’s winds are
so creative you know he he gets into
these these trouble shots and this guy
making like trap Stinger draws like you
know what I mean like underneath a tree
yeah meanwhile Scotty’s on The Fairway
so consist
like tiger was such an Entertainer such
a talented Entertainer and like not to
take away from just being badass
golfer to compare the two you know it’s
too stoic for me right it’s like it’s
like the cookie cutter golfer that you
develop in a lad and you put out into
the real world so little
robotic right so true man like you talk
about his different types of shots like
they say you know he’s he’s like tiger
on with the irons you know he’s like uh
I forget his name but like the Spanish
golfer he he scrambles like him you know
and he putts like so and so you know
he’s it’s so cool it’s it’s so true yeah
yeah I mean I did see in the final uh
final round of him being a bit more
animated on the course which you don’t
see on TV and and that kind of shows a
little bit of his his fire uh in his
gang he fist pumped after that last butt
that the first time I [ __ ] seen yeah
I like like you’ve had a lot of things
to cheer about I know man this guy
that’s type of perspective like hearing
that because like again we don’t I feel
like we didn’t really see much of that I
yeah I just need I want to see more of
that though just to be like you know I’m
untouchable right now don’t [ __ ] with me
come come at me yeah yeah but instead
like I was kind of disappointed to hear
his press conference where he was just
like you know like it’s just gol go see
my family like yeah I get it but like be
[ __ ] pumped that you just want a
green jacket like it doesn’t seem like
he’s chasing anything like chasing to be
the next great player yeah he just wants
to play good call
yeah and and win which he’s doing and
then go home and freaking relax like
part of me thinks that’s why he’s so
good yeah could be could be like
mentally he’s just like you know like a
lot of these great players like well you
look at Colin you look at you know uh JT
and it comes to the the last round and
they’re up by like one or two yeah what
go what’s going on mentally right you
know are they so focused on this shot
where Scotty’s like you know what if I
make a good shot I make a good shot yeah
yeah it’s it’s Up For Debate I don’t
know you know and like that’s what I’ve
learned about him with his press
conference yeah he he’s so like you know
golf isn’t really my life yeah you know
it’s it’s more about like my family it’s
more about like this this kid that I
that’s going to come through that just
hurts the brand though you know it’s
like when you think about Scotty’s brand
yeah when you I yeah and I think he’s
that that step will impact his legacy
long term that’s what I mean yeah like
tyo Woods Jordan they’re like I want to
be the greatest like I’m I’m here to win
tournaments you know this is what I’m
what I do for Olympic right right right
and that doesn’t come off and the Scotty
especially what he said after the
Masters was just like he doesn’t really
care that’s like AI robot golfer type
NPC type stuff
DPT so interesting yeah maybe it’ll come
out of it maybe someone needs to call
him out you know yeah maybe he hears
this PO and
like yeah maybe I should that is himself
what how do you know that’s not him I
can sign some M bin and yeah wear some
baggy pants or something just try
something something new that heat that
that vest got was crazy yeah that was
actually kind of jokes it kind of looked
like a cigarette pack to like deor or
like a Lucky
Strike Malo yeah yeah I still I I
actually I like the idea of it I like
that they disrupted [ __ ] uh I think it
was landforce shout out to landforce he
actually put up a uh a cool insight
which is like the Google search from
malbon like not only spiked but against
their Baseline of what they would
typically typically get it was like a
[ __ ] hockey stick yeah yeah yeah
right and that that just goes to show
you the power of where that
collaboration kind of went we had our we
had our thoughts on it early on and uh
you know you can listen back a couple
episodes and you can hear what we
thought about Jason day joining right
but now seeing the actual impact of it
at a place like austa was obviously
pretty impactful totally um great move
and who would have thought a vest would
have stirred up that much [ __ ] also the
biggy pants you got a lot of [ __ ] for
that but there also windy as hell it
just felt like a bad day to wear baggy
pants like that yeah I know it did look
sick I loved it yeah mbin they they’re
making a splash lots of pos positive and
negative controversies around it but hey
man a lot of people know about M know
yeah and who knows maybe we see some of
the newer Brands come in these new
tournaments that are that are around the
corner y such as uh so the Canadian open
m is happening soon yeah uh end of May
when’s the US Open this year it’s got to
be not far yeah yeah it’s coming up uh
president’s cups this year that’s a big
one Montreal which is nuts um we got to
go down there got to go we’re going to
go hell yeah but I mean to wrap it all
up boys like I thought this was wicked
um good good Masters talk than sharing
the experiences like again having not
not gone and I know a lot of the people
listening want to hear what that
experience and what that that
environments likes so um but no this has
been fun uh till till next episode yeah
yeah heads up Podcast thank you for
listening don’t forget to subscribe keep
supporting us we really like putting
this content together for all of you who
are listening so let’s go let’s go
awesome peace

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