The great Bob Rotella explains the positive psychological aspect of playing golf and having fun.

it’s funny I I spend so much of my time
teaching people to have fun because I
think in ol of sport you play a lot
better when you’re having fun and you’re
enjoying it but from a psychological
standpoint when you’re having fun not
only do your muscles relax but your mind
gets quiet so I’m always telling players
you know you have a choice every time
you go the golf course or get near the
short game is you can either suddenly
feel like a really talented athlete or
you can turn yourself into a serious
uptight nerd and I’m always telling
players that when you’re having fun
you’re much more likely to feel like a
talented athlete and when you start
getting serious you’re more likely to
turn into a serious nerd and when I say
serious nerd I mean someone who tries to
play consciously when I say consciously
I’m talking about people suddenly start
overthinking everything or trying to do
it correctly or thinking about their how
to make the motion instead of letting it
happen the reason we want to have fun is
so that the mind gets quiet and you can
go unconscious because we all play
better like you hear so many people talk
about Rhythm and flow it’s impossible to
have rhythm and flow if you’re doing it
consciously so you’re going to get a lot
more Rhythm and flow and a lot of touch
and feel if you’re unconscious

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