In this episode, Ben and PGC discuss Scotty Scheffler’s dominance in golf and the lack of competition from other players.

They also touch on the Asian Tour and the success of John Catlin and Wade Ormsby. The conversation highlights the importance of star quality and personality in attracting viewership and the challenges faced by players in maintaining their performance over a season.

They also mention the upcoming PGA Championship and the potential for Scotty Scheffler to win multiple majors. In this part of the conversation, the hosts discuss the Asian Tour and the LIV Tour, focusing on players who are performing well and those who are struggling.

They also talk about the potential for player transfers and the relegation system in Live. They then move on to discussing the upcoming tournament and share their predictions for the top players. The hosts also mention some of their favorite golf podcasts.


Scotty Scheffler is currently the best player in the world, but lacks the star quality and personality to attract a wider audience.
Other players need to step up and challenge Scheffler to create a more competitive golf landscape.
John Catlin’s success on the Asian Tour highlights the dominance of a few players in certain tours.
The upcoming PGA Championship will be a test for Scheffler and other players to prove their skills and compete for major titles. The Asian Tour and LIV Tour is discussed, with a focus on players’ performances and potential transfers.
The relegation system in LIV is highlighted as an interesting aspect of the tour.
Predictions are made for the upcoming tournament, with a mention of players who have been performing well.
The hosts share their favorite golf podcasts.

hello and welcome to the golf lovers
United podcast I am golf L UK with a
burn slightly burnt but less ridiculous
back of the head than a few days ago Jay
I know you did laugh at the sunburn on
the back of my head when I sent you the
photo yes you’ve never suffered about or
have you no no it’s not a problem that I
that I have if you have a certain uh a
certain amount of melanin it’s it’s Les
less of an issue but that being said my
dad who play plays golf in Florida a lot
he has suffered from that so everybody
needs to apply the proper amount of
sunblock um every uh you know x amount
of hours I don’t even remember how long
you’re supposed to put it on for but
yeah it’s definitely some something I
would recommend to
everybody and it’s just so annoying
because I’ve not burnt my head maybe in
15 20 years as a bold guy just doesn’t
happen I I go and I always put cream on
neck and head but look I didn’t do it I
thankfully got away with it if it had
been middle of may not the end of April
I think I might have been a bit more
burned but hey I got away with it right
everybody that is your health baz lurman
everybody should wear sunscreen that is
our that’s our cultural um drop for
today uh we don’t do a lot of cultural
drops a nice quick podcast today I we
want to talk about a little about Scotty
um again just dominant um just in the
way he’s done I want to talk about some
that I know you want to talk about is
anyone going to stand up and try and
compete that’s maybe the avue York
that’s one for sure and I think we’ll
also talk about I want to cover the
little bit on the Asian tour just two
three minutes great to see Wade Ormsby
with an absolute phenomenal final round
of seven under to take second place
um John Catlin maybe the most informed
golf on the Asian tour and then let’s
talk about let’s have a look at that
let’s we’re not going to make any
official picks just give our thoughts on
some of the things going on and that’ll
be it for today one thing I would like
to just address very quickly we’ve had
I’m going to
guess 3540 people reach out saying you
only did three minutes in the future
golf can you do a longer episode well
we’ve done a load we’ve done a load of
future golf episodes we’ve done a lot of
that but it did seem
to Peak Interest and I think Jay the
feedback I was getting both on your bit
and my bit was I think people feel with
further down the line so rather than it
just being wild conjecture which for us
it never was it was the result of
conversations and sources and this that
and the other I think people are now
more going okay well wild conjecture
feels less wild because we’ve moved down
the road a little bit so yes we will do
an episode on that won’t we yeah I
completely agree like I know the solo
podcast that I did back in um I guess it
was the end of the year uh that was
where I kind of tapped into what I
thought Yeah Christmas episode that’s
what I you know thought the grand scheme
of professional golf was going to be
like we are kind of headed in that
direction I’m I’m not going to lie like
but I talked about this this sort of
global series of events definitely the
where where things see seem to be headed
and this has taken so many twists and
turns since then because uh that that
was the the original plan that basically
a couple months later got completely
scra based off of a bunch of other stuff
that that was going on we knew there
were a couple barriers that needed to be
removed um in order for that to progress
those barriers have now been removed so
that’s how things can change so it’s
like you can make a prediction but it’s
based off of the information that you
have at that particular time then as you
accumulate more information you have to
evolve with with the times knowing what
the north star actually is um and I
would suggest all the listeners to go
back and listen to that episode because
I kind of tapped into a lot of the stuff
that’s going on now um and it’s a lot of
that we’re going to be talking about too
and understanding payoffs like a few
people said there’s no way liver going
to get any ranking points now I
understand there’s the live haters want
to say that yeah but if yazir and piff
are going to fund the PF are going to
fund or partly fund or or or seed quite
a lot of money into like a world
umbrella tour that was the Avenue I was
going down I know you don’t disagree but
let’s just look at that one I was saying
about there is no way there is no way ya
is going to say hey guys here’s 500
million or a billion for fiveyear
tour but I’m not going to get anything
else in return and that’s why I didn’t
say live are going to get ranking points
for every event I’ve said and I believe
and I know you’re in a similar vein the
Liv will probably have six events that
are singles only that will get ranking
points whether it works exactly like
that with that that’s kind of we got a
slight difference but it being that
concept you’re not going to put a
billion what they call it they’re not
going to put the Billy down and not get
something in return right so I I yeah
that that’s what we understand you it it
can’t no no one until until it’s known
it’s not known like the Rory rumors no
one’s gone until they’re gone right but
equally you’ve got to take a little bit
of what do we know what is common sense
how does business work and like I think
when you’ve had three Live players now
three prominent Live players including
Phil who’s in that inner circle say yeah
we will have a few events go to 72 when
Phil Mickelson says a few events go to
72 take that to the bank and I believe
it’ll be six events going to 72 because
those 72 will then have ranking points
yeah let’s not do it now but that’s
people got understand you and I’ve got
knowledge and experience and sources and
we’re just drawing on that and also some
conjecture around how things might work
yeah and I think part of the problem is
that like a lot of these folks just
listen and this is my been my number one
gripe from from the beginning is that
like everybody’s just listened to the
general theme that that the golf media
has been putting out for the last two
years and it’s like how often has that
been proven wrong like they’ve all been
saying oh Liv is gonna is is never going
to get world ranking points um and
that’s that’s just like that’s totally
totally ignoring what could change in
like the next you know few months to a
year’s time like that’s what there was
always going to be a quidd proquo to
this um and that’s and the thing is piff
and and yaser known this from from the
beginning like this this isn’t um I
don’t think anything that’s happened has
been necessarily a surprise I think that
everything that’s um happened to this
point has been fairly predictable I mean
Phil even said it in his uh press
conference in Miami um so I think that
uh everything is sort of playing out
pretty much according to the plan here
so uh like I I said by 2026 we’re we’re
going to be living in a much much better
Golf World um if we had stopped the sh
Shenanigans the last two three years
we’d already be in that better golf
world but know this is just how the
establishment rolls like they are not uh
they don’t give up power easily and
unfortunately for them it’s great for me
because I I really dislike the
establishment of golf in the United
States for a myriad of reasons that I
talk about on Twitter all the time uh so
I I definitely think that you know
things are move moving in the right
direction and we’ll have to see how how
the next couple months play out uh but
it definitely seem seems like we’re
we’re going to get some move some move
movement here very
Versa well let’s move on now to the RBC
Heritage um do we have to we do we do
yeah we’re a golf podcast so yeah we do
um look we we po up we talked a lot
about Scotty Sheffer and quite rightly
because he is without doubt the best
player in the world in arguable he’s the
best player in the world there are
others that are close and maybe Clos
than they should be because of ranking
I’m not going to I don’t really care
about that thee but he’s in arguably the
best player in the world as as our good
friend Claude Harmon said he’s making
golf look so easy and that’s that’s I
remember when I compared to the VJ sing
2004 yeah as many people know listen no
listen to this I was a very casual golf
fan at that stage I wasn’t an obsessive
but VJ along with ear L’s were two of
the people that got me to go to the
screen and watch and that and you look
back at some of that 20 four VJ Singh
and he just made golf look super simple
I’m not I’m not a big remember of Duval
I know some people said that yes Deval
did that in that couple of years that he
did that very
striking yeah so let let’s look at let’s
look at Scotty and let let again I know
people get quite inflamed when you say
he’s not a superstar I don’t want to go
down that conversation again all you’re
saying is he’s not MJ regarding off the
course and other things and he just
doesn’t bring the lights and everything
and it’s actually noticeable a few other
people are saying it and I actually saw
a couple of more main stream
traditionals saying it the other day
that my God he’s on an absolute tear
when tiger was on a tear he brought
everybody in Scotty’s on the ter and
people are going okay and that’s not
Scotty’s fault Scotty’s a good bloke
he’s a man of God he’s a great seems
like a great husband I imagine going to
be a great father he’s a kind person but
he’s just that he’s just like yeah very
vanilla in his personality just to play
golf he’s just a nice guy the comparison
that I made a while ago and this is
something uh my brother told me Charles
Barkley literally just talked about um
earlier this this week was I compared
Scotty shuffler to uh uh to nicolea yic
in the NBA now because joic is he’s a
multiple MVP he’s the best player on the
best team right right now like by a long
way yeah the team is probably going to
win the championship again this year
except yeah Boston are Boston are going
to vomit everywhere as always to the
Celtics fans you know you probably don’t
even get to the championship game you
know you’re going to do something wrong
the the funny thing is everybody knows
how much I hate Boston I am rooting for
the Celtics only because Jason Tatum’s
my guy he’s a Duke he’s a fellow Duke
guy as’s a member of the Brotherhood
rooting for him however yic is a great
because uh look NBA ratings stories are
out there NBA ratings in the regular
season have been down this year and when
your best player isn’t necessarily he
doesn’t necessarily have that star
quality it’s like that’s shown in how
many people are interested that’s just
reality so people can get mad at me
about saying that but I’m just telling
you how how it is because I’ve studied
all sports for a very very long time
like I know how these these things go it
just is what it is so if people need to
take out that frustration on on me I can
handle it like there there’s nothing you
you can people out there can say to me
that like I can’t handle so actually you
look at you look at the Denver Nuggets
and the whole team’s a bit Scotty
Sheffer like Jamal Murray and and
Michael Porter like none of them are
what you I’ve been a bit harsh in Jamal
but you know what I mean they’re not
none of them are like absolute shoot the
light s Superstars they’re just bloody
good at their job head down and get on
with it yep yeah exactly and that’s just
how how it is and some sports kind of go
through these uh periods of time and uh
you know even when uh like the guy that
I was comparing Scotty shuffler to in
golf the Run uh that David Duval went on
on um in the uh late 90s where he
basically we won everything for like two
years uh he he was kind of uh like that
that was when tiger was kind of he was
in the middle of like a huge swing
change like uh tigers’s uh Tiger’s
decline resulted in David Duval’s
incline and I think that that was a
really interesting time um in golf where
they were trying to ride that tiger wave
and and thank goodness tiger came back
and and um had one of the great seasons
of all of all time in 2000 but um and
David Duval we thought that we were GNA
have that rivalry with with those two
and Phil Mickelson
for 10 15 20 years and we got David dual
for for basically
yeah let’s not do too much more on
basketball because the English and
European listeners well some European
but mainly the English will just be be
bored to death look Scotty’s Scotty’s
phenomenal he’s on absolute tear he is
the best go in the world in my you don’t
have to keep keep saying that is but but
but he but he’s not bringing the star
quality and I think since we did our
last podcast more ratings have come out
comparing what I’m going to refer to and
please take a pinch so listeners
Thursday and the Thursday the year
before the year before year before
Bryson’s Thursday dragged people to the
TV yeah that was that Star Quality at
different way of doing it the Bryson and
Scotty Friday where Bryson was still
there or thereabouts and um mar car had
a good day Homer had a good day that
dragged people to the TV the second
Bryson dropped
off figures went yeah look let’s just
now talk I want to talk about look we
looked down that list and and I think
there’s a huge star issue in general we
talked about maybe it’s a personality
and I don’t want to talk about it in
detail what I want to talk about is the
thing that you’ve got which
is with a real Slim Shady please stand
up is
anybody there was there was a golf
journalist said it like are the other
they didn’t quite say like so I I’ll
take their words and reform it did no
one else have enough about them to go
this guy’s arrived late on a Tuesday
night played nine o on the Wednesday
having won the Masters all the emotion
about to be a dad gone home to his wife
got another Green Jacket didn’t do great
on Thursday just shot 200 under and they
went oh actually I’ll just win this
Friday Saturday Sunday like is is it
that no one else is standing up or is it
just golf at the
minute yeah it’s a good question like
know that that’s where I feel like
there’s there’s definitely golfers that
like have to stand up like I I hear so
much praise of Scotty sheffler in the
Press from players on the PJ tour and I
get it like they want to continue to
push their you know product and
unfortunately for them Scotty sheff is
basically their entire product at this
point um except where’s like Rory been
like where’s uh W Clark is up there
pretty pretty frequently but it’s like
is is he Scotty’s like number one
Challenger now like where’s Xander
where’s Victor hlin like where’s Max hom
like all the these guys K morawa seems
like he’s like starting to get his game
back and like Elevate but like the the
final round his final rounds when he’s
been in contention recently have not
been good so I think these guys are
starting to feel pressure and I think
that’s starting to impact their games
unfortunately so wind Clark has being a
fantastic counter foil for the regular
season yeah obviously he he he made the
54 comment of the Masters and then ended
up choking let’s be honest choking and
coming out um I do think the 54 comment
was ironic considering when he won at
Pebble Beach he played 54 holes
sometimes the sense of of occasion and a
sense of perspective is needed with
these comments but yeah wind Clark
credits him he’s been knocking on the
door every time Scott is won he’s been
knocking on the door and that that that
that seems to be the only one Z has done
okay we saw Justin Thomas is challenged
this time but Justin Thomas JT hasn’t
challenged at all really has he so it
it’s it does seem to be a list of
players who are great not playing well
and interesting to see really what
happens in the next three to four events
because let’s look at let’s look at the
schedule there’s three PGA Tour events
of which very few will be playing this
week at the um Zurich Classic so there’s
three big PJ Tour event three biggish PJ
tour events left for the PJ
Championship these players going to
probably play in two of them not all
four Scot sh may not playing in any
based based off of you know the status
of of his his wife’s pregnancy like
she’s basically play any of them i’ I’d
be surprised he’s not playing in Zer
classic should you this week or next
week I’d be very surprised he plays in
any of them before the PTA Championship
so are we in agreement Scotty I know you
hate me saying it is the best player in
the world but are is anyone else gonna
stand up is anyone else gonna be Deval
anyone else gonna be Phil anyone else
gonna be whoever to challenge Ernie L’s
VJ because actually this is what makes
my quick rant this what makes tiger so
bloody incredible is because when tiger
did it he had Duval banging on the door
he had Phil banging on the door he had
VJ banging on the door he had Ernie bang
on the door he had Padre for a couple of
years banging on the door with Mages
like he had some real big names going at
him and he was still dominant that’s
what you look at you look at Scotty now
and Scotty’s dominated for 18 months in
many ways on the PGA tour for sure right
and all he had was the tail end of John
RAM for John win
across and not really of vict Victor had
a tiny run but it was a short stint of a
run Victor got got hot for a couple of
it’s really been Scotty Scotty Scotty
with a couple of people being there a
bit yeah no I I I completely agree two
quick points that I that I want to make
number one part of the reason why I I
don’t want to get too high on Scotty
Sheffer is because people take this this
stuff and now they’re trying to say he’s
going to win the Grand Slam which is
just completely crazy and nonsensical to
me which is part of the reason why again
I’ve got to knock him down a few notches
like yeah he’s had a good stretch it’s
one thing to maintain this the stretch
for like a few months it’s another to
maintain it for a full season like it’s
not going to happen so he’s got too many
Life Changes coming up it’s not gonna
happen I want to get I want that
everybody get get that through uh
through their also really hard to do it
yes ex people are talking about him
winning the Grand Slam oh if Scotty
turns up he’ll win it like Scotty is not
he’s got to try and
win a an open
like yeah I would argue he can you know
what if he gets enough sleep he’ll
probably win the PJ Championship because
where where where they’re going they’re
going to Valhalla and the way that
course is going to be set up that course
is a tight course it defense is don’t
get in the rough valhalla’s defense is
do not go offline well Scotty sheff is
bloody good at hitting the ball a long
way and hitting it straight so if you
said to me is he going to win the grand
slam my answer is he’ll look like it
because I think he probably wins at
valhall or his first one or two if he
get gets enough sleep because the course
just sets up perfectly for him but then
he’s got to go two very very very
different places Pinehurst is not what
you would call a normal golf course in
many ways for for playing the way they
do you you got to have a lot of craft a
lot of like who’s going to use a
wedge like one of Scott’s biggest
defenses is that he’s an incredible
short game wedge player yeah when the
first thing the cad tell you to do at
pinus just put the wedge away if you can
putt it put it and then he’s got to go
to trun and that’s going to be a
challenge in itself so look I think
he’ll probably win two Mages this year
which is a big statement to make about
any golfer in the world I think he would
probably wins two if he wins two that is
like an alltime season like that would
be amazing it would be like on the level
of a Marco Mira like that that’s an
incredible incredible historic year yeah
I just need people to pump the brakes a
littleit so right let’s just very
quickly touch the Asian tour um Saudi
Open Ed about a PF um that was at Riad
golf club now Wade armsby friend of the
show we got on really well with Wade
Wade’s a good Wade is if I describe Wade
as he is one of Life’s good guys like
he’s a really a Beyond a nice person
like really supportive very always been
very very kind to me um of late when
I’ve got to know him a bit he’s just a
really good bloke and got a fantastic
mustache but Wade Wade had an absolute
phenomenal final day um he shot Seven he
shot 7 under in the final round to to to
to jump up from sort of 10th 11th into
into second place and good to see that
but John Catlin on the Asian tour Christ
alive John having had a couple of not
great Seasons he’s he’s ahead in points
he’s he’s the Scotty of the PGA Tour
isn’t he he’s just like so far ahead
he’s doing so well between John Catlin
and David pews they’re winning every
single event on the Asian tour pretty
much yeah it’s
it’s been really interesting to see and
I love Wade armsy just just to follow up
on that that point he was uh he was also
my pram partner in Tucson and it to Paul
Casey and that’s obviously the event
that we won shout out to him um that
might be one of the last last times I
ever mention that but um no there uh
catlin’s been playing great and he’s
been one yeah no I’ll probably be me
mention this until the day I die but um
also it only took you 10 minutes 32
seconds to mention you went to Juke
look it’s all relevant so these these
things are everywhere so you know you’re
you’re going to have to get uh get used
to it um Catlin he’s been like on
another level but he’s he’s been in this
weird sort of in between uh place where
he’s like kind of stuck in between the
EUR European tour and the Asian tour
like he’s allowed to play in these as
Asian tour events as long as there isn’t
a conflicting European Tour event uh
which which is why he play played in the
Saudi Open he also played in the event
uh I think it was in maau that he won
like those weren’t conf conflicting
events I think his season’s going to be
really interesting I want to see if he
uh if he is getting into more European
tour events is he gonna play in those or
is he gonna stay on the Asian tour I
think he’s gonna stay on the Asian tour
now because he’s already leading the
order of Merit and we all know if you
win the order of Merit you will
automatically have a golden ticket to
live golf next year and not only is he
winning the order of
Merit if you look at the Players high up
in the order of Merit three of the five
are Live players right who a can’t
qualify to be on live unless they lose
their place so it might be but there
doesn’t appear to be the Live players
high up in the order America they’re
likely to drop out and need that need
the golden ticket but also they’re going
to miss one two three four they’re going
to miss at least six of the next 12
events just with calendar clashes so
even if they attended the other six and
they all won’t he he he’s really it’s
him versus a couple of others on that
order of Merin we’ll bring you some more
Asian tour details later but let’s get
on to live because you’ve got to go I’ve
got to go and I’m going to start with
I’m to start the bottom um and just talk
a little bit about we’ve got a couple of
guys in live that look I’ve got some
mates in live we know that we’ve got a
few players who need to really recapture
some form and find some form so let
let’s just touch an AK start with the AK
journey is different he’s got a lot of
mileage and a lot of Goodwill with the
fans he’s posting videos in grinding
videos in playing videos in practicing
doing on his own doing it with a coach
whatever else it might be ak’s grinding
and like he’s got the Goodwill of all
the fans and if he ends up this season
dfl I don’t think anyone’s going to go
oh well get rid of him it might be that
he doesn’t stay but I think that ak’s
got enough Goodwill and brings enough
with regards to to the overall scheme of
live that seeing him there is has been a
good thing and I know there are many
Skeptics at the star who actually now
like him being there because he’s been
very honest and very Frank about it and
I like that look let’s let’s put the
names out there Hudson Swafford Lee
Westwood um yako Kazuma I can’t say his
name but Kazuma Mito Pereira Ango Andrew
ogry um and Danny Lee
Kyoya they’re all on zero points yeah
they’re all on zero points and there are
some more just about who aren’t on zero
but let’s look at the zeros at the
now Danny
Lee has and Kazuma it’s his first year
on live He’s a young boy let’s let’s
give him let’s give him a little bit of
a little bit of slack but he hasn’t had
a finish above
31st right we need more from Lee Hudson
Swafford is mate playing for me it feels
like he knows he’s playing at his last
year on live he knows he’s just there
just trying to grind find some form earn
some money and hopefully go and go and
maybe join the Asian tour next year or
maybe goes back to the corn fery tour
who knows but Hudson sford is not going
to have a career on live next year and I
just want we just and that’s a shame
because Hudson’s a very nice person oh
yeah and he’s a he’s a very good good
player too the problem is when you come
back from these major injuries and
surgeries you just you don’t know what
it’s going to be like like um I I think
that he look he’s he’s a multiple time
winner on the PJ tour so it’s not like
he’s not an accomplished player he
certainly is like when he came over to
live he was a top 50 player so it’s not
like he he’s not any good like I just
think he hasn’t found his his form ever
since his I think he had a hip in injury
and had major surgery on his hip so um I
don’t know if he’s gonna make make it
back to a full form this year I think
when they talk about players uh you know
earning a path back to the P PJ I think
they’re they’re really talking more
about the Hudson sords of the world uh
rather than like some of the top guys
that are Bas basically Never Gonna Gonna
Leave um like those guys need to have a
path back if they get relegated because
I mean forcing a guy like H Hudson
Swafford to like play on the agent tour
probably is not the way to go like I he
he’d probably prefer to play on the corn
Fury tour to be honest with he is less
travel you know that Hudson Hudson would
get um the international Series starts
the Asian tour starts so it’ be it’d be
an okay year it wouldn’t be a problem
but yeah I get that and the the one
thing that again people sometimes say
that I carry water for live and and I
really don’t because like one of the
things that makes me a little bit a
little bit crossed and just be honest
about it it’s like I know Lori missed
that he had he had he had two putts from
48 feet to to to to win his way on to
live full time and he and he didn’t make
it he threed then and then lost I
understand that but also Lor’s 30 sixth
in the standings having played only two
or five
events like it’s true it’s just yeah
he’s finished top 24 both yeah Hudson
deserves his chance Hudson was on a
contract I get that but Lori finished
tied 15th and tied 21st and I just yeah
there are Lori is a lot better than some
of the other guys on the tour at the
minute and and I think one the
weaknesses I’ve said and I know people
have got to have got to have their teams
but I’ve said for a while it just feels
like we could have two or three players
just playing and be subbed in and out
because if you are if you’re D if you’re
Kevin Nar you might want to swap out
Danny Lee for Lorie caner for sure I’m
not saying that should I’m just saying
yeah it feels shame to me to have
someone as good as Lori who’s played
really well who’s
like if someone is struggling if someone
is struggling I think that’s what these
transfer windows are coming up are going
to be about like if there there’s
someone that like um isn’t performing
the way that they they need to there
there needs to be like something mid
mid-season says hey thank you for your
service you could certainly earn your
your way back but unfortunately like
you’re just not playing up to ex
expectations and we got to swap you out
for somebody else like that’s something
that absolutely needs to happen like I
think that the the bottom part of of
living I was talking to a few people
about this the other day like the
relegation stuff is really really
interesting we actually did a Twitter
spaces on it last week the relegation
stuff is going to be really really
interesting this year because know the
bottom six players um and basically all
those players that you mentioned that
don’t have any um any points uh pretty
much none of them are under contract for
next year except for Lee Westwood who
like there there may be something Lee
does where he he moves to the front
office it’s it’s it’s it’s just Lee I
know ker is close Comer is like you know
I think he’s 46 but he’s 46 he’s 46 but
he he he doesn’t have a contract for
next year this is this is this is his
last year yeah because he’s a non Equity
right he’s non Equity Captain so yeah
true um Kieran Vincent has no he’s he he
won his
place yeah eugeno is at 44 but eugen’s
had a turn in Foreman playing well on
the Asian tour you you think Eugen will
be will be up there by the time he gets
to want to retain them then isn’t it
when they’re in that middle bracket they
want to retain them but yeah you look at
you there’s a few that I think that’s
going to struggle now look we’ve done
enough negative I tell you negative
right and just bear with
me one of the greatest things I’ve ever
done content wise is my interview with
Watson and it’s got like no views it’s
got like 280 views yeah like I sometimes
don’t understand like what have I got to
like one guy wrote to me and wrote To Me
said this is one of the best interviews
I’ve ever seen thank you so much for
doing it um a couple of people said that
publicly like I think sometimes Jay what
have we got to do like we get a two-time
major winner who opens up about
everything I can’t get a bloody view on
it but there we are I’m not moaning I’m
just saying like no no this is why we we
can’t look there is a certain there’s a
certain algorithm that we have to to
follow I understand that but it’s like
we we can’t uh way way too many podcast
has way too many um other channels the
corporate media are always chasing
clicks that content that you did with
Bubba Watson’s going to stand the course
the the test of time so it it may have a
slow start um and honestly it probably
got got swept up in the algorithm
because that same day I posted the Q&A
that I did with Phil and John John Ramen
that that’s got like 9,000 views so yeah
so so that’s it was the Masters and all
that just yeah yeah exactly it’s it’s
it’s it’s Pro it’s one of the best
things we’ve ever done arguably
definitely the best thing I’ve ever done
and yeah langing at about nine nine
likes um but there we are who was just
more because I saw B in the list now
David Pew having a good season on the
Asian tour being there they about to
live we’re going to the mid table he’s
close to getting in the top is very
close to getting in the top 100 for the
PJ Championship he’s at like 104 105 now
if he had won the Saudi open he he would
have been in the top 100 I think he’s
got one more event in order to get to
the cut off so I think he may get into
the P the PJ Championship we’ll have to
see how it plays out sorry go
ahead just F then um you know players
like Caleb Sarat who were like I think
Caleb’s incredible um two fantastic
finishes straight up and then a little
dip but then back to Fant fantastic
finish a couple of weeks ago and then um
we’re then coming in some of the the big
again let’s shout out to Blandy Bland BL
Bland Maniacs whatever they want to call
themselves Bland demonium like age 75
2 kill me if you hear that age 75 and um
22nd in the standings 11th 15 31st 8th
and 14th like the gu’s the guy is
literally the Benjamin but of golf oh
he’s out there grinding too grinding
like I see him like um every live event
that I that I go to he’s always on the
putting ring always on on the driving
range like he is constantly working and
like he’s able to maintain this status
cuz he he wants to do this for as long
as he he can and he knows that if his
game falls falls off like he’s gonna be
gone so um I think this made Family
generational money and if he gets one
more year then he’s gonna just it’s just
going to be unbelievable I think then
then he might go and play Senior Tour
after that who knows and then
um we’re then into schwarzel [ __ ]
schwarzel Uline Hatton how Smith wolf G
and and the rest now a couple of people
said to me who who do I think is going
to win this week and I think it’s it’d
be very easy to go Neiman Ram Burmeister
but actually I think I think I’m G I’m
I’m gonna go a little bit different I’m
GNA go for Ana Bryson and Paul Casey
just my sort of three how I feel Casey’s
been Mr consistent 11th 5th 29th a
little bit inconsistent
killed myself my own comment there
second and 14th but outside that 29th
which isn’t Dreadful it’s 115 second and
14th he’s been so so good there and H
has been proper trending 28 21 12 First
and eth it’s um I think an’s got a great
and also H didn’t play at the Masters
he’s had time off this that and the
other what are your thoughts not on my
three but your thoughts on the three
players you think might be a factor no
BR without doubt we know what I’m
picking Bryson no Bry Bryson’s going
going to be there uh pretty much
every that being said I think that one
name he won this event last year
nobody’s really talking about him is
Taylor gu like Taylor gu is still he’s
he’s been maintaining his form that this
year like yeah he hasn’t won but he’s
got a second place finish he’s he’s
finished top 10 a couple other times
like I think ter he really loves this
course it’s very very clear he shot 6263
last year like I think that that says
something about like how much he he
likes this particular course I could
certainly see T gu winning this uh I
could see cam Smith winning cam Smith
played great uh last year he um he look
he played great in the Masters like he
finished top 10 I think he’s been having
a decent year like he he finished uh
second out Hong Kong Kong I think cam
Smith is 100% gonna gonna have a good um
a good event and I think sort of look
looking down the standings like some of
the big names like I expect them to have
a good week like I I expect Phil to have
a good week um I expect someone like uh
Brooks kept it to have a good week like
Brooks has has not had good form almost
at all this year but uh and that was
something I was concerned about going
into the Masters and uh look when he
shot back toback 777s I I basically was
was backtracking all of my Brooks kep ke
picks for the Masters like I just didn’t
think it was going to happen but uh yeah
like like those guys are the ones that
that I think are going to play well um
you you look at some some of the guys
that played well last last year too
Patrick Reed is another one Patrick Reed
for him to not have won a live event yet
is just crazy to me So eventually
Patrick Reed is gonna win and I think
the other person that maybe doesn’t get
enough recognition
because 8th 12th 15th 21st 4th that’s
incredible T Hatton he’s come to live
and just being great Str away so it’s
true I think what’s going to happen and
I’ve said this is when it goes from 54
60 the separation is going to get bigger
because there’s just be more players in
there knocking people down and changing
the points and I just think they’re like
if you’re consistently 8th 12th 15th
21st fourth out of a 60-man roster than
a than a 54 man roster you get a little
bit of SE bit bit more separation in the
field so T’s been fantastic too other
thing with with the Terrell Hatton too
like this is some something that that
I’ve talked talked about a little bit
but like it’s gone way under reported
that like some of these guys they feed
off of the the negativity like when they
came to to live like a lot of these guys
got a lot of negativi some of them
negatively impacted their games like
like Bryson is a perfect example Bryson
was not playing well didn’t play well
for like a full year on live then he
started to finally figure it out and
like you know obviously started winning
events he shot 58 that stuff um except a
guy like like Brooks like Brooks feeds
off of that that negativity is part of
the reason why he won the P the PGA and
he was like one of the best players on
live last year so I I think that and um
other players like like cam Smith that
just kind of rolls off his his back like
he doesn’t care Terell hatton’s one of
those guys that I don’t think the
negativ I think the negativity actually
makes him play better so um and and some
of the other guys like like Rah I don’t
uh he’s been playing fine but it’s like
I don’t know maybe some of that
negativity is like impacting his game a
little bit which is the reason why he
hasn’t won yet except that’s that’s
going to change and like I said by the
time we get to valderama he’s gonna be a
locomotive and he’s probably gonna win
mult multiple Live Events this year it
just wasn’t gonna happen happen
early well I feel we covered that very
well if I do say so myself we are an
excellent pair of podcasts oh I love the
fact that people don’t know why we can’t
agree on everything and then they think
that that’s that’s bizarre and find that
more and more on Twitter I don’t want to
get into it but it’s OD is it you
because virtually every other P golf
podcast that’s out there as a echo
chamber they agree on everything so and
they think that’s the only boring if we
agreed in everything wouldn’t it I agree
which is why some of those podcasts I
don’t listen to anymore because it’s
like when you feel like you already know
what they’re going to say like it gets
to the point where like okay like I I
know that you’re going to be negative
about about live and positive about the
PJ tour uh me I do want to get out there
like RBC Heritage people were s
surprised that I was like oh yeah this
is one of my top five events on on the
PJ tour like I love RBC Heritage I love
favor what it’s a great course it’s a
great course I just wish it it had more
of the more players that I root for
would be great because they were
virtually none none of the event even
hoblin took the week week off so it was
def definitely aough tough one but you
know I like it so you know well and well
let’s just do teams very quickly say
something podcast so teams if how you
look past the crushes I just don’t know
just that like you’ve said it so many
times have you got four people that can
all play golf and if you have it’s going
to go pretty well and and that’s kind of
the thing we are we’re seeing with with
the crushes that I’m not saying Legion
don’t have four I’m not saying tqu don’t
have four but both tqu and Legion have
got a playero Pereira Kieran Vincent who
are in the who are ranked in the 40s and
then come that fourth round unless they
have a good round in the fourth round
that can drag them down whereas The
Crushers the crush’s lowest rank player
is the crush lowest rank player
is anab bar leiri at 27th so if your
worst player is 27th I think he’s the
highest ranked oh actually the highest
ranked worst player is is gr McDow at
21st so so smash should be there or
thereabouts but I think they they’ve not
always fired at the same time but can
you look past the crushes at all
or no Crushers should should definitely
be the favorites pretty much every time
except uh like like I said I’ve been
picking tqu every week because I’m a
believer that like some of these guys
are going to turn around like like Meo
Pereira is way too talented to be
playing as as poorly as he’s been
playing so I think Meo is going to turn
around at some point and if he turns
around I think T is probably going to
win soon um if not Adelaide I I think
they’re certainly going to win one of
the next uh three three events a lot of
those This falls on on him I think
Waco’s been playing great obviously uh
Munoz has been pretty much giving you
what you would expect and then pu is you
know a little bit up up and down but he
obviously has shown that he’s you mean
Ortiz yes what that’s what a p on the
fbls yeah right yeah yeah good point
good point um yeah I was looking at the
the the roster last year sorry um yeah
so Ortiz has been playing you know
decent but it’s like Meo is not has not
been good like Meo has been been
terrible so he needs to figure out if if
he gets it sorted sorted out like
they’ll be they’ll they’ll be fine but
uh yeah we’re just not uh we’re not sure
what where we’re going to going to get
I’m a Believer though which is why I I
think torque is going to be right right
there and the the for Aces won
last year I know DJ’s not playing all
that well but like I said Patrick Reed
is is going to be there I think harol V
is G gonna play well and Pat Perez stay
in the middle yes yes they’re all people
forget Pat Perez finished he was in the
final group with Taylor gr last year so
Pap perz was playing pretty he he was
play playing great I think he finished
like fifth or sixth so I mean he can be
a little bit hot hot and cold I think
this is this event is perfect for Pat
Perez I think he’s going to elevate so I
like the aces I like tqu and I like The
Crushers those are kind of top three
yeah I’m looking at Crushers and range
goats um Matty Wolf’s been brilliant
Bubba has been a great fourth player his
his floor has come right back up um
Peter’s new line have been playing good
golf so yeah I’m a fan of the goat goats
and the Fireballs if you want to look at
what the opposite of dovetailing looks
like that is what the Fireballs look
like they are not playing to get well
together at the same time you have two
guys playing really well in one event
and two not and that they’re not getting
the finishes they should do right very
quickly we got to close this off because
I’ve got to leave in three minutes so do
I I going say podcast that I listen to
that I really love there’s a couple of
podcasts I listen to I really I really
enjoy the hack outout podcast I I I
listen to that and I really love um they
do a little segment every Saturday
morning on a golf stat which L stagner
brings in a golf stat and says a scratch
player and a 15 handicap player from 100
yards what are the amount what’s the
percentage of time what’s their distance
from the pit whatever it might be like
how how many shots to ha out how many
far they from the pit how what
percentage balls they put within 20 up
what all the different stats and I love
it I love that my favorite podcast in
the minute is actually claud’s yeah so I
used to listen a bit to claud’s podcast
in and out dipping in and out but
obviously haven’t got to meet him and
spent time with him I’ve really listen
to it more the club fitting 101 podcast
he did on the 14th of
February if you’ve got any interest in
Club Fit and understanding Club Dynamics
and shaft Dynamics go and listen to that
podcast Club fitting 101 it’s called son
of a Butch with Claude Haron it is one
of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened
to for game improvement on gear not
technique and this just on gear and it’s
him and a guy from trpc Jordan Patrick I
looked at it it’s a fantastic podcast
and one of the best I’ve ever heard for
helping you understand what goes into
Club fitting what you should have in the
bag how you
think about the clubs you have in a bag
so just a shout out to another
podcast yeah claude’s great um I wish I
could say say the same about hack it out
um you know I like L’s nice Lou stagner
and I we we H have it out on Twitter all
all all the time like he’s just he’s way
too much of a slave to it to his data
and he needs me to like he needs
somebody on that podcast to like check
him on his stats because look stats guy
I like him I like his I know you do him
you can like him but it’s like he is a
slave to his data there’s no getting
around it and he needs more push back on
his stats like yes this this is what
what the stats St stats say but what
what about X Y and Z that’s why that’s
why he gets pissed off at me because I
challenge him on everything he says so
maybe not everything but like a lot of
things um and yeah I’ll leave it at that
but yeah and we will close on another
Colin coward quote quot sometimes it’s
not about analytics sometimes it’s about
manalytics ladies and gentlemen thank
you so much for listening to us today
hope you have a fantastic rest of the
week enjoy live Adelaide um I will get
up each morning at 7 with Annabelle and
we’ll have around about 11 holes nine
holes 11 holes to watch which is perfect
to watch during breakfast so that’ll be
fantastic I will not be getting up at
4:00 in the morning to watch balls in
the air that is not the way I’ll be
doing it so ladies and gentlemen you
take care Jay love you brother speak to
you as always I’ll probably text you in
about 10 minutes take care guys byebye


  1. He’s just that much better than anyone in the world right now, I know that’s hard for PGC to admit. But he just waxed the top guys on LIV. He ain’t winning the slam.

  2. the bogus owgr has no rules on cuts or number of holes played…I hope LIV stays at 54 holes .I am not watching 2 days of practice rounds…

  3. LIV Golf Adelaide Preview… after the first round. You clowns are a gift.

    "Bryson Thursday…. Bryson and Scottie Friday"

    AKA Tiger Woods Thursday & Friday

  4. The Masters will trump anything that OZ can even put together.
    You have 5 players in Club 54 the rest are just regular non elite players.

  5. "why cant i get a view on it!"

    Doesnt that show you that LIV doesnt sell?

    Also, you fucking released it on Masters monday!! you clowns

  6. Good stuff gents. The Scheffler 'is prime Tiger' narrative other media outlets are touting is laughable, Scheffler had a 7 shot head start at The Tour Championship and Rory still whooped his ass…..funny how none of them mention that 🤣 Also Rahm was the best PGAT player in 2023 – and Scheffler doesn't even have to play against him week in week out….the stats are incomparable

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