yeah Rory goes well he he flushes it
Tommy’s a flusher he’s a flusher and
then he goes I used to be a flusher and
Shane Lowry lost his mind he goes oh F
off like Rory maroy are you kid you’re
the flusher you have the best swing on
tour you’re the guy what are you talking
about and he laughed he walked away like
with this putter around his neck being
like yeah yeah yeah I’m Rory whatever
they’re so cool they’re so nice Rory
couldn’t have been a better guy every
time we’ve had an interaction with Rory
at this point it’s always gone very very
well Trent and I just randomly see him
alone all the time like I know we’ve got
this huge crew of us with rigs and Danny
but like me and you caught Rory at at
the country club for the US Open where
he was driving out after one of the
rounds and goes oh the bar stol boys and
we were leaning into his car talking to
him about you know playing in the US
Open and like how he feels this week and
where he’s going he want to pick up his
daughter and all this stuff like I think
at the end he’s like I like talking to
you two like this is nice like this is a
nice change of pace it’s not so mediae
it’s not like this is great you guys are
gonna go play today we said yeah all
right see you roars


  1. Rory is a bot. Industry plant video. Best swing on tour…. Yeah I don’t know about that

  2. yes he is one, no personality, boring bad for the game, even worse for the game…….. the bible basher Scheffler. Golf is in a bad place, the top star is simply boring and a huge turn off.

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