Hey guys, I built a 10x10x10 simulator. Still have work to do with flooring, protecting the pipes with curtains. Almost took out the cat with a ricochet.

My question is the mevo plus. I’m running it like 7 feet behind the ball, 11 feet to screen. Reason being is because my distances just seem way off. My 7 iron is going 130 if I’m lucky, can’t hit a driver past like 210 carry. Realistically, 7 iron will be 155, driver 235 would be an okay average. My 3 iron in the simulator won’t go past like 160.

Do you guys have any tips? Ball is aligned right with target, all of my settings are right. In the flight scope stats on the computer under camera tab, I tried changing the elevation to get the ball to match up better, to no avail. Best I got was 140- followed by a 110 yard shot. I can feel i do miss some shots getting used to the mat, but not a 30 yard difference. I have my setup offset to the right for now just to make sure I don’t hit my pipes.

Thanks in advance for any tips!

by Huntk94


  1. GrandSupermarket4024

    Can you post the table view so we can see several shots. This may give some more insight as to what is going on. The smash factor is 1.28. Is that average for you? Also your path and face to target are 0 and the low point is not showing. Was this shot misread or do you not have the propackage? Not familiar with the windows version of FS golf as I use an iPad

  2. Are you using titles RCT balls or balls with the sticker?

    Do you have any interference in front of the mevo? Says that fans, computers, fridges, etc can affect readings.

  3. absoludicrous

    Have you tried outdoors (or at a range) to confirm it’s picking up your distances correctly?


    Put a book or something under your mrvo. Get it to the same height as your Matt’s. Fix the roll with some paper under once side.

    Move your Matt’s to give yourself 8 ft to the ball.

    I had this problem before. Only with the driver though.

    Use exact measurements in the setup.

    Set global elevation in gspro.

    Do the firmware updates on your mevo.

    If your still having issues message me.

  5. scottylebot

    No one has mentioned indoor swing syndrome yet. You’ve already mentioned the ricochet that will definitely fuck up your brain. 

  6. Tin_Cannon

    Thought the recommend distance for the Mevo+ was 8 feet behind the ball?

  7. Anything noisy nearby like a fan or pump, or large appliance like a fridge? Even fluorescent lighting?

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