I’m passing all these tea boxes I have
no ego about it I’ll play from the what
are they out here the golds play from
the golds all day
baby that’ll work all right that a boy T
scoter right around now baby got a boy
Goldie I thought my back was going to
give out there I thought that was the
oh sounded
dude okay
hit it hit it
yes come on you kidding me come on
that’s a forward T man there that’s a
forward T man nice forward T there three
shots and I’m in I’m going to my cart
birdie from the front
teas calls for Reese’s


  1. Trent, my boy
    I’m a big fan. I really want to see you break 90 my man. But I don’t want to hear about you blowing your back out. Please let’s get into shape and get serious. Maybe try TRT or something. Or hit up Tiger and ask what he’s on. I don’t care if you have to give up Seggs, I really want to see you break 90. I know you can do it, I believe in you. Thank you for the hours of entertainment.”Hit it hard” 🤙🏽

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