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all right guys in today’s video if
you’re someone who struggles with
rushing the down swing and you feel
really quick in transition we’ve got a
great one for you with the driver today
we have Mr Ben ker the pause King maybe
you’ve seen some of his videos before
he’s going to help us out learn how to
get that smooth effortless transition
couple key Fields I think are going to
really help you guys let’s Dive Right In
all right guys we’re out here today with
the man himself Mr Ben CER the Paw King
appreciate you being out here thank you
yeah nice to be here if you guys I’m
sure a lot of you have seen Ben before
on Instagram and on YouTube he he’s an
unbelievable uh golfer and obviously in
the past couple of months a lot of
social media blowing up everyone’s
seeing Ben at the Paw at the top of the
swing and we’re hoping today in today’s
video we just did a little lesson video
um over on Ben’s Channel just to help
him you know get the club a little bit
more on plane and with the consistency
we’ll link all of Ben’s info down in the
description down below go check those
out really cool encourse matches on
YouTube coming up I believe oh yeah a
lot of ENC stuff a lot of lot of matches
a lot of tournament Vlogs coming up lot
Stu on my YouTube so yeah tour V Co yeah
I’m do a little Vlog for my US Open
qualifier some stuff like that yeah hell
yeah Okay cool so we’ll link those down
below um in that video we were going a
little more swing mechanics I think in
this video Ben and ideally for you guys
want to talk about some things that Ben
does really well in his swing that can
help you as well Ben’s great with all
the clubs but I think in particular with
the driver gosh if you watch some of the
Vlogs when Ben gets on he could drive it
I mean what are you carrying it 300
yards pretty straight yeah 3305 yeah
pretty pretty straight I I mean when I
hit the driver well it’s it’s great so
it’s it’s world class and so hopefully
from today we kind of a couple piece in
Ben swing that you can use in yours as
well all right guys so just quick
Interruption to today’s video before we
watch Ben hit when you watch him hit
here you want to model all the things he
does successfully notice his setup how
good his setup pieces are notice his
back swing he’s got a full back swing
turn gets his hands nice and high and
deep like a lot of great drivers of the
ball do so you want to mimic that as
well well but the main thing we’re going
to watch over here obviously when he
does his pause in his swing now he does
a full pause like a Cameron young or
Hadi matama my goal for you is just to
be intentional about your transition
move so maybe like a little bit of
collecting yourself just a moment extra
at the top um to help the downswing
especially if you feel like you’re
rushing too much you’re trying to work
on something in the downswing you can’t
quite get it I’ve worked with a lot of
students with that little just
collecting yourself that little
hesitation at the top can make a huge
difference I’m going to pin a comment
down below with three videos where we
talk more about how to implement it we
thought it’d be cool to have Ben on to
talk how he I kind of talked through how
he does it so hopefully you enjoy the
video leave a comment down below if you
have any questions on how to implement
this stuff why don’t you hit one for us
first I’m going to ask you some
questions let’s kind of go out at that
Green Building maybe at the clock out
there let’s do the signature Ben CER
drive right down the middle here on ball
number one so watch this one guys watch
how this how good this swing is
here now in case you missed it that I
mean that was unbelievable holy I
might have to get now that wasn’t your
computer glitching or your phone didn’t
stop or anything in case you missed it
Ben’s got a little paw at the top of his
swing I do I do oh yeah can you tell us
how you came about that and how that
started um yeah so it’s kind of an
interesting story I had the the quickest
transition growing up like I’ve been
golfing since I’ve been able to walk I
played a lot of competitive golf as a
kid lot of junior golf wanted to
aspiring Pro and then I started to lose
my swing a little bit once I gained I
got to be you know 63 6’4 I gained a lot
of Club head speed and that quick
transition got really behind me a lot of
hands a lot of timing a couple guys that
told me Ben you should practice pausing
when you’re swing I saw the Tiger Woods
video where Butch Haron was like saying
that they would do that for hours on the
range with tiger wood would pause okay
and so I started practicing it on the
Range as like a drill I tend to hit it
pretty straight when I paused but I was
losing distance at first you know
because it it is a weird you know you’re
stopping everything so it is it is kind
of weird but I did that for a little bit
couldn’t really bring it out in the
course though like it didn’t work for me
as a drill it didn’t really slow me down
much it more just like it actually made
that swing better so it didn’t really I
don’t know it didn’t correlate to my
actual swing okay but then in the middle
of a tournament I was hitting the ball
terrible I had a short quick back swing
quick transition all that uh on the 10th
T I just started pausing I just started
pausing in my in the state amateur last
year I’ve only been pausing for seven
eight months now so that’s the thing
I’ve only been great I didn’t know that
I’ve only been pausing for seven eight
I’ve not been pausing that long yeah
it’s I’ve not been pausing that long
yeah started on the 10th hole birdie
three in a row played Four under the
last nine holes and I never looked back
I’ve never looked back I I had both
misses I I really struggled under
pressure for the longest time yeah and
the one comment I get which is
interesting to me is the pause doesn’t
work Under Pressure because you have too
much time to think it for me I had such
a quick transition and it would get so
much worse Under Pressure the pause is
the only thing that’s ever helped me it
saved it literally has saved my golf
game so it may not be the same for
everyone out there but for me it has sa
it has truly saved my gol game my golf
swing so hell yeah dude the balls to do
it in a tournament holy hell I had
nothing to lose I was scrapping it
around making putts like I was putting
my butt off to be three over so I was
yeah nothing to lose it’s working out
okay it is working out great I’m really
happy I did and I think dude in the
pressure tournaments too like if
anything and you guys would know this
too you go play and this could be just
playing with your buddies on the tea
first te you’re a little nervous you got
a little match going on whatever when we
get nervous we go quicker yes we go
faster so I think the pause doesn’t give
you more time to think I just let you
slow down a little little bit right yeah
exact I I really have a good idea of
where the club face where my hands are
at when I pause and everything’s kind of
in sequence you know my hips are flying
and and I would say for you guys
watching the point of this and where I
think can really help your driver is to
be able to if not fully pause at the top
at least not rush so much to start your
down swing now are some guys really good
like a John R who goes quick and fast
totally but most of us right most
amateur golfers going too quick and too
fast is a problem so I think what I’d
like to do Ben is just talk through a
couple different options of how players
could potentially put this into their
own swing so let me ask you this first
did you go right into the pause or like
did you try like hesitating at all or
was it pause from the drill right away
so to be honest when I started pausing
it didn’t look like nearly as much of a
pause as it does right now like it
looked more like a hesitation like you
it was a little you could tell it was
different like it was more of like a
like like a go it was it was so fast
before the pause that it did take a
little training to get it to the point
where it is now where I fully do stop
like you can tell yeah when I first
started doing it you’d be like okay
micro pause now it’s like full pause
like this would be more of a pause than
I I would say like Hideki you know cam
young guys like that on tour that pause
now it’s pretty similar to theirs if not
a little more I’m so glad you said that
it’s funny I’ve watched some of your
videos and I see some of the other guys
trying to pause and they like there’s
zero pause at all zero little hesitation
at the top they either do that or they
go like this and then they go back for
more and it’s like that’s not a pause
you’re going that you’re still
continuing to take the club back after
you stopped so you know but and I think
with that said that’s actually a decent
place for you guys to start yes I think
when you make a swing when you go to the
top and you feel like let’s say you
pause for a second you probably won’t
actually pause you will not actually POS
you just you just let it gather a little
bit at the top right so I think sort of
phase one um Ben maybe let’s show us can
you still hit a ball with no pause you
still got that in your repertoire can
100% let’s let’s see a normal one with
no pause in a no pause here all right
you still know how to do this yeah I
still know how to do it I still that’s
crazy only seven eight months yeah holy
cow it hasn’t been that long I didn’t
know this was all new okay no PAW swing
right yeah and that’s still pretty good
too and I I mean I overlooked that first
one I mean Ben probably hit at 300 310
literally on a frozen rope that’s the
same thing almost through the range
there yep so so if that’s his normal and
then Ben goes into the full pause which
you probably pause as much as like
anyone I you know yeah definitely it’s a
full it’s a full pause yeah and so
probably the transition between that
sort of Swing for you and the full pause
is just feeling a pause one thing I I
kind of show a lot of players Ben and
we’ll kind of maybe go into like a mini
pause on the next one let’s say you guys
are making a driver swing and normally
it’s like one two and then you go down
simple way to start is you might add a
second so you would go one two three and
now adding a second one two three
doesn’t necessarily mean you need to
like swing a lot longer it’s just a
little extra second to gather yourself
at the top so then you can start down on
the way down so let’s see if we can do
Ben let’s go from maybe only 80% spe on
this one cuz we’re hitting those like
310 through the range uh let’s say that
was a no pause at all that was no pause
at all we saw the full pause we y cool
can we do one where there’s like a maybe
a mini P kind right right in the middle
yeah right in the middle for sure 80%
speed all right little 290 290 straight
shot gotcha mini
pause gosh that’s so good dude
absolutely hammering those so when you
guys are practicing that was pretty was
that was that a mini pause what you said
for you that was pretty good that was a
little it might be tough for it’s
honestly easier to go either one or the
other I think most of us amateurs at
some point in time have that struggle
where you feel I mean let me know if you
guys in the comments down below felt
this but it’s like you feel a little
nervous on the first te or you feel like
you’re rushing it you can’t maybe you
can’t even really feel the club it’s
like the whole day is getting rushed and
you’re not hitting the ball well and you
want to be able to slow things down I
don’t necessarily think you got to slow
things down the way back but gosh that
transition timing is so important to do
the slowing down and so whether you want
to go full Bend right full at the top
and play around with that or probably
feel um some of those pieces in there I
think that’ll put you in a good spot Ben
let me ask you this on the way down from
that pause do you normally have any
swing thoughts or you just like that’s a
question I do get a a good amount of
times they ask like what what starts it
you know what what starts your swing
Well normally before the pause it was
just hands and my hips wouldn’t fly and
I’ve always had I haven’t really had
quick hips my whole golfing career so
that’s always been struggle for me but
now it kind of gives me time that
everything kind of starts at once I
would say like I I like to feel like my
left like like that kind of starts the
down swing and opens up even though it
might not be that I like to feel that
yeah uh so then it then it definitely
it’s all in kind of sequence in a little
better sequence everything rotates at
once fire I mean there’s not many swing
thoughts it’s kind of just like hit ball
hard on the way down like there’s
there’s not much going on up there so I
but that that’s what I’m playing my best
gol I like it let’s see another one
maybe only like 70% speed this time okay
and as you and you can go ahead and hit
Ben you guys are watching and you’re
thinking about your swing on the way
down the other part of the benefit is
having that extra second at the top can
give you time to think about something
if you’re trying to do something on the
way down sometimes when you’re getting
so rushing fast the swing’s just going
too fast you don’t have time to do the
thing you’re trying to improve on the
way down like often times you having an
extra second hey I’m trying to shift my
weight turn my body swing from inside
whatever that is giving yourself that
extra second two can be beneficial to
help you actually do it let’s see a 70
perent or Ben Let’s Go full pause full
normal Ben at the top this is what you
guys are going to feel like you’re doing
but won’t actually be doing in the
beginning amongst many other good things
B does in the
swing yeah dude that is so good I felt
nice right there I mean I really think
we we just did a little lesson video on
Ben’s Channel if you guys want to see
more of the details of what he’s working
on in his swing there’s a couple little
Nuance things but Ben is I think could
be one of the best players in the world
hits the ball as good as anybody that
I’ve seen I think there’s those couple
little micro things um to work on if you
want to check that out we’ll put that in
the first link in description uh go over
to Ben’s Channel check those out check
out his Instagram check out those I want
to see your tournament Vlogs I’m excited
for that I didn’t know yeah I’m really
excited to start doing that because I
came to Florida mainly pursuing Pro Golf
got away from me a little bit but yeah
I’m getting back into it for sure I
figured why not make great content about
it there’s not many people doing it so
we appreciate it dude we’re going to
look forward to following the journey
appreciate you coming out today we’ll
put Ben’s info down below any questions
thoughts on this how to do the pause for
myself or Ben leave a comment appreciate
you guys watching watch


  1. I’ve lost so much flexibility, I have to throw the club back to feel like I have a full swing, and then it rebounds so fast. I struggle to gather myself at the top. I have practice the pause at top, but I have to slightly extend the backswing some more to initiate the downswing.

  2. I started thinking of my driver swing like I'm serving in tennis. I'm carrying my driver around 300 yards, I don't pause as long, but I've definitely slowed down the transition between backswing and downswing

  3. Hi Eric, I’m a bit confused on something. I watched a video with you and Mike Malaska. In that video Mike specifically said not to pause or stop on the transition.

  4. The only thing that might be problematic is trying to keep a flowing rhythm/sequencing to your swing, but you can't argue with his results. Probably a good "drill" for most, rather than a full-time swing pattern.

  5. One of the best golfers I ever paired with was a former tour player who is now in his mid 50's. He has a noticeable pause at the top, and absolutely smokes the ball. The only guy I've ever played with who drove the ball like that is my buddy who happens to be 6'6", in his younger 30's, and grew up with a golf club in his hand. Some of the best golf I've played was with what I felt was a pause at the top. It probably wasn't much of a pause in reality, but it felt like it to me.

  6. I like Adam Scotts comment re the back swing, “let it mature”, sums up the need to wait a nanosecond before transition

  7. I played yesterday and was embarrassed at how terrible I played with my driver. I’m willing to try anything so this will be something I attempt.

  8. Mr. Cary Middlecoff, major winner. Had the famous middlecoff pause, he won 3 majors and 39 times on tour was a dentist but gave it up to be a tour player starting at 26 years old.

  9. Love it. Recently started copying a bit of Cameron Young's tempo too. Funny thing is that what feels like seconds is actually hardly noticeable by others. Very helpful though to have extra time to recenter.

  10. This fits into the Justin Rose keep your back to the target for an extra beat to stop over the top. Recently, I've been doing the pull the hands straight down (aka DeChambeaau dropping your hands into the right pocket and turning on the downswing). while your chest turning will get the club coming from the inside. I don't hit nowhere near as the pause king, but I am hitting straighter.

  11. Love Ben! Really cool that you’re working with him, Eric. Great job! 👊👊 Oh, by the way, I have incorporated a pause at the top of the swing, and I love it! I feel like I have forever to hit the ball and I no longer feel rushed. I would advocate it for those who struggle with a quick transition and have a tendency to “hit the ball from the top.” I think it can really help as it’s helped me. Thanks again, Eric.

  12. I needed this! Thanks!

    I’ve seen the Tiger video talking about doing it but it didn’t sink in like it does watching this in action.

  13. Eric, what a great vid to change things up and offer a different perspective on a golf swing. You always seem to offer insight on many of the thoughts I would have questions about or observations on, for instance when you said the pause can give one the opportunity to think about working on something in the downswing. Heck yeah, going to try elements of this in my practice and play over the next few days. All the best to Ben in his future play.

  14. Wish you had talked about HOW he does this pause. I don’t have the strength to pause…or all my muscles lock up. Need more description of HOW.

  15. Hey eric, I'm just wondering why dont you use the tracers like a lot of the other creators on youtube. I think that would enhance your videos. That way, we can see how the ball flight changes with the different drills and such. Thanks for all the content. You've really helped my game this past year

  16. Ben is 6'4" tall? I am curious if his driver is set upright and/or his driver shaft is longer or shorter than "off-the-shelf" 45.5 inches. It looks shorter on screen–which seems helpful if you are approaching from up high (rather than from around)–but may be just because he is relatively tall.

  17. Awesome explanation Eric….Thank you so much for taking time with Ben. I could literally see how happy he was when you gave him that lesson. Looking forward to meeting you one day soon.

  18. In my case, i will intentionally slow down my backswing and pause a little bit on the top. been doing this practice for a month and my body still hate it, but the result is actually good. My club face is much more square at impact. and because it help my hip rotate frist, the result ball distance is actually longer….but even a very slightly pause on the top, it does not feel nature at mind told me it is right way to do, but my body hate it….

  19. Rushing my downswing has been a problem for years, so I added a little pause at the top a couple of years ago(I even say pause in my mind). It really helps. I'm going to try that longer pause just to see how it goes!

  20. I had a teachers have me pause during a lesson once just to gather myself. I noticed I hit the ball with better trajectory. I incorporated a micro pause late in the season last year and it helped me be more consistent. It takes a little practice to get used to it.

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