Learn the key techniques to maintain a consistent swing and improve your game! Watch our expert, Adam Bazalgette, break down the fundamentals. Subscribe for weekly golf tips!

now number one always remember staying
down when they measure in 3d motion
capture where your body is how much down
it’s pointed versus how much up is a is
important a moving measurement people
tend to think only in terms of the ball
is staying down down is always relative
to where your torso is pointed so as
you’re going through you’re going to
feel like if a laser light was sticking
out of your chest it will make a low
circle on the turf versus pointing up in
the air like that so stady stay in
motion when you try to stay down and
remember as well as you come down let me
choke down your your your Trail arm
should be straightening and pushing
forward this way and as that happens it
should actually be causing Bend in the
right wrist again like skipping the rock
analogy so I’m feeling that and I’m
feeling that as I stay down I stay in
motion through the shot


  1. You are the best teacher on Youtube bar none, please keep up the great content i really appreciate it.

  2. Ohh my god Adam! I called you Alan by mistake! It's crazy because I've commented on your channel multiple times. My wife had me out spreading mulch in the sun yesterday in 85 degree heat. I must have been delirious….. I am so sorry. 🍷🍷🍺🍺
    Ps… I'm gonna try to edit my prior comments. lol

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