Skylar Hoke and Tom Jacobs preview the course and run through the odds while making their 2024 ISPS Handa Championship Picks and Bets.

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hello and welcome back to another week
of the DP World Tour picks and Bets show
I say another week Tom we spent about
three weeks off in between only two
things have happened in the golf world
since then Scotty Sheffer has won every
event Nelly quter won every other event
so what have you been up to during the
break uh losing apparently um because I
didn’t bet on Scotty Sheffer or Eddie
cter um look it’s it’s great it’s great
for the game of golf right like it’s
great to have golfers playing in that
way like if Tiger Woods does it we lord
it um and that’s what we should do right
now right that’s you know as much as we
are upset that you know I mean there
would be plenty of people out there that
would have bet Scotty right um when he
was 10 to one in early March it was
worth doing when he was four to one you
start to question it right I mean it’s a
difficult thing to do um I guess quick
sort of recap on the master guys good to
always talk with someone else about it
it just felt like it was going to be the
best Masters ever on the eighth
Hole uh and then all of a sudden about
43 seconds later it was the most
uneventful Masters ever
um he just can’t be beat right now he’s
just so hard to beat uh the only that’s
going to beat him is is him taking some
time off um and I’m not even sure that
he’ll come back and struggle for any
reason like I think he’ll just come
straight back to it and do well right so
um do I think there’s already the Grand
Slam odds are all out there and things
like that I don’t think that’s going to
happen all of a sudden in one year but
um it’s hard to look past him right now
it’s crazy it definitely was I mean so I
guess humble brag and very fortunate I
did get to go to Sunday at the Masters
this past year you know an absolute
bucket list day it was did you know that
by the way was that like a last minute
kind of thing that happened uh was about
two weeks prior um got the ticket so my
friend Jonah um Jonah schiffman Jay
shiff DFS we’ve only known each other
through through Twitter and working um
on content sites together in the past
and then collaborating on a bunch of
stuff and he um he’s pretty high volume
at DraftKings um so onex’s reward was
getting to go two tickets to Sunday at
Augusta it was him and his brother last
minute uh I guess two weeks prior they
reached out hey we have two extra
tickets um so that’s when myself and
then he actually invited another one of
our friends who we work together with
John Kelly DFS those guys were um MMA
like big UFC guys um that they worked
together but they had never met in
person either so uh all three of us got
to meet in Augusta Georgia for the first
time spend a bucket list Sunday together
and yeah we were sitting there waiting
on 15 and 16 uh we kind of perched up to
see them go into the par five and then
par three so we saw everyone go through
prior and then by the time we just saw
the scoreboards update it was like man
like unless
ludvig Eagles 13 like it can’t be so We
snuck over to Amen Corner to see that
and Scotty ham birdie you know birdie 14
and then we just we’ll meet you at 18 so
um it was super nice to be able to to do
that and and I mean who knows if ever
going to get to do that again but um to
to have that Sunday was was for the
books I mean you can’t so you can’t use
phones right during tournament rounds
you can’t really lead over watch you
can’t bet obviously you can’t bet in
Georgia anyway right
so how much does that infringe your sort
of experience like I’m assuming like you
just enjoy it like you just enjoy it
because you’re there for the first time
I guess eventually like if you’ve been
there two three four five times at some
point the other factors might become
more important to you I guess so it was
crazy because I mean like we had good
action in DFS I mean knowing my bets
were pretty much dead I mean I think I
needed fits to make a run to top five it
you know like that was like the sole
betting at the time but DFS we played
week long and then Showdown so we would
go only on whole I guess ho one I at the
front entrance is there the like scoring
for everybody or else it’s just the 10
people in the top 10 and sometimes I
mean you’ll see the group cycle through
so you’ll know and then some random
leaderboards would have the round of the
day so like we knew Tom Kim was taking a
deep on Sunday but we would go and like
we we like kind of knew who we rostered
but like not all that well and so like
you’d be like who shot in the 60s today
okay does anybody have Tom Kim no one
knows that they have Tom Kim likely not
because he’s down the leaderboard right
okay I think Jonah played a bunch of
maybe Keegan or whoever it was on Sunday
that played really well and like so we
knew there was rooting interest and then
you get back to the car afterwards and
all check your phones and no one no one
won anything too bad no one lost
anything too bad bad but yeah so I’d say
like you are just locked into the moment
like it is it’s so tame and controlled
I’ve been to the waste management which
is like obviously polar opposite yeah
but um yeah man you don’t know what time
it is like we got there and we’re
walking the fried egg recommendation was
to walk 18 backwards so like go from 18
to 1 so tried to do that early on
actually ran into Brendan and Andy uh
like early on when doing that so it was
kind of cool to see them and told them
what we were doing um but we get to the
first T and literally no idea what time
it is and I see somebody in Ohio State
gear like man that must be Shipley’s
group oh [ __ ] TIG Tiger’s about to tea
off you know and so then within like 20
seconds there’s tiger boom walking right
by so it was like just like you’re just
in space just like just roaming around
and next thing you know he gets an iron
shot like not far across the Fairway
from us you pop ACR like to do it for
your first time like I would do things
differently I think the next time but I
wouldn’t have changed anything that we
did I I think it’s it’s so hard like
everyone sort of the I think it’s a
multiple Open Championship it’s very
dependent on the course like St Andrews
is just horrendous to get around like
you get locked in loads of places it’s
so busy it’s not a very good viewing
course trun was probably one of my
favorites and it just happened to be
that you know was the nichelson Stenson
year where it was so exciting uh Hoy
Lake was good in 2014 as well and then
we sort of went to the moral at St
George’s which is local to me like no
shade boiling hot holes and miles away
like there’s so many different factors
that make watching live golf difficult
um so I always wonder whether like
Augusta obviously being Augusta makes up
for it but like what the viewing
experience was like so it’s good to hear
that you can see quite a good amount and
I guess I was shocked I was shocked by
how how much we could see I mean we got
access to 15 16 pretty easily and that
was one of the best spots you could be
at watch all the leaders through four
without any weights I mean the hills
make it so nice because you can see you
know from a from a good good distance
pretty much you know multiple holes in a
lot of angles so I think the only thing
that was that’s harder to get to is Amen
Corner and that’s probably the best part
of the property the chairs though if I’m
taking one recommendation for anybody is
chairs rule the place and like I don’t
that’s not like at all if you put your
chair down it is your spot for the
entire day and you can bring in upwards
of four chairs now I didn’t see anybody
like stockpiling as they went in but
like what would happen is you’d show up
we were on 14 as the leaders went
through right behind the tea box people
would get there five minutes before
Sheffer got there and say hey I have a
chair up there and they would mosy their
way to the second row in their chair and
they hadn’t been there the whole day you
know like most spots you got to be
living there all day long you could just
weasle your way to your chair so I would
7 a.m. gates open throw two different
chairs down in in awesome spots and and
circle back there when it matters
because funny it’s funny isn’t it when
when cores keep those kind of traditions
I think it’s like isn’t like Tory Pines
where you can just put a golf bag in a
queue like on the day of and queue up
for around at the South course right
like it’s or the North Course Maybe but
like it it’s amazing how you can how how
things work and how traditional things
are I mean I don’t know how happy I’d
feel about trying to Scurry around to
see Golf and someone says I’ve got a
chair and it’s been there for eight
hours and I haven’t sat in it now I’m
going to sit there like I think I’d be
pretty peeved but by the same open like
it’s not their fault it’s the all right
so um you just got to know what you’re
doing right it’s just it’s as simple as
that and no glad you got that experience
glad that we’ve got DP World Tour golf
back uh for for two weeks and then we
and then we lose it again I feel I feel
bad for the player I think the more and
more I just feel really bad for The
Fringe guys in these scenarios man like
I saw Sam Jones post um during the break
a I’m forgetting the tour I think we
talked about it last fall but there’s a
there’s a professional tour in New
Zealand that guys can play on and come
back like a mini tour and he won an
event there and I guess a little fault
of his own he didn’t have his Visa ready
in time to get into this week said he’s
very far down the alternate list for
China so he’s probably not going to be
able to play until the middle of next
month so we’re looking at a good six
eight weeks GTI somebody we’ve been
banging the drum on like and then when
you get your spots it’s coming off cold
like from these things like I I think
that’s the thing right you’ve hit the
that on the head a lot of the things are
in the players controls in the sense of
if you haven’t played well the previous
year if you haven’t played well in the
months leading into events then it’s
kind of on you right if you haven’t
booked your Visa sort your Visa out
that’s on you but for the players that
have been you know you think about
someone like uh Connor Sim who had gone
like seven fourth and eighth and then
hasn’t played for six weeks and then
you’ve got someone like Sebastian
soderberg’s been playing well for
forever right and he he just gets weeks
and weeks where he can’t play golf and
and then we come to Japan where
this is a really big opportunity for the
Japanese players to you know get some DP
World Tour status and you know that can
lead to the PJ tour and all sorts right
they’ve played one tournament on the
Japan tour in 2024
so it needs some work it really does
need some work the schedule needs some
work I think there are some huge
benefits and what they’ve put in I mean
the PJ tour thing is great for the
individuals and it does I think make
some compelling
um you know action for people joining DP
World Tour I think you know Ben made a
really good point about this Ben COI on
you know on Twitter that sort of saying
you know yes Nakajima is talking about
going to the PJ tour already but
Nakajima would not be coming over to b d
tour for a season if it wasn’t his you
know his access to the PJ tour right so
it works in both ways the schedule just
needs sorting out they just need more
tournaments uh or you know fewer gaps it
really is that simple I mean there was
meant to be Korea the week after uh
austa and they moved that because a
title sponsor and things like that so um
look it’s it’s it’s an imperfect world
but we deal with it and we uh we take a
stab at this week which happens to be a
brand new golf course to us all as well
or not brand new but certainly new to
the dport all yeah and we’ve been
running pretty good too you know we’re
we’re GNA have a little you know coming
off of a cold stretch of of not being
able to play or bet on any DP World Tour
golf it’s been our best year since doing
the podcast pretty much with multiple
winners um huge places left and right
we’ve we’ve definitely the last one
right Indian open ver alaat uh hit the
hit the board at 300 to one I think he
was um finishing inside the the top five
for that big each way payout he did win
on the Indian tour uh I think the next
week or two weeks later actually he won
and then the week prior um chod who I
also had bet one on the PJ tour of India
2 so both those guys followed up um with
with W’s so um but no I I think the
challenge store did play last week so
some guys did get a little bit um I
actually saw our guy James Nicholas is
playing in the Zur Classic this week
he’s uh he’s racking up these sponsors
exemptions he playing with I knew you
were gonna ask that imediately
forgot I know I was about to search it
as we looked James Nicholas he is
with he’s gonna have the Stars he’s with
is Brandon woo or Dylan woo one of the
two he’s with one of the
woo I can’t I the W the woo should play
together yeah one of I’m guessing now
with Dylan must be with Brandon is it
Dylan woo with Justin L then yes yes
Brandon woo with James
Nicholas I just W James Nicholas I have
W Nicholas in front of me so that’s what
I’m working with
yes that’s interesting group right I
think it’s fun and then par guer is with
thrist and then we have the Hoards we
this is the one I really like the the
the pot thrist one because what do we
know about thrist like if anything
probably needs a little bit more
distance right and pot has got in
so it could be a really good
team yeah I mean what he won second
event he played on the the D or the the
kft right I mean their understandings
right for the KF this year he is fourth
so far
yep so he made the cut down here um yeah
so I think but I mean it all it all bods
up to a hard betting week I think
actually the our card aligns with how I
would approach this week I mean
favorites are just as Rusty as anybody I
guess outside of the two that are coming
over Bez and pavon are the the market
leaders uh you know baz and Hoot uh and
Matthew pavon playing this week do did
you have any Keen interest on on those
two because for us we start way down
there but yeah I was surprised that
pavon wasn’t favorite I thought I
thought pavon would be favorite over
bazay and H and I thought they’d be a
bigger Gap actually I think pavon if if
people like betting on favorites I think
pavon is actually pretty good value I
I’m surprised that that he’s a number he
is I think Lucas Herbert had just
finished way down leaderboard at the
heritage before he won here not this of
course but this tournament last year um
and pavon has you know been brilliant
all season long so I definitely see
pavon I mean we saw him didn’t we he
came back to the Singapore classic I
think it was sky on the last sort of
deep um and he you know started slowly
but then finished fifth when I say
started slowly he was 21st off round one
so that’s slow for Matthew pavon at the
moment um and then since then he’s been
you know 12th in the Masters so I’m
really surprised that that he’s not look
I’ve been really impressed with b and
how I’ve spoken a lot this this season
about how I’ve kind of completely
changed my mind about him and and think
he’s actually almost undervalued in the
market now but he comes right back into
this as favorite and that surprised me a
bit um and then you’ve I mean Jordan
Smith makes sense when I was looking at
kind of a little bit of research and see
what people said about the golf
course Steve rowlings on BET F have a
really good point of you know just
looking at so they they did play this
golf course on the DP T way back when
um and or or they or Clark or west would
have both gone over to Japan one of the
two and they hadd won the tournament and
they’d also won at k club so I looked at
kind of the people that played well in
this event last year at a different golf
course and played well at K CB and
Jordan Smith was the name was one of
those that came up um but I think that’s
a bit loose for someone that’s 20 to1 so
then you got the two Japanese guys in in
cas aad who’s obviously won his first DP
world s event andum Kay who’s coming in
off of a win uh in the first Japan s
start of the year and has won on this
golf course so the two leading Japanese
players obviously have huge uh
Merit yeah I I guess the ones like for
me that I was a little shocked I I
didn’t I guess what has Jordan Smith
really done to to be the the clear like
separator on the DP World Tour like I I
was and I I just cannot bet him at this
number but I mean maybe even mckb like I
still don’t think he’s SE like to me the
one guy who’s maybe just been like
absolutely two guys that have been
dialed who Sundays are just not their
friends are Sebastian Soderberg and
Conor SE like that those would be if if
you ask me like who are the most
informed DP World Tour players those
would probably be my two answers outside
of I mean Nakajima in that sense maybe
um maybe even not outside the wind but
like I was surprised at those two odds
relative to who got pushed up I mean
we’re still asking questions about
burned Ewan maybe makes some sense at
this course here like I could see him
but Manzel being priced lower than some
of them Rosner you know like I said
McKibbon like Yanik Paul like it it
we’re we’re betting off
of form from
not as relevant as some of the other
guys have in theory and I don’t know if
there’s enough pedigree I just I’m happy
that we’re not starting the board for a
ways I guess Conor Sim is probably the
one right like the banker form in terms
of this kind of range of 45 to one and
that price where as you said Soderberg
and Simon are the inform players and I
probably with you know 12 extra points
or whatever probably just give s the nod
as they both kind of struggle to get the
win um I was tempted by Kay I’m not
going to lie a player that we were
really high on for a long time scy you
know when he was kind of 60 to1 80 to1
1001 he was coming over here a little
bit like what NE was at the start of
this season but um he you know he’s not
been he’s not been missed right in the
market so um it used to be that Roma
lingas never moved in the market and
he’s now 60 to1 I think it’s it’s JN
Smith who’s just sitting in that random
spot where you kind of want to bet him
because everything suggest that he will
play well but you don’t want to betman
221 so I think we’ve just been we’ve
been really fortunate sky in a sense
that we’ve got two really strong players
coming over from the PJ tour giving us a
bit of value and then the debut tour
regulars which is ridiculous because
even they are playing regular on DP tour
the DP tour isn’t playing regularly um
to your point like I just kind of
bolstering the odds so I think that’s
why we’re living so so much down the
board yeah absolutely yeah I really and
maybe I’m making an assumption
about um profiles of which the the
golfers have come out who play in Japan
the most right A lot of these courses
aren’t aren’t ones or a lot of the
players AR aren’t guys that are super
long like it’s more Precision golf good
with the irons good on the greens I mean
Herbert winning is a little bit um I
guess I say anomaly but I mean he’s
wildly inaccurate off of the te but a as
good of a short game as it comes cockell
last year to you know with him really
Dynamite short game so I’m not
necessarily um into like you know a
senson who we loved earlier ad Del Ray
who you know we’ve played a bunch of
courses in the DP World Tour that have
favored those type of guys this is the
one that probably doesn’t play into
their hands as much and um I guess
history tells the Japan golfer tour who
guys who have won here but I think it
just gives us more and more reason to
keep going down the board I agree look I
think I think the nail on the head and
and the real summary is is Japanese golf
courses tend to be fairly similar Tree
Line reward good iron play if you do
Miss agree you got challenging up and
downs and you know you need to keep the
P you know going well I think that’s
going to be the same case there there
has been reports of like quite a bit of
rain coming on Wednesday potentially it
might soften the golf course so maybe
length favors you for the first round or
so but look I think the players that
we’ve picked are not exactly like the
shortest guys right so I’m not too
worried about that I think if I was
picking some someone that was short just
for the sake of piing a short hitter I’d
be worried but um I I just don’t think
we need to go for those bombers like the
the noron MERS and the and the Spen as
you mentioned so it does open up what we
can do and I guess without further Ado
we’ll start getting to the picks yeah I
mean the first one is like so blatantly
obvious to both of us that that stood
out that we had to bet it and that was
Sam Barstow right the golfer who has
been pretty
much top three graduate of of the of the
challenge tour guys this year right I
mean so we’re saying spon’s better and
casar I mean lroy started hot like that
was that’s like the only other one that
I would really probably say right been
pretty consistent but
like apart from that one challenging
week it’s been middling finishes right
so yeah top top three or four I guess
yeah and I mean you know Baro probably
should have or could have beat senson
right when you were on him at a big
number I mean six top 25s three other
made Cuts you know he’s what so it’s
nine for 12 in made Cuts this year um
driving the ball incredibly well I mean
I think he’s got some some Stellar short
too at 70s I think 70s with the eway 90s
if you prefer to just bet the top five
separate just just feels like a home run
yeah like I’m surprised is that 70 is
available in the first place so the fact
you can add 20 points by taking a chance
him winning is is huge and I think I
would definitely do that as well I would
split Stakes um that the 70 to1 each way
is really appealing when you think about
the fact that you know as you say had a
couple of Miss Cuts there uh Kenya and
the SDC now I’d love to have SE him play
well in Kenya I think that would have
been really good considering type of
golf course we’re getting this year but
um you know 23rd at the Raz 23rd at Bain
where his fourth going into the final
round 13th at the Qatar Masters where
his sixth half to two round 75 three
rounds and then you know the last three
events since you know when I think the
real test sky was seeing how he
responded to those backtack Mis cuts and
and the answer was brilliantly right the
Johnson work where finished 15th he had
three rounds of 67 or better finish his
third at the Singapore classic as you
mention could have easily won that um
you know and then 13th place at the
Indian open where he’s seventh going
into the final round fourth after round
one it it it seems so strange to me like
I don’t know what he needs to do to
prove that he’s a contender I mean a
player with form like this I mean you
look at someone like if someone like a
it’s just p a name I’m seeing right now
like if Marcus armatic was playing like
this it’ probably be 40 to1 right and oh
yeah do we think there’s a big gap
between the two of the cers like not at
all so um yeah I’m really high on sanar
so as you are now as well
um Brad was always really high on him I
think he’s spoken about him a couple of
times on the show with us so um yeah all
in all in on S bestto until we have
reason not to and if that means he
shoots 77 77 over the first two rounds
here then so be it but at the number I’m
always going to take a
chance yeah I think we’ve done good just
riding players like we have and and I
think it just makes sense and the next
one up I we have a a super aligned card
um overall this week um and you I think
did a a
shove no maybe a gentle push I would say
because I was in my early notes in on
this golfer at least on on being on the
radar but at you know 90s with a with a
six Place each way for a golfer where
we’re going to have to see a different
style in some ways maybe the course
plays in that favor but howon Lee has
been all over like popping like around
here a couple rounds here
like the best we’ve seen from a
consistent manner out of him since
basically you know probably 2020 um so
why is this the spot that howon can can
it so the hope is that it’s because he
can leave his driver in the bag because
that is obviously what is he can get
quite Reckless with that but
interestingly it’s been his around the
green game that’s really cost him right
like he’s he’s his chipping has been
terrible when he’s been in the situation
but it’s because and I think this
happens you know The Strokes gain
arguments sky is like if you’re so good
with your Rons you miss only a couple of
times from the greens and then you and
then you don’t get up and down you get
severely punished right so it’s there’s
always kind of you know things you need
to look at with these with these
statistics but 14th from the Dubai
Invitational seventh the Dubai Desert
Classic where he was around one leader
and definitely had a chance of of
contending throughout that week didn’t
play well at the Raz when we were on him
but then a week off 16th at the Qatar
Masters and then you look at the last
couple of you know last two or three
starts you think oh on paper it looks
pretty disappointing
60th in the international Series in in
Macau you know back in Asia and leads
after round one shoots a 63 and then
finishes 60th like obviously
disappointing 43rd at the Singapore
classic but again ninth after round one
13th after round three and then last
week in the Saudi 17th um where he was
second after two rounds third after
three rounds it goes to your point of
like he’s flashing in these two or three
rounds each week we just need a player
that we know is more than capable of
winning pulling an extra round together
that’s literally what we’re betting on
um last five register start stres G 10th
5th 307th 11th and 10th in approach he’s
the second best iron player in that time
so a lot to like about howong and why
kind of points out to last year he
basically missed every cut last year he
finished 31 in this event and allbe it’s
a different golf course I think just
returning closer to home is is gonna
him yeah I I think his iron play has
been spectacular the rounds are leading
to and the numberers still there like I
think we when we bet him at the Raz it
was 50s right um you know we still were
willing to so we’re getting double the
number the form hasn’t left all that
much last week um on the asan tour an
event that John Catlin I guess we off
the top we forgot Scotty Nelly Catlin
the big three right now in the game of
golf um John Catlin probably has about
his polar opposite game of howong Le
that exists out there right so if howong
is able to compete at a course in which
CN is dominating at it feels in which
that is a a good recipe to carry over
this success into this week I agree yeah
100% And I think I think look it’s just
it’s just a big number it’s just another
big number on a goal for that ultimately
is better than this level like you’re
based on years of experience this guy
that’s you know contended in a major for
a couple of rounds he’s you know beaten
Rory maroy like he is a DP tour wi we’ve
seen people like after B get you know
bet over recent weeks because of their
profile and howong fits in that bill and
he’s still
hundreds yes 90s one yep yep I can agree
with you there um so again we we are
very aligned so I’m gonna let you
your um love I would say for this golfer
arly being your favorite golfer uh in
the world if you want a key in our next
election yeah so mat Manero like I just
I don’t get what he has to
do to shorten his odds like he’s still
90 to one and all right the guy
struggled you know earlier in the season
right like he he missed three of his
first four Cuts but since then 36 for
the SDC Championship he was 8 after
round one follows up for win the
following week where he he shoots 61 in
round two and then just keeps going
misses the cut on his next start in
Singapore and then finishes at the
Indian open where he’s you know leader
after round one inside the top five all
week when I think about men I just think
about him was a kind of Tidy player that
you know doesn’t isn’t going to
bamboozle you a distance isn’t going to
you know look like the absolute best at
maybe anything really right but he he’s
just so consistent so tidy when he’s at
his best and when you look at his
approach play I mean outside of the Miss
Cuts 16th third fourth and 20th in
Strokes G approach in those last uh five
starts or last four starts of those it’s
it’s ridiculous that we’re getting a
number like that on a player that we
know can win he he he spent a career
winning year after year I think he won
four years in a row as a as he came out
and turn pro right so I guess the the
one question mark is is he going to do
in this part of the world I think he’s
only played in Japan or you know once
and there wasn’t much to it but not a
lot of these guys when you look back I
always think that Japan hosted more
events than it did but it it really
didn’t on the DP World Tour it’s gu guys
is just going over to play to Japan tour
and and he didn’t do it in his early
part of his career right
so I think he’s just back Sky I think he
I think he’s back and I think that the
reason people don’t fully believe it is
because the games evolve slightly so him
being back is not him being a top five
player on DP at all because I don’t
think his skill set allows him to do
that the reason he he disappeared for so
long is he was trying to get more
distance can’t do it successfully he now
humbled himself r himself back in and
just playing to his strengths and that’s
why he’s doing what he’s
doing yeah I would I would agree I think
also when when talking about the coures
of which that we’ve played so far this
year there really aren’t that many that
have been his cup of tea and two of them
that fit that are the one he won at and
the other one um being last time out the
hero Indian open at dlf it’s still a
Precision test and you like chaos is
everywhere you know even though it’s
gimmicky in some spots like that type of
golf compared to his miscuts at the RAS
the Bon at Qatar you know like Dubai
like I’m I’m not too concerned overall
about similar to how we went back to the
to Van dreel in a spot that made course
fit sense you know I think when you ask
those questions and now we’re showing up
here it seems like a slam dunk at 90s um
for me so he’s also I mean at this point
of the year he’s 12 in the race to Dubai
like he is chomping at the bit for a PGA
Tour card you know if you keep I know
we’re we’re probably at the halfway
point maybe maybe not even that far yet
but he’s got a shot yeah I mean look he
like because first of all I mean what
probably be five or six in the top don’t
need the card right that’s going to be
the first thing you to see Rory Fleet
abber um Etc in there Mor’s gonna fall
down now he’s gone to to live right
it’s yeah like I mean he’s in for one
now is the main thing I think
the the concern with him is that he’s
not consistent and we’ve just covered
why like I don’t think he suits every
single type of golf course uh even when
he won twice on the challenge tour last
year to kind of get his card he was
still you know struggling he was missing
cuts and things like that but I just
think he’s just a fairly one-dimensional
player in the sense that he just needs a
course where you don’t need to drive it
a billion miles and you just get
rewarded for being consistent and tidy
and that’s what I were expecting this
week and if if we’re wrong on that we’re
wrong on that because we don’t know a
ton about the golf course but looking at
the type of players that won here from
the DP to pass Lee Westford Darren Clark
it it strikes me as something the mil
Minar can follow through with yes
absolutely agree I I’m quite excited for
next selection on my end because it it’s
been a little bit of a throwback to I
guess early DP World Tour even early
cards like again the infatuation of
learning about other tours and then
betting these guys when they get their
opportunities on the Big Time Tours like
one of the first people that hit that
Benchmark to me was Shugo you know like
Shugo popping over to the Sony Open I
was like man this is it this guy wins
two times a year in Japan you know he
he’s going to come over and and really
kind of take those events by storm and I
believe there was one Sony he made a
little bit of a weekend run um that was
on yeah t33 back in 2019 where he opened
6567 I think he was top 10 going into
the weekend and I was like all right
like these are the opportunities and I
mean that year he top 10 everything I
think he had like eight or nine top top
fives that year like that was King Shugo
period And I would say overall it hasn’t
gone the same way I mean still picked up
two wins in 23 two wins in 22 um and
just been a Japan tour regular is kind
of the way his his career is shaken out
a couple majors in the last five years
couple made Cuts but he basically top
20s everything and couple wins each year
one including in 2023 at this very
course you know if we look at guys that
familiar it just wasn’t that long ago
that the Kaya Nakajima type the tigga
sakawa like Shugo was the one they were
getting to maybe he’s more Kazuki Higa
than those guys in that manner right
those guys were AMS coming out and kind
of taking it by storm then but Shugo has
had a really strong run of form if you
look back into 2023 as well um you know
ninth prior before he did withdraw um an
event prior to the Dunlap Phoenix which
I wasn’t that concerned with his
performance there Mis cut by a mile if
you look back through the year I mean
he’s still five top fives three more top
10 and a ton of ball striking that went
with the greens and regulation among the
best on the tour 23rd in his early event
10th in greens and regulation I just
think somebody who has that overall
pedigree um in his bag showing up at
this number in this type of field at of
course he’s done so well at I I will be
dipping into Shugo one let’s see what’s
the best number at the moment 100 for
Shugo yeah like it’s it’s funny isn’t it
because he was the only one I think that
finished inside the top 11 last year in
this tournament right so for all the K
and AAS everyone that was expected to do
so well he was the one that kind of put
himself into the mix um and that kind of
speaks to the level of player and the
one knock on him that you would say in
his career so far is that he hasn’t gone
over and done that um in tournaments in
the past like he hasn’t gone and in
impressed in in other ways um was it Sho
have done
that was
it yeah uh in this no it wasn’t it was I
that that finished so well here last
year so we can forget that comment yeah
it was it wasn’t Shugo no no um but I I
think for me one of the things you have
to sort of focus on with these Japanese
players is that one have they played
recently yes he has he played in the
last tournament
two have they shown an ability or have
they played in bigger Fields you talked
about Sony Open he’s played in Majors he
got invit to the Masters when he missed
just outside the top 1550 in 2019
they’ve had the the kind of feel of of
bigger levels and then this is I think
the Gap is just so much narrower Sky um
in terms of of what to expect in in
these tournaments right that you
just it doesn’t seem like such a
daunting task now for him to turn up and
do so well so um for someone that’s you
know one of the is he the most recent
winner at this golf course I think he is
um so you’ve got that he’s got a couple
of eighth place finishes a 12th as well
obviously very consistent this
tournament so why not triple
digits yeah it just felt felt good going
back to the well especially with the
ball striking in that manner that we’re
seeing it’s good you even see Greens in
regulation on there I mean Strokes gain
we’ve struggled with at times you know
um on the DP World Tour was good to see
the corn fairy tour pick up uh shot
tracker let’s just get a better around
the world but um so Shugo for me there
you’ve got a selection first time we’re
differencing uh here um with Shugo for
me and then who’s your 100 to one pick
yes so I’m going with Grant forest and
this is this could be a bit Rogue Guy
this is this is tying into that really
loose correlation I spoke to you about
uh Steve Rawlings flag so sort of looked
at the fact that Westwood and clar won
this golf course and one at the k club
in Ireland um and when you look at that
Voris finished fourth in this event last
year obviously at a different golf
course but he finished third at the k
club uh in the Irish open and he also
finished fourth behind Lucas Herbert in
the Irish open in 2021 as well and I
think based on the fact that we we’re
under the assumption or of the opinion
that Japanese Golf Course is a fairly
similar you know you know between them
right if that is certainly the case then
I think that we have to look at where
did Lucas Herbert’s Wing come from and
when you look at it Grant seems to pop
up in in you know different leader
boards with him so it’s a little bit of
a shot in the dark he’s not playing very
well um he did get married at the start
of the year and I just wonder if like
there’s a little bit of or right the end
of 2023 and I wonder if that’s a little
bit of a you know just distraction or
just Take Your Eye Off the Ball probably
not great as you said with the stop
start maybe just hasn’t got into the
season this looks like a good goal
course for him based on what he’s done
his you know in his career so far so
although I haven’t got the the biggest
amount of faith in someone that’s not
playing the best golf I think if we were
looking at Grant Forest at 100s one in
you know recent Seasons we’d be pretty
impressed he has been 23rd at the uh
Bahrain Championship so it’s not been
all terrible made the cut of the
Singapore classic before sort of falling
away you look at the fact he was second
in China on the challenge tour so I like
that as well um yeah it’s been second a
couple of times actually in China in
that open so um I think I just like what
he’s done that he obviously likes these
typic over courses he obviously likes
what Lucas Herbert likes and Lucas
Herbert won in this event last year um
so it’s a little bit of a short in the
dark but 100’s one I’m gonna I’m going
to go with it yeah I mean 11th at the
the Genesis Scottish open tells you the
upside that he had you know like his
2023 was was strong you know and I think
we’ve been kind of hoping for that for
for us for a good amount of time so uh
hopefully over what he did withdraw in
that last event hopefully nothing um you
know really I mean we’ve had six weeks
or four weeks since then so plenty of
time to to te it back up we’re back on
the same page here
15021 um just reopened in some books
here for sha Norris he was somebody that
um watching the last couple events just
had had a Keen Eye For You know I mean
overall if we look um you know Norris
was second to Monaro at Johnson workware
another course that a little bit tidier
golf played better in that manner um and
the the leaderboard was kind of littered
with type of golfers who would play well
also um at the track that we’re
projecting here and then 24th at the
SDC um from him there he opened with a
65 if it wasn’t for the 78 on Saturday
that would have been a heck of a lot
better but Norris also comes in with a
wealth of knowledge course experience
playing the Japanese golf tour you know
somebody from South Africa who has that
type of uh history I think makes so much
sense when we get him pretty much kind
of starting just take these boxes of
form and then a massive number like this
and another one who you know like Shugo
like winning isn’t something that he is
you know afraid of doing I mean he’s
picked up what probably I think 10
career wins at this point um last one
for him back in 2022 but he had two and
21 as well so I’m I’m a big fan of North
at these numbers normally this type of
golfer when we get like a sunshine tour
co- collaboration event is like 30s so
150s um you know probably triple the
yards of what you might get in some of
those other spots I like it a lot yeah
it’s purely because you just look at it
sha Norris on a DP World Tour doesn’t
win very often he done it once right but
he beat Dean berer by three shots he was
really impressive that week um but sha
Norris and Japan saw six wins like
between 2016 and 2021 that’s that’s six
wins in five years uh is pretty
impressive he had a playoff loss in
there as well he never beat the biggest
names on on the Japan Source I wonder if
he kind of won the slightly second tier
Japan tour events right would be my my
one concern but again won when he should
have done really on on the sunshine tour
and he’s had other different things like
that and it’s just that it’s that run of
form that you mentioned sky like he’s
he’s showing up now at the very best
time like he was sixth in the Cape Town
open second as you said behind manaco
play really well they’re all week never
outside the top six 24th the STC first
off to round one second half to round
two um and it and it’s the extensive
course knowledge that he has it’s it’s
the he’s not just played it once it’s
the six starts he was 65th on debut and
he’s finished sixth third 2 15th and
then even when he was 37th last year and
people might point to that and just say
look this is probably more of like what
sha Norris is now he was ninth after two
rounds as well so and he shot second
round 65 so
he’s still ready to compete on this type
of golf course it’s probably the only
type of golf course he’s probably going
to compete on from now on but that’s why
you ride with him in these one week
events yep yep absolutely both of us
have one more long shot uh before we get
there I want to make sure we give a
shout out to our audio listeners you can
find us at Daily fantasy Sports Picks
and Bets the mix available on all
different podcast platforms Mayo media
Network absolutely love the support um
that we get you can find M Skyhook DFS
TomTom Jacobs 93 in the downtime that
we’ve had in the last uh couple of weeks
I have ventured back into kind of the
PGA uh daily fantasy streets of
providing some content um so if you are
interested in that um you can find me
over at establish the Run using their
golf product or providing uh value over
there Tom’s always busting it with his
loss for words podcast um and you know
over on odds Checker as well so um a lot
where you can find us but mainly just if
you hang out on Twitter you’re going to
see our names interacting around our
favorite tours um and surprisingly
enough I have to go first next because
Tom’s pick is longer than mine so I’m
proud of him very very proud of him I am
landing at 400 to1 UDA sugua um sugua I
think is probably the best way to
pronounce there so UDA um let me get
everything pulled up for him so he is
coming in off of man just had it already
for Tom so he is coming in off eighth to
kick off the the first Japan Golf Tour
event of the year and for him what
really stood out he’s just 22 years old
so when you looked at eighth in that
event maau so the Asian Tour event I
thought there was some uh good liking to
have in there so at an event that’s
probably got a decent bit more pedigree
I think a good amount of Liv guys were
in that event to Second after the first
18 holes fifth the halfway point goes 64
6767 um in that event at the New Zealand
open so he’s popping over through three
different tours he was seventh at the
halfway point on the austral Asian tour
there so three three I would say pretty
dang good starts in the month of March
for him three wins um overall uh in 2023
one of them as an amateur the other one
coming at the Dunlap Phoenix tournament
knowing that’s the event where they’re
able to get the PGA guys they able to
get the live guys I think the gala
Brooks were in there Windam Clark no one
really showed out this year compared to
other years but I mean to win that event
that’s a a very high caliber win um he
also won I think it was on the uh abama
tour the development tour last year
there and then prior to that um it
pretty much was a mix between getting
Pro starts as an AM that went decently
and picking off amateur T to wins or top
five finishes you put that together at
22 years old versus some of the other
guys um that I saw with either history
or playing well or ball striking I think
the combination of not knowing that that
much at 22 years old I think we have
just a ton of opportunity to learn about
him um here so at 400s I I’m willing to
take that bet on sria yeah he he’s the
one I think that like profiles is
he’s the one we don’t know about
compared to Nakajima right like it’s
it’s that type of thing it’s the ishika
it’s the that type of player that’s
coming out winning tournaments as an
amateur High
pedigree playing well as you said
playing well in different types of
fields I think that’s really important
like going over to the ocean tour
playing the international series events
I think it’s really key so uh I do
really like that I think it I think it
makes a lot of sense um I quickly bet it
actually um just before we came on here
just cuz he was still kind of three just
one over here uh and that’s definitely
going to go quite quickly so uh yeah
definitely on board with it I like it
awesome you close us out here with your
final selection Tom yeah look I’m gonna
be completely honest like uh if you
didn’t come four minutes later than than
originally planned and that’s not me
having a dig if you didn’t come four
minutes later than originally planned
Sky I wouldn’t have bet this golfer uh I
just had a little bit longer on my hands
and I found takah hero hatari who until
that for me I didn’t really know
anything about um but in so this is you
know spoiler alert four minutes worth of
research um for haaji but he won the New
Zealand open that we’ve kind of
referenced a couple of times in recent
weeks uh he was 23rd in the token homem
make cup which is the the one event that
we’ve seen so far this season on the
Japan tour uh he had two rounds of 66
that week and a final round of 69 he was
7th after round one 18th after round
three and Sky he’s played here four
times he’s finished 33rd on debut fourth
on his second start where he was the 18
and 36 whole leader second going into
the final round uh and then last year he
finished 16th where he was the first
round leader and second after 36 H well
and then shot at 76 on Saturday now not
one on a Japan tour and I don’t think
he’s you know a spring chicken I think
he is kind of like 30 years old so that
is why he’s 750 to1 um because he’s got
to 30 playing in Japan and not one um
but I just think as you know if you can
find a big price with the each way I
mean he’s he’s like 500 to one with
seven places in England um just looks a
bit of a better player than that um I
think and you go back he you talk about
that dun lot Phoenix event he was fourth
you know this is a guy that that
literally finished Two Shots behind
neimer and SE cow obviously importantly
for you five shots behind zura right but
again good tournament Mama 10th in it
Brit keer 15th in it sha Norris we
mentioned 17th in it like all these
players we kind of reference and know
about in in big events like it’s huge so
for me even the Japan Open golf
championship he was tight third I I
think he’s just a really really big
price for someone that’s shown up in
some decent events without actually
winning yeah I think you said um you
know last year what it was iaki that
that finished fourth I mean you look at
iwasaki he’s a little bit old I guess 26
years old um was he the one that no who
finished fourth last year it was we had
uh had it up in front of me and then I’m
G have it
here it
was iada iada yeah um but why I said
that IAT is a 43y old who’s you know
been plotting around on these tours for
a good amount of time and the
familiarity of the track familiarity of
it like it it does like I went the other
route betting the 22y old for it but um
I think there’s course experience and I
mean that that paid off pretty close in
India for some guys too so I’m willing
to to actually I’m just proud of you Tom
to to
see it’s almost do you remember the Zozo
and I think we put up hor cow for first
round leader yes um it feels like that
it’s probably let going and get him on
first round leader and hopefully goes
out and fires a low one and maybe away
over the weekend but 750 is1 I’ll take a
chance yes 100% all right uh we’ll close
out Tom if you want to read through your
card one more time for me yes so I am
joining you s best 90 to1 best price
Mata Manero 90 to1 as well I think how
does he come into 9 one or is he still
hundreds one let’s see there’s 90s 90s
is the with six places though here with
the six places Grant Forest at 100 to1
sha Norris 130 still or is he coming now
as well let’s see everything’s been read
Norris um yeah it got changed quite a
bit here so I think we quoted 130 sounds
right okay good and then the 750 to one
um I just mentioned with
teoy yep perfect okay so um yeah that
Norse number changed a lot I mean I
still like it at the 90s looks like the
best price if you got in pre-show I
would still be on at 90 person yeah I
would um for for Nora so barsto 70 uh
for me howong 90s Mato looks like he’s
getting bet down a little bit there
might be uh 80 might be the best number
still okay with Matteo 8090 um Shugo at
a 100 um still um there yeah we get down
to 80s if if that’s the best available
too as we close out and Norris like I
said 90 if you still have the 130s even
up to 150s that was out there I’m in on
Sha Norris and then UDA sugura at 400
to1 was the final selection for me there
so perfect all right Tom we will close
out on that we’ll catch you guys again
next week with have one more week before
another break of the DP World Tour but
um appreciate uh everything you guys
have and then we will catch you uh in
next week thanks again good luck


  1. Great to be back guys! Somehow managed to get 150-1 6 places on Norgaard Moller so hopefully he gets his first win! Also love Nakajima this week

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