Can’t believe we waited 2 months for this

by 1jb


  1. cheeser78

    It’s hard to masturbate too… not impossible

  2. mixmasterbru

    Just tuning in, first person I see the score for, fucking Micah haha

  3. harryhitman9

    This Micah collapse is unreal. Painful to watch.

  4. How did they spend two months editing and come out with such an garbage video

    They should have used grant/goodgood/luke kwon/bryan bros editors and at least came out with somewhat of an enjoyable watching experience

    there’s 0 commentators or diolague despite having all the players mic’d up – did they just flat out forget to add any of that??

  5. TayK47tv

    Really shows just how good some of these YT filmers and editors are. They bang out content that is LEAGUES above this in 1-2 weeks. This took 45 days for an entire production company to come out with this hot garbage.

  6. mixmasterbru

    Christ he can get annoying at times but I could use some Bubbie watching this,it’s pretty quiet and dry

  7. micah +10 after 6 so far, this sub is going to have a field day lmao

  8. Gyroflex

    man im a micah defender, but good god this guy shits himself the second there is any pressure on him. Shaping up to be another all time embarrassing moment for him

  9. They couldn’t decide whether present like a typical Youtube video or like a tournament, so they decided to make it nothing.

  10. whodey319

    some of those pin locations are stupid as hell and would never be used for a real tournament

  11. mixmasterbru

    Obviously a better golfer but this Jay Card dude has a swing reminiscient of Riggsy lol

  12. Brianf1977

    Micah is going to quit before the end, he just doesn’t have the mental strength to not explode.

  13. The order of all of the shots is really frustrating, it’s hard to follow. They should have shown each group playing an entire hole, then go back and show the following group playing the same hole, etc. Like how Good Good does for its videos when they have to split into two groups. I hate having to skip ahead and back to find out what happened to someone on a certain hole

  14. Is Micah just gonna quit after 9 btw? Can’t imagine how painful that must be for him to be 10+ through 6

  15. It sounds like they have Aaron Chewing doing commentary except it is incredibly sporadic. Its not a live event, how do we have just random shot after random shot in dead silence……

  16. sammyt10803

    The lack of commentary is just a strange choice. Hopefully the videos the channels put out after this are more interesting

  17. DandierChip

    Some of you guys have weirdly odd obsession with Micah. He’s obviously moved on yet some of you haven’t.

  18. MikeB1992134

    Micah , FP and Cole all shit the end as expected … George was the only YouTube hope

  19. Jealous_Mountain_841

    Everyone who left good good ended up in a better place.. after watching this can we really say this about Micah? Dude needs to go back to GG

  20. mixmasterbru

    Hey a Micah shot! +12 on the 14th probably DFL

    edit: ah they showed him cause he eagled

  21. mixmasterbru

    SPOILERS FOR THE FINISHES (though dont watch this, it wasn’t entertaining except the last hole of the last group)

    So I saw FP finish at +9, DRap +4, Kwon +6, Cole +11, Finchy at E, Micah +14 (DFL), George going into a playoff at -3, tough loss for George, looked like he had it wrapped when he teed off on the 18th.

  22. ktran2804

    Pretty predictable finish haha wish George could of won but Matt played solid golf all the way through. You can tell Matt has played a lot of high level tournaments in his life. George played great too you can tell he has some experience playing tournament golf too. The YouTube guys definitely are not built to play in competitive tournament settings. Not even saying that as a knock but the videos they film don’t prepare them enough for this setting. You could tell there was levels to this and most of the YT guys crumbled. Finch played rock solid though.

  23. Less_Gull

    I did not have Dan Rapp out performing Grant, Kwon and FP.

    Also that Tyler Watts kid is electric. He was playing lights out till the last few holes.

  24. KrazyMoose

    What an epic choke job by George Bryan. Disappointed for him.

  25. Screw the golf score, I want a bleeped out swearing score. Can someone re-edit this?

  26. Agree production was below what we’re used to, especially with the lead time they had. Remembering, the commentary we’re used to are the players.

    Some drone shots of each hole would surely have been easy.

    Distances to hole, commentary from the caddies telling us what club they’re using and even the break of the putts.

    Plus they dumped them pretty quick once they weren’t in contention on the second page of the leaderboard, so saw little of; Micah, Grant, Luke, FP, Dan and Cole.

    Maybe they needed to do a longer version for those of us interested in the whole field and made this an even more abridged version of playing for the lead.

    Still enjoyahble and shame for George with his approach to 18, and well done to Matt. That was a cool group, young Tyler surely has a great career ahead of him.

  27. HurricanePirate16

    The production quality of that was a joke. I watched about 20 minutes of it then fast forwarded to the end to see who won.

  28. Finch probably walks away from this looking the best. He doesn’t have the ability to compete with korn ferry guys who are on their games, but he wasn’t intimidated and showed he knew how to play under pressure. It’s a shame for George that 18 is all people will remember from this, as he was only in the position he was because of his play all day. It’s always been iffy whether to count him as a YouTube golfer or not, and that showed, he looked a lot more like one of the guys who was borderline PGA than the other YouTubers.

    Other than Finch the other Youtubers just showed that YouTube golf isn’t that competitive. Which should have been obvious but some people seem to forget it.

    And Micah….was also there.

  29. Bettanos

    Did Micah personally offend half of you? I dont understand the vitriol for someone youve never met.

  30. coop05operator

    All the club testing.. lessons… all the opportunities.. 86!???? Nah man I can’t take him serious.. maybe get off YouTube and practice harder then get back on at a later time … oh but wait he beat Rory in long drive haha do better Mr morris

  31. user818474

    Video was just not engaging. Very boring and quiet. And the guy who I figured would win, did. Glad they made us wait 2 months for the longest South Carolina tourism advertisement ever

  32. Small_Dot3351

    Would have been better had Collin, Ryder, Max, and Shayler produced it. Not a fan of the production halfway through

  33. CorkySparks

    Damn George..,

    George is EXACTLY what Wesley has said/joked about him from Day 1 of their videos. A very very good golfer but when it comes down to it just doesn’t have what it takes mentally….whereas Wesley does. It’s what separates the 2 of them and both of them know it.

    Wesley birdies 18 in regulation wins going away…

  34. ocat1979

    Micah needs to learn the old lesson “never follow a bad shot with a dumb one”

    Also Grant seriously needs to stop the man crushing on George, he’s your competition mate stop gushing over his every shot

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