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Hi, I’m Hannah Holden; welcome to my channel!

I am a +2 golfer from Leeds

This YouTube channel aims to help you improve your golf by offering up-to-date reviews on the latest golf equipment, stats on how scratch golfers shoot low scores, and course vlogs to help improve your course management.

I also partner with PGA Golf Professionals such as @jrbackhousegolf to bring you tips to improve your golf game.

If that wasn’t enough I’ll make sure you’re on top of the latest rules of golf!

it’s the start of the golf season and
I’ve got my first competition this week
so I thought I’d run you through my
what’s in the bag set up currently and
what I’m going to be playing with I’m
actually playing in my first ever
Professional Event next week in the Rose
series some reason I thought that was a
good idea to start my season off with
that feeling pretty nervous about it but
let’s see what clubs are going to be
helping me out first off need to
actually talk about my new golf bag cuz
I’m so excited about this it’s a vessel
bag and it’s their player for pro and
it’s just incredible like the pocket
configuration is so good and there’s
just like magnetic Pockets everywhere
they’re incredible look at this water
holder literally fits any size of water
ball in existence it’s just so good and
lither like I like a big carry bag so I
can use on a trolley or carry it and it
fits all my stuff in and it’s just
perfect it’s sticking all the boxes
anyway what’s actually in the bag first
off let’s start at the bottom with my
putter I’ve actually made a random
putter change recently and gone back to
kind of an old trusty model from the
garage so I’ve gone back to a tail made
spider I don’t know if it’s just like
been watching Scotty too much and I
think I need a bit more forgiveness and
also the fact that given I was starting
my season I thought I’ll do some videos
of my put in I’ll check my posture I’ll
get my mirror out I’ll check my eyeline
and I was stood so upright so this is
actually a little bit shorter than my
previous Putter and it’s just getting me
like back into a better position of the
go ball so if you’re about to get back
into the season worth checking your
eyeline you po you put in cuz it’s
really crucial for getting puts rolling
where you want them this is actually a
custom spider GT which I made on the mys
spider on the tailor made website made
it red cuz I just love it and I’ve got
this really long like black alignment a
which I think just sits really nicely
behind the ball and it matches up to the
line of my golf ball so it really helps
me in terms of alignment the face and
everything match the club head which I
just like in terms of Loft over the golf
ball and hopefully that kind of shorter
custom length shaft is going to help me
out a a little bit in terms of just
being a little more consistent in my
putting we even got little H hes on the
so it’s just like a good open that isn’t
it next up wedges we’ve still got my
adel’s in the bag if you watched my
fitting you probably know why there was
just super thorough with this I really
like the fact I’ve got three different
Lofts but actually with the same grind
so they’re very versatile I feel like I
can go in a bunker and if I’m like 40 50
yards away I can use my 54 rather than
my 58 but it still feels the same
through the sand as it would do with the
short short of my 58 so it really just
helps my consistency I have quite weird
gaping here so 58 is my highest L that’s
what I’ve always used since I was a kid
and I just feel like I know how far the
shots will go with this and like the
trajector and my chip shots and know how
to control it then I’ve got 54 and then
after that I go to 48 which is quite
close to my 46° pitching wedge but I
just prefer this for hitting like three
quarter and half shorts when I’m
pitching I think it’s more versatile you
can control the golf ball a little bit
better so yes I do have SM a small Loft
Gap there but it works for me also these
wedges just in the nature as with all
specialist wedges are a lot smaller and
compact Club head than like a
traditional pitch and wedge from a set
so the Loft doesn’t necessarily play as
strong as like a 48 pitching much wood
so there still is a bit of a gap there
right what have we got next oh wait yeah
I was looking for some new subscribers
did you know over 75% of people watching
my videos aren’t subscribed to the
channel it makes a huge difference you
can hit that button and it just boosts
what content we can make in the future
right back to the rest of the golf clubs
okay into the ions I’m still with my
trusty titless combo set SO pitching
wedge 9i and 8i and I have the t100’s
I’ve got the AMT black s300 shafts in
these which I really like and also on
all my clubs I’ve got Golf Pride T
velvet undersized grips when we move
into the longer irons from 79 to 4 iron
I’ve got the T 150s I just find they’re
a little bit more forgiving and also
they’re just a thicker so they give me a
little bit more ball speed especially in
like the four and five iron they give me
a little bit of extra height which is
really important being able to like stop
the ball when we’re hitting long
approach shots into par fours and Par
fives Woods I have made kind of a change
here because for like the last two years
I’ve been playing a three-wood and a
fivewood but I’ve actually swapped a
hybrid back in mainly cuz I bought this
cover and I really wanted to put it back
in the bag no I’m joking it’s mainly cuz
I went for a pxd fitting and I just love
the performance of this new hybrid so
this is the Black Ops and I think it’s
just a really good blend of something
that quite curved at the back but also
square at the front so you get that
blend of it playing like an iron and a
wood honestly I hit about two shots in
my f before I knew lag I was happy with
this it launches really high but has a
really good match of Spin and ball speed
so it’s very consistent but gives me
loads of height and land angle to get it
to stop I mainly use this like second
shots into par fives or long path fors
so it’s really important I can control
it I’ve also found in the past some
hybrids have been too spin me and they
kind of get lost in the wind but this
wasn’t really the case with this at all
so that’s definitely helped and so it
has come in to replace my fivewood now
I’ve got a mitsubisi Tensai blue shaft
in this it’s 75 G and it is stiff did I
mention I’d been to
Augusta follow that theme into my
three-wood so again I’ve got the pxg
Black Ops we’ve got the same shaft sale
but this is actually 65 G instead of 75
I really love this three-wood again like
with the high it just gives me a really
good balance of height and ball speed it
can be really hard to launch a
three-wood in the right window sometimes
people don’t get enough height on them
but pxg have worked really hard on
getting good like launch and height with
these and it definitely showed off one
thing I like is I just feel consistent
with this it’s a little shorter build
than one I had before it just feels a
little bit easier to set up and swing
also we did loads of Swing weight
working on this just to get it to be
right for my swing and also to get like
the shot shape dialed in lastly the big
stick also how cool is this Skin’s head
cover definitely got got a bit of a
black Vibe going on the back minus this
so a little pop of color on this is nice
and this is covering up the tailor made
qi1 Max drive if you’ve watched my best
drivers you’ve seen that I picked this
in here very close second of the Ping
g410 Max 10 K this is another 10 care
driver they’ve been really popular this
year I find they super forgiving again
I’ve got the Mitsubishi Tensai blue in
this in a 65 stiff which is pretty much
like my 3-wood but this is kind of the
new airv version of the driver I have
really been liking the performance of
this so I did go for a ping fitting the
other day so going have to see what
comes of that another big thing people
forget is part of the equipment but it
is golf ball I’m using the new tailorman
tp5x I don’t know if you’ve watched my
fitting but actually the ball speed
increases I got with this were insane
like off the chart ball speed 21 tp5
peaked at 115 okay the least amount you
held a new one was 122
it was probably the biggest ball speed
increase I got from like any new product
this year and also I just really love
the PX pattern and I think they’ve done
a great job with like how they’ve
improved it this year and the changes to
the side stamp so yeah these are
definitely going to be staying in my
golf back although I love some of the
new limited edition designs like the
Nelly C A dut ball that could definitely
be going in the bag other few little
bits of tech I’ve got in here I’ve got
my shot skirt Pro ZR laser I really like
this cuz it has the slurp function that
you can turn on and off so I can use it
in like practice rounds for tournaments
learn what the differences in elevation
are but then turn it off afterwards so I
can use it in tournaments I generally
combine this with some sort of GPS on
the golf course so I have the shot scope
X10 which I can use if I’m wanting to
track my stats that round I also have my
Garmin approach S70 which I really like
because it also tracks like my fitness
off the course and my golf course
performance not necessarily as good as
the short scope cuz I don’t have the
tags that go in my club so I can’t
really do my stats with it but I can see
GPS out on the car so I tend to use that
if I’m just playing for fun and not
wanting to track my stats one last thing
that people don’t class as golf
equipment but they should is golf shoes
and I’ve got a wide selection of jkas
for this season which I’m really excited
about so keep your eyes out for all the
different ones I’m going to be wearing
in videos this year so that’s a Roundup
of my what’s in the bag a few things
that have been in here for a while a few
things that are new and have changed any
surprises what do you think of this
setup is there anything you’ve seen in
my videos that you think I hit better
and I should be using and what’s in your
setup for this season let’s see how I
get on in my next few tournaments and
also my fittings that I’ve got coming up
and see if this is going to change or


  1. A little bit surprizing…, what happend with all the Ping clubs you got fitted to? (and as I thought you liked)…

  2. Hannah, I really enjoyed your explanations for all the clubs. As you asked for comments… Imho I would just question the choice of Titleist models. I love the T100 model and play the T100s myself, but do you think you might need more of a T150/T200 combo for that extra distance. T100 has traditional lofts and even a long hitter like Ian Fraser of Club Champion, who is around +1 handicap, uses this. It would also be more similar to the Ping i240/Blueprint s in terms of loft, (although the T200 is a bit stronger and might mean going 5 wood or stronger Hybrid. Just a thought as you know your game best in the end. Good luck in the coming season.

  3. i love your wedge setup. I also have a 58 54 and a 50 but the 50 comes up short in my gapping. I was thinking 48 and you have confirmed it 🙂

  4. Wow – good luck in that first tourney Hannah! I hope you stay as calm as Scottie does in the heat of battle 😮😅🔥⛳️

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