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First Take: Stephen A. Calls Michael Jordan About Anthony Edward Performance

ESPN discuss Anthony Edward’s dominance over phoenix suns. #stephenasmith #anthonyedwards #michaeljordan #espn #espnfirsttake #timberwolves #minnesotatimberwolves #phoenixsuns #nbaplayoffs #nbahighlights #kevindurant #durant #suns #nba

How concerned should we be about the
Suns after that game one loss we should
it’s a home the teams are holding serve
at home I don’t think I don’t think any
of the road teams was favored to win was
any road team favored to win did the
ESPN bet or any of the betting sites
yeah yeah the Pacers were favored to win
okay that’s it so are we surprised by
this I’m not surprised by this one it’s
one game let’s let’s see how it plays
out Ant-Man got it going early and he
kept it going late he played phenomenal
but I’m not going to overreact to one
game let’s see how it plays out let’s
see what happens when Phoenix goes back
and get in their building for two games
and if it’s 22 then what nothing has
been accomplished you don’t the series
doesn’t start till one team loses on
their home court now we might have a
different story if Phoenix somehow if
Phoenix were able to go in and get a
victory tonight in Minnesota but I’m not
concerned at all Minnesota’s played well
they were battling for the number one
seed throughout the entirety of the
Season they’re a very good team they got
the twin tiles Rudy Gober Carl Anthony
Toes that come back in the last week or
so Ant-Man is a bud is a superstar
waiting to just burst at the scenes and
be the face of the NBA and win an MVP
but I’m not concerned about what I saw
we know Fenix struggles defensively but
they got three guys that can get it
going I’m not concerned at all I am and
are we sure that those three guys could
get it going we know whatev we know what
Kevin Durant could bring to the table
but when you think think about the
Minnesota timberwoods let me tell you
something when you look at their defense
we know Rudy Goldberg he’s possibly on
the verge of winning his fourth
defensive player of the year but when it
comes down to field goal percentage and
especially around the perimeter Jay
McDaniels this season he ranked fourth
okay Anthony Edwards he ranked 10th old
school Mike connley he ranked 31st there
they were six in the league and steals
the one thing that you can’t change is
heart that travels and so when I’m
looking at the Minnesota timberwoods in
this series against the Suns all season
long the Phoenix Suns had their number
and the last thing you want to do if you
have an enemy that’s sick is get him
some antibiotics and that’s exactly what
happened the other night they gave this
team antibiotics and they gave this team
led by Anthony Edwards confidence who
don’t need confidence he’s the 89
version of Michael Jordan he’s the best
young leader that’s superstar in the
entire NBA they have an identity they’re
not going to back down from anyone Kevin
Durant knows that Devin Booker knows
that and he’s going to constantly remind
you and show up in great fashion and
again they have homec court advantage
that’s a huge thing they’ve established
identity on that home court the fan base
has been phenomenal they haven’t been
this relevance since Kevin Garnett so
when I’m thinking about the timber
wolves led by this young Superstar and
Anthony Edwards the Phoenix Suns they
dead bird Tall Grass Minnesota winning
this series and the Suns know
that let me tell you why the Phoenix
Suns should be concerned about the
Minnesota timberwol sh
Shay Anthony Edwards is a superstar this
brother is something special he’s
something he’s he’s something special
but there are moments again when you’re
talking about great
there are moments that you peel that you
see wait wait a minute this this is a
little different this ain’t like like
Kevin Durant did have what is it 31 this
game he did have 31 he did shoot 11 and
17 from the field but no matter what
numbers he put up of how effective he
was Anthony Edwards only scored two more
points than him but their impact
appeared Oceans
Apart because Anthony Edwards and what
he did and what he was bringing to the
table I’m talking about Slash to the
basket Fade Away jump shots didn’t
dribbling dancing on cats basically
calling for Kevin Durant I mean looking
for dudes he was looking for them he
came in Kendrick Perkins reminded me of
this the other day he talked about how
Anthony Edwards said to Malika Andrews
coming in oh you know Devin Booker
Bradley Bill and them they think they
the best two guards in this game well I
think I’m better he didn’t say it after
the game Shannon he said it beforehand
he said it before he met up with them
and then went out there before the game
and was like here I am here I am and so
you know what I did you know what I did
Shan sh what’s up I called the goat
that’s what I did I picked up the phone
that’s I called the goat right happening
me and wil you know this perk me and wil
called them the goat Michael Jordan
we’re like y you you seeing this Michael
Jordan that brother is special no
question about it saying obvious this is
what we’re looking at here and when you
are a Kevin Durant you are a Bradley
Bill you are a Devin Booker there’s
something to be said look man y’all
played Pro Sports I didn’t you know this
better than me when you see somebody
coming how do you stop their momentum
you stop their momentum by saying yeah
you coming but damn it I’m here who you
think you dealing with right we ain’t
see that Saturday we ain’t see that at
all what we saw was a Suns team that had
to bow down to the onslaught that was
being brought down upon them by this
brother now it helps that you got a Rudy
go who’s going to be a defensive player
of the year for the fourth time it helps
that Carl Anthony Town who a 611 could
give you 19 points it helped that
Alexander Walker could come off the
bench and give you about 18 points or
Nas Reed could give you another 12 you
see the size you see the athleticism you
see the commitment to defense and the
defensive prowess that Minnesota gives
you and they said you know how y’all
blew us out during the regular season
shooting as well as you did from the
perimeter we ain’t going to let that
happen today you going to have to figure
out another way to beat us that’s not
how Phoenix can do it they can do it by
getting by by beating you from the
perimeter and when Devin Booker when
Devin Booker can’t even give you 20
points in the game and I don’t think
that’ll last cuz you know I believe in
book he can come back on but if he
doesn’t bring his aame Phoenix has no
chance and Bradley Bill you ain’t been
relevant for years because you were
stuck in purgatory in the nation’s
capital we thought the politicians were
what made it into a swamp well the
Wizards didn’t exactly you know fail to
contribute to that okay so you were
there and now to be in Phoenix your
first playoff game 15 points now we
expect more from Bradley Bill this
supposed to be a big three there was a
one who showed up and he wasn’t enough
to offset what Anthony Edwards gave to
you they in trouble they in a world of
trouble well I think the thing is the
impact anth uh Ant-Man was at home and
we know a guy that that that that that’s
playing at home his impact is probably
going to be felt more perk at home than
Kevin Durant 31 because we know Kevin
Durant’s going to be efficient he’s one
of the few guys that on a handful of
shots can get you 30 because he has the
three levels the mid-range the
three-point at the basket you f him he
going to go to the free throw line and
make 90% of his shots Ant-Man was was
Sensational there’s no denying that but
Ant-Man got more help from the auxiliary
pieces than what Kevin Durant did
clearly Booker didn’t have his fining
showing I I agree with you I don’t
expect book to struggle like that again
but in order for them to win this series
their big two has to be special that’s
why they went out and gave up what they
gave up and broke their nucleus up with
Mel Bridges and Cameron Johnson they
gave up all those pieces to get a Kevin
Durant because they wanted a big guy to
go alongside Devin Booker but book’s
going to have to play better let me let
me let me tell you something a wise man
told me this cuz you know I got a old
soul it’s not what you do it’s how you
do it and when you’re watching this game
and I’m watching how contagious Anthony
Edwards mentality is his tenacity is his
leadership is when you watch this team
look at their pickup points defensively
look at their perimeter defense when
you’re watching Anthony Edwards
McDaniels and Mike connley they’re
picking you up full court they’re on
your ass like back pockets when you
looking at Rudy goldber and call Anthony
towns and yes I tweeted about Kevin
Durant getting in this bag in the first
quarter but if you go back and watch
those tapes when they were switching out
on KD those were tough contested shots
and so when I think about that that
travels when you think about the
Minnesota timberwoods and one game comes
to mind I watch them walk into Denver
and hand number hand number l in the
regular season this team their identity
travels because of Anthony Edwards and
you know what he tweeted out yesterday
after the game one down 15 more to go
and so that’s a message that has been
sent not just to the rest of the league
or the Phoenix Suns but to that locker
room and when you have a leader a guy
with a mentality like that that don’t
give a damn but except for the per
people that are in our locker room it
travels because again I’m going say this
to you I’m going to say this to Stephen
A yeah Jimmy Butler couldn’t pull a dog
out of call Anthony towns Donovan
Mitchell couldn’t pull this type of dog
out of Rudy over yeah so we’re watching
a different type of mindset man and it’s
a real thing it’s nothing fake about
this it’s a real authentic organic thing
and this team that Phoenix team is in
okay okay it’ll be it’ll be interesting
to see how this all plays out for Kevin
Durant well it’s going to be because
listen Kev Kevin Durant has been gone
from Golden State since
2019 he ain’t been out of the second
round since now that’s not entirely his
fault injuries injuries to him
ultimately injuries Kyrie Irving I got
it but y’all have reminded me he’s
gotten swept in Boston a couple of years
ago they probably wouldn’t have won
their first round Series against the
Clippers before losing to Denver last
year if kawh lenon hadn’t gone down and
now here you are again going up against
Minnesota and oh by the way there’s a
lot of parity within the Western
Conference so there’s no surfy there’s
no guarantee that Phoenix ain’t going to
be relevant in the foreseeable future if
they can’t make noise now if matters and
so when you’re that good you’re that
great as Kevin Durant is you got to
answer the call now he’s done it he’s
got to get some help Booker’s got to
help him Bill’s got to help him but we
all know everybody’s gonna look at Kevin
Durant because Anthony Edwards was
looking at Kevin Durant Anthony Edwards
was talking J to Kevin Durant Anthony
Edwards this is his favorite player the
guy that he idolized he went after that
man and was successful in game one that
is a person new challenge and when you
Kevin Durant you got to answer that call
if only he was a Nick how about that way
back when how about that he a want to be
the Nick that’s right he he you know
what with this pres Nick Squad if Kevin
Durant was there Nicks would be coming
out of the East don’t need stop trying
to add
everything saying I’m just saying I’m
just saying look y’all don’t scared me
man scar me man say perk that’s a real
question cuz remember when he went to
the Nets it was the Knicks really wanted
him so I’m just saying
yeah I get all I get all that Molly but
you got to be a you got to be a
different type of player to go play for
Tom Tipp though he want he you got to we
got to go all right

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