Golf Players


Even more sources have emerged further fueling the rumors that the PGA TOUR’s biggest star may be making a move to LIV Golf. But, are the rumors true, and if so what would it mean for the future of the PGA TOUR and LIV Golf deal?

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okay rumors are now flying about a mega
deal for
$850 million to bring Rory mroy over to
live and what’s added only more fuel to
the fire and confusion is way Rory
himself has responded to these
allegations in the last couple of weeks
on top of that we’ve got Victor havin
has been identified as the next Target
of Liv and he’s withdrawn from this
week’s RBC Championship just making us
kind of wonder what’s going on there
plus we’ve got Phil mikkelson talking
about how we may see some fundamental
and pretty massive changes to the
structure of live itself and just kind
of wrapping all that up we’ve also got
John Rah saying that while he was at the
Masters a prominent PGA Tour player
wouldn’t even look at him just showing
that the continued kind of beef is
continuing to to go on and just leaving
us with more questions and more wonders
regardless The postmasters Hangover is
clearly in full effect full effect and
the rumors are swirling man they
absolutely are so let’s talk about first
what these rumors are uh how in a lot of
ways they Echo some rumors very simil
it’s shockingly similar to the numbers
that we heard just a couple of weeks too
long ago from Rory’s ex-manager and I
think that it’s very interesting to see
how much that money kind of lines up and
it kind of gives a little bit more
weight to the possibility of what’s
going on here and then we’re going to
talk about how Rory himself has been
responding which in a lot of ways did
not shoot these rumors down and only
added even more fuel like I said to that
fire so this comes from and just just
kind of breaking in the last couple of
hours here uh this comes from an English
it’s a business and finance publication
City am uh and I’ll read the quote
directly from the from the article they
said two separate sources have told City
am that they believe a deal is close it
is claimed that Liv golf’s Chiefs have
offered world number two mroy in iew
watering $850 million to join plus
around 2% equity in the competition it
would make him live golf’s big biggest
signing so far and it could be announced
right after the Masters which is where
we sit here we are right now yeah and
not only that imagine Rory like what the
value could potentially be I mean once
you have $850 million how much more do
you really need but what the value could
be for an additional 2% and we’re going
to talk in a second I want to read some
of Rory’s quotes about how his his
rhetoric has softened on live in a lot
of ways he’s really we talked about here
on the podcast he’s made that kind of
180 but at some point it has to leave
you wondering is there a dollar value
where anyone would go and are we close
to it here I think we’re darn close I
think a guy like Rory who has enough
money for Generations he doesn’t I don’t
think he hate to say you don’t need 850
but what’s the guy worth a couple
hundred million right at this stage of
his life um I mean I like looking back
at at full swing on Netflix you kind of
saw how almost angry he was that he was
the the lamb the sacri he called himself
a sacrificial lamb he felt like you know
and I feel like maybe if that anger is
still lingering and he in the back of
his mind he’s like I’ve had it with the
PGA Tour then I’m starting to buy these
rumors more and more I mean I thought
honestly I made the prediction I said if
he won the Masters last week I think
that was it I think he was retiring from
PGA Tour golf taking a gazillion dollars
and going on there and I thought we were
close and maybe he still is thinking
about it but to answer your question I
think the number is like a billion bucks
for one of these main main guys which is
I mean we’re right where we’re where
we’re sitting and the other kind of my
own little conspiracy theory here is
this idea that Rory has been very vocal
in recent weeks talking about how he’s
we’ve got to end the bickering we’ve got
to end the div in golf which in a way is
its own 180 because you could make the
argument if you’re basically not a Rory
fan that he was one of the biggest ones
C causing the separation when when
speaking out against Liv and all those
types of things but it almost makes me
wonder if for all the reasons we’ve
talked about in the recent weeks on the
podcast of why it’s not getting done you
know not being able to get all the PGA
tour players to agree things like that
do you think it’s somewhere sitting in
Rory’s mind the idea of saying you know
what I’m going to do a deal and force
the hand because if Rory goes now you’re
getting we’re gonna talk about havin in
a second too because if Rory goes and
then on top of if havin goes it almost
gets to the point where it’s it becomes
a breaking point where now you’ve got to
do some sort of deal and not only from
the PGA Tour standpoint but what about
the European Rider cup just going to say
Rider Cup right you get now mroy havin
the biggest stars uh John ROM all these
guys and now they can’t on the team it
almost in a way like could you imagine
Rory saying I’m going to do the deal for
what maybe in his mind is the greater
good of golf and say I’m going to force
the hand it’s got to happen yeah you
know she saying by him going then
they’re going to change the rules and
they’re all going to come back together
for Ryder Cup Signature Events on the
PGA tour maybe and we’re going to talk
in a second about what this whole
structural change is that that that Phil
melson’s hinting at but could it be that
now you get the the combined voice of
Rah and Rory is enough to make the
changes that live that they’ve been
calling for you know 72 holes Cuts
official world golf rankings etc etc but
again where I find this so interesting
is how much it echoes that original
speculation that really f f f like Flame
the initial fan the initial flames of
this rumor that that erupted only about
a month ago so originally this had come
from um this was Rory’s former agent
Andrew chubby Chandler had had done an
interview with bunard and he said if you
were being cynical you might say that
he’s going to sign for about 750 million
pounds which is roughly the same number
we’re talking about here uh in a month’s
time with Liv because he’s Paving the
way uh that lives okay now whereas it
wasn’t he doesn’t need the you know the
big money however you want to convert
that but it’s odd what he’s done and I’m
sure it’s a possibility if he does or
not I don’t know but if John ROM can do
it most guys can do it now think about
this for a second you’re talking the
same amount dollar amount of money
you’re talking about a quote from about
a month ago referencing in the future
about a month’s time which would land us
right here right and now you have this
city am saying it’s coming from two
separate sources additionally again some
some way could argue sometimes you can
you can see what you want to see if you
want to find the evidence and some of
this could be a little bit too much
speculation but also on the other side
that coin is how much of these little
things that we’re seeing could possibly
be indications of what’s Happening yeah
right the other big one was and a lot of
people reported on this that they said
that Norman Greg Norman who attended the
Masters uh there was a little bit of
beef there by the way too because uh he
ended up having to buy a ticket and uh
did you see Freddy couple’s tweet yeah
how about that huh Freddy Freddy had a
little had to get a little dig in there
he said You’ got all these Live players
13 guys in the field not one of you can
get a tick not one of you can get ticket
next time hit me up I’ll get you a
ticket regardless of how Greg got into
Augusta it was reported that he was very
closely following Rory’s group so are
there talks that are happening are these
guys starting to Buddy up and in
previously we had talked about
how uh Greg Norman himself said he would
be one of the first to congratulate uh
Rory if he won the master so again
softening on on both sides um but you
know seeing that he’s doing that and all
that type of is kind of like keeps
adding to this possibility of it
happening well let me throw a wrench at
it real quick because Rory’s a guy who
doesn’t have many exemptions yes he’s
number two in the world but you go to
live and you don’t have World Golf
Ranking points I mean you’re going to
drop like a rock I mean he hasn’t won a
major in a long time yeah right I it’s
been a bit so I mean if he starts
plummeting down the RO rank I think a
guy like Rory is going to be meticulous
and make sure that he will be able to
play on Ryder Cup if he goes to live
he’ll make sure that he could play in
all the majors somehow he’ll be make
sure that there’s some type of format
change that gets World R number two in
the world that that top five is Coveted
probably to him yeah so I don’t know if
it’s a slam dunk yeah I I I think that’s
one of the biggest indications why this
may not happen is because of the fact
that you Rory I think the last thing
he’s ever going to do is put into
Jeopardy his ability to play in Majors
but but I have to speculate and think
here two things one no matter what $850
million plus dollars changes a lot of
Minds MH right and and Rory is he he’s
not as young as he once was so I still
think he’s got a lot of potential to win
Majors but there’s that to think about
and the second thing is we live is still
such a a new and evolving and fluid
thing who knows if if like again if he’s
leaning on the idea or in the
discussions of knowing how the tours are
possibly going to come together and he
might not lose official world golf
rankings or how his own leverage may
change the structure of LIF but let’s
talk about how
he responded because I thought this was
so interesting so going back to that
original quote about the original
speculation that was made by Rory’s ex
agent saying he thought that it’s
totally possible that Rory would go for
this big money this is at the cognizant
classic just a few weeks ago Rory was
asked and I thought this is Rory’s
opportunity that if it’s not true to
laugh it off and shut it down right now
Rory did kind of seemingly being a
little bit koi uh indicate
that he thought possibly the motivation
of chubby saying this was that he’s got
a book coming out Y and wanted the
publicity but then Rory said you know
and you could see the the interview it’s
out there on on on Twitter and
everywhere else seemingly very candidly
he said I spoke to Chubby uh might have
seen him in the Middle East uh actually
at the start of the year then he said
you never know he might know a few
things who
knows you got a love that yeah so what
are you trying to do with us here Rory
you know kind of toying with us in a lot
of ways um but for all of this that
looks like hey this could really happen
there’s also the other side of it coming
out strongly against it so first you had
this morning sky sports reporter Jamie
Weir he said I’m told the story is
complete nonsense is what he tweeted out
so he was immediately trying to shoot it
down the only response that we’ve seen
as of yet and this came in literally as
we were hitting the seat to record it
came in just minutes ago uh this was
reports from Rory’s current manager um
where he basically he had this is Sean
Oar um he responded to Rumors in an
email statement saying that there was
Zero truth calling it fake news saying
it wasn’t
happening interestingly though nothing
yet from Rory himself uh no doubt he is
in the field this week at the RBC it’ll
be I’m certain the very first question
that Rory is is asked and I would tell
you right now if he does not answer it
clearly and and as directly as his own
agent said that I think that the rumors
are just going to take off from there if
he comes back with a similar answer that
he had at the cognizant classic kind of
kind of beating around the bush with
this who knows I think forget it We’re
Off to the Races in our
rumors someone’s coaching them very well
today for tomorrow’s meting tomorrow’s
press conference I’m sure depending on
what he wants to put out there but
again even if Rory doesn’t go Rory in a
way to if his motivation is truly to end
this split and bring the two together
and force that hand in a way it benefits
Rory to keep the conversation and the
possibility of him going to live open to
keep that pressure going and it benefits
him in a little ways to sidestep it duck
it and let the rumors if that’s what
they are fly y because then that only
further promotes the fact that the PGA
tour players board those types of guys
they’re all going to be like listen we
got to get a deal done we can’t let this
happen we can’t let Rory go there with
no deal we just can’t do it right no so
in a lot of ways he forces quite a bit
of Leverage on it shifting gears from
that the other big name who we saw
unfortunately struggled dramatically at
the M Victor havin yeah you know I was
shot what 81 I think it was on the
second day
um but according to this and according
to again that same type of rumor mill uh
they’re saying that he is you know the
next big Target of live to go um makes
sense I always thought him a while ago I
was always thinking havin would be a
prime candidate for Liv it’s more of
that European exactly havin makes a lot
of sense to me um because of that reason
you see like the success that Liv has
had is kind of going after International
Stars more so than here United States
domestic type of stars um whether it be
bringing in that International audience
that they’re after whatever it may be I
think they have enough United States
stars live and and they’ve seen success
with whether it’s from guys like uh cam
cam Smith or whether it’s it’s John Rah
whatever it may be they seem to have a
little bit more pull in getting the
international Stars over and plus as
we’ve seen with the way the viewership
is is more of an international Pro
now you could also say that Rory is fits
in that category too as a European but
again I I don’t want to I don’t want to
harp on this too much but I I can’t let
it go by without saying if Rory and
havin were both to sign deals and go boy
does that has that become an issue on
the Ryder Cup
side I think it’s it’s a huge issue but
again as you’re talking another thing
that just I keep thinking about is Rory
obligations tgl is like his thing right
yes so I mean like I don’t know and and
numerous people have brought that up on
Twitter saying if this happens tgl is in
even more trouble but that’s where I’m
like in a way this is a lot of pressure
to get a deal done it’s not only
pressure on the PGA tour it’s not only
pressure on the Ryder Cup it’s also as
you just pointed out pressure on the tgl
yeah because if if they do lose these
names mhm and not stand with a deal the
divide the fracture only continues yeah
that’s true so and and if you have Rory
sitting here thinking like in a lot of
ways that strong allegiance that was
once there has been really dramatically
pulled back because of the fact that you
know him being treated like a
sacrificial lamb you know I I’ll go back
to a quote uh from Rory just like
recently just in January um this really
proves and we talked about this in the
podcast before but it’s worth
reiterating this proves how much his
rhetoric has changed on Liv he said I
think uh what Liv has done it’s exposed
the flaws in the system of what golf has
we’re all supposed to be independent
contractors and we can pick and choose
what tournaments we want to play but I
think what Liv and the Saudis have
exposed is that you’re asking for
millions of dollars to sponsor these
events and you’re not able to guarantee
sponsors that players are going to show
up and and that is a not so subtle in
fact a fairly direct Praise of live and
what it’s done with this system and
something we never thought we would have
heard out of Rory before so there’s a
lot there but there’s also other things
to cover so I want to I want to shift
gears for a second and talk about Phil
nichelson who seems always at the
Forefront of kind of saying something
right um so what Phil had said and this
is coming back to the Masters and you
mentioned this last week you said
this is the first time everybody’s back
together and of course that’s going to
be the reporter’s first chance to really
dig in and ask these guys the questions
and that’s exactly what we saw yeah
absolutely we saw a lot of it so Phil
was basically uh Phil was asked they
were talking about the uh the the the
structure of Liv and of course coming up
official world golf rankings and things
like that and he said I wouldn’t be
surprised if some or all Live Events
went to
72 there you go some or all right and I
don’t think he has a motivation to say
that unless unless there’s definitely
some truth to it um but this is
interesting because just just very
recently we we quoted and we talked
about John Rah was probably the biggest
one leading that charge um for 72 holes
and it makes you wonder is Jon getting
his way so Phil made you know he kind of
basically said that but at the same time
he he made this kind of a pleading the
case that he really didn’t think it
mattered yeah whether it was 54 or 72
holes he went on to say every
competitive round is an opportunity to
play well and compete I don’t think it
Mak it makes a difference either way
we’ve got mini tours playing 54
champions tour playing 54 I wouldn’t be
surprised if some or all Live Events
went to 72 I don’t know but it doesn’t
matter so in a way that was him kind of
like shrugging off that it might happen
kind of in a way I shouldn’t say
shrugging off I should say kind of
validating that it might happen but at
the same time trying to shrug off it
being such a big deal because I think a
lot of the people who are on the
antilive side have said you don’t
deserve official world golf rankings
because the 54 this was kind of Phil’s
way of saying look at all these other
tours that do have rankings that play
only 54 right right sure um he even went
a little bit further basically saying
that winning a 54 hole tournament has
its own unique challenges he said you
have to play well the first day or
you’re so far behind that it’s hard to
catch up whereas in 72 you can kind of
work your way into the tournament and
fight if you don’t have it the first day
fight to keep it around par and then
make up ground I could go either way
it’s it’s just the nuances of a
format okay now I I don’t know I I my
personal take I don’t see a whole lot to
that because yes I can see how in a 54
hole tournament technically at one round
creates a bigger proportion of your
overall score but I would say that a 54
hole no cut event actually gives you
more opportunity to make up ground
whereas a 72 hole cut event yeah you got
two days right because you’re not there
to have that third round to make up even
more ground if you don’t if you don’t
get it together and you miss that cut
mhm yeah makes sense it’s it’s different
I mean these guys are weird the way they
mentally prepare so I’m sure everyone’s
got like a weird strategy in their head
but yeah to you and me I don’t think
that makes any sense yeah so
it it is what it is but either way it
undoubtedly reveals this potential shift
and I just wonder if it’s all part of
that bigger pie of saying here are are
two guys who’ve kind of been the most
vocal about not being big fans of the 54
whole structure of Liv I.E Roy maroy and
John Rah and if John and if if Roy maroy
was to go right as as his ex agent said
if if John can do it at this point
anybody can anybody can yeah if he did
and now you bring in the two most vocal
voices pushing in that direction and top
that off you know with the fact that
Phil is now indicating that it could
happen it just makes me wonder so let’s
do let’s break there let’s do a quick
word from our sponsors then I want to
come back and I want to talk about some
of this beef that was lingering with
John ROM just kind of showing even if
we’re not hearing as much from Rory maer
we’re still seeing that continued kind
of Grudge Match that’s happening between
some of the Liv and PGA Tour players and
we even had Tiger Woods give a little
update on where those talks are actually
at and when tiger talks everybody
listens so let’s do a word from our
sponsors and then we’ll jump into that
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tius that’s one word Team titles okay so
tiger just like Phil and pretty much
everybody else when you know the media
was their first chance to kind of really
press them on where we’re at and and I
don’t want to sound like a broken record
here but I have to keep saying it think
that this has been the number one issue
with this entire deal whe whether it’s
going to happen if it’s not going to
happen has been the lack of very clear
and concise communication to the fans to
the tour uh I’m sorry to the fans to the
press and I could even say to the tour
because there’s a lot of players
themselves who are still in the dark and
until we get a little bit more clear
leadership from this people are going to
continue to be pressed and one of those
guys because you know he is not only as
part of the player Advisory Board he’s
not only like a more official leader in
a lot of ways tiger is a very unofficial
leader uh and when he speaks like I said
people listen so tiger uh Patrick Klay
the rest of that players of is board
they had that meeting in the Bahamas
with yaser and the the Liv Golf and the
pif team and where like I said we’ve
heard just some gen generalities out of
that and it just kind of Echoes that
here so uh tiger said I don’t know if
we’re closer uh to a deal but certainly
we’re headed in the right direction it
was a very positive meeting meaning
meeting and I think both sides came away
from the meeting feeling
positive you know kicking the can down
the road is it sounds like yep in a lot
of ways it really does sound like that
and and this is again this is why I just
wonder like would Rory if these are not
true these rumors and there’s a very
good chance they could be true if
they’re not true is this Rory saying I
will let this play out to put pressure
on all these guys to start actually
making decisions and actually
communicating them it’s a good play
right I mean right now he is the other
than Tiger Woods he is the biggest name
that would leave this tour yeah you know
he’s the biggest name other than tiger
so well Scotty but we don’t think Scotty
could possibly leave true I I would
think more so from a worldwide golf
perspective yeah I think Rory’s more
loved worldwide than Scotty I think
Scotty’s an American hero you know what
I mean that’s how I look at him okay the
international stardom of Rory is
undoubted um but again it it just makes
me wonder like we in a lot of ways where
do we go from here because now and we we
talked about this you know last week on
the podcast the the initial framework
deadline you know it it came and and and
was extended they they set a loose
deadline of the players with saying that
they did not want it to go past the
Masters that was their words they didn’t
actually they didn’t want it to reach
the Masters because they didn’t want to
interfere with the Masters now the
Masters is coming onone again nothing
from Jay nothing specific coming out of
anyone at this point where do we go do
we just say you know do we set another
date do we say I’d like to have things
done before the FedEx Cup you know what
I mean or before the President’s Cup or
do we just say we’re just going to let
it Coast uh you know for the rest of the
year yeah regardless the longer we let
it run the more you’re going to have
this speculation and the closer we’re
going to get to the following Year’s
Ridder cup and all those types of
questions and and although that Ridder
cup seems far out preparations start now
yeah you know identifying captains you
know identifying Vice captains it all
starts now right and and a lot of that
is going to be influenced by what’s
going on and what this deal ends up
being so there’s still a lot to iron out
the other thing I want to talk about of
course is is John Rah and what he had
said uh because I I Sean R has always
seemingly been one to be very vocal and
speak his mind um so he was asked and
the question was put to him as well what
his reception was like from the other
players um because being in the dark
from the fan side we don’t know how much
these guys are actually buddy buddy you
know when you know when they’re together
or is there some degree of
uncomfortableness and animosity that’s
lingering um do some guys feel abandoned
by John when he made the jump you know
they a lot of ways they thought he was
the guys who stuck around thought he was
on their side with some of the stuff he
was saying and then all of a sudden he
was gone and and what does that do for
their own you know position and leverage
with the tour so um this is an interview
that he did right after the masters with
uh uh golf channels Hugo Costa and he
said I think that among all the
relationships I have it has been
everything that I expect
my friends are still my friends so he’s
saying that when he met up with the guys
of the Masters for the most part there
was no animosity everyone was still his
friends however he went on to say then
someone with whom I was very cordial and
had a a positive relationship has not
even looked at me if someone changes
their opinion of me it’s more their
problem than mine I’m not worried I knew
it was going to happen I didn’t know who
he’s kind of saying there that like he
knew someone was going to have a problem
with him he just wasn’t sure who it was
going to be that would I mean d we don’t
know who I’m GNA tell you who we who the
reporter thinks it is okay in a second
but why what do you think I mean well
first off I was just going to say like
is Rah the first I believe he’s the
live CH current like past Champion right
well Brook capka
no no what do you mean for the Masters
Oh I thought he was a major champ
Masters because DJ won in 2020 I don’t
think he was at Liv yet I think it’s the
first time a Liv player was hosting the
dinner was right so I was thinking Rah
went in I I I wanted to give Rah like I
don’t I don’t think anyone feels bad for
John ROM but he had a tough he had a
tough week going in he knew he was he
was GNA have a lot thrown at him you
know and and that dinner that Champions
dinner with Jack Nicholas Tiger Woods
and you’re not on the PG so I know he
had lot going at him I could see there
are guys still on tour that were used to
talk to him and I think like if I it’s
funny I want to take a guess on who it
could be um I think the guy who the guy
who hates I think Liv the most is
Klay I can’t see anyone anyone else in
the field and I’m not a Klay hater but
if about personality wise there’s a guy
at the pick who would be bitter about
some be him okay
well they now John never said who the
player was yeah however Hugo Costa the
guy who did the interview was asked who
he thought it was okay and what he said
is important players with whom John ROM
had a good relationship such as Patrick
kentle or Max hom could have had
gestures of contempt towards the
Spaniard this Masters so he’s
speculating it was one of those
two honestly Max homus seems like and I
don’t know the guy personally but seems
like such a laid-back chill dude I can’t
imagine I don’t see him being a him
being a guy a grudge carrier live his
wife Max’s wife was posting video
content with Jenna Sims all man like the
live wives were hanging out there was no
Klay involved and he’s on the player
Advisory Board exactly I would say that
if anyone has more skin in the game
might be Patrick Klay and um who knows
like I can I can like I said I can only
kind of surmise or try to put myself in
his shoes but maybe K lays thinking you
know way to go John you kind of you made
my life that much more difficult by
going yeah know uh you know here I was
this you know my now I’m I’m that much
harder for me to do the negotiations
with you going um but who knows I just
think it had to in a lot of ways it had
to be more than just a a a glance or a
possibility of someone not saying hi for
it to rung true enough in John ROM’s
mind for him to actually call it out as
saying someone would not even look
to me that’s like saying like I went to
a party with an ex-coworker and the guy
wouldn’t even look at me that’s telling
me this intent he’s he’s doesn’t want
anything to do with me right you know I
mean there must have been a situation on
Augusta where this individual where John
encountered them and they didn’t say
Hello I would imagine probably in the
locker room he blew him off although he
doesn’t have his own locker room because
he’s in the champion his own locker room
right so now the story gets deeper yeah
which CH so look I mean ultimately um it
it all of this like I said is it’s a
further indication that we we just we we
need some answers about where everything
is headed um but I’m just very
interested I’ll will be watching the
interviews very closely this week we
know Rory is going to be pressed and
let’s see if he’s able to give a very
clear answer of whether this deal
potential deal is true or not or if he
tap dances around it and if he tap tap
dances around it is it because the deal
is happening or is it because he wants
that speculation to provide the leverage
to make you know the two doors come
together so you want to hear him say no
absolutely not I start dancing around it
right I want to hear him say something
as direct if if like and I ultimately he
make whatever decision he wants but in
regards to this rumor correct I want to
hear him say either it’s happening which
he wouldn’t say until the deal’s in or I
want him to say if it’s not happening I
want him to say no there’s absolutely no
truth to it it’s not happening we’ll see
because that would be a very difficult
statement to walk back and it would put
it to rest and that would show his
intent of putting it to rest but if he
says anything else it means he’s leaving
the door open we’ll find out tomorrow
make sure you subscribe wherever you get
your podcast we’ll we’ll stay on top of
this one


  1. They don't have a 100 plus players to make a cut. There 54 holes is the same as pga weekend. I personally would like to see 72 holes and first day be where the teams play together. It can still count in singles but your teammates would be cheering and pushing you on.

  2. Let me see. Judging by the LIV contingent at the 2024 Masters my observation:

    LIV is just a 54 hole exhibition tour complete with shorts to ensure comfort ahead of competition for its Billionaires.

    Token purses and small desperate fields each is void of any competitive drama will ensure these soft rich guys do not win any more Majors.

    The LIV Tour is made up of guys easily corrupted by tainted 911 Saudi money who lack the character of golf's greats.

    I say to these guys who have shown their character to have a price bought and paid for should just enjoy their retirement on the Pre-Senior’s Tour.

    I hold up the illustrious Dustin Gretzky who is more easily kept track of by Paulina for his previous relational indiscretions.

    Hey guys! Isn't retirement great! So young though.

  3. Are you serious. The only reason Rory is going is because he’s falling off due to his age. He’s sucked at the Master and hasn’t won since he’s been in the PGA. When Scottie won, who was thinking, “How much is Scottie winning?” Der der der….no one gives a shit! Rahm, he’s a sore loser because he lost by fucking 16 strokes! Of course he’s going to complain so that people don’t think about how shitty he did! Stop talking about this. People are over it! It’s just a damn game.

  4. If the PGAT can sit down with the SSG investment fund and get a deal. Then they can sit down with the PIF until they have deal. It doesn’t seem the PGAT is serious only meeting every blue moon.

  5. I might have been super stoned but…. I’m pretty sure Rory said it won’t true this morning on the golf channel lol

  6. If Rory did get an offer. and if he did I'm sure the number is not as high as what is rumored, he would be stupid not to take it. In the end, he is a professional golfer that makes his money playing golf…and he would be paid more money to play golf, albeit on LIV…easy as pie.
    Rory is still top 3 and it should be around 2/3 years before he goes down to the 50's in ranking…and by that time the Majors would have realized they will have to invite LIV golfers to keep their stature…

  7. I find it more amusing that people think Rory is even worth 850 million or the the fact nobody has any awareness or ideas on how the pif is going to make this structure profitable. Nobody is going to pump money into something that has no return…. Not even Saudis

  8. How many people actually watch all 4 full days (72 holes)…and remember is the viewership that justifies the big money from sponsors and advertisers. This and some other reasons are just excuses the PGA-loyalists use to justify their opinions and feelings about LIV golf. Some of the things the PGA criticized LIV for, was copied and incorporated by the PGA in some of their events and they are even trying to get their greedy hands on some of the "Saudi blood money"…?

    Anyway, don't think golf will "get together" like most people hope…there are contracts in place and formats that are different etc. .

    I have 3 simple suggestions to normalize golf:

    1) The Majors can collectively stop/mend the split with one simple decision: Just invite the top 20 golfers on LIV to all the Majors…easy as pie, and fair.

    2) Tours stay separate and it's up to a tour to make their tour more attractive to keep or attract golfers…there is enough space for other tours and everything golf doesn't have to be by and for the PGA. Golf is a world sport, not an American sport…and the PGA must accept that.

    And when they do, PGA and LIV sit down and agree to create a few International tournaments to compete against each other and this toxic golf situation can turn into a healthy golf competition…golfers happy and most important, golf fans and supporters happy!

    3) Scrap Presidents Cup and replace with PGA vs LIV Cup every 2 years…and keep Ryder Cup between America (PGA) and Europe (DP Tour).

  9. I don't think anyone is moving to LIV until after the Tour Championship.

    LIV has its tournament schedule and 54-player roster locked in for the rest of the year – while it might expand or move to 72 holes, I don't think any changes will happen until 2025 now.

    It's sensible for current PGA Tour and DP World Tour players to concentrate on their seasons on those tours, the majors and getting as many ranking points and exemptions as possible before openly talking about an imminent switch to LIV. No one is joining LIV in the spring or summer at this point.

  10. Crazy how many people actually fell for a liv paid for comment with no credibility if you read the post it is so silly . With no thought or investigation every golf outlet ran with a fake comment. This is how liv is destroying the game we love

  11. Rory's not going, and truthfully, I don't think anyone at LIV wants him there. The sole person responsible for this divide is Jay Monahan. Everyone needs to listed to the Good Good golf podcast with Bryson to understand the stranglehold the PGA Tour has over the players rights and content.

  12. Not worth it, but hey they got billions to spend. Hasn't won a major in 10 years. I think the thing about getting McIlroy is that he was so in defense of the PGA Tour, so there is that aspect of it.

  13. Why post a whole video about this when Rory himself recently said that he's playing on the PGA for the remainder of his life, period? Congrats, deleting your channel.

  14. You know what they say…. You tell a lie so many times it becomes the truth…stop trying to spread fake news, the game is suffering enough now that the tv ratings for the masters is out and show an additional 20% drop…for a major…..they need a deal done if either side expects to survive

  15. Feeding into the rumors and narrative the Saudi’s are creating. Rory came out and made it clear this was made up fake news.


    Did you never play ?

    The cut is a gift for the dude playing like crap.

    LIV offers no such reprieve.

    As a matter of fact, they count all 4 balls on the final round !!

    Playing bad ? Now your team MUST use your score, you hack !!

  17. this aged well… just show how these guys are just in total mental masturbation . these liv bots act as if they are actually in charge of liv , and giving all the recommendations and actually believe they are making a difference

  18. I like the 54 holes better..iam not watching 2 days of practice rounds like the PGA..I will watch Sunday that is the only day that counts..

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