Sequence is everything when it comes to producing clubhead speed. Most golfers over use the hands and arms in the swing and don’t use the body enough. In this video, golf instructor Chris Tyler will show you a simple way to wake your legs and your core up so your golf swing is ready to showtime.

0:00 Intro
1:34 Step 1
6:16 Step 2
9:43 Step 3
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the most important piece that you can
have in your brain when you start to
build your own golf swing is that your
brain is going to respond to muscle
tension signals and you need to feed
your brain in the correct order in order
to get it to fire in the correct order
today what I’m going to do is I’m going
to teach you a drill that’s going to
help you wake your body up because I
look at the golf swing as three very
specific systems that we have to have in
place in order to be able to play good
golf the first system is going to be
your body your body is the main system
this is your engine to the golf swing
the second system is your arms your arms
play a vital role with helping you
establish hand and arm path where the
hands and arms are at the top of the
Swing Swing plane and then the third and
final system is going to be your wrist
each one of those system plays a vital
role in the golf swing and can either
set you up for success or make your golf
swing a catastrophe today I know a lot
of you at home really struggle with the
main system of movements you struggle
using your legs and your core like you
should in the golf swing now the beauty
of this drill is that you’re going to be
able to use it on the drive range before
you warm up you can use it during a
practice session and you can use it
before you go out to the golf course to
make sure that you’re not going to go
out there and just fire the hands and
the arms you need to use your body as an
engine and if you get yourself connected
to the legs and the core you’re going to
be a whole lot more successful okay so I
want you to remember this drill is not
to be done where you have smoke coming
out of your ears and your tongue coming
out of your mouth this is a drill that’s
designed to teach you how to wake up
your body okay so I’m going to give you
a lot of details that go into this drill
but I want you to remember that we’re
trying to do this in fluidity you get it
okay good now first step that we’re
going to do here and I like to do this
drill with my driver because it’s my
longest Club in my bag and we’re going
to set this club across our chest here
in a minute but I like to start from
more or less like a delivery position
and I like to work from a delivery
position all the way to my finish now we
understand that at impact our hips are
going to be open somewhere between 35 to
45° and our shoulders are going to be
nice and square now the body doesn’t
fully stop its movement when the hands
and arms are going in front the
shoulders and the spine continue to
react to the hands and arms releasing
independently as the club goes flying
past us so that’s what this drill is to
designed to help you do it’s designed to
help you feel what the body should be
doing to get to finish now our focus is
going to be on our Trail
foot and our core our Trail foot and our
core what your Trail foot is going to be
doing is it’s going to be rolling
to the inside portion and as you start
to turn your body and try to get to a
finish position it’s going to move up
onto the big toe eventually getting all
the way up onto the big toe to where the
heel or your sole of your shoe is facing
the crowd behind you now what I want you
to remember is your Trail foot acts as a
break in your golf swing you will see a
lot of players with their heel fully
down on the ground at impact but you
will see a lot of players with their
heel up off the ground but if you watch
it very closely as the hands and arms
are passing in front and as the release
is getting fully done it stays very
quiet until the release of the speed is
all gone now what I want you to do is I
want you to go ahead and take your setup
position grab your driver and I want
your weight to be directly underneath
your ankle joints with just a little bit
of knee Flex what you’re going to look
for is having just enough knee Flex just
to soften the knees I want you to take
your club and I want you to cross it
across your chest and have the club head
off the trail side of your body I want
you to keep your hips nice and square
and I want you just to turn your should
shoulders back about 45° or so from here
what I want you to do is I want you to
roll to the inside portion of your Trail
foot just like you have your mom’s
favorite Fab egg underneath the outside
portion of it and as you’re doing that I
want you to use your
obliques to start to rotate the hips
back and I want you to go ahead and keep
your head and your chest down as long as
you can and as you start to turn your
body and your chest towards the target I
want you to rotate up onto your toe so
that your big toe is pointed in the
ground and the sole of your shoe is
pointed back at the crowd behind you so
it’s roll to the inside portion use your
obliques to rotate the hip as you
continue to allow your chest to turn
towards the target while you’re trying
to keep your head and chest back here
you’re going to walk up onto your toe
into a finish position I know it sounds
like a lot but think about this kind of
broken down into some simple steps roll
rotate the hips keep your body turning
up onto the toe and to finish so what
it’s going to look like and we’re going
to do 20 reps just like this okay take
your setup weight underneath your ankle
joints okay proper knee Flex turn your
chest back about
45° roll to the inside portion rotate
the hips back with your obliques keep
your head and chest still up onto your
toe that’s the
movement every single rep should be done
just like that so we’re going to do 20
reps we’re going to start pretty slow at
okay trying to keep some engagement in
my core a good way to do that is pull
your belly button towards your spine so
suck in your gut a little
bit now as I start to get reps I’m going
to start picking up the pace
here try to keep your head and your
chest down here as long as you
can okay your body rotation you’re going
to start to feel your head swivel
naturally as you rotate up onto your toe
into finish you want to make sure that
you get up onto the big toe do not have
a lot of weight and a lot of creasing in
your toe box of your Trail foot if you
do then you haven’t really gotten off
all the weight off of that side that’s
bad news so let’s do three or four
more head and check stayed down rolling
to the inside portion of the foot using
my obliques to rotate the hips back
landing on the toe to finish it’s a lot
right but do reps and you’ll start to
see that it becomes a piece of cake once
you can do that in fluidity now you’re
ready to take on step number two step
number two this is where we’re going to
start warming up the back swing what
we’re going to try to do here is we’re
going to try to create some good
separation between your hips and your
shoulders now I get this question all
the time when is the back swing complete
when is my back swing complete and when
should I start my downswing your back
swing is complete when your hips have
turned a certain amount and your body
turn has turned a certain amount what
we’re going to look for here at my golf
DNA is we want your hips to rotate
somewhere between 30 and 40° shut and we
want your body turn to be right around
90° now a lot of you at home are much
more capable of making a 90° shoulder
turn than you think you might not have a
90° shoulder turn when you look at it on
camera because of where your force of
movement comes from from typically
speaking we’ll see a lot of people just
overuse their hands and arms and they
start loading up their shoulder girdles
and that’s what starts to shut the body
down or the other problem is is that
you’re just not letting the hips rotate
properly so what we’re going to do here
is we’re actually going to start out by
rotating the hips slightly just to make
sure that they’re moving in the right
direction and then we’re going to try to
create some stability in the hips by
keeping our flex and our Trail leg and
we’re going to make an aggressive body
turn with our core by pulling the club
head back behind our head so what this
is going to what we’re going to do is
we’re going to go ahead and take our
setup again make sure the weight is on
underneath the ankle joints and you have
just the proper knee Flex do not get too
squatty down to your knees when you do
this you could potentially hurt yourself
okay you want to have just the back of
the knee over the center of the ankle
and have your weight underneath your
ankle joints from a static address
position what I want you to do is I just
want you to make a small shift onto your
Trail side and turn your belt buckle and
your chest about 20° or so now from here
I want you to Main maintain the flex in
your Trail leg as much as you can and I
want you to take that club head and pull
it behind your head as far as you can
keeping your head quiet you’re going to
feel these muscles back here you’re
going to feel your glutes you’re going
to feel your midsection a lot of you are
going to feel some stretch on the
outside portion of your lead side flank
here those are your big muscles going to
work now remember if you watched the
ludvig oberg video you saw that a lot of
playing professionals will have their
hips not really doing a whole lot by the
time the lead arm is parallel to the
ground by maintaining some Flex after
you get that hip rotated properly to
start the golf swing that’s going to
help create stability in the hips and
make sure that your hips aren’t over
rotating there’s a lot of golf
instruction out there that teaches you
to rotate your hips way too much and
that forces a lot of recovery and a lot
of that recovery comes from you having
to be really rotational in the way
through and that can put a lot of stress
on your lower vertebrae and we just
don’t want you to hurt your back now how
this is going to work we’re going to do
20 reps the same way so we’re going to
go ahead and make sure that we’ve got
our weight underneath our ankle joints
we’ve got the proper knee Flex little
pressure shift turn your belt buckle
okay keep your head quiet pull the club
head behind your
head keep that trail leg flexed and
facing forward
step number two complete now let’s bring
it all together you’ve done the Reps to
warm up from delivery to finish you’ve
done the Reps loading up the back swing
now it’s time to start making the full
kitten Kaboodle come to life here now
your job is when you start to get that
club head back behind your head here in
Step number three that’s when I want you
to start feeling like your weight R
rotates to the inside portion of your
Trail foot now remember what I said in
the opener this drill is not designed to
have a lot of technical thinking if you
are running into problems where you’re
not getting into a good impact position
or you’re not opening up your hips
enough then I would suggest that you
stop doing what you’re doing and go back
two videos ago and watch How I train you
how to use your feet in the golf swing
to be able to move properly from one
side of the body to the other if you are
pretty button up on that stuff and
you’re just ready to start adding speed
to the mix then you can continue on the
drill so the focus points are in Step
number three is from a static address
position we’re going to go pressure
shift big turn and as that turn starts
to complete we’re going to roll to the
inside portion of the trail foot and
we’re going right to finish now when you
study the golf swing we know that when
you look at the best players in the
world both men and women we know that
there’s a 3:1 ratio for most people that
doesn’t mean that it’s Ironclad but that
means that the back swing takes three
times as long long is the downswing so I
want you to kind of keep that visual in
your brain think about a good solid
loading practice but be aggressive as
you’re moving to finish so what this is
going to look like now we’re going to go
ahead and take our
setup remember it’s little small
pressure shift onto the trail side turn
and then you’re going to pull the club
head back as the club head gets back
there you’re rotating into the inside
portion of that trail foot using your
obliques to rotate the hip back all the
way to finish keep your head and your
chest down here as long as you possibly
can we’re going to do another 15 to 20
reps or so just like this and we’re
going to be all warmed up and now we’re
ready to head to the golf course so
we’re ready to start our practice
session okay so here we go little
shift so as soon as I feel that club
head get back behind my head I’m trying
to get my weight to the inside portion
of my trail foot I’m rotating my hips
back and I’m thinking about getting to
finish finish stay in
movement don’t be technically
okay so now you should feel your legs
you should feel your core and your body
should feel warmed up now you’re ready
to start picking up the golf club and
you’re ready to start swinging away
remember your job is to use the system
you need to use your legs in your core
if you want to be productive in the golf
swing follow this drill do this every
single day that you go out there and
start hitting golf balls and it’ll start
making your practice sessions a whole
lot easier to manage if you’re working
on system number two and you’re focusing
on a hand and arm function yes you
obviously want to tie that back into
some slower movement but as you start
trying to tie some fluid to it then
think about what you just did in this
drill as you start to make practice
swings and you start hitting golf balls
and I guarantee it you’re going to feel
what it’s like to make real effortless
power and real effortless speed once and
for all let’s get out there let’s play
some good golf good luck have a great

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