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In this video, Adam goes over rotation in the downswing. Many golfers do not rotate enough in the downswing and instead end up sliding toward the target, leaving them with chunked or blocked shots. He also goes over how with a good lower body rotation, the hands and body needs to speed up as well to obtain the photo finish that results in compressed and straighter golf shots

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hey turn your left pocket back to the
ninth green for the person who really
can’t do it turn your left pocket back
to the chipping green it’s the right
cheek turning into the left and the left
one turning back into the right that my
belt buckle moves CT on my belt line so
I’m staying very level sternum belt
buckle don’t spin out together y it
keeps that upper body a little closed a
little longer while the lower body opens
up little turn
here there’s the compression now that
spall still went a little right and
here’s why when you set the
angle and then you drive the handle but
you slide into it well of course
nothing’s going to you know you need to
Round the Corner to square that up so
watch if I’m going to really get this
thing going
straighter watch how much I rotate here
as I do that second move there’s
this see that look where I am over here
and that was perfect that Right Down the
Line right there and I need to learn how
to rotate more I don’t know how to do
that you know and here’s the thing let’s
just think about it directionally here
if I tied a shoe string onto this belt
loop right here go go halfway
back okay ready fire the hands through
that’s the feel Curt you feel what I’m
doing there I need you to feel like this
butt cheek right here I’m almost picking
something out for myself directionally
to turn to I can’t tell you over the
years how many times I’ve told people
hey turn your left pocket back to the
ninth green for the person who really
can’t do it turn your left pocket back
to the chipping green chipping green
guys relative to where I’m
standing is over there watch
this for somebody who’s moving this way
don’t watch the Youtube videos that tell
you to
shift garbage majority of people slide
too much and don’t open their hips
anyway so guess what like Paul linger
told me when I had a chance to talk to
him at Pebble Beach I’ll never forget it
he goes Adam rotation as simple as
this it’s the right cheek turning into
the left and the left one turning back
into the right so you need to think
about something Direction look where
Kevin is according to you right now mhm
your your left cheek from the top of the
Swing once you’re here needs to feel
like it moves back to Kevin right away
there you go the direction of your lower
rotation can keep your upper body more
in it as well think about
this if I have Ferris wheel shoulders
and Ferris wheel
hips from sliding what does that do it
stands me up mhm okay if I have marry go
round hips like you see Hogan does that
keeps me in it so when you watch my left
hip I’m going to feel that my belt
buckle moves hurt on my belt line so I’m
staying very level not up and out not
not up right so for you you can go up
with that like this and the minute that
goes up well then your upper body stands
up but watch this here’s here’s a kind
of a you know slower look for you guys
to be able to see this this is my left
hip going very level and
back see how in it I am right there mm
okay and that was very easy to compress
the golf ball good buddy
here it’s okay just got to drive that
handle what do you mean by Drive the
handle swing that thing like this like
watch here’s this like you know I always
tell people this sound right here here’s
here’s one where I really focus on
really really compressing it not just
showing you good technique but really
compressing it ready
here hear that mhm that was not just a
technique that’s a mindset I’m literally
thinking knockdown mentality the way
that I do that there’s the hammer
there’s the nail and I’m just boom
that’s what creates this
angle to catch that golf ball the way it
needs to be you can do that with
rotation and we’re in
business yeah buddy you know tiger in
his prime I would watch him do this all
time as I’m here coming
down as that left pocket’s moving back
the Amer golfer will feel a lot of times
like this left shoulder backs out of the
shot with
it the best players in the world the
left shoulder goes down
as that pocket goes back so when I’m
taking this angle right here and driving
it down my first move in transition
isn’t backed out of it it’s my left
shoulder and my left arm are pulling
down as my left hip clears exactly Kurt
look where you are there see how much
more in the shot you are mhm that’s
where I need you to be that’ll keep you
in the shot that’ll help you hold your
spine angle watch this guys like this
not it’s
getting HT there we go buddy there we go
so hey long story short why are you
going to show up hitting it week right
okay here it is ready kept come right
back down the line here this gu super
simple to
understand Club gets in here we slide
out in front of it where’s it going yeah
over there all day long now the clubs up
in front of us
and we rotate and the feeling of me you
know telling you to get that shoulder
down lets you rotate in posture and stay
yeah right staying down and not getting
up exactly what feels like overc
crouched and down in here is that’s the
problem that people don’t understand
they think early extensions a a flaw in
itself very rarely is early extension
something that happens because you just
early extend it happens as a result of
disconnection in the back swing Kevin’s
back there shaking his head cuz he’s
actually going through some swing
changes himself right now where did he
come from he used used to be
inside lifted to the top club’s behind
him arms are disconnected your body has
to do one of three things in order to
let the club catch
up stand up stall out or back up to
allow the hands to flip the club and
catch up right and that’s just what we
do is an athletic response to what the
flaw was Prior so my my thing has always
been well let’s set you up to where
you’re not on the heels and going to
back out of it already let’s set you up
in the right spot to play golf
underneath you after that let’s get you
connected with the golf club in the
hands in front of your body so you’re in
a position to where now no manipulations
have to be made okay so this is good
this is really good Kurt fast
hands yeah
buddy I I know you I know you’re swing
right now you’re going probably at your
65 70% to get it you can give me a
little zip to it you know a little bit
of a zip to it not in the back swing in
the down swing patient
back and see I think that’s actually a
good thing for you Curt and here’s why
we need hands to be faster so sometimes
when you get into that move where you’re
being technically correct but you’re
doing it at that
60% well your hands are the thing to
kind of get a little laxidasical and
you’re making the move but you just kind
of leave them behind you a little bit
that ass that assertive feeling for you
shouldn’t really necessarily be with
anything other than you know your back
swing is still very patient but your
hips and hands can have a little bit of
gas to
them there we go that’s your recipe
right there for Success bud you know
what it does too when that left shoulder
stays down in it it allows there to be a
disassociation between the upper body
and lower body meaning sternum belt
buckle don’t spin out together yep it
keeps that upper body a little closed a
little longer while the lower body opens
up because the truth is the upper body’s
facing the golf ball at the point of
impact while you see that left pocket
completely open right there you see this
you always talk about the club being
under me yes that feels under me as
opposed this feels like it’s around me
great hey you want H some drivers I’m
okay this is going scary let’s do
it at porac golf we take a lot of pride
in having developed some of the best and
most consistent golf swings on the
planet we do this through Simplicity our
full swing master class will take you on
a stepbystep easy to understand process
on how to get your golf swing better
than ever join the many before you
who’ve utilized our full swing Master
Class to take their games to the next
level and Beyond


  1. Excellent tip Porzak on turning the right rear pocket back on the backswing and front rear pocket back on the follow through. I also like the thought of keeping the club in front of me! Something I'm going to be concentrating on the next time I play. Well Done!!

  2. I felt this feeling for the first time in golf and my body and arms felt connected but it felt like my hands were really close to my body, Kurt said it felt like his hands were under him. Unfortunately the feeling only lasted for 7 holes.

    A few days later I played again and it wasn’t until the 18th hole that I got the feeling back. It feels like when I release the club as late as possible is when the swing feels good but it requires me to trust that the club will get there.

    One thing that stood out to me on the video was keeping the left shoulder closed while the lower body starts to open up. I think before I was trying to match the shoulders to the hip rotation as opposed to letting them be disconnected a little.

    I really hope what I’m learning from this video gets me back to that feeling because it was amazing and I was hitting the ball so much further.

  3. Excellent. Hey, could you touch on what he meant by "under me"? I'm curious about swing direction coming into impact. Should you swing more under the chin? Thanks!👍

  4. @porzak how can I go about booking you for a FaceTime lesson or swing video review? I am highly interested.

  5. Another excellent lesson on how to come through the golf ball! You really are an outstanding golf instructor! Thank you! 😍👏👏👏

  6. Tricky dialling this all in for the individual.
    Each will have personal challenges in the sequence. I found it good to bump the elbow on side of ribs at same movement as I bump forward. This seems to set me up to "turn" more smoothly but still need to focus to keep club in front otherwise pushes to the right. Tuff to get it working….
    Great instruction I keep learning each and every time with each individuals lesson.

  7. Finally a video straight to the point and to the fix. I’ve been having trouble with locking my right leg in the backswing which would kill my rotation in the downswing leading to over draws. But making sure my butt stays back and my left cheek rotates around fixed everything. Fantastic video

  8. I love it Adam! Please post the driver lesson with the amateur golfer as well. Can’t seem to figure out how to hit up on the golf ball with my driver.

  9. Hi, I struggle with coming over the top in the downswing. What causes this? What should I be doing to stop the over the top and what feels should I have to start the downswing to stop this and get the club shallow? Thanks

  10. That "lead shoulder down into the ground" is such a good visual/feel! Gonna add that one into my regiment 🔥

  11. Another excellent video, thanks? You perfectly realize that a brain needs to have pictures to change and/or learn.
    Is my understanding correct that this move is applicable for all clubs in standard situations?

  12. Truly awesome stuff you’re sharing! Thanks so much!
    I’ve been a slider forever and thought the hip bump would cure it but turns out I need the full treatment! Cheers Rob K

  13. Congratulations on the 100k subscribers! I knew when I first subscribed two years ago, this channel would take off.

    Adam, I got to play with Johnny F yesterday in a tournament and told him I had been following Porzak golf on YouTube a couple of years and he told me you guys were best friends! Such a cool dude and he told me you were the real deal back in your college days! Keep up the great work!

  14. Is that what you feel to start the downswing, the left/lead pocket/cheek rotating to the right, and then simultaneously bring your upper body/arms and shoulders through?

  15. The greatest coach there is – if ya'll get a chance to get out to San Diego, a visit to Adam is a must. The youtube videos are great, but he does wonders in person

  16. "Left Shoulder goes down" That's the feeling that I need….thank you! Keep these videos coming. I love the way you talk about what to feel so much.

  17. When you work with average and mid handicappers, we all relate so much more. My biggest miss is when I early extension. When I moved my left pocket back and left, my game got so much better.

  18. good coaching. i'm about the same age and size as the big fella here and i can tell you that full rotation of the hips becomes more and more challenging with age, especially at the outside limit. and for some of us, the twist of the knee is also problematic. my left knee doesn't like my foot planted and hard twist so much anymore.

  19. Thank you, Adam,
    This move has been so hard for me to execute, but now I am starting to understand the process and the timing involved to execute it properly. Really appreciate you!

  20. That was a brilliant video Adam its exactly what im trying to do and I am working on this at the range massive thumbs up 👍cheers

  21. I notice Adam and other great players like Rahm start the swing with the butt-end of club almost touching the legs …thats closer than we get taught (usually a fist width)
    Am guessing you create room through the swing – am I right or is the camera just making it look that way? thanks Rob

  22. Lead shoulder down to the ground is gold. I've had the opposite (Lead shoulder up with the stall and flip) which has had my club path excessively from the inside. Leads to blocks, hooks, and the even shanks! Lead shoulder down fixed it!. Thank you Adam. Your golf instruction content is gold. And for those that haven't taken the plunge and bought the Porzak masterclass…. go do it right now! It literally becomes the blueprint for your entire swing. Something I've watched 30+ times and get something out of it each time.

  23. I’ve always struggled with the hip sway. Every time I work on the left cheek going back for more hip rotation early in the downswing it’s a big block to the right or a 50 yard fade.

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