In this golf lesson my golf coach, dana dahlquist, fixes my takeaway and backswing. Not only that but we go over golf tips to rotate better and to fire your hips properly, and also ways to play better out on the course and reduce stress on the golf course. Lastly, we work on the driver by the end of this golf lesson. Enjoy!

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00:00 Introduction
05:51 Address Problem + Improve Shallowing
10:59 The Matthew Wolff Feel
14:37 Passive and Active Torque
20:22 External Que to reduce stress when swinging
25:30 Working on Driver
31:21 Training your Hips at Home
39:53 How Prime Tiger Woods Rotated
41:21 Working on the 3 Wood

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#S2Golf #scratchtoscratch #jeromerufin

if you’re an amateur golfer like me the
back swing and takeway can decide if you
stripe your neck shot or shank it into
the Amazon rainforest so today I am with
one of the greatest golf coaches in the
world to fix this very thing he gives me
a gamechanging feel that makes me feel
like Matt wolf but makes my swing look
like Adam Scott’s techniques with the
lower body that Rory maroy and even
prime Tiger Woods in the 2000s did to
help them rotate and fire their hips
external cues to help reduce the stress
you have every time you’re over that
golf ball to be consistent out on the
golf course and even touch on how to
start striping your driver even better
for all of you who need help with that
so S2 let’s go all right let’s see you
hit just kind of recap from the last
time so the three things that we kind of
focused on right was like this pronation
thing like not pronating it and then
getting it up here getting deep landing
and then staying on plane y like the big
thing now for me that I think the two
things like when I get too far I’m like
so far ahead of the ball and then I like
to I guarantee you you’re not too far
forward okay if you got too far forward
you’d hit the ball first you might hit
it low but you’ll smash it okay don’t
come out of it okay got so if I go like
this and I land and I think I’m too far
forward mhm well I’m going to hit the
brakes and I’m going to turn M and I’m
not going to come out of it you’ll smash
it okay if anything if you’re topping it
you’re going up or back okay
like that see that’s better contact
right yeah like you can’t get forward
enough okay if I get up here I’m okay
gotcha I don’t mind now people go you
might slide whatever like get forward
and make good contact and we’ll worry
about that later okay got it you can’t
do much if you miss the center of the
yeah pure those are both really good
execution of shot before I film you yeah
those are the same spot yeah okay now
yeah they’re offline they’re right a few
degrees it’s probably Club face related
I don’t really care yeah but you’re at
least smashing it so what did that feel
like uh for me and I I know it’s always
going to go slightly right but like and
I don’t want it to be complex for you I
want you to be like what did that feel
like the move is the instant I land I
just I just need to feel the landing for
me okay that’s pretty much my trigger
point right now it’s like I land and
then I kick and then that’s that’s
pretty much the only two things I think
about okay perfect let’s just keep
reiterating that yeah I was playing with
this and like for me I know we were like
the club face stuff I just didn’t
focusing on that well we’re not doing
that yet yeah keep making good contact
yeah okay three in a row same spot okay
yeah we’re not playing golf right now so
if you’re playing golf you’re going to
hit that shot yeah and you’re going to
keep hitting that shot you’re not going
to add to that shot SP so if you go out
there you’re like I’m hitting everything
a little right just aim better okay aim
more left yeah you’re aiming
right and and maybe it’s a little with
the face but it’s not the time to go I’m
going to bow my wrist or all the other
things that AMS like to do cuz if I did
that every time yeah I know where I can
aim mhm it’s going the same place it’s
just 25 yard right yeah I mean it’s not
like you got a two-way miss going on
right so let’s do the same thing aim
more left with your feet and just aim
the face like 3° more to the left oh I
see before we get into like mechanical
things that yeah may or may not help you
or serve you at that that matter so here
this is aiming that left now or a little
left field your left yep okay face 3°
more left uh This Way yep and then take
your grip and do the same feel don’t
change your feet or
oh okay that’s good you came out of it
came up yeah let me try it again keep
the same input so now we kind of know
what the input should be yeah we have
kind of a trend going on yeah we have a
we have a aim bias and we have coming
out of your
sweet so we still got the good contact
yeah you got two more like
that solid
okay so we have a Miss to the right yeah
okay now we’re going to look at what
maybe might be the reason for that okay
now these are not drawing I know we got
a pretty heavy wind off the left yeah
that’s not helping um I’m going to do a
Down the Line video cool so we kind kind
of look at club path it’s good that
you’re staying forward enough that means
you’re probably hitting down on your
iron sum which means that’s going to
help the path move to the right yeah
when you hit down when you stand up back
up that’s not helping yeah all right so
let’s just have you just keep hitting
and I’m going to film one down the line
okay we we want to kind of simplify this
out cuz it’s too good not to this is
what I was playing with in that front
nine and I just was like I don’t want to
start changing the superation stuff so I
was like there there’s no reason to cuz
you’re effective
yeah solid one more
time oh no it’s all right okay let’s
take a look that one you kind of tilted
back on yeah okay well let’s look at
things like the overall motion of your
swing full speed looks pretty good
you’re kind of setting it up in the heel
a little bit though homie yeah I have
that problem with my short game too that
we realized oh really yeah so like I it
looks to me that’s just in the center
but it’s always on the heel so I got to
yeah just kind of play the ball off the
scoring line so like your scoring line
would be like see where that toe is yeah
just feel like and it’s an adaptation
yeah but the other adaptation is now
you’re actually aiming Square yeah now
look that’s
not if you were a tour
player some guys aim right some guys aim
left it depends on their face to path
relationship and maybe their angle of
attack whatever but overall you look
pretty darn good so being square is kind
of an easy metric to control because
it’s before you’re even hitting a golf
ball yeah all right let’s see what you
do so okay that looks
awesome that looks fine um maybe more
deep what’s that never mind go ahead no
it’s not deep it’s actually less than
deep no I’m saying more deep it has oh
yeah it needs to be more deep and and
maybe the shaft pitch if I was being a
golf nerd for a minute yeah what shaft
pitch I will show you so going back this
is a this is a preference of mine sure
doesn’t necessarily mean it needs to
happen people can argue
this shaft point points outside the ball
okay so the problem with
that my experience M slightly anecdotal
but there is some Merit to it is if the
shaft points inside the ball at this
point it’s going to have a better chance
to shallow on the down swing okay I’m
outside right now you are yeah currently
y so whether that’s coming from here
which it somewhat is yeah and the hands
are kind of in a good spot maybe they
could be slightly deeper yeah but as you
go to the top your hands are more
up see how high they are yeah okay and
the trail arm is
above like that so my preference is is
that this elbow would be behind you more
and more on that line okay not really
below it but just kind of like that yeah
and retract it okay okay that would help
you get the path of the hands if you
look at the side here to not start out
so much so right here the hands come out
your brain knows that’s coming out so
what are you going to do so you don’t
hit the ground yeah pop up pop up right
so it can’t stay behind you and then you
kind of
tilt and then you kind of lose your
wrist angle and hit the ground yeah um
because the last time we did it it was
like the more of an angle like the one
you’re saying and then when I was
practicing it got lower and lower and I
was like why is that happening so then I
tried to counteract and try to get back
to the picture we got okay and now it’s
a little
higher okay so maybe we can kind of just
get it back to I think it’s a
double-edged sword I think we need to
kind of get the pitch of the shaft and
the Hand path to work a little better
okay got it and then get to that point
and then we’ll see what it does
hopefully it does stay back through the
transition okay and it does shallow out
so you can stay on top of it got it my
Big Goal here is that we do
not go backwards yeah especially with an
iron got it okay and a 3-wood yeah I hit
awood I hit a three-wood uh on the front
n and like on a par five and I was like
I’m just going to do it hit the drive
about 270 and then I hit the 3-wood like
right next to the green very nice and I
was like this is yeah Freewood should be
your favorite Club you should take it to
dinner okay talk nicely to it yeah I
mean I started hitting it off te in
these places where I usually hit driver
and like this spers was just like I’m so
crazy so yeah well if you think about
with your 3-wood you’re not you’re
probably with your speed hitting about
2° down on it yeah um which is still
pushing the path right yeah which is
look a lot of AMS aren’t good with it
because they get with three-wood and
they start backing out of it yeah more
Loft backing out and then some AMS
actually hit it better than a driver
that’s kind of like a high lofted driver
form yeah but I think it’s an important
club and this is the thing we’ve had
with the when I think I’m aiming
straight right now when I feel like I’m
like aiming way left I end up going like
like a a different feel in the back soon
cuz it seems like I have to like yeah
it’s just that’s just an adaptation I’ll
just have to get used to it you’ll be
fine yeah and before I take my three
wood out to dinner after this lesson
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3,000 likes is the go hole so please
let’s try to break that barrier in this
video thanks very much and and back to
the show I did have a question on the
pronation stuff M you know how like
keeping it like this yeah does I feel
like the longer I do this when it gets
there it’s like that okay versus is yeah
don’t wor about that it doesn’t matter
no okay I was like do I stop pration at
some point or no don’t worry about it
okay we’re going to do it we’re going
I’ll show you so your feel is we’re
going to keep we’ve done this before so
you’re going to feel the hand path is
going to work more like that
out your this doesn’t pronate now you
got kind of feel for you that you’re
going to keep that so the pitch of the
Sha doesn’t start flattening yeah and
keep going back for you so it’s going to
go in don’t change the wrist angles
don’t change the arm angle keep pulling
that back that way and get that back
behind you okay okay now that’ll help
you get the mass of the shaft above so
that when you start to turn it wants to
fall I see so it’s kind of like that
that’ll be the feel kind of just
yeah now like I said it might feel like
a Matt wolf feel yep which fine like
that’s what he does yeah but hopefully
it looks like an Adam Scott okay you
know okay good lesson there you go that
was let’s take a look let’s take a look
yeah like and it’s it all goes back to
what I said before like at the end of of
the day and you set the face up better
right that’ll be a nice thing yeah okay
I just need to feel like okay we’ll
figure maybe I feel like it’s on the
toes so it goes in the center yeah
scoring line toe scoring line
yeah that’s what uh when I was with gab
he’s like you need to feel like you’re
crazy cutting it and coming out cuz when
I think I’m going straight I’m going all
the way back in going way yeah yeah
it’s okay so here we are all right so
let’s look at that hand
right so still a little bit of right
wrist Bend and a little supination but
the hand paths better and then when I
get to lead arm parallel P3 this
shaft is
trying pretty darn close to that line so
you can do that more you can feel like
it’s more this way as you go back so
you’re not letting this at all hinge or
anything so how do I do that in regards
to so I’m like here yeah just keep it
this way oh keep it this way yeah so
just don’t let this rotate and don’t let
this wrist go like that see how you’re
like this is wrist extension and this is
Boeing like just leave it alone and then
just go like that now the shaft’s more
steep so now the mass of the club see
how the club’s lighter yeah like so if I
went old school this would be a a decent
feel like for me I like that feel I
don’t like that feel see how it’s heavy
yeah this is lighter I
I’m not saying it’s going to be vertical
but it’s going to be out or inside the
ball at that P3 okay so it’s like this
and then this doesn’t even go like that
at all it’s
just yeah it depends right like some
people have the have the notion that
they do need to bend the back of the
right wrist and fold the right arm some
players need to feel like they throw it
wide M okay like there’s a lot of
different ways to skin that cat but this
is referenced to you so to you you’re
over flexing the right wrist which gets
the club in yep and then the mass is
kind of subject to that now what I
really like is that your arm is better
and you have more
depth right that’s good and then when
you start down you stay in your tilt you
get the lead arm parallel your arm is
more in and now the shaft points outside
ball which is the shallowing that’s the
shallowing now that was passive not
active yeah what does that mean okay
good comp
so there’s a thing called passive torque
similar to baseball players so baseball
player has a bat they apply Force to the
system mhm which produces a torque to
the club yeah so it’s not active so you
have couple ramifications so the wrist
if we’re going to go deep dive here and
I didn’t come up with this this is just
99% of golf instruction probably knows
this yeah the rist of the top is either
going to be in three locations either
it’s extended neutral or flexed
regardless of that the wrist is always
Offa okay so regardless of you starting
this way and keeping it it’s going to
move this way to this way to this way
throughout the swing yeah okay so you’re
up here neutral so when you apply Force
to your system your left wrist goes this
way yeah okay that’s what closes the
face yeah as that’s occurring I’m
putting torque to the to the grip which
is flattening the shaft okay okay now
you can do that because where the hands
are at the top mhm this is the thing
okay the active part of passive torque
is actually the predisposed mechanics of
what you did so you having a good back
swing allows you to do that yeah if you
had a not so good back swing you can’t
really do it I okay so that’s why I’m
kind of traditional in my thought here
of like trying to get into a traditional
back swing yeah because it applies
torque that way so this is actually
going to work in this direction okay and
it flattens so when you see that flatten
your brain knows it doesn’t need to
stand up so as you’re doing this you can
rotate your hips open stay see how it’s
way from the inside now
yeah hips can open and then you flushed
it so now you didn’t have this like
Flippy look anymore through the golf
ball got it got it got it
see okay that’s where I’d hang my hat
yeah okay don’t don’t you dare look at
your hips I know what you’re doing don’t
do it you don’t need to look at your
hips you’re like I got to get those no
no no no no no the better you get at
that the better the hips get okay okay I
don’t typically tell people in lessons
like I’ve said a billion times billion
times to rotate them yeah if they’re
steep or you’re steep this way yeah and
whatever your hips will probably extend
early and Tuck early yeah to shallow it
so fair yeah okay let’s do that again
that was awesome okay let me try that
exaggerated back uh just those inputs
now we’re we’re going to go back a
little bit sure so what are the things
that you can control right now before
hitting it or just during it you know
you can pick the right Club yeah my aim
I know I can aim it um and then I can
have an overall feel of what I’m just
working on that’s it you just keep and
you’re you’re going to walk up to it and
be between a scale 1 to 10 you’re going
to be a 9 to 10 okay of those things or
don’t take it
back good spin axis on the ball was good
yeah do it again just land left more
yeah that’s I felt like I was on the
toes of my left foot back off of it do
again I stood up out of that keep doing
it you’re
fine don’t overthink it make it in
sick yeah okay so this is what’s very
very funny if I was let’s say that
sample size was a lot bigger and I was
you yeah your good is really good now
yeah and then your bad is really bad
yeah so it’s like oh wait a minute like
this discrepancy is really here that’s
only because of
the lack of experience you have of
hitting golf balls your whole life yep
so if you were starting when you’re four
some of those contact pieces always
going to be there mhm um you do struggle
on your left side it does seem to be
like that’s not a normal thing for you
to do to be here and then pivot around
Yeah it’s gotten a heck of a lot better
but I would agree that you probably did
everything you did right there at 99% so
here’s what we’re going to do let’s kind
of think about this in a little
different fashion so when we when we
rewound to the beginning of today like
you hit a bunch of balls pretty well but
they were to the right yeah okay so if I
was to script this out I would say that
okay that I was probably a little bit
steep a little bit early
extended and probably the face was open
at impact because of that yeah okay we
already know through this last input of
you getting your hands to go in that
everything’s fine now I just kind of
like explained everything to you to
satisfy like the internal part of you
because I know how you work but we have
to we sincerely have to dumb this down
yep so let’s try to bring some keys that
dumb it down even more okay so let’s
take your setup this is going to be fun
cool okay cuz let’s say that you’re
really really nervous yep
okay do you have more control when
you’re nervous or less less for sure
okay so can you get rid of the
nervousness um no say no don’t even say
yes no you’re not going anywhere okay so
that first te Jitter thing you think you
can get rid of you can only solve it by
using better techniques to manage it
yeah which is like maybe your breathing
or maybe an external Q okay so take your
setup I’m going to give you external q i
I didn’t say
alcohol for viewers at home I say get
hammered but we’re going to give it
external que just little buzz little
buzz all right tequila all right ready
so take your setup all right so we know
the hand path going in yep okay but I
want you to get the butt into the club
when you go to whack your right pant leg
like touch it you’re going to try to
you’re going to scrape
it yep you’re going to feel like you do
that in your practice swing so that that
100% those hands didn’t go out they went
in right by doing that okay and with no
form rotation ready so do you just do
that uh hit it or do a practice swing
with that you can hit it just try to
feel like you get close to it and then
set it up in the
H don’t think you did it but the ball
went dead perfect okay so that’s kind of
that’s your big piece okay cuz here’s
how you think about things I want to be
correct Yeah by getting the hand path to
be right if it’s too far out it’s not
good yeah right we know if it goes out
the club gets flat gets lifted you wipe
it you stand
up you know you you don’t put a good
round together but there’s a really
interesting way to put this into a
different perspective if I know that in
my practice swing I’m kind of grazing my
right leg yep even though that’s too
much I know I’m trending on the other
side of things yeah and it gives me a
little bit of comfort that I’m actually
doing it yeah okay so let’s try that
again Sweet slightly went up just
slightly that’s all right it’s a good
shot left side of the green yeah the
nervous first thing is is funny cuz
like I mean I didn’t mention this on
that round that I like messed up the
back nine right there’s just uh way too
many people watching cuz they know who I
am now they’re just like waiting from
every t-shot and like filming that’s
okay yeah I’m just like it’s good for
you yeah I didn’t come up with this but
like one of my students dad’s is a
tennis coach yeah okay and his daughter
plays for UCLA MH and I I like it
because there’s relatability amongst him
and I yeah where he sees things from uh
and he’s done it for a long time so his
sample size of competitive Sports is
very very large yeah and he’s probably
gone through what I’ve gone through
where when I first was teaching golf it
was like oh you got to have these
positions in a certain way because if
not I can’t help you mhm it’s like well
after 5 years six year you start
realizing like that doesn’t matter that
much like for me to get you to hit a
draw is very very simple yeah obviously
it just takes time for you to do it um
but more importantly is like that first
T Jitter thing he sent me this thing on
on uh jokovic and that’s what he said
basically jokovic is like I’m just as
nervous as you are I just have better
tools to manage it yeah like okay so I I
don’t have to try to fix that no no no
cuz it exists so when you have those
situations that you’re going through
where it’s a blessing you have people
that are doing that cuz when you’re
learning normally you don’t have that
yeah so now you have to learn how to
overc that through those tools like you
can attach yourself like literally you
can do this you can go okay Dana said
for me to hit my right leg that’s what
I’m going to gravitate to whether I hit
it good or not yeah nervous or not so if
I do that it’s a victory it’s like oh
yeah I did it yeah okay
stripe okay so those are the most
consistent looking shots I’ve seen since
the beginning yeah see they’re all kind
of straight falling left yeah okay so um
let’s kind of like look at this for a
minute and don’t add to it cuz I know
you I know how you are I know how I am
we could be two P’s in a pod here and we
can kind of make too much go on yeah
when you’re finished here I want you to
write down you’re going to watch your
videos I get it write down those keys
but then simplify it to the fact where
can I confidently cumb to what I’m
working on here so yeah like the big
thing for you is going
okay what did I do real well here to hit
the ball that way mhm and have have
control and then just start working
through the bag regardless you know that
club works yeah all the other clubs
should work in that fashion and you just
kind of work through the bag and then
write that down so you know that’s how I
would put it together okay um and then
know that you control it with I know I
can set the club up closer to the
scoring line of the toe yeah that’s
going to be a good thing yeah I know I
can aim straighter yep cuz you got to do
that yeah and then what’s your other
key you pick the right Club yeah yeah
right sure okay makes it a heck of a lot
easier you actually can start working on
managing distance yeah can we try the
long irons let’s do it let’s do your
three-wood yeah and then driver let’s do
driver now then let’s do it okay the
driver is driver driver is actually the
easiest CL to hit cuz The Sweet Spot is
a mile
long this is the
reason my back nine blew up no no no
that’s not the
reason what happen the reason why your
back nine blew up is you weren’t
committed yeah yeah exactly yeah um okay
cool have you guys are you guys too
young do you you know um Team America
World Police yeah you’re watching that
tonight the movie yeah you seen it yeah
okay Gary’s committed just remember I
said that that would be a really funny
picture when he say well add it to the
video whoever’s editing this but put it
show up I’m going to do this off the toe
as well yes you
are same input you’re going to hit your
right leg and not rotate the forarms so
you can kind of feel that shaft go more
like that yeah I do feel like I’m like
mad wolf for sure though yeah you’re not
close very good to it that was good tote
it and then
came out of it a little bit so a toe hit
is your left shoulder going like
this okay I’m so I just got to keep stay
like you’re hitting
iron you know it’s teed up you don’t
need to try to hit up on
it okay Baseline more left ball more
forward play the ball more forward so
like here yep and okay aim your feet
more to the left there you
go okay you ready same input hit your
leg no form
stripe good job that’s like a fraction
down huh that’s like a slight fraction
down here oh it doesn’t matter it was in
the middle of Fairway oh okay let me see
it was a good swing it’s much much
better so we’re just going to see if
we’re trending on the mechanics what’s a
trip is look how much better your like
is like
D yeah okay my
bad what are we doing
here you go right to
it trying to give you a compliment I
know I’m bad dude bad at this okay you
look really pretty well I didn’t put on
makeup okay I did it today God so yeah
you look great you look good yeah okay
um way better see it’s on the
hands way better see the Sha points in
inside the ball yeah right there that’s
perfect hands are deep Trail elbow
little bit high but fine but it’s it’s
deep enough so when that elbow’s
down it won’t be as crossed but I don’t
care about it being crossed so much what
do you mean by a little bit High what
were you saying oh this thing yeah yeah
and the shaft’s a little across but
whatever but see when it comes down the
shaft flattens yeah now you did back up
so you see how the left shoulder went up
a little bit yeah that’s probably why
you hit it low on the face
yeah we are trending it’s a good golf
swing keep kind of giving it you got to
do all those things before you start
worrying about your hips okay got it got
it which I know what you’re going to
talk about that’s like the number one
thing I’m like fail it doesn’t doesn’t
yeah I trust me it doesn’t matter Scotty
shuffler is falling over and striping it
you’re fine let me try
again so the only other input would be
this consist L like set that up a little
bit more out on the toe yeah and keep
giving the same input going back just
elbow it level to the ground not as up
this is going high because I stop
rotating and I’m just lifting probably
yeah probably and then so here and then
rather than trying to go like this with
a driver I feel like I have the tendency
cuz I try to want to get under it yeah
but I could I shouldn’t even I just this
will get under just rotate yeah yeah
you’ll it’s normal though like most
people do that with a driver that’s why
I like the three-wood a lot okay cuz it
trains you to keep the Hub like zeroed
out lovely good that’s a different Miss
yeah little overdraw little
overdraw I guess I’m I’m kind of I mean
I don’t want to say scared but like
hesitant to land left a lot on the
driver cuz when I get here I’m always
like this you’re always where uh on my
when I’m practicing with I with my
driver uh-huh usually happens in my long
clubs when I get here I’m just
like like I end up getting so far ahead
but you know you’re not okay don’t worry
okay if you get pressure there you’re
going to push away from it so don’t
worry about that okay let me try we’ll
get in look we’ll get into that at
another venue yeah once this gets under
control okay let me like you have to get
adapted to learn how to be here and push
from here but we’re we’re
not awesome that’s so good yeah so okay
so you’re good let’s talk about your
hips I said we I said we weren’t but I’m
going to allow you to train it I don’t
want you hitting balls doing it I have
um and I should have brought them I have
some Rotex at home okay have you seen
Rotex what is that so they’re they’re on
a slant and they have like wheels that
rotate on them and it helps you work on
either internal rotation or external
rotation mhm and i’ rather you like
program that in training so that you can
feel it objectively rotate your lower
body so let me kind of like walk you
through it so stand right here for a
minute yeah okay training mean like just
a physical training yeah yeah so like
you don’t need to like oh I need to go
to the gym and go take a spin class and
like all that kind it’s just like
illustrating feels so when I go to the
top my swing and I land what is this
doing uh putting more pressure on it
well the pressure is in the ball of the
foot oh right it goes to the ball of the
foot uh because I’ve pushed to the right
yeah and resisted going like this right
y pressure went right pressure goes left
yep now when that pressure goes left at
the end of the wind up I’m dropping and
going down and left that was our first
thing we ever talked about yep okay but
what’s the left foot actually
doing I guess slightly Clos the heel is
getting closer to the Target okay see
that so this is an adaptation just that
in of its own is
adaptation so just kind of do that stand
right here and do
that like should I be doing that or yeah
why not so now you know your your
pressure is going left right so do that
again oh more more yeah do that again so
now you know you’re slamming left do
that again right okay so we got that so
if you watch Rory maroy or Justin Thomas
yeah their left foot is landing closer
to the Target so it lifts up a little
bit for them for sure yeah they don’t
they don’t load on their left foot they
pressure goes right turns boom right so
they’re actually dropping down and left
at the top of the Swing are they doing
that with every Club pretty much okay I
mean unless they’re not trying to blast
The Sand Wedge but oh yeah just just
generally with that thing for sure okay
so that’s the first adaptation so you
just get good at that mhm without a golf
go okay okay yeah now I know if that’s
curring what’s this femur doing
internally rotating okay bad thing is if
I go like that yeah that’s what I’ve
been doing that’s externally rotated and
I’m going forward well I can’t rotate
the hip if this is too far forward so
what do you do hump yeah right so I want
to make sure that I land here
first yeah that that’s a breaking force
so then I can straighten this leg back
behind me and rotate the hip towards the
target gotcha gotcha so now do that I’ll
have your Club yeah so stand there let’s
do the first protocol first we’ll do
that three times so it’s kind of like
this land there just get good and do it
slower so you can feel it there now once
you go there
stop done right so you landed you got
pressure on the ball of the foot yep now
that pressure is going to push from toe
heel and this hip is going to go back go
ahead right hip is going to drive
towards the Target and that’s going to
roll up okay so let’s do that together
okay do that
again so you go to the top
land there you go that’s how you turn
okay yeah because when I’m I’m
constantly like this and I just keep it
like not moving feel like I always go
like when I push go backwards mhm but
the here it’s kind of allows me to open
and go this way okay so the the the so
here’s the thing like you have like the
mechanics of what a golf swing looks
like and then you have what the forces
are doing so off the left foot you have
some players that push up yeah put
players that push away and put players
that push back and then a combo of one
of those three okay okay so um and this
is like I have those gas plates yeah so
on the gas plates it’ll tell you if I’m
pushing more vertical mhm that’s going
to spin the wheel that way yeah like a
ferris wheel yeah if I push more away MH
then it goes more mer around mhm now
ideally you want a combo of both mhm so
that you hit it straight yeah right so
but that doesn’t mean that I’m just
going to go like this to Eternity yeah
because it’s just going to throw the
wheel more that way I get blocked and I
start hitting block cuts and hooks yeah
so I want you to feel like you land mhm
once once you kind of get here stop and
then slowly push towards your heel so
your right has room to get to the
okay oh you’re
fine right now here’s the caveat do that
with the camera here so go and set up
mhm and I want you to kind of feel
something so go to the
top okay Land good hold now as this is
driving keep going see how this hip is
higher yeah look where your Center is
you’re more on top of it you’re not
going like
this right see how it’s more on top so
do that
again there there right let that foot
rotate right there that see now you’re
more forward on top of it so it’s tough
for you to back up on it gotcha
wait there yeah there you
go now I’m going to tell you this flat
out yeah this is not a playable feel
this is what you do at home mhm if you
do this for the next week M you’ll start
to actually feel that happen in your
swing mhm but when you’re playing it’s
all back swing okay I don’t want you to
ever think when you’re hitting a ball
it’s not actionable to have anything on
your down swing you’re trying to feel if
you want to be good gotcha okay if you
want to be like an armchair swing nerd
guy like me and think you can play like
that you can’t do that I got golf golf
swing’s too fast yeah you know if you’re
swinging 120 and you’re trying to do an
AP Force other than the fact that you’re
trying to jump yeah no not going to
happen you got it you know I’m sorry but
like in training that’s fine
gotcha Dave Phillips had
um a post the other day like this
information’s been out for a long time
okay so it depends on how big your your
net is right so like if I threw a net
out like how many how much exposure do I
have to the industry so like Dave’s got
a big one and TPI does so they they had
a it was a good post y um it it
everything has comes with its
controversy yeah but um they were
talking about the AP Force pushing from
here to here yeah right which is
measurable you get on a gas plate there
is that’s a force that you know thank
you Steve gold for that yeah but that’s
what’s going on but that’ll help you
with your hip turn okay not just me
saying turn your hips yeah cuz you you
hav’t train that to happen gotcha okay
so in regards to this it’s it’s
like I I just want to kind of focus on
this the chest piece here I’m landing
here this is kind of like this and then
I’m pushing back and straightening the
left leg behind you and driving your
right knee internally like this this way
like that y toward it but it’s not like
here and then I’m coming um with my
chest forward it’s it’s this and then
around around yeah like this because
you’re already forward yeah so this is
you shouldn’t be feeling this like going
that it’s just down here and then I’m
pushing and then kind of following well
I mean for you have it Forward have it
Forward yeah and for your listeners have
it Forward okay cuz I don’t know many
amateurs that are too far forward I know
too many amateurs that are over the top
and they finish in flexion yeah that’s a
different thing
gotcha okay that’s this is actually not
so in my golf swing
though this this has to open I prefer
you to train it so it does do that cuz
it’s a good
indicator okay got it like if I get on a
pressure board yeah my left heel goes
boom mhm like it actually moves 3 in
forward got it well if it does that I
know I’m forward and then when I start
to rotate to here this is on top of that
got it’s like zero yeah right right and
then from there it’s pushing Wham and
jumping off the ground which it’s
pushing in this direction for that hip
to come to the Target mhm got it so if
you look at Tiger Woods when he was
smoking everybody like in the 2000s yeah
you look at him hit a driver at Augusta
his foot is flying off the ground 6 in
behind him yeah it’s like this yeah
which gave room for his hip mhm which
protected his knee yeah because all he’s
doing is going like jump God hurting
your knee yeah this hurts your knee yeah
okay that’s basically what I’ve been
doing and I’m just like trying to get it
in there yeah then then it needs to
straighten and go back okay got it okay
that sounds good and then you’re saying
like I mean this is definitely for
driver but like as it with the other as
a hole as a whole all your clubs but
it’s like less exaggerated I guess like
yeah you just dial it down a little a
5060 reason like yeah yeah got it but as
a player yeah we go back to our original
conversation yeah I want you to to train
that yep I will yeah don’t do it hitting
balls so the very first thing you do is
you go okay I can
control ball location it set up
alignment I can control right yep okay
and pick the right Club yep don’t hit
pitching wedge from 180 yards okay Min
exactly um but like I can control those
things yeah so then all of a sudden my
confidence level in what I’m doing goes
up to 80% yeah maybe more and then from
there I have a governing field of an
external governing feel of I’m going to
hit my right leg with my hands going
back okay without rotating my fors if I
do that I know I get some depth and I
know the mass of the club is slightly
above the hand path which will drop more
in as I rotate through so I don’t have
to think about all of it yeah it’s more
of a playability thing got it we can go
gurug geeki later we don’t have to it
looks good yeah and then you stripe okay
cool can I try the three-wood now yes
let’s do it
I stood up on that one God you know what
that was a really good golf swing just
came out of it that was a really good
golf swing okay really yeah yeah do that
again I feel like it I I know when I’m
coming out when I like end up going this
but that was good let me try to do it
little SL stay in it
yeah I keep getting up decent do it
yeah don’t let that left arm and right
arm Elevate keep it back back kind of
went like this get it back I like you
mean I’m lifting it yeah that one you
did pure very
good that’s your Mo dude huh that’s your
Mo yeah I just need to stay down yeah I
don’t know what it’s it’s been a thing
for me whenever I go into long clubs I
kind of freak out now you can because
you’re not steep you’re not lifting your
arms up and it’s not coming this way
which is going to make you stand up but
now that the actually kind of falls back
behind you more yeah you can actually
stay in it okay yeah looks pure can I
see it on camera yeah let’s do it yeah
100% what are you saying sorry I was
just saying this is the most consistent
I’ve seen your action yeah no I mean and
your ball flight I feel like yeah this
is of all our lessons I just like
reviewed it the other day I mean I
review our lessons all the time yeah and
I’m just like man swing I mean yeah it
looks good it’s better now but I just
need to dial short
game I killed that
t do it again yeah did I do that yeah do
it again you’re fine it’s like a keep
the input the same feel like my tendency
is always to do
that a slightly stood up one more one
more okay not bad let’s take a look just
a little right but pretty good it’s just
okay got it I also thought like you you
don’t want to get it like that like um
like this and I guess it you’re
overthinking it what are you thinking no
I was I was thinking like on your back
swing you didn’t want me to go like this
it had to be like higher up but it’s
more just get it back like if you’re
throwing a ball like a football it’s
behind so it’s just like yeah just there
yeah perfect okay got it yeah don’t
don’t think you got to do anything with
your wrist it’s not you’re that’s just
taking away power and accuracy so this
is going back going back going back
going back and then I guess like I’m
just trying to think it’s going this way
and then that yep do that again I I just
want to dial this one down so it’s like
this this go go go go go go go go go go
go go go go well so like this is behind
you got it right so this shoulders
retracted and this is deep and what was
I again can you you elevating this like
that yep which and Crossing it like that
okay got it so just just back so it’s
just cradled there okay just make sure
it’s like behind my back yeah so it’s uh
now if you find that you think you’re
doing it too much you just let me know
okay so it’s kind of just like
this yeah there you go okay I got it so
things tend to get more exaggerated with
Woods yeah of what your faults are uhhuh
do see a little bit of that okay it’s
okay doesn’t mean you can’t stripe
because you’re striping you’re striping
most your
shots so see a little in yeah to in you
said yeah so you rotated the form oh I
see kind of like that yeah right and
then because the hands are
good elbow’s good but then it’s going to
be a little more crossed and lifted cuz
you rotated it see how that’s like
crossed now I don’t like I’d rather it
be there than it laid off laid off being
on like the club Pony over there okay
got it because at least the shaft kicks
back I see I see oh it’s right from okay
got it that’s why he hit that pretty
good actually all lined up yeah that
wasn’t too bad for I thought it was a
bad shot I mean it’s like the open it
was just a little right yeah but that’s
what I mean like you got to feel like
it’s cradled like you’re just holding
this here back here behind your right
shoulder gotcha so it’s kind of just
like this versus like this yeah see arm
goes up every time you do that yeah okay
can I try that again with this yeah
pretty pure though
dude yeah I just need to break 85 soon
hey that’s good golf yeah for you right
at about a year right now right yeah
it’ll be a year in what is it day 3 12
days it’s pretty good yeah I just feel
like I could like the last round I was
like I am breaking 80 today and then I
was like I dig it yeah it’s funny like
there’s a the honeybee worker in US yeah
that like puts an objective number that
that is successful yeah is like that’s
not what’s successful the journey is the
the success part yeah right like the
experience that you’re going through and
you know I know it’s very anti-a type of
me but our society is kind of not to get
all metaphysical here but like they’re
like oh the end point is I get to be a
doctor it’s like really like no it’s you
dealing with with your patients and
understanding them and then at the end
of your career you’re like I had a lot
of people that I cared for and I
developed those relationships with so in
the golf Spectrum it’s the same thing
like I have the relationship of
understanding around my golf game how
that interrelates with me as a human
being yeah and then other people that I
play with like those that’s what makes
it kind of cool now the good thing is
that your personality being an A type
guy wants to see Success Through that
stage and that is going to be the form
of you shooting a score yeah but if you
just make that the number one
thing it’s kind of not what you’re
looking at it’s not it’s not ideal yeah
okay this basically is this consistent
throughout the to to the top feel that
yeah so it’s
like this and it is that still yeah it
is yeah keep going and then cradle it
back there so like
this yeah I feel like I can’t cradle
until I like do that it’s fine just go
better wow stripe
show okay your wheels are turning man I
could see it that was
pure yeah that’s crazy like I said you
need to take this club to dinner you
need to find out if it’s Italian food or
is it a
steakhouse okay so let’s check this
thing out dang it all right check this
out all right this is way
see little less in but hands are good
trail arm is lower see that so that’s
less lifty yeah still a little cross I
don’t care and so I mean ideal it’s just
like this rest is like that’s that’s
what cross means okay got it but I’d
rather you be there and then see how the
shaft Kicks Down you stay in it that’s
perfect Club is from the
inside hitting out on the ball and then
you striped it so staying in it does
that mean I’m so like when I went back I
I’m getting up a little here does that
mean staying in it would be like I’m not
going up at all until Post in back I
mean what does that mean so so the
greatest players in the world had do
have extension so some of them do I mean
Jack Nicholas and Tiger Woods both
extended yeah okay got it like slightly
yeah like you don’t need to like stay
completely down you know like Meo
Pereira but you know that’s fine okay
got it and then the only other outling
thing is since you’re going to be
training your lower body work it’ll
start looking more open and open as you
continue down this path okay got it so
yeah looks good perfect awesome man you
have a tea time right after this so
sweet we’ll see how that kind of goes no
I mean to kind of remember I’m going to
run up and look for your your uh yeah
we’ll go back with you hey yo it is
Jerome here going to take my 3-wood out
to dinner right now but if you love that
video check out that one right there
down below it’s even more high quality
and YouTube told me specifically that
you would like it so click that
thumbnail down below and I’ll see you


  1. What was Dana talking about for practicing moving left foot forward without club? Rotex? What is the proper word and tool he is talking about? Like you Jerome, want to know all details, anything that can help me!

  2. Hey Jerome, I noticed something during your swing – there's potential for improvement in your follow-through. It appears there's a lack of patience once you make contact with the ball, resulting in erratic movements with your club, hands, and body.

    Switching gears, as a video producer, I couldn't help but notice some areas where your footage could use some enhancement. The footage is notably shaky, and there's a noticeable disparity in color between the two cameras used. Additionally, the high ISO settings have introduced a significant amount of graininess.

    However, despite these challenges, your channel is showing growth, which is fantastic to see. Perhaps it's time to consider bringing in additional videographers to elevate the quality of your content.

  3. Bro, that’s 2 videos now that the coach’s name and links aren’t in the bio. It’s bad business for both your sakes. Do better!

  4. Congratulations for creating and collaborating between coach and student. Thank you for the effort.

  5. Ive been in this game for 30 years. In around the pro game for a bit of that. Ive learned so much nuanced information and details that are so vital from these lessons with Dana. Thoroughly jealous i live 3k miles away otherwise i would be heading down to book a lesson. Incredible stuff.

  6. After 8 years, up north so 6 years, since we can't play, I got it. Mostly due to Paul Wilson who does not do You Tube anymore after 20 years.
    Why bring this up, because like Peter Cowen says until you feel something you won't know how to get that feeling.
    It's a conundrum, but then so is golf.

    For a feel since your coach bought it up when the wrists fall, flatten out, that's the key to the turn.
    The weight transfer has already started and it's all in a sequence or chain of effects.

  7. The no club, heel, hip, rotation drill to a strong finish drill, will be your biggest upgrade. After that for on course, you need to really dial in your pre shot routine and make it as close to the same always. More focus and intent before your shots. I'd even consider playing a serious walking round without filming just so you can really get your head in the right zone for how you see the shot before you do your pre shot routine. Like how you would shoot a FT when you played basketball. You had a routine and focus and intent.

  8. I love this coach he keeps the head out of it. Stop thinking and just play your shot. You're already hitting well and sometimes on different day your body is tight in different areas so you don't hit a draw you hit a fade. Play the fade that day trust your setup.

  9. Well done! You finally look like a player that a brand will sponsor. Burn all those visors haha! Awesome journey

  10. Is Jerome a feel player or technical player. I watch all his videos and sometime feel he’s over whelmed with all the technical data.
    Some coaches like this one are very data and technical and some find you that feeling and work with that. I’m not saying either is better. Just what works for you

  11. Man, what I would give to live in SD and be able to get lessons with Dana. What a master of a teacher. This series has completely transformed my swing. I even downloaded the 3d app he uses to monitor myself over time. Keep up the good work Jerome, you're helping a lot of fellow golfers with these videos!

  12. Started playing a few years ago at end of Covid. Got a coach. Dana has been out to our golf center. Not getting forward or backing out with long clubs and driver has been my biggest issue by far. I just don’t trust or feel I’m gonna be able to get around on the ball moving forward. So I stay back or come up out of the swing spinning back out of front foot. Love the videos.

  13. Best round I ever had is when I threw the score card away and focused on the shots. Take the scoring aspect out of the round and play the game.

  14. I'm fired up to see my instructor next week for a lesson. Edit: I have "lost" my swing and the butt end of the club inside the ball on takeaway and outside the ball on downswing helped me so much. Thanks for posting this and hope to see you in San Diego some time.

  15. This is a masterclass on the hips/pivot! I’ve literally been looking for this level of detail for 26 years!

  16. please bru, shoes.. melamine sponge + baking soda + warm water. you can do this too ! let's go ! xD carry on !

  17. LOL! I feel your pain because I'm in a similar place and have some of the same tendencies. The goods are great, pure and so good. The bads are bad. When hitting the good shots, it's an awesome feeling isn't it? Dana is a damn good coach! I never fail to glean something from the videos. The thing with the folks watching you and making you nervous….If I had to guess, they are routing for you, not hoping you mess up. Embrace it. The other day I was striping the ball at the range. Everything was going so good, I could hardly believe it. I could hear people talking about the shots behind me which had never happened before. I didn't look, but I let it mess me up and got a quick case of a few bad shots, lol. Anyway, thanks for the great content and sharing your journey.

  18. Best quote from your coach in this video – "You're overthinking, what are you doing." 😂 Every one of your videos I have seen, with every coach I've seen you with, the coach is giving you a simple thing to think about, and you always want to complicate it, turn it into something else, think about a different aspect of the swing than what the coach is talking about. Commit to the specific action/movement the coach is giving you, and focus on that alone! You always try to dive so deep past what he's talking about, despite the focus of the lesson being on something so simple! (Note – I hope this isn't taken too negativley, its something i think we ALL do as golfers – but i definitely think it would help). Great video again, keep up the good work, and remember golf is hard!

  19. This is how to give a guy 43 things to think about in each swing. I know the info is good, but good luck applying any parts of this when you are changing your swing.

  20. I’m very excited about this lesson. I’m a low single digit cap that had never had a trigger I liked to start my swing. Hitting the butt of the club on your right knee is fantastic! I’m going to try that for sure. Will definitely let you know if I get my career round this year. 🎉

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