Golf Babe

Is Public Speaking The #1 Fear? – VLOG #13

Public speaking is often dubbed the number one fear for many individuals, surpassing even the fear of death. This fear, known as glossophobia, can stem from various sources, including the fear of being judged, making mistakes, or simply not being able to effectively communicate one’s thoughts and ideas. The pressure to perform well in front of an audience, whether it be a small group or a large crowd, can induce anxiety and nervousness in even the most confident individuals. However, mastering the art of public speaking is not only a valuable skill but also a liberating experience, empowering individuals to share their voice and connect with others on a deeper level. Through practice, preparation, and confidence-building techniques, the fear of public speaking can be overcome, leading to greater self-assurance and success in various aspects of life.

In this video, GabbyGolfGirl prepares for her new challenge qualifying for the US day one. today she has her first ever public speaking engagement. She’s never done anything like this before and this is how she gets over her nerves and how she is able to answer questions, smoothly, and end up really enjoying public speaking.


  1. I love how you are presenting yourself with aggressive challenges and doing things you have never done. Just ticking one more thing off the list. Good luck in the qualifiers, can’t wait to see the follow ups.🙏❤️

  2. You're a very talent girl for sure but please be careful listening to the words of Klaus Schwab. Best wishes in all you do.

  3. Very good for the first time speaking public!
    Focus, listen, speak slow, anwer quick! Do not repeat things, its monotone. Do not put your arms on your hips, stait is better. 🙂

  4. Hi Gabby. You just did something that i dread. Speaking to a crowd of people. I was a professional singer and musician , so you'd think I'd be ok talking to a crowd. But unfortunately not the case for me. I would much rather sing to them any day or night.Watching you do this for your first time, i am super impressed and proud of how you spoke, answered questions and joined these people for photos and informationsharing afterwards. You can tell it went very well because of reactions that the woman had towards you with lots of warm hugs, admiration and chats. So well done Gabby,you are the shinning star for people out there of all ages as well as me. Keep it going Gabby. Stay ahead of the game which is what you're doing anyway. Love your work ethic and your presence. You go for it young lady.

  5. That’s a tough thing to do. Not many people would put themselves in that awkward position. Well done. 👍👍✊✊🙏🙏🙏

  6. This was So great Gabby! You are such a sweetheart for doing this and hearing all the stories from them. God will continue to bless you!

  7. Absolute grandslam! Great job. You, being so genuine, is what makes you so watchable and gaining more fans every week!!!

  8. The speaking engagement Gabby you will knock it out of the park. Good luck on the qualifier.

  9. You did an absolutely fantastic job on your first speaking session. You’re a true professional and an important role model for our youth.keep up the great work 😊

  10. Would love to see you make a collection of all the golf tips you have given us, and put them into one video. You have had great teachers over the years (so you really know what you are talking about. )AND you explain things so clearly!.

  11. For many people who fear public speaking it’s important to stop and consider: about 99% of the people there WANT you to succeed. They’re cheering you on (at least on the inside). Once you accept that, it’s a lot easier to get them on your side and ride the wave on home. It’s very RARE for someone to have to give an address to a hostile audience.

  12. Gabby, if you a well prepared you wont be nervous. Take a note of your main points. First tell them in summary form what you are going to tell them. Them tell them. Finally recap by telling them in sum what you just told them.
    I'm retired now but done a lot of presentations over the years and when I have taken he time to be well prepared I wasn't nervous. I've only ever felt nervous when required to speak without notice ant I found the best thing to do then for me was to tell the audience I was a bit nervous and why.

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