Welcome to a new style of video for Gatekeeper Media! With changes to how the media works with the DGPT as well as logistical hurdles, we are still finding a way to adjust our product to have relevancy and push out videos people want to watch. This new video is a recap of the entire event including FPO and MPO. Please let us know what you think of this early edition of a new video.

Thank you DGN for providing the footage.

Commentary by:
Andrew Fish & Nathan Queen

Music by:

Course: Brock Diamond & Brock Premiere

Thumbnail Photos by Kevin Huver / DGPT

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#discgolf #gatekeepermedia #texas


  1. Why again are you changing the coverage? Your explanation is just a bunch of gobbledygook
    If you are supposed to do chase cards do FPO/XXPO separately and MPO separately…

  2. Go Go FPO.
    A protected class protected against men that isn't protected from exact functional equivalents of men is an incoherent travesty.

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