I Got The NEW 2024 TaylorMade SECRET DRIVER (Straight IN THE BAG!)
When I got a message the other day that tailor made were releasing this brand new golf club I honestly thought it was an April fools then I saw this hit the conforming list for the RNA and the USGA and then I got this email then I got
This email and this turned up guys introducing the brand new not clickbait not an April fools 2024 tailor made it’s another mini driver guys if you know my channel and you know me all you know I absolutely abolutely love these things and this looks absolutely delightful today we’re going
To test out here on golf course we’re going to test it in the studio for numbers and that as a trip down Nostalgia Lane could be something very very special guys hit that subscribe button if you want to see more golf related videos this year every single
Day there’s no better feeling than this especially on a new mini driver have you seen the head cover Nostalgia is it the same inside though as the last one what do you think it feels furry enough is it is it I’m stuck I’m stuck oh my Lord beautiful I wasn’t expecting that was
You I like that I like it better than the rainbow yeah let’s get out there so as you can all imagine I’m rather excited about this video I absolutely love Mini drivers I’ve loved every single generation we’ve turned the head cover over because it’s looking like
Rain but even rain will not dampen my spirits today I’m not going to lie guys it’s not driver off this te but it is now because we have the new mini driver so guys go in the comments below would you spend the money on one of these brand new tailor made burner Mini
Drivers and this is there’s not really a huge change from last year but I quite like that I’m a big believer if it ain’t broke don’t fix it so let’s test it first of all out on the golf course we’re also going to test this brand new
2024 mini driver in here in the studio and test it for numbers against last year’s mini driver and see just how much difference there really is and if you should try and get a hold of one of these new or settle and pay let’s be fair quite a lot of money in the
Secondhand market for last year’s model and we’ll talk about just potentially how this could find its way in my bag your bag maybe even Bobby’s bag bobb’s bag you scared that no right that take away the side that it’s not driver off this hole that felt absolutely gorgeous it’s gone Arrow
Straight and it felt remarkable obviously you’ll see here it has got quite a bit of technology in there we do have that through slot speed pocket we do have twist face and we also have those movable weights which we are going to change in today’s video and see how
It performs in the low spin setting it’s 182° you’ll see I have already moved that down to 11 1/2 this is James very much in his happy place right here with the mini driver well and truly in the bag can we just have a word about that
First ball flat that’s the first ball flight I’ve ever hit with this mini driver I don’t know what it is I don’t know the Romantic side in me says this is the best driver of 2024 when we come to look at the numbers I think it’s going to be very
Interesting because there’s not a huge technological advancement in this club but Taylor Made claim there’s a very small one now if there is a very small advancement the last one was fantastic and if I hit it like I can hit it it almost goes as far as my normal driver
Generally goes a lot straighter distance accuracy style tick tick tick so for those of you who are mini driver virgins amongst us you may not know but it is a slightly smaller head than a standard driver stick with me if you do know but I do have to explain
This and a three-wood length shaft the coolest thing about this new version is that who remembers those grip Right Grips I love the fact that they brought that back it’s a lovely nod of the hat to drivers of old especially the tailor made burner and I should probably
Explain how good this looks on top so we still have that carbon Crown but we now have a lovely bronzed kind of Leading Edge there I think that looks absolutely gorgeous now the camera may not do that Justice because when I saw the first images of this first of all on the USGA
Conforming page I thought it to most I thought it looked quite hideous and I mean for someone to ruin a mini drive would be like someone scribbling all over the own Lisa but it isn’t it actually looks really really nice and I think it actually suits the driver
Particularly well so I feel like Taylor ma have sort of gotten away with that so let’s see how many good shots we can hit down this second hole we’re going to change these weight ports as well and just get that kind of heavy weight a little bit further forward that’s going
To reduce Moi it’s going to shove CG forward it should make it lower Spin and me that hits that flight window lovely especially with the previous generation of which we’re going to compare this to in the studio so I know you don’t want to go anywhere I’ve teed this up nice
And high because I do like hovering this and just trying to well trying to hit it nice and hard actually because I feel like oh yeah and that wasn’t even a good shot that’s like not moving in the air a tiny bit Healy but straight down the
Middle of the Fairway and this is where it really comes into its own forgiveness for me with these clubs is exceptional and I actually saw a study on Twitter of all places but I do believe the study of Mini drivers in golfers bags you don’t actually lose that much over the course
Of a season over the course of even a round of golf out here so take the numbers in the studio with a pinch of salt but realistically I think this could be a fantastic club for so many golfers you’re going to have to act quick if you
Want one because they do generally sell out rather quickly which is part of the issue I don’t know how much they is I’ll put it on screen now but it’s not going to be cheap cuz nothing’s cheap anymore is it Bobby in 2024 right another shot with it in its
Forgiving setting then we’ll go wait forward at at that again and that’s just cutting that corner gorgeous 11 and 1 half degre it’s not launching like a standard driver wood with 11 and A2 degrees because the three-wood shaft length is reducing the club head speed therefore the ball speed is reducing a
Little bit and spin rate’s reduced a little bit so it’s going to launch a tiny bit lower now this is what we’ve all come to see let’s get this is a 1.5 G and a 13 g at the back so ideally we’re not going to lose these because that would ruin my
Day and the heavy gram goes up the front I think to get fitted for one of these I don’t know where you’d go but I would love the idea of going and getting fitted for one because to be honest I think I think so many golfers would hit
More Fairways with these clubs and I think that would result in lower scores for said golf as you can see it’s got the titanium element on the bottom through slot speed pocket on the bottom there as well and together with that carbon Crown cuz tailor made have made
Quite a few Mini Drivers Through The Years Gone by but now having the ability to have the multimaterial design here I think really does make it kickass to be honest so um this is now in the setting which I would potentially game this year couple of balls here and let’s see what
Flight window we get here because I would imagine now and we will test this again but when I tested the previous generation uh the flight window dropped quite a lot and the spin rate dropped quite a lot as well you can imagine moving 15 gram around there is quite a
Lot of weight movement so let’s go again does it feel different with that change look at that again certainly not a different flight window but again it’s a perfect t- shot and this this tea I do feel quite comfortable with because I play the hole quite a lot but
Realistically you still have to put the swing in it you still have to hit the Fairway and we hit the Fairway three out of three times there tick tick tick you can see this is ticking a load of boxes let’s hit this one then let’s jump in
The studio and let’s see if potentially this could be my only driver that would be the big thing yes you’d have it in the bag cuz I’ve rarely have 14 clubs in the bag anyway but would this be my only driver would you take out the Callaway
Paradigm would you take out the tailor made qi1 even the pxg 0311 Black Ops right a little bit lower let’s see if we can move this a little bit right to left oh Bobby look at that it’s just a knuckle ball that’s done everything I want it to Let’s jump in the studio
Let’s test this against last year’s model and see if it is any better tech-wise and numbers wise then let’s go and see where they’ve finished and take on some slightly more difficult t- shots because uh I feel like that’s where this thing could shine bright okay so numbers
For this 2024 mini driver the most anticipated driver of the Year especially for me but first of all if you have a look at the differences in these drivers you can see there actually aren’t many huge differences yes we have that different colored Leading Edge on top of that carbon Crown both these
Clubs for me look absolutely fantastic we have the same shaft in here it features a new grip as well or should I say an old grip who remembers the grip Right Grips from back in the day absolutely gorgeous that I love that little nod to memory laye on the bottom
We have the tailor logo instead of the burner logo but we have still very similar kind of etchings on the sides there mini driver and titanium and we’ve got them exactly the same weight settings we’ll go old first old first and proba Reon would you go old head
Cover or new head cover that’s what they look like on the inside for anyone that is not in the now you go the new one yeah new one’s a little bit more too yeah there is yeah I love these clubs I really do you can hit them so bad and still get like
Such a good result the fact that’s gone 262 yards with that strike is quite ridiculous that’s the one that I think that’s as far as any driver I’m going to hit really realistically what’s that carrying it’s 262 it’s running up past 280 yards it’s 156 ball so for me I’ve
Done a lot of driver testing today and if I get that strike with a ful length fully-fledged driver that’s got to be deep that’s got to be deep go on go on another one we’re getting around 162 ball so yes you might not be getting as we feed
Another ball you might not be getting exactly the same ball speed but consistency wise you sort of know right guys we’ve hit a load of shots with last year’s mini drive that’s the best of a lot as well that’s carried 268 running up to 287 yards 157 ball
Speed spinning nice and low the big thing I’ll say is I don’t want to stop hitting this there’s not a lot more going on here I’ll say it I think it looks better whether or not it just looks different I don’t know but I do like it can we get that
Shot can we get that shot first time potentially what’s that carrying that that’s carrying two 277 total 155 ball again what’s impressing me about this is the the spin rate we’re getting we’re getting Sub 2000 spin rate with this and it’s just down to the pilot to hit the middle of the
Face the sound the same to be honest which is a good thing because if it was broke then fix it but it’s not broke so don’t fix it that’s massive that is massive go on I say that’s massive and it pitches at 263 I feel like I’m hitting a ful
Length driver but again it’s 156 ball 284 total fair enough it’s down the left side and I’m just trying to rip this now but it is so enjoyable to hit so enjoyable carbon copy of the last shot 28056 but consistency is insane even for me who’s like the most inconsistent goal
Forever guys it’s time to talk numbers for my favorite Club ever released and it’s funny that because it’s almost like you know if you have a new kid is that your new favorite kid I’ve only got one kid so I can’t I can’t comment but I’m the middle child so at
One point I might have been the favorite but not anymore let’s talk numbers because whenever these are released I just absolutely love them and I’m going to be in here all evening just doing this what’s that going to be Bobby is that fast or is that bottomy
266 28456 ball 158 ball we can get 160 ball I’m staying in here that was that was lower Bobby have a go 59.9 ball you skyed that oh SK you better not have done think I skyed it so guys I’m not going to lie we haven’t hit it inside yet so you will
Have seen that before I’ve seen it and the big thing for me is as long as it isn’t worse than last year’s model I’m fine with that I think it’s quite refreshing that tailor made have released something and pretty much just said you know what we we’ve refined it
We’ve given it a different paint job it’s still a nice shout out to the burner of old but look at these shots down this Fairway look how close together they are and this is the big thing for me it’s all about consistency if I can hit consistent golf shots off
The te if I can get the ball in play I don’t mind that I’m Los in three four even 5 mph ball speed with driver because that is from the back te’s here in the first week in April the course has wet through but still playing fantastic so realistically there if I
Can put three out of four balls there I think one of them’s plugged just to the right hand side but four balls in the Fairway I’m fine with that absolutely fine with it the next hole we’re going to play is my Nemesis I hate this t-shot
With a passion so the nemesis hole I despise this golf hole sorry John I know you work really hard to keep it nice but it’s just hard it’s too hard so is the mini driver the answer because I’m sure a lot of people out there who’ve seen
This and thought you know what I missed out on the last chance and I missed out on the mini 300 and I missed out on the original one would you want to see a video of all of them lined up tested together and see just how much if so
They have come on so I’d love to do that video for you so if you get one comment saying yes James do it then then we’ll do it so right anywhere on The Fairway is a good effort there’s a lake on the left and Bobby will tell me that I
Shouldn’t even think of that negative selft talk look at that and again what I like about that is I haven’t struck that that well to be honest but it’s between the 150 markers left side of the Fairway and I’m not this is the thing if
I’m trying to hit this a long way so if there’s a whole like the second where I’m really really confident I feel like I can really open the shoulders up and hit it I’ll te it up high I’ll hit it almost like a normal driver when it’s
Like this I te it a little bit lower just so it’s like at the equator of the club and then just try and put a fairway swing on it almost like a bit of a a punt down the Fairway and again nice fade this time towards the right hand side of the
Fairway but it’s just missed the Fairway that time but I’m not picking not picking fault at that because that’s not a swing that I’m trying to hit to get this ball a million miles away I’m trying to just hit that down the Fairway so a little necky one for me
Down there at around 250 I’m going to take all day long to be honest with you what do we think to the looks get in the comments below what do we think I know the looks are going to divide opinion a little bit I feel like you maybe have to
See it in person to really decide but right this is the one Bobby right here wow that’s the perfect golf shot for me and I’d be kidding myself if I said that a real driver or a proper driver would be much better guys get in the comments
Below what do you think to the brand new 2024 that’s not on April full tailor made burner mini driver I think I’m in love Bobby want to go Bobby want to go there’s no there’s no crap balls in there mate it looks it looks better than
It did on the pictures yeah it matches the shaft colors perfectly doesn’t it it does look really nice nice I love the oh wow that a lovely shot how much is it see you tomorrow goodbye
Think it would be cool to see a comparison of them all, from the Original One Mini Driver, the Aero Burner mini all the way up to this new one!!!!
Go on, compare all 4 of the mini drivers, be very interesting
Yes James do it. Because I want a mini driver but don’t have the funds. If I can find a second hand one knowing the difference between them would be great info! Love ur videos btw 💜
I wish Ping would come out with one. I like the idea of a smaller, shorter club but I am not sure why a 3 wood wouldn't work the same.
Would love to see testing of the mini driver versus one of the main brand drivers at a similar loft (11.5 mini vs 12 degree driver)
I must be the exception, since every time I’ve tried a mini driver. I always tend to want to go back to my 12° normal size driver!
Love everything about it. I am assuming being 2” shorter in shaft length gives players less dispersion straighter flight
Sold. Yes please.
I think it looks much like the TaylorMade 1998 K sole titanium driver but larger. Very nice!
I think these are a gimmick
Almost pulled the trigger on a used one and just found out today they are back. Going as soon as I get home to buy it
I like it.
I think it looks much better than the full blown big head drivers from TaylorMade which I really hate…
How about a comparison between the mini driver and the Qi10 – on the course?
Copper irons – Copper driver – I see tan shoes and brown trousers in your future !
Looks like my old Burner. Ill get it out of the garage and give it a smash.
I am looking to put one in my bag was hoping Titleist comes out with one as well.
I needs the burner bubble shaft 😂Put a driver shaft length on and see what it does.
I’d love to see how far technology has come from the original burner09 irons to the new Taylor made irons
Yes compare the 3 please
I will probably stick to one of my mini driver/3wd replacements, i have original one mini driver 11.5* or my stealth plus 13.5* or my cobra big tour set at 12* or even my long tom 2 wood 12*. All 4 offer different flights and distances. I guarantee everybody, all 4 of these are easier to hit that any modern day mini driver. Depends on if you are buying it for tee shots or fairway shots.
I'm.a mini driver fan but haven't hit any since sldr mini I wish I had got that reshafted.
Looks above my budget lol
Looks amazing. 😊😊😊😊
Stopped watching after 3rd commercial
Would I buy one? Probably not but I don't seem to have a problem hitting fairways with my regular driver. If I did then I probably would consider it.
Just ordered one as been on eBay looking for ages at the brnr and this new one is cheaper than the previous second hand prices!!!
Aren't the mini drivers the new 1 1/2 wood 11 degrees of loft is really a 2 wood is it not
Holy crap I love the return to the bronze
I definitely prefer the rainbow headcover. However, that driver looks amazing!
I think you should give Dave the old one
Yes James do it! I'dove to see all of the mini's head to head
Have you figured out how many yards shorter than your Driver it averages?
geez wish i could get one brotha…awesome review