In this weeks video we share with you a bunker process we have recently carried out on a PGA tour athlete Aaron Rai! One of his biggest areas of weakness was his bunker play and since the took him through this 4 step process he has gone from 188th on the PGA Tour for bunker stats to 62nd! The reason we filmed this video is because we strongly believe this process could make a big difference to your bunker game as well!

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0:00 – Intro.
00:33 – How Aaron practises
01:11 – Step one – Open your club face
04:32 – Step two – Bunker entry point
06:15 – Step three – Lengthen your swing
08:39 – Step four – How to release

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In today’s video we’re going to share with you how we’ve helped PGA Tour player Aaron Ry transform his Bunker play and it’s took him from 188 on the PGA tour to 602nd in the space of a few months and we’re going to share with you four simple steps that we’ve worked with

Him now yes Aaron Ry the guy who wears two gloves and the guy who has the iron covers so you’re going to learn how to use the bounce on your wedge how to get a consistent entry point into the sand plus how that beautiful high floaty soft

Landing bunker shop which Aaron Ry had no chance of playing he couldn’t play he had no chance of playing no so here’s what you should do really soon as you get in the bunker this is what Aaron does actually he uses his Club the WD the length of his Club head to decide

And give him feedback where the entry point should be so he marks the club head back draws a line which is about 3 inches behind the golf ball when he’s practicing by the way when he’s practicing yeah and he’s looking to get the club to enter really just at the

Front of this line here as a Rough Guide this is giving him feedback obviously amateur golfers tend to have an entry point that’s way before here which is disastrous but this is going to help shape you direct your attention but also give you some feedback to where you’re

Going so that’s the first thing that he does when he’s in the bunker let’s get into the first step step one this was a tough one for Aaron because what he would do he’ use he use a 60° and he’d have a square Club face what it did

Though because he had a square Club face with a lot of Loft the Leading Edge would dig in and collect a lot of sand between the face and the ball and what that would cause was it would cause the ball to come out but it would roll a lot it was like a

Digging digg and run or a duffing roll which we don’t want in a bunker shot can work but it’s hard to be really good playing those shots only works when you’ve got a load of green to work with exactly if he was short-sided he’d have

No chance and he did that well so what we did we said look let’s let’s get the face wide open so we can utilize the bounce of the club Let’s Twist the face open and get the back edge of the club really now down to the sand and what

This does you’ll see now from this the back edge of the club now just sort of brushes and bounces through the sand we talked about this earlier it produces this sound it’s almost like a grandma fart I can’t believe it it’s just this little almost like a striking a

Match don’t don’t do both of those together by way together so the first thing you want to do really here is wide open face so twist the club in your hand Lay It Wide Open I’m going to use the magnet for this as well so got the face

Magnet here and this will feel strange to start with if you don’t do this so we’re going to from here Twist It Wide Open so when we actually address the golf ball now this face is now straight up in the air now the Leading Edge is to

The right pointing to the right but you’ll notice from the down the line view that the loft is actually pointing up now for most golfers who don’t do this when the Leading Edge points that way it feels really strange and Aaron was really struggling with this for for

A while until we showed him the magnet cuz the magnet now is pointing more up and actually facing facing towards the target so we can swing pretty much on a normal path and that Loft will be moving towards the target there like the way it says it was magnet it was actually

Chewing them in a TEEG that we actually used but just to just do that again Andy because the one thing that really helped Aon with this as well was just allowing the handle to just lower so just lowering the handle a little bit that actually does that so if you get the

Handle really U right Andy you can see how the Loft it is very much to the sky but it’s a little bit more to the right the more you lower the handle the more you get the Loft pointing back toward the target so that was the first step

And all I’m hit one now and and all this does really is this opening the face just allowed this nice interaction with the sand but now we’ve got the feedback as well here in order to where where I want to strike the uh the sand here so

Wide open face it’s looking towards my face but we’ll see how this club just interacts with the sand here again lovely sound to that nice shot pretty close to that flag as well which I’m Happ varus farts yeah exactly so interesting interesting on this is well that now just do the club face

Again for me Andy again obviously this took a little bit of time for Aaron to get this but now you can see by doing this that the Leading Edge is a lot more a lot higher than it would be normally so the back edge of the club where we

Got the bounce most employed that’s actually going to be deployed should I say that’s going to be what’s going to be working through the sand really well there stopping that dig and roll exactly so step two was all about really how do we consistently get the club to enter in

This point before we actually move to step three and four which are in the goal swing which were crucial for him so what we wanted to do here next was that Aaron was pretty Square on with the feet he didn’t really have the weight um

Leaning onto this leg so what we did was we said let’s get nice wide base let’s flare the lead foot out and let’s lean into this leg so let’s get 60 to 70% of the weight into this front leg now the reason we had it here was the tendency

For Aaron would be if anything it’d get a little bit of the sand too far back behind the line but soon as we move our weight into this lead leg that now brings the entry point a little closer to the golf ball so we’d flare the Lead

Foot we’ lean into that there now so the knee sort of moves over the front of the foot there and as we swing it actually sort of feels like it stays there now if you’re an amateur golfer what we see so much of is we get end up back here stay

Back and this brings so much of this sand into play which is disastrous you can either Duff it or thin it through the back let me show you another one which is actually a little bit more what Aaron was doing as well and why this is

So good just do a back swing for me Aaron would often and still does a little bit when he swings down his head moves away from the target so again by putting extra weight into that lead leg we’re just giving him more chance to allow for that characteristic he’s got

In his Techni this made a huge difference to the consistency the entry point here really helped minimize the sand that he was getting really big one for you guys to do just flare the Lead Foot lean on that left leg again face nice and wide open here let’s see if we

Can get Vera’s ver sound again unbelievable yeah it was good again two nice shots there and we can see they’re perfect in terms of the interaction with the where where the entry point was there all right so look if you are enjoying this don’t forget me and my

Golf is all about helping you get better at golf so make sure if you haven’t already hit that subscribe button we’d actually really love it if you did that for us okay so step three we’re almost step three and four were the crucial ones with the golf swing Aaron’s golf

Swing because of the Loft being let’s say pretty Square he would have a short swing on the way back and then more of a punch on the way through we were very extended with the arms and it would be this sort of forward momentum and roll

Now we have a wide open face the ball doesn’t travel as far there’s less energy so now we had to say right now we want a long swing so a long swing does a couple of things it creates some speed but also allows us to release the club a

Little bit better which we’ll go into in step four but now we said right let’s Wide Open Face let’s lean in but now let’s have a long swing and a much smoother motion as opposed to short stab digging into it which comes out sort of

With a lot of speed and a lot of roll so let me hit a shot here now yeah hit a couple let’s see this let’s see this long back swings I think look we often get confused we’ve got a short distance to cover that we feel that we’ve got to

Have a short swing it needs to be a big swing the Sand’s going to take all the energy out the open face is going to take all the energy out okay a little under hit Andre long backwing maybe longer back swing but that’s great so with this one now just

Pay attention to how long this is going to be and just say again we’ve only got a short shot here but you’ll notice again making sure the setup’s in the right place look at the length of the Swing here and and I’m watching that Andy’s hands are going past his head and Aaron

Was really struggling with this he was struggling with that length of back swing again because of the shortness of the shot and this is something that you need to pay attention to yourself for sure and even if you’ve got a short shot you know we still want to be able to

Have a fairly long swing a lot of people when the face close to the green they’re so scared of thinning it through the back they try and take the speed out but that’s because of the contact issues and the Loft we get the wide open and do the things that we can

Do we can have the confidence to go a little longer it’s amazing when we’re doing this I’m just thinking back to when we’ve been these videos with Aaron when he’s been practicing at events like Tory Pines and Riviera he’s been in the bunker if a good bunker player stepped

In like Jason day or something like that I’d be videoing hour and i’ be going I’m want to get a bit of Jason here as well and actually we would video Jason and other players matama and listen and going for the noise we were literally listening for the noise to play that

Back to Aaron and say right let’s get that uh verus part verus part okay right so let’s go into step four so obviously we talked about the longer swing step four now is about we had to get step three right because now we had a longer

Swing it enabled us time now to release the club so instead instead of having this nice extension of the arms which is great for for long game and great for a low penetrating shot we want to create the Loft we want to create the the bounce sort of working through the sand

Now it was about allowing the club head to release past the hands so almost getting the club head releasing and vertical as fast as possible this created a nice amount of speed it really utilized the bounce but more importantly it enabled Aaron to play some high soft

Landing shots when we had a tight pin if he was short-sided it would have been really difficult well you were going red before Let’s Go Blue now Andy let’s let’s go for this one so more sand in here okay so what I’m going to do now

I’m going to make sure so I really you’ll see on this one my arms are going to be releasing they’re going to be quite narrow on the way through and the shaft is going to be very vertical quickly on this I do not want anything like this extension it’s going to be a

Release and you’ll see the arms are tight and the shaft is very vertical come I see a couple of these let’s see if you get you got to get one with the flag length Andy so if we go to the blue flag another thing that I’m going to do

To help the loft is I’m going to go even lower with this and even low with the legs from here create even more Loft yeah and again having that little rehearsal here so wide open hands low that was pretty good again the benefit of not having a L of sand there

I don’t know whether I should hit another one there you should hit another one cuz it’s actually hit one hit one more because it is inside a flag length and look the one thing you know I don’t know whether you know this actually watching this video but we’ve been

Coaching Aaron now for like 18 years we’ve got loads of stories loads of things that we’ve helped him with and definitely a lot of these things can help you as well so just let us know in the comments down below would you like us to do more content about Aaron or

Even with Aaron based at Sor grass let’s just go and play there oh that’s better that’s better it could go in you need you didn’t want to hit another one I didn’t want to hit I’ve got it I’ve got it in the locker AR you no problem at all so obviously we’ve

Got a before and an after here with Aaron so first of all look at the setup you can see his more lead side on his left side look at the club face now it’s a load more open that allows for that longer back swing but more importantly

Through the golf ball now you can see there’s a lot of Loft on that face that club is going really long on the way through lots of release letting the club head go past the hands that golf ball now can stop very quickly when it hits

The green so look we hope that was helpful to you guys if you enjoyed it then make sure you check out me and by clicking here this is where we do all our best content and don’t forget to download the m and my golf app thanks for watching and we’ll see you

Next time


  1. One of the most satisfy feeling on the course, when you got the ball out of bunker, and it just hop and stop.

  2. Ive always just felt like I get as steep as possible and throw my hands quickly straight into the ground moving left and it comes out almost always. If you need spin hit closer to the ball. For height get low and keep the hands low. Thats basically it.

  3. Hey guys — great video as always. It seems like Andy might have touched on this with the loft/bounce discussion, but I'd like to know more about distance control on greenside bunker shots.

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