In this new series from PGA TOUR Originals, ‘Swing By with Jason Kennedy’ presented by TruGreen, veteran entertainment news reporter Jason Kennedy finds himself in Jupiter, Florida at the home of PGA TOUR player, Rickie Fowler. The two friends get up close and personal while exploring the ups and downs of life as a professional golfer, compete in a closest-to-the pin contest for a chance to dial anyone in the other’s phone and even get some fishing in on the Intracoastal Waterway.


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You ready for this it’s tomorrow I know okay see you tomorrow I’m early sue me I’ve been interviewing celebrities for 20 years and honestly the whole stiff interview thing is not really my style so I wanted to talk to PGA Tour players at their house make them feel comfortable simply typed in Ricky

Fowler’s house into Map Quest and here we are slate it slate it [Applause] baby Professional my brother Ricky Fowler I’ve known you 10 years and we’ve never done an interview together how is that possible I just tried to avoid it is as best I could well I I kind of felt it what do you think it is it’s just a nerves

Thing yeah I get a little intimidated being around you we have so many memories I’m a California guy now we’re down here in Jupiter and your beautiful home has uh basically created some very special moments something called the 5ifth of July mhm uh for the viewers

Watching Rick what is the fth of July so everyone knows about the 4th of July and and that’s you know pretty expected that you know Everyone likes to celebrate and enjoy but started at the old house and as you know everyone was there hanging for the Fourth of July and then we just

Carried it on over and turned the fth of July into kind of our holiday it was a beautiful celebration that was great did anybody ever wear a manini there were multiple multiple yes those were the days man yeah that was before any of us were married

Kids I was married but well things have definitely evolved since then we’re we’re more mature no no we’re I was just saying that for camera yeah we have a few other responsibilities now the responsibilities are pretty special got to spend some time today with Maya and

Seeing you as a dad father to father is one of the coolest things ever how do you feel like fatherhood’s changed you uh I mean obviously helps continue to put things into perspective you know friends and family have always been a priority of mine and then you start

Throwing kids into the mix and it helps you realize that there’s a lot bigger things in life than just the day-to-day grind or or golf or or whatever it may be when your family’s doing well and healthy and your friends are good I mean that’s kind of that’s really all you

Need when kids start saying Daddy and Mommy and they’re running towards you and you’re like holy cow I’m a parent do you still have those moments where you have to remind yourself this is my life right now I’m a dad I’m a freaking Dad yeah and that’s that’s your that’s your

Main job uml secondary right yeah I mean obviously continuing to build a relationship with your wife but being a dad as well and seeing Maya’s reaction and and how she you know lights up whenever she either sees you know Allison or me it really kind of makes it

Feel like nothing else matters there’s something about a dad with his little girl it’s very special I don’t have a boy but my sister has twin boys you know have plenty of friends that have little boys but I just I feel like there’s something with a little girl that just

Pulls a little harder at you let’s go talk about golf I appreciate you having me here there’s so much specialty to being in your life uh during your offseason yeah well I mean with the stay did show up a day early so kind of felt obligated to

To host you how much golf will you play when you don’t have to play golf I still I love to play so it’s rare that I go say more than a week without touching a club but on top of that when there is that I guess time at home when we’re not

Playing for a bit that’s the time to to get in the gym and and try and get some work done there what a beautiful setup you got here man I’m thinking about all the memories the things that you’ve allowed me to come to I think about going to Grove club and casually just

Playing golf and a group in front of us happens to be Michael Jordan and all these guys love you so much and they feel so safe with you but do you still sometimes go holy cow is this is this really my life or are you just used to it by

Now uh I mean it it is crazy to kind of step back and think like what we get to do and where we get to hang and the people that we’ve been able to get to know over the years yeah if you were to take me from you know say high school

And throw me straight into where I am now it’d be a bit of a shock to the system but as things have just kind of progressed naturally and and uh built over the years this is this is our normal life but it is cool to think about like yeah

We we’ve got it pretty darn good what do we do throw in real all right and what are we trying to catch here uh probably snook or Jack okay is it true that sometimes you and your wife don’t want to talk about golf during the tournament like if you’re leading on a

Saturday night in that car ride you don’t want to be talking about the next morning is that accurate yes and no I think I think everyone’s different I think some guys talk more about it but yeah everyone deals with nerves or expectations differently feel like I’m not getting any

Bites well it is called fishing not catching so okay it’s good it’s been fun watching you this year it’s always fun watching you man cuz you know all your homies are always rooting you on but this year specifically first win in four years yeah around there and Ricky returns to the winner

Circle was there a specific moment where you said to yourself Daddy’s back in the groove well I had a decent fall last year so basically going a year back um I had a couple good finishes that gave me hope and and something to go work on and

Get kind of ready and excited for the season very cool shot there from Ricky Fowler going to have a great look for birdie here to extend the lead and the fans excited to see Ricky fer contending I think a lot of it was just seeing the consistency and then some

Weeks where I wasn’t necessar playing that well I was still able to you know make Cuts have a decent weekend and and Salvage a maybe a top 20 or a top 10 finish where in the the last few years it felt like I was a shot or two here or

There and you missed the cut one of the great Putters on the planet and it’s not anything close to where we’re expected it’s a pretty fine line from packing your bags and flying home or playing the weekend so that was one of the biggest things that I was able to continue to

Play weekends where that hadn’t been a thing in the last few years and and just kind of continue to build that confidence and momentum and started to get myself into you know contention and in the mix and yeah it felt great to be there I’ve won I knew that I could do it

Again it’s just it’s hard so to finally get it done and in Detroit it all worked out 10 months ago he was number 185 in the world and now back on top did I tell you what I did after you won recently no there was a guy who

Commented about a year ago on a picture must be nice being free on the weekends and I took about 30 minutes of time and I scrolled to find that photo Y and I commented not anymore buddy does that make you feel good you’ve been waiting for that one for a

While I think I did it in all caps and let me tell you it felt so good you just had to get it off your chest no I had to how come that stuff bothers me more than it bothers you uh I try not to look at it you okay

Yeah you’re good you’re right there now that you’ve had some time to process the rder cup what’s the takeaway bummer on my part I was sick the week before and then felt like I got back into a good spot and then with the travel over

There um I got sick again as far as looking at the teams we we got outplayed the Europeans they seem to rise to the occasion especially over on their Turf I mean they made a bunch of putts there was a bunch of chip-ins a lot of a lot

Of moment swings that went their way they’re always fun weeks win or lose they’re just a lot more fun when you when you do win so is what it is any top personal moments maybe we didn’t see my my favorites are always just hanging with

The the guys and um the other wives or girlfriends and being in the team room to me it felt like it was the closest if not one of the closest group of guys I’ve been around you know with the team especially seeming to get younger and younger

You know I was second oldest on the team you Brian Haron was the oldest the age gaps seemed to be the tightest of all the teams so very close group of Guys it’s my last one it’s very intimidating what you just did just got to kind of whip it with the wrist yeah I’m just going over there just just just wanted to get on the other side of you see I don’t know what I I you make it look so

Cool I’m over here doing these weird jerky motions is this even what you’re supposed to do I don’t even what is going on I think we missed their lunchtime by about 20 minutes it’s all right I like golfing anyways when you were going through your struggles how bad did it get mentally CU

I feel like ever since I’ve known you you’re a guy the wheels don’t fall off the tracks you seem always with it mentally ready to go you seem cool calm and Collective I never see you get like super emotional but were there times years ago where you’re like oh my gosh

Man this is really hard or did you just keep that stuff in no I mean there are definitely doubts and second guessing or or having worries um because it’s it’s not easy and especially when you’re not seeing really any any results it’s tough to really kind of lean on something the

Good thing was everything away from the golf course was great family life friends getting married having a a little one so golf was kind of the only thing that wasn’t in a good spot so luckily I had a lot of good things to lean on and it was more just the mental

Grind of just trying to keep pushing I knew it was there it wasn’t far off but when things last for you know 2 3 years it’s it can be really tough so I do keep a lot of things kind of internal or to myself I don’t open up

A whole lot you know JT and I would talk a little bit Jordan everyone’s dealt with struggles on the golf course that’s if you play the game long enough uh especially at this level like you’re going to have tough times so um I think a big part was like I said

Things away from the golf course were great and then having having good people around you could see the light at the end of the tunnel we just had to keep chasing it I stole this question from Oprah when’s the last time you cried last time I cried there

Were not like full tears but there was I mean there’s definitely watery eyes around Ryder Cup um I don’t remember specific moment moment I might have gotten a little teary eyed at klay’s wedding on Monday following the rer cup as well they’re neighbors of ours good

People and it was fun to hang around for an extra day and be there for their ceremony so yeah it wasn’t long ago I think I saw when you sent videos after MAA was born and you were giving me some tips before River came into the world

You were reminding me this is how you hold them this is how you do this and I I looked I zoomed in on the video and I was looking to see and I I did see a couple of Tears there and I go that’s that’s what a little girl will

Do to you that’s what I hear well we tried we give it one more over here one more you feeling it okay were you the type of kid that got up with your dad the crack it on and went fishing all the time no my dad didn’t fish much my

Grandpa uh he’d picked me up from preschool or elementary school every Wednesday and we go fish or golf what was the biggest one you caught oh back then it wasn’t anything big I don’t know what the biggest fish I’ve caught I think couple hundred lb Marlin jeez yeah I’m getting nothing what do

They call that just a slow day yeah we needed to be here 20 minutes ago well I was over there asking if you were if you’ve ever cried before trying to get to meaty part of the interview now we can’t eat well one thing hasn’t changed my love for

Fishing go hit some yeah it’s hit a Few your house your rules fishing didn’t work out what do you want to do uh we’ll have a little well I guess this is a little longer than a chip we got like I think you chose you’re wanting back pin yeah back pin a little more room works not too

Much uh penalties involved yeah so we’re about 30 yards so a little more of a a pitch okay if you will and you get one opportunity and I get I get one how about I get two okay you get two I haven’t hit a ball okay I haven’t either

You’re professional um I get three to four I have to get four you get four okay here’s Fowler with a 60 about 30 yards soft softly okay just off the back moves a little bit hey pretty straight it’s a little uh sprinklers were just on so the the mat’s

A little wet but got it we’ll make it work let’s see what you got you got to get it there all right I that was just a little you can do another one cuz I only have one more okay all right what are your what are your thoughts here my thoughts here are

There’s a lot of golf fans watching this and golf fans can be really brutal and I’m a TV guy so just go easy on me let’s dry off the face perfect yeah that’s important right you don’t you don’t want a wet face you just want to get it there in my opinion Softly

Yeah good work okay okay I blanked out what happened just making it look easy Jay ooh soft took a little bounce softly a little long again I can’t tell from here but I still feel like you’re closer we’d never fully CL verified on the green or off mine is closer but I’m off

Matters okay uh so I get two more opportunities and the rules are if I win I get to call anybody I want your phone if you win vice versa any thoughts on your Victory call yeah I definitely have someone in mind Michael Jordan oh God uh oh okay

That was just teas and you’re fine this is the last one all right here we go all comes down to this got to hit down on it lot of cars moving can’t let these things bother you chunky you wanted that right pin it could hit that little lip do we need to go

Measure I’d like to see it to be honest from here it looks very close you can go check it okay let’s check it yeah you’re right and if I simply would have clarified you have to be on the green I would be calling someone in your phone right now but since we didn’t

Clarify that’s on me you clearly are closer this actually wasn’t a bad shot this is 8 ft yeah and away we go who you thinking is it someone we both know or you just going to kind of scroll yeah could be somewhat Mutual okay we’ll see who’s

Available my mom’s in there she’d love to see you it’ be nice it’s going to be FaceTime we’re on speaker we’re good I’m nervous cuz he’s got that like look in his Eyes jany Jill Justin called JT’s Mom isn’t he in Italy yeah but it’s fine okay hey man hey man hey J we’re just hanging out some of our friends are here I I lost a bet and uh we were doing a chipping contest about 30 yards I got

Four opportun ities he got two who do you think won uh brick y just barely yep and he had one phone a friend he could pick anybody in my phone and he picked you while you’re in Lake KO well you know what I guess you didn’t tell Rick that we’ve already facetimed

Like six times today so he probably should have picked someone different right yeah well I wanted to check in and see how things were going over there oh okay well no that’s fair that’s fair yeah all good about go to dinner here in a few look guys I got this i got this

New jacket while I was in uh in Italy I like that beautiful who are you wearing uh 11 te it’s called okay CH I like it I mean dress up the T-shirt yeah dresses up the T-shirt you can go anywhere yeah Rick you know all about

That we love a good T-shirt with a nice dinner so the most we can dress down the best but if you’d be my second guest it’d be my honor oh my gosh I would love to anytime I can follow Rick and anything it’s a good good thing for me just not the last

Few years but this one will be good J I love you buddy thank you man you guys all right love you bro have fun I’ll talk to you guys like for real later okay get get the house ready I’m coming over love you see you bro bye I swear I’m leaving right now

Especially after I got my next guest but you don’t let a lot of people do this I know this was uh a big ask and I really appreciate it it’s it’s fun getting to know you more and asking you questions that I’ve always been nervous to ask and

Also there’s like a Alfred Hitchcock thing going on I’m sweating and I just want to get in the cold plunge we are going to do that but uh yeah when it comes to the short list of our friends and family you’re on that so that’s why

You’re here glad we can make it work other than this bird that just wants to Annoy Us but uh yeah you’ve got to get home you have that little girl on the way Uncle Ricky love you buddy love you thank you so much all right we’ll see you episode two

JT perfect hopefully they have less Birds over there what are the odds right Su green they’re one of our key Partners both on a local level and a national level since 2021 True Green has proudly partnered with first T we’re not here without our Community Partners whether

It’s a small grass place or a national company like True Green we always tell them it’s not a donation it’s an investment True Green supports first te’s college scholarship program providing scholarships mentorship PGA Tour Tournament experiences and professional development opportunities to a growing class of first te Scholars it’s super special for

Me to know that True Green is supporting me and behind me and they believe that I can be successful when your mowers are set at a tenth of an inch your margin for error is zero knowing that I’ll have people in a support system it means everything to me having those resources

Knowing that I have True Green in the first T rooting for me thank you True Green hey guys thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed it click right here to watch more


  1. Engaging with fellow women in this thread feels like being part of a collective journey of discovery, with each comment contributing to our collective understanding.🧡

  2. Interagire con altre donne in questo thread è come far parte di un viaggio collettivo di scoperta, in cui ogni commento contribuisce alla nostra comprensione collettiva.🐱

  3. Il livello di curiosità intellettuale e passione tra noi è contagioso, ispirandomi ad approfondire gli argomenti discussi.🍭

  4. This man is just the epitome of New York. When you think about New York the first thing you think of is Rickie Fowler (Or Xander Schauffele or Matt Fitzpatrick). No wonder New York GC nabbed him as the face of New York Golf lmfao.

  5. Traveling to San Antonio this weekend and Going to the Valero open with my son and Dad, my son is excited and keeps saying he can’t wait to get Rickie’s autograph. That would make his day

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