In this video, we reveal what nobody tells you about arm position in your golf swing. Get tips and instruction for a powerful and simple downswing! Perfect for golfers of all levels, including seniors.

The arm position in golf swing. We’re going to discuss the set up and how to transform this position to help you hit the ball better. The Difference Between You and a Tour Pros Golf Swing Starts HERE.

What Nobody tells you about arm position in golf swing. But if you want to hit the ball better, then you need to understand this important element of the game. In this video, we’re going to show you how to set up your arm position and how to hit the ball better with this simple, yet powerful, swing technique.

What should be more dominant in your golf swing — your arms or body? In this video we show you a simple tweak to your arms at set up that improve consistency and makes effortless golf swing power easier.

Golf swing rotation and limitations will affect the outcome, so will too much tension.

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you a simple golf tip to improve your golf swing Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having a perfect golf swing.. YOUR perfect golf swing


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The arms have to win the golf swing race when it comes to the sequence one of the most damaging things that happens to way too many golfers it stems from mechanics sequence and all that kind of stuff but a lot of times it’s intention what I’m

Talking about is when we swing to the Top If we haven’t quite got enough sort of momentum behind us here what tends to happen is whether it’s a lack of proper sequencing or just a little bit of panic we often get to the top and we lunge the

Upper body we’re so eager to hit back down and swing that way and crappy shots come in all shapes and sizes from there because we don’t have time the sequence isn’t correct and we’re not using momentum so what do we do instead one of the best tips I’ve ever been able to

Give people is a sensation of heavy arms what that does it almost encourages and forces an intention to not really use the body quite so much especially the upper body to make our way back at the ball because that’s what causes over the top but the queue that works very very

Well is heavy arms just that thought that feel of heavy arms really promotes a better sequence I’m going to explain that but also how to win the race and why it’s important before I tell you how to to really utilize the heavy arm sensation let me explain what I mean

With the winning the race we make a back swing and everyone thinks well we’ve got to shift the hips start moving down shallow the club or whatever it is and we end up getting stuck like this we’re trying to shallow then they start getting the body and top but we’re over

The top the arms are being flung out that can only really work if we’ve you know got shorter arms than our height for one thing our wingspan like if we got slightly shorter arms it’s easier to get more on the inside there’s going to be a lot more where we’re going to talk

About the three different swing types in future lesson but for now I want you to just be aware that when we get to the top of the Swing what’s moving it there has to be some kind of sequence and this is how you’re going to realize it get a

Club swing to the top now I want you to move everything at the same time so I want the body to get back at the ball but I’m keeping in relationship my arms in the same sort of area of space how do I get back at the ball I

Then now have to very late throw those hands down at the ball like that it’s pretty difficult and obviously at speed we’re going to get over the top or we’re going to flip and stall which is one of the main sort of Swing faults that people struggle with for years let me

Ask you this from a setup what travels further is it the body does the body travel further or does the club head does the hands travel further to get back here whether you realize it or not the club head the arms have to travel further if we kept everything in the

Same sort of sequence and same distance as it were getting from the ball the arms would only ever get to here so the arms have to travel a little bit further for a full swing at least okay they do travel F that naturally if I was to throw the club I wouldn’t be

Throwing the club like this if I was throwing a ball I wouldn’t be throwing the ball like this the arms would travel further to create that leverage that’s a natural movement but if we don’t reverse that action with the arms traveling down a little bit further if they all match

At the same time we are left all the way back here Open Arms high up and we are toast so what I want you to do is realize when we make a back swing the arms have to travel a little bit further down then the body catches up so it’s

Going to feel more throw to here then the body catches up that alone is going to give you a much much more natural and easier sequence to swing through it’s going to be effortless because you’re doing it on the back swing it’s just we get so eager

And think I’ve got to hit hard I’ve got to rotate open this way I’ve got to you know really force my body through and that’s when the big Carvey Cuts come in that’s when strain on the body comes in so with that in mind how do we really

Emphasize it and this is where the heavy arms comes into play does this make sense did you get up and try it and realize that the arms do have to travel a little bit further on the back swing and on the down swing let me know in the

Comments the beauty of the heavy arms concept is it really simplifies it it’s just a very easy goal to understand when we start talking about sequences and all that kind of stuff and I’ve got to you know delay then throw then turn through it’s very difficult to play you know yes

We can practice it we can sort of work on those movements nice and slowly but it’s very difficult to apply that quickly especially out on the golf course and that’s why I found the cue of heavy arms to work wonders because it kind of does the same thing with without

Anywhere near as much sort of thought going into it and the heavy arms is basically that we’re taking our setup but I want you to have it in mind that the club weighs an absolute ton that my arms are sort of like wet uh spaghetti or something and it doesn’t mean like

Overly loose but just this feel that the arms are heavy that I’m starting the momentum I’m using my body pivot to throw the arms back I’m not trying to to place them there with the arms in themselves and by having the arms looser we tend to see less manipulation it does

Actually become more Paramount to have a a better more reliable setup to encourage a better pivot and we’ve got other videos on that but that is important to mention so we’re going to take our back swing but we’re going to feel this you know the arms just weigh a

Lot however that interprets to you and that’s the beauty of it I can’t just tell you exactly what to feel but I want you to really try and find that thought process of okay what what does heavy arms mean to me what does that mean it’s

It’s going to be more like the the dog wagging the tail okay it’s yeah the arms are heavy I start them in motion and they carry on in motion as soon as I add tension or as soon as I’m too light with them we can lose that bit of connection

And we sort of end up being stuck here so the heavy arms try it with one arm first just throwing it back throwing that club back working on the rotation letting the legs go letting the hips go and letting the arms carry on and now the heavy feel just they’re they’re

Dropping they’re heavy it weighs an absolute ton and we just basically respond to that feeling of heaviness and now we react to it we’re not just trying to control everything we are just reacting to a heavy heavy heavy swing through and yeah that was a little bit exaggerated but it was a beautiful

Strike that was an effortless effortless swing of just allowing those arms to flow a little bit more it was a nice strike it felt easy I could do it all day long and it works for pit shots it works for drives but I’m working on a

Heavy feeling of these arms as I swing back and now I trust that I can throw them back down start that sequence throw it back here and then collect through it’s a simple as that so I really want you to embrace this concept of heavy arms but really understand that

Especially when we get to say a driver that all the way down there with a longer shaft has a lot further to travel all from all the way back here even if you’ve got a shsh swing it doesn’t matter if I just move the body and not

The arms I’m all the way up here and you think well that’s where I need to be that’s where the pros are they’re exceptionally fast flexible they’re able to get the side bends and you see well yeah that’s perfect that’s where I need to be that is not going to work for 99%

Of you one because of limb length if you got longer arms like I do compared to my height the AR we get stuck and out here but it’s too difficult to repeat so we have to be aware that this has got to travel further so how do I do it the

Arms feel heavy and I trust that I can throw them down start the movement this way and then swing through and the bonus is that release that sequence is going to give you the effortless power whether it’s with driver whether it’s with a going to be much easier so there we have

It get your sequence right throw the arms down to win the race and that heavy arm feel it’s going to benefit everything and it does also work the heavy arms does also work when you’re just hitting little pit shots cuz we can get too tense and rigid here okay and

We’re trying to force the body through we want to feel the way to the club it doesn’t mean that we’re hardly holding it but the arms feel heavy I use momentum and I chip and Pitch through it feels right it feels easy it feels more

Natural there we have it give that a try let me know if you have any questions now if you really want to improve the compression that you’re getting on the shots with just one tiny change this lesson is going to help you perfectly thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time


  1. Crikey , I just tried this nealy fell over 😂 the whoosh sound i got with my sand wedge lovely. Playing a few holes on my own tomorrow definitely will try this.. brilliant video as ever .. Ady 😊

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