EASIEST Way To ROTATE With Your Lower Body

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In this video, Adam teaches you his favorite mindset for rotating with the hip in the golf swing. It is as simple as the trail hip pocket turning back (in the backswing) and the lead pocket turning back (in the downswing). Using this simple movement will help you rotate more efficient through the golf ball.

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I just tell them right pocket back left pocket back for a lefty left pocket back right pocket back right look at this if I’m sitting here on the inside of my right foot set the club and I just drop it look where it goes saying okay what’s textbook if this was dead

Straight with the Lead Foot Right I like couple degrees out a couple degrees out on both for the longest time I thought width was this yeah yeah yeah like can I can I get it back here and then I’ll run up I got more WID than tiger now

Right I mean your best contact of the day by far even Kevin’s back here just laughing is how good that was right there yeah I think you’re were saying you were talking to Paul aing you’re about butt cheeking to butt cheek so funny remember yeah and I love how you

Remember that story like Pebble Beach and that’s a good one we’re at Pebble Beach Mike and I are at the US amiter and he goes let me ask you a question you what do you tell your players about rotation with their lower body and I go

You know Paul like you might laugh at me but I just tell them right pocket back left pocket back for a lefty left pocket back right pocket back right from the good setup caveats you got to have a good setup and then that works out right but

The whole point is Right pocket back left pocket back he stands up and he looks me goes bud that’s why your players are playing well this week and he goes cuz it is that simple and he turns around sticks his butt right in my face and goes all it is is right cheek

Into the left left cheek back into the right no I’ll never forget it and he’s so right but here’s the thing you know wrong setup well then that’s that’s not right you know now I’m not going to load properly and coil properly and then I’m

Never going to get to my left side but from the right setup it is just right cheek back left cheek back did you feel how much better that was yeah your hip literally went towards a Target best contact it’s absolutely a funky feel for me but that’s probably

The best thing in the world because by the way so you know what I mean it’s exactly the Paul eer thought all it was was this guys he maintained the brace the right knee stayed right there you know what’s so cool I had Patty Sheen

Out here the other day did you see that I put up some videos about paten seen six time major champion no I didn’t see that she moved to dmar holy cow and she came out here she’s taking lessons now with me first time in 35 years she took

Le lessons I mean what a I mean are you dude crazy man like I’m like I’m loving it right so she goes Adam I told her I’m like Patty you you know one thing I would do better is I would set the post in the

Brace and she goes it’s so funny you say that she goes first lesson I ever had my instructor shows me face on video of Jack Nicholas and all she did was talk about how they point out that right knee how it was bracing on the inside of the

Right foot and how that thing just stayed there throughout the swing and she said the first thing I did I go Patty it’s like you have door stops underneath the inside and outside of your feet and she goes pulls the ball over and goes all we were working on was

Having the ball on the outside right there keeping myself there it’s funny enough I go like this I go Patty I got one better than the golf ball want to see the at home device right here check this out come on look at this talk about maintaining the brace

Feel that but feel that now turn to the top and see what that does with your hips see what I’m saying like you can’t if you move into that right side it’s a real awkward feeling right it forces you to really rotate on the inside of your

Right leg around your left leg oh wow you feel that you can’t go that way like it it makes it go back exactly right so it’s like Todd told me my mentor right go ahead and set up buddy that’s a real he always used to tell me go ahead and

Set up he told me there was a wall right here he goes Adam I don’t want you ever bumping into that wall that’s crazy watch this from the face on view real quick Todd like check this out if I have this here and and I put this right here

If I’m sitting here on the inside of my right foot right and I set the golf club and I don’t even rotate through I just set the club and I just drop it look where it goes okay the whole point being is if I were to reverse

This and now I’m on the outside of my foot which so many people get let’s look at that divot again I’m over here you have no chains and then here’s the worst part if I have to then shift back and make that big move well then I

Have to be so good with my hands to just syn that up as well whereas if I’m flipping this around the right way well I’m post it up and guess what it’s just dropping down and there’s that easy rotation around my left side with my chest on top of my front foot through

Impact Hing right hit back right I mean your best contact of the day by far even Kevin’s back here just laughing is how good that was right there I’ll take that flight though all day yeah I like the control love the flight people ask this question a lot

Cuz Todd’s another one of my students who’s very straight with his feet okay let’s make this clear I don’t mind straight and a little bit out guys like Cameron cisk myself Todd are like literally straight in we’re also looking at myself who has good ankle Mobility

Knee and hip mobility where I have no issues so when I rotate everything just works around that side easier now listen I do have some guys out here who have blown out left knee a blown out left ankle or they have a bad hip okay we we’ll we’ll find ways to alleviate that

Tension you know I even Kevin’s back there Kevin Kevin’s back Kevin’s behind the camera going like this Kevin’s grinding on his golf game by the way I got to say there’s been some big progress in from Kevin now I would go as far as saying okay what’s textbook if

This was dead straight with the Lead Foot Right I like couple degrees out a couple degrees out on both mhm now we’re talking yeah that was tight for the longest time I thought width was this yeah yeah yeah like can I can I get it

Back here and then I’ll run up I got more whd tiger now right okay yeah right here and then I’d watch your guys and I’m like they’re set here I’m like like I like is that right you know I mean and I was just like it was such a

Different mindset from where I came from I love what you just said this is going to help so many players WID is not this it’s just the distance the hands are from the body Center so when I’m like this there’s width there’s connection now watch I’m still set in the club

That’s still wide mhm whip doesn’t have to be Club head like that there it was best of the day at porac golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our

Full swing master class will take you on a step-by-step easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the mini before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond la


  1. My last YT search was looking for more guides on weight transfer and rotation then 30 minutes later the best coach on YT puts this out.


  2. Loading up on the inside of my ride foot is the best thing I’ve ever done for my swing. It automatically shoots me to my lead side when I start my downswing

  3. Great lesson! My Under Armor golf shoes have this feel of pressure on the inside of my rear foot built in using those plastic cleats. It makes me conscious of what I should be doing. My Porzak stats: 93’s a year ago, 85’s now!! Thanks Adam!

  4. I think I’ll have to open my feet, when I do this move almost feels like tension locks up that right hip. Flush the ball, but hips feel tight and locked

  5. Love the videos, whats the typical issue for a player who moves their head to the right after the takeaway?

  6. Where do i get that wedge to put under my foot to practice this on the range or whats something similar i can use to simulate that drill?

  7. Adam, you have a true gift for teaching. I have golfed for about 25 years. I’m a good athlete with good hand/eye coordination. I try to study the golf swing. For whatever reason I simply could not master the sway to the right backswing the lateral move forward, followed by a clearing of the hips. I was almost embarrassed that I couldn’t perform this move. Your concept of the weight shift has meant an enormous amount to my game. It has removed so much of the timing element for me. Thank you and keep up the great work.

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