The Main System of the Golf Swing. Tj and Riley take a deep dive into how the main system of the golf swing works. Learning how to move your ribs and arms in the correct motion can make the golf swing much easier than it is.

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Today we’re talking about the main system of the golf swing let’s get cracking yes sir okay so first off describing and understanding what the main system is is important so we’ve got the humorous both arms okay both scaps okay and the scapula te turn around for us good

They’re the wings right back here okay TJ’s got a really nice set of scaps so you can really see them they’re right in here you’re welcome man I I like them they’re really beautiful scraps okay and then we’ve got the spine the whole spine okay so from right up here in C sepine

Going all the way down here okay then we got pelvis and we got ribs okay so so humorous scap spine ribs pelvis main system got it main system system like it okay great so how that all generally moves is important and let’s go from like a distal look and

Then start to work our our way into proximal so humorous first yep distal is like think of the term distance for this away from you and then proximal is closest to your like Center of mass as a person got it so I’m talking about these suckers okay okay cuz we can move them

In space in a lot of different ways okay we could lift okay we can make them go side to side side we can rotate them okay we can do a lot of different things with them sure the active stuff that we would like the arms to do is a

Small amount of I’m not even going to say Lift because we think of lift as like going straight up okay th this shoulder flexion is that action where we’re going that this is moving away from my ribs M yep so if you just sent energy at me there you go that’s the act

That we’re looking for in the arms and again arms okay not arms got it arms okay beautiful when you do that what does that make the scaps do if you did that with both arms what what do the scaps do uh they protract and maybe elevate a little bit

Yep mostly mostly protract exactly cuz they’re going like out away from you this way exactly so think of protraction as like bear hug mode right retraction would be this way so he’s definitely not retracting as that’s happening at all yeah couldn’t do that can’t do that right they protract a little bit exactly

Exactly so they’ll do that because the arms are sent sending energy this direction got it okay now if we do that again do that same act again that ain’t golf swing no doesn’t look like golf swing no so we need something to happen to make that look

Like golf swing what do we need to have happen what do you what are we missing like the big the big map I mean I’d say generally it’s probably uh rib rotation there you go and maybe a little bit of rib Bend as well but rotation to get the arms going this way

Exactly just the main map right here is just okay can I move the arms that way but we still need this act so what do you need the ribs to do there you go so if you just did this teach just let the arms kind of hang on your chest okay

Just turn the ribs that way good excellent now can you do the same thing now we’re looking more golfy now we’re looking more golfy Yep exactly exactly okay now let’s just do the exact same thing that direction because we want the arms okay to fire towards the target so

Right now the camera is the target okay so let’s go ahead and turn the ribs and then fire the arms beautiful beautiful that’s excellent okay so let’s grab a stick now okay okay we’re not going to talk about the pelvis at all yet okay and let’s go

Ahead and set up like we’re going to hit one we’re not going to hit a ball yet but what I want you to do is we’re going to freeze like lock this out lock these guys out so there’s like no movement these are rigid the legs and the hands

So from the elbow down into here fir okay all we’re going to do to start off rib rotation and then fire the arms in the direction that they should be moving boom there you go good okay now let’s go the other way way let’s go ahead and set

Up to the golf ball okay and now let’s go forward side so again legs don’t do Jack you’re just turning your ribs turning your ribs and then firing the arms towards the target there you go excellent let’s go ahead and hit one with just that map so we’re here turn fire turn fire

Good good excellent okay now the we’ll we’ll just call this like the thumpy EX SS this because it is thumpy it is definitely thumpy okay and we’ll have especially like Juniors that I personally work with this is one of the go-tos that I want players to to have

Like we got to have that kind of a map that kind of a pattern because there’s plenty of hit mhm okay and there’s plenty of like feeling of rotation in here but it’s not in here agreed okay so let’s add one little item this is very much mirror esque okay what’s happening

Over here feels like the same thing’s happening over here we’re just going to throw in an amount of drop in the pelvis in between both of those phases okay so we’re not we’re not going to start rotating the pelvis nope we’re just going to throw in drop drop okay drop

Exactly so see if I understand that right so we’re going to go D rotation still trying to kind of keep these legs still as I do this yep yep send the arms yep and as I send the arms I’m G to drop yep exactly so it’s like

Turn fire the arms drop turn fire the arms that’s it and you just lock out those legs like they’re not doing anything they’re just like frozen stability stability stability down here yep turn fire drop turn fire good okay excellent okay now it doesn’t necessarily feel or seem like totally

Golffy because most people in their in their idea of like golf swing is like this big full finish there’s this big back swing kind of stuff let’s do the same exact map right there these are locked out okay your hands are locked out turn fire drop turn fire good good

Excellent okay now we were kind of talking a little bit about like the arms and what they can do mhm okay so in the back swing there’s this act okay okay so if I’m going turn and now I’ve got this like shoulder flexion to send the arms

Back and Away now as I drop once they’re back there good now the arms will feel like they just go right across that ad and ab duction yep exactly they just fire across they don’t fire down anymore so the thump act and we talk about this

A lot but this is such an important like matchup in players Minds is from here the arms don’t act actively work down cuz if I move the arms actively down then the pelvis has to elevate exactly exactly so when we think about like a hitting pattern if I have an axe in a

Tree right I’m sure not going to send Force down here and then Elevate the pelvis to hit that tree I’m probably again half a stranded DNA of athleticism I’m going to probably step turn and send the arms this direction so they’re they’re across even if I wanted to hit

Instead of like the middle of the tree I’m going to hit the base of the tree I’m still going to do the same thing with them going across they’re not going to actively lower got it so we need to teach ourselves that even though there’s

A pebble down here that I want to hit and the arms are all the way up here it’s not sending energy this way it’s sending Energy across there you go that’s more the hit okay there you go so the pelvis pelvis is main job to match

That action up with the arms is to drop to support that move so we got turn toss drop and the arms go across there you go awesome now thin it like that one there you go yeah that’s it and this is where a lot of people like we’ll post

Stuff on pelvic drop and because people don’t understand the match up with the arms the ribs or any of that other stuff then they go well I’m just going to Fat it every time yeah you’re right cuz if I drop and send Force down no way I’m

Going to hit that ball I drop and send Force Level forward exactly exactly so that was cool cuz you sent the arms forward we just need enough drop to support that there we go Thump Thump house yeah and that’s why we call it the thumpy exercise because you just heard the

Yeah I owned it like sound right and you feel it too like it’s this heavy heavy hit MH okay so the other cool thing when we’re talking about now like this is kind of an intricacy in all this this map when a player drops the pelvis so

Let’s let’s say that I’m in a squat wreck here and I’m just kind of in in normal standing position yes as I drop the pelvis my entire spine starts to go into more extension it does yes so this would be a really bad squat pattern

Right I’m going to blow up every disc in my back not supportive so when we’re dropping it’s not this drop the drop is this way and you’ll you’ll feel it like elongate the spine you’ll definitely feel it in in like the middle of your spine right in the t-spine area

Sure okay and what that will do as well is as the arms are swinging away and I drop the scaps Elevate slightly because of that and the scaps are cool because they just like float on the ribs so scap elevation is this and it’s just because of the directionality of the force that

I’m sending if I turn and I send Force this way they protract they’re protracting actively because of the arm action as I drop the pelvis there goes the there goes the spine but now the scaps start to elevate slightly because of that and this is like massive tissue

Load but we’re talking about bones right now and where they’re moving in space really but that pelvic drop we just need a better idea of what’s actively happening what’s actively happening is the pelvis is lowering and what actively happens too is then the spine starts to

Go in a proper amount of extension okay especially in the midback and the scaps passively go into a little bit of elevation so by no means am I saying that we’re like actively elevating them it’s that when I go here and the arms send away the scaps protract as I drop

With that there you go you’ll feel all this stuff load up and by the way like all the proper amount of side bin most likely is going to happen because of that action okay okay so when you do this te I’d love to see again we’re locked out here we’re not doing anything

In the extremities okay okay but we’re going to turn fire and once you fire you’re going to drop and you’ll feel that entire spine elongate good and then from there now you’re good you just can fire these suckers across and that becomes the hit okay beautiful and you’ll notice te like

In his mock reps he’ll drop in and then these arms just almost like go across the chest this is typically a great mock rep for most players yep because again like you are going to turn and this is kind of the proof go go throw that club

Down for me if you could and then just face the camera like just here in posture good and then just ball up your fist over here on your right side okay now hit me fairly firm hard okay good now where were you generally focused in the hand okay in

The hand M did you turn I’m facing facing that way right now about 90° yeah okay so the idea here wasn’t turn turn turn turn and just pull on this the idea here is to fire this across but I mean again half a strand to athletic DNA am I

Going to do this no and I’ve never gone ball up a fist and punch me and somebody goes like it doesn’t happen because of the in ality of where you’re directing Force the rotation happens as a result of it and the and the the purpose of this is to better understand support

Systems MH this is the support system support system of the arms we want to hit with the arms they’re the main speed Yep they’re also the main Precision if we’re moving force in a good way in a proper manner you can gain more and more Precision because of that but the idea

Here folks is like you don’t need to go turn fire the arms drop and then just turn and leave these suers behind there’s a drop and then fire if you do that and just this idea of like this is the thump this will support yes most

Often like very rarely do I ever have to go oh dude your arms are out RAC and we need to speed this up like I actually don’t know if I’ve ever said that to a student sure right there might be a drive phase to keep going to finish or

Something like that and there might there might be all this you know lowering and arm rot there might be all that right but exactly right it’s a different pattern it’s a different you rarely see person direct Force the right way and their body doesn’t respond may actually

Not happenly so this match up which again we talk about this quite a bit in a lot of our especially our recent videos is the matchup is we want this across feeling of the arms and the hit and the match up to that is pelvic drop

So I can do that so if you’re dropping and these are going here that’s the hit and you will turn it’s just if I’m lowering this this elevates and then the spine when is a different topic we it’s got to like if I’m lowering the golf club is going to

Pitch over and late ex late extension until in the spine is a shallowing man exercise to move the golf club in that space and so that’s why we won’t see a lot of rib or thoracic rotation through the hit it’s just because the the map of force is wrong wrong okay exactly okay

So let’s do that again te but again we just have this idea of like the legs are just St stable you’re not doing anything with the legs you’re not doing anything with the hands this is just the thumper exercise turn Force drop Force good and let’s see it in one motion now

Okay again no movement in the legs they’re just stable think I forget that sometimes I mean yeah play golf with that and obviously obviously a viewer watching that my legs moved there um I I think the intentionality to keep them more stable just makes sure they don’t go do

Anything crazy right but they responded to the movement that my chest was making which is interesting and if you do it yeah exactly because there’s so much force that’s it just leaks it leaks through tissue in your body if you do that with less energy you’ll be able to

Stay stable sure so let’s hit one like what you got eight iron or seven iron or something seven yeah yeah hit this 100 yards in the air okay but it’s still thumpy there you go okay so the thump is this main system yep how the humorous so that doesn’t that doesn’t

Change regardless of if I’m trying to hit this 200 or 100 right exactly so same system all of a sudden you’ll see all these other parts of the body sort of respond yeah but the main system is that thumpy yeah and this is what we’re getting at folks here like what we’re

Describing like to be honest the reason that we make these videos like our mission and infatuation is like we make a video you put these ideas in to your system of movement or your gossing whatever you want to call it and you hit better shots yes okay like that’s what

We’re infatuated with like if if it doesn’t happen we want to hear that and like see a pattern and like oh I see what you’re trying to do and like help you with that map too so that oh I’m thumped out yes right what we see most

Players do is they screw up this main system because they just have the a wrong understanding of what’s going on in this main system it it would be great to like okay the arms are working well the body’s supporting that okay once that gets done now what am I doing in my

Hands to load and organize the club like that’s simple stuff same thing with the feet and the legs like the problem is is that if people don’t have the right intentionality of the main system then you can spend all your time on matchups but you’re not going to get any better

Which is what we see out of most DS right is like there’s just all this like stuff stuck in the mud yeah exactly and we’re just messing around with like salt and pepper and we didn’t even buy our steak yet yes like dude get your main course done like you need this stuff

Operating well and then you can go like okay well I would like to have the face a little more shut because I want to release it in XYZ like stuff makes a little bit more sense like um a lot of people see a move that we’re describing

And just beat their head into a wall trying to do it and they’re like why doesn’t it look like well probably because the intentionality from the get-go is wrong how you’re setting up could be wrong how you how you’re doing these little basic exercises could be wrong and then you’re screwed dude like

Totally and like to that point the basic exercises aren’t just for beginners no they’re for everyone they’re for everybody if I if I wasn’t to do these on on a regular basis my swing wouldn’t look the way it looks that’s exactly right and and for for me right I coach this

Stuff all the time and like some of the best training that I do is when I’m coaching because I’m showing but then even if I’m getting ready for a tournament or round of golf I still allocate 5 10 reps of like some exercise like this that gets me right like a I

Feel feel stuff and then I can like mess around with some other stuff if I’m like overcutting it for a day I can mess with like my hands and stuff but that’s way later I got to get the basics down MH that’s a necklace quote like fundamentals Jack why are you the best

Player in the world because I treat myself like a beginner every single day MH so like you never outwork like this basic stuff we have to get back to Baseline so that you feel good athletically okay let’s see one more okay just a good heavy Thumper but it’s

The map right the legs are stable the hands aren’t doing jack you just know Force Direction you know how this whole system is working and execute on that system Thumpers hit freaking Thumpers you said something uh really interesting earlier about um you know when when players we want players to hit

Better golf shots um and the feedback that you provide in the comments helps us to understand whether the language that we are using is actually helping you and this is why our videos are going to get better and better and better over time so please comment and ask whatever

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