In this video I recap the most recent UFC Fight Night headlined by Erin Blanchfield vs Manon Fiorot. I discuss Vicente Luque Quitting against Joaquin Buckley, Chris Weidman’s Eye Poke, Fiorot beating Blanchfield and more. Let me know what you think in the comments.

Time Stamps:
0:00 Intro / Manon Fiorot Humbles Blanchfield
2:09 Vicente Luque Flat Out Quit
5:21 Chris Weidman Wins Via Eye Poke
8:12 Ruziboev’s Anti Climactic Win vs Dumas
11:12 Bill Algeo Gets Stopped Way Too Early
13:26 Chidi vs McKhee
14:51 Nate Landwehr KO’s Emmers
16:25 Herbert Burns Quits Again
17:35 Bazuka Joe Not SO Mid After All
19:20 The End Of The Pleasure Man
21:30 Jacob Malkoun Hip KO’s Petroski

Aaron blanchfield just got 5045 and served some Humble Pie it looks like her wrestling wasn’t so great after all I got the main event right and a lot of people got it wrong and listen all I got to say is this we are going to break down every single fight on tonight’s

Fight night and I just wanted to give myself a nice pat on the back listen I know we didn’t really care that much for Aaron blanchfield and fi Ro but a lot of people were saying you know a lot of Hardcore fans were saying that this is a

Real one this this is actually a WMA fight that’s for real hardcore fans and I thought it was a good pick I went with man on fat she smoked Aaron blanchfield let’s just get into this fight right off the bat the time stamps are in the description by the way the reason I

Picked men on fura is because she’s in better shape she’s stronger she’s faster and she has the long rangey striking and Aaron blanchfield is kind of like a Teletubby if you ask me she’s small for the division she’s not lean she’s not that in shape she’s not super strong and

F rot shredded she’s fast and she was stuffing takedowns against Ros Nami hunit and I know that we look at blanchfield like she’s a highle Grappler and yeah she competed in Jiu-Jitsu and she subbed some people in Jiu-Jitsu and she submitted Molly K Molly mccan the

Can okay but she didn’t really do [ __ ] to Tyler Santos so she’s not the WMA version of khabib and fat is big strong shredded who actually is really good striking who also has good takedown defense and we saw what happened Aaron blanchfield sloppy onews crashing forward after losing her confidence when

She got her takedown stuffed just didn’t pay off and it’s not like filot even looked that good she still looked kind of sloppy but she was faster she had some really nice counters on the back foot 50 45 and Aaron blenfield get some Humble Pie she was talking a lot of smack

Lately not really that much I mean she’s not really dissing people that often but eron blanchfield she likes to talk she likes to get caddy either way good performance from Men on furat I get the main event right and now let’s get on to the co-main event because this is the

One that really stung me this was an Abomination is what this was vente luk literally quit against walking Buckley there’s no other way to put it okay I picked vente luk I feel like you had to go with vente luk knowing walking Buckley’s career he’s never beat anyone

Close to vicente’s level vente even though he’s not necessarily a top five guy he’s always been holding it down in the top 15 I know he had a brain hemorrhage and he had an issue after the Jeff Neil fight but his chin looked okay against RDA to be fair RDA kind of just

Gifted him that fight on the silver platter when he was failing take down after taked down after taked down but let’s not sit here and act like Walken Buckley really took the fight to Luke and beat his ass and got a finish Buckley was imposing his will Buckley

Was on the front foot he was the more active guy Vicente luk came out like his usual plotty self slow as [ __ ] I mean I had the comment on it while watching it I was like this guy looks so slow holy crap but that’s kind of normal for him

Right it was the second round that was really strange Buckley was kind of doing what he was doing in the first round Vicente was starting to land some more kicks to the body and Vicente shoots a takedown Buckley stuffs it and before Buckley even lands a single strike like

A Pitter Pat strike on the guard of the elbows of Vicente luk vicente’s already shelling up in the fetal position quitting and that was it so it’s not that Buckley’s nasty shots ground and pound shots got Vicente luk rocked and out of there no Vicente Luke was

Shelling up after he got his takedown stuffed and just decided to wilt and quit and give up and I don’t know what the hell that was about but it was a disgrace and I’m happy that that wasn’t the main event in hindsight because that would have been a really anticlimactic

Main event and for Buckley it would have been nice to see him get the win in a different fashion yes he was doing well early on and he was winning the fight and Vicente LC seemed to be mentally checked out but he’s always a bit of a

Slowl looking guy and he kind of builds into the fight sometimes but we just didn’t see him actually try to get this win or try to fight through adversity this was the opposite of the usual you know hard noosed Granite chin super tough viente Luke that’s willing to fight through

Adversity and take a lot of punishment he basically just gave us uh walking Buckley a free win Christmas came early for walking Buckley got a nice little Christmas gift and I don’t even think he would necessarily get ranked if it wasn’t for a viente luk just wilting in

Front of him and giving him that once in a-lifetime opportunity to have the easiest one ever so listen it is what it is good stuff for Buckley he’s finally ranked okay but I don’t think he’s going to hold on to that ranking spot for a while and for

Vente I think he should think about retirement after that he might not be there mentally anymore because that was a really bad look for him on to the next one Chris Weidman versus Bruno Silva okay truly an anticlimactic fan as well now it’s great that Chris Wyman looked

Good in this fight and I’m happy that he didn’t just get blown out of the water and destroyed and have his legs kicked to pieces like it happened last time right but listen this was anticlimactic let’s not make any mistake about it I know it wasn’t ruled a KO but it

Basically was Chris Weidman given the wi because he just eye poked Bruno Silva and I literally saw the finger of Chris wein poking out of the back of Bruno Silva’s skull that’s how bad the I pooke was okay listen you could say well you know they ruled it a unanimous decision

And whatnot and Weidman was winning and Weidman was winning the fight but there was still two and a half minutes left on the clock anything can happen in a fight I don’t think it’s necessarily good enough to just say all right well let’s give Weidman the benefit of the doubt

Bruno Silva got dropped with an eye poke it wasn’t a shot that was following the eye poke or a shot that came before it that put him down Chris weyman sent a finger through the eye of Bruno Silva which immediately forced him to go down and shell up and the ref basically

Stepped in immediately after that so the finish it wasn’t clean I completely understand why Bruno Silva was so pissed off after that but Weidman was winning the fight and he was looking good his jab was looking crisp he wasn’t really able to get the wrestling going early

Although he did kind of stink up the end of the first round with that wrestling but the second round was a scrap they were slugging in the second Weidman rocked Bruno Silva almost him out of there I think he clipped him with like a head kick as well so he did really well

In the second but then there were two eye pokes in the third the second one basically led to Weidman just getting his hand raised in general because of course like they didn’t just want to resume the fight and I wish they would just resume those fights I wish they

Would look at a replay determine that actually it was a blatant foul a horrible eye poke and let’s let this guy continue if he wants to either way maybe it shouldn’t be scored a un Mis decision I know that’s not going to be the popular take just because Weidman is

A fan favorite and we’re all happy that he won and I’m happy that Wiman won I saw him hugging his family after and it’s good that he feels like a winner tonight absolutely but you cannot deny that it was a very fishy sequence all right I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone go

Down that quickly due to an eye poke it was a nasty one it was the worst eye poke on the card and the next fight that we have to to go over again shout out to Chris weyman I’m really happy that he got the win but it was a bit

Anticlimactic and even though he was probably on his way to winning anyway we got to just call it how we see it all right ruzi boev versus cedus Dumas ruie boev I picked him to win this fight by a KO or a submission in the first and he

Got it done by KO but another anticlimactic finish where this guy ruzi boov with a ton of hype surrounding his name didn’t looked that great in this fight he kind of only had like a nice right hand and that was it but it’s not like sedric Dumas was doing anything but

Then in the middle of the round ruzi boy have eye pooke sedus Dumas not nearly as bad as the eye poke that Chris weyman landed on Bruno Silva but still grazed him with an eye poke SRI Dumas turns his back to ruzi boev looks at the ref and

Says hey I just got I pooke like stop the [ __ ] fight the ref doesn’t answer doesn’t listen to him at all he’s still just just covering his eye not trying to defend himself and hey ruzi boev smashes him with a freaking nasty uppercut and knocks his ass out so you can’t blame

Ruie boiv just like you can’t blame Chris Weidman but still this was different than the Weidman finish because at least ruie Bo have landed a nice uppercut to send sedus Dumas falling but sedric Dumas took himself out of the fight voluntarily and that’s why it’s anticlimactic it’s basically ruzi Boya

Fighting someone that’s just literally not fighting him at all it’s like a sucker punch literally was a sucker punch TKO again it’s not a sucker punch in the sense that ruie boy have did something that was wrong but it’s the effect that you would get when sucker punching someone that doesn’t expect it

Now for sedric tumas that might show a low fight IQ I know me and my chat were talking about how Marty Lewis back in the day when he would got eye poked he was always going through a defensive frenzy because he never wanted to alert

The ref to let the ref know that there was a sign of weakness there was a shank in the armor Marty Lewis would go in a defensive frenzy maybe Cedric Dumas should have gone into a defensive frenzy that’s not the best instincts in a fight again you can’t just Bank on the referee

To stop it you always have to protect yourself maybe he should have went like this but backed up and kept his other eye on him but for ruzi boev of course you’re just going to keep fighting until the ref pulls you off anyway or until

The ref gets a time out so we got the nice finish but still little bit anticlimactic again he didn’t even look that great early on in the fight even though it only played out over the course of a couple of minutes but he basically knocked someone out that was blind and

Not even looking at him and literally just stopped fighting him so just not that impressive dude the last three fights outside of the main event luk a Buckley that’s Buckley knocking out a guy that’s just taking a nap and just deciding that he doesn’t care about being a fighter anymore Chris Weidman

Getting an eye pooke TKO wasn’t even like a an average eye poke TKO where someone gets eye poked and then they get hit with followup shots no he literally just sent them flying with an eye poke and then of course the ruzi bo of ey pooke moment where he just knocks

Someone out that’s blind basically very anticlimactic moments Bill aljo Kyle Nelson another controversial anticlimactic finish holy [ __ ] bill aljo got stopped early on the feet by Kyle Nelson it was a close fight it ended in the first round it looked looked like Kyle Nelson was in charge he

Looked to be the more powerful guy but of course Bill aljo usually builds into his fights with volume and starts to break his opponents and get to their gas tank and whatnot so we didn’t really see how it would have played out in the second and third but essentially Bill

Aljo gets rocked in the first round badly fair enough he was rocked he was out on his feet but then couple of seconds later even while Kyle Nelson is teeing off on him up against the fence you could see in his eyes that he comes back too and he’s like fully there again

And he recovers really quickly it actually shocked me at how quickly he was able to recover despite getting put under a ton of pressure and getting hit with a flurry while trying to recover from getting rocked so I’m like all right [ __ ] dude that’s great recovery we

Know he’s tough now all right like I’m I would never expect him to get stopped if he just gets rocked one more time given that we just saw him recover very quickly on the feet couple of seconds later Kyle Nelson rocks him again but this time again Bill

Alj Jo’s on his feet he’s still standing the ref just steps in and says no more fight no more fight what the [ __ ] what are you doing you’re stopping this man when he was on the feet he’s not even on the ground he’s not even been knocked

Down it’s the first [ __ ] round I’ve seen people take tremendous beatings in the first I’ve seen people get dropped like multiple times in a fight in the first round and they come back to win but one punch that just stuns bill Alo and he’s just stopped again like the

Referee shouldn’t be thinking about the first Exchange in which he got rocked it’s the first round he hasn’t even taken that much punishment this is not gagei versus Ferguson where Aldo’s been getting his ass whooped for what 14 minutes and he’s gotten rocked 50 times he’s just had no ability to have any

Success okay fine the next time he gets Rock stop the fight but that wasn’t this so let’s get on to the next one Chey Nani versus reys mcke Chey did not look that good in this fight either and listen he won 3027 I picked him to win by KO I

Thought he was going to look a lot better Reese mcke is not that good he’s got no sting on his shots he’s not fast he’s not particularly skilled and I thought he won the first round and I also thought he came close to winning the second round but of course he got

Outdamaged even though he had all the control time my issue with cheating a Jani in this fight was that there are glimpses where he looks so good with the Clint striking with his elbows with his knees right we see like these moments where he looks phenomenal he’s fast his

Technique is on point he’s cracking these guys hard but he just kind of spends most of the fight ping around Pitter patting around with low kicks like doing a whole lot of nothing I think this guy could be a lot more dangerous if he just kind of imposes

Himself a little bit more marches people down gets them into the clinch and then kind of fights out of that first and and puts a little bit more pressure on people I know his issue in his last fight against BAU UK is that he emptied

The gas tank too early but I think he kind of went to the Other Extreme and was way too patient and he still won but he didn’t really start looking decent until the third round so I didn’t think it was a greatl looking performance from

Him but he still gets it done so there’s that Nate landord Jamal emers this was actually a really good definitive TKO typical Nate land wear getting rocked early but having that dog in him coming back beating up Jamal emers in the clinch Landing good knees Landing good

Shots in on close range in the Diddy boxing range and eventually he catches emers with a nasty uppercut and a big meaty hook to follow it up on the equilibrium of Jamal emers and smashes him with some overhands or I should say hammer fists really Nate landesque win

Just showcasing that he’s super tough he can get back into a fight Jamal em look good early on and in the beginning of this fight I was a little worried because Jamal lemmer stung Nate L and dropped him early on in this fight and was dominating the opening minutes but

Lward just landed a nasty combination in the clinch sent Jamal emers flying knocked his ass out with the follow-up shots as well very definitive great stoppage emers was out on the ground and I’m really happy to see Nate the train get another win he gave a really good

High energy speech on the mic like we always get from Nate the train so I’m happy to see him get that win as well I’d like to see him get a nice bump up in competition put him up against another guy with a pretty big personality in this division who would

That even be featherweight does really have a lot of Fighters with personalities to be honest it’s like vul Toria Max who else Mitchell there’s that maybe him and Mitchell I can’t believe I forgot about him yeah put him up against Mitchell that’d be a great fight I’d

Love to see that let’s get on to the next one Julio AR Herbert burns like clock work Herbert Burns quits in the second round this was almost like the luuk a fight it’s just it was a standing TKO moment where Julio Arce I think he like clipped Herbert burns with some no

Wait I think it was like a [ __ ] takedown or something first of all it wasn’t a punch Herbert Burns was never rocked not once okay not once was he rocked before he started shelling up Herbert Burns just simply shelled up for nothing up against the fence I think it

Was like a grazing punch to the forearm of her Herbert Burns that made him shell up and cower away in fear and because he was just sitting there not doing anything not fighting back eventually Julio Arce on his like 11th or 12th follow-up strike to the guy that’s

Quitting landed a nice flush shot and put him down but uh Herbert Burns again no heart he’s the 10 man of the UFC and uh just a disgraceful showing from him this is the third time he’s quit in a row I don’t understand what up with this

Guy I don’t even know why he likes fighting he’s clearly not got his heart in it so yeah horrible performance from him on to the next one though Conor Matthews Bazooka Joe Bazooka Joe is not so mid anymore okay and to be fair I think that uh I may have overhyped or

Overrated Conor Matthews but he looked really good in all of his before UFC fights like he was smoking guys in the first round knocking dudes out dropping people subbing them in the first he was a finisher and he looked fast but against Bazooka Joe he looked like dog

[ __ ] okay like he was throwing these leg kicks and these teps that looks like they were in slow-mo I mean he was putting absolutely nothing on these shots he was throwing his hands in slow-mo the only strike that Conor Matthews was throwing with any effort whatsoever or anything on it was an

Overhand once in a while and that was it this was not the guy that I was watching during my tapee study and Bazooka Joe knocked his ass out okay knocked his ass out and I was happy to see him get the Finish because Conor Matthews just did

Not deserve to win this fight looking that bad and that slow on the feet and to be fair I’ve been saying Bazooka Joe is a little bit mid he did take a short notice fight against Shawn Woodson and that guy has a very weird build and he’s

Super hard to take down it’s just a hard guy to hit in general so it’s not the worst look in the world again it was short notice and he got smoked by Jamal emers early but he didn’t really show a lot of himself in that fight either so

He looked all right still didn’t look that good um but he imposed his will when Conor Matthews just kind of sat there and accepted defeat in this fight and thought he could win with a little lazy tep to the body but yeah good win for Bazooka Joe on to the next one the

Pleasure man loses to ebo asan they were slugging this was a really fun fight in the second round it really started started to heat up they were literally just trading in the pocket eyes closed slugging big meaty hooks left and right and Anton tural just doesn’t have a lot of pop in

His hands whenever these guys would land shots on each other it always looked like ebo asland actually was able to get an effect from Anton turc and he was able to get respect it was usually turc that was starting the exchanges Landing a couple of punches and he would get

Caught on the exit and every time he would get caught you would see wait a second like eo’s got some serious thud Behind These shots and uh in the third round that was the story ebo asan catches Anton trali with a big hook over the top like an overhand or something

Puts his ass out well to be honest he didn’t knock him out uh but he did send him flying to the canvas and the ref stepped in tural was out of it you could see his eyes glazed over he was not ready to take the onslaught following

That big punch and that’s it for Anton tur the pleasure done people were saying in the buildup to this fight you know it’s so unfortunate that tural has fought the cream of the crop man and Vitor patrino is good and jilton Al made is a beast Tyson Pedro is not that great

Though but they were saying he’s not really gotten a chance to show how much of a monster he is well he literally beat ebo aan before the UFC but I just looked at the trajectory of him the lack of power there’s nothing that he does that’s that great his

Boxing is kind of trash but hey it’s it’s even a worse look cuz EO asan’s boxing is even worse so I just don’t think he has it he doesn’t have pop in his hands he’s not that fast he’s not that technically sound with anything that he does I think he’s going to get

Cut from the UFC unfortunate but that’s how the game goes not everyone is going to cut it in the UFC and we may have just seen the end of Anton Tal’s career even though he’s only 27 for Io aan though looks like a fun fighter not that

Great either but he’s durable and and he has heavy hands let’s get on to the next one another strange moment Jacob malcon and Andre Petroski ends in a hip TKO Jacob malcun knocked out Andre patoski with the impact of his hip while Andre patoski shot in with a takedown and uh yeah that

Was it and Jacob malcon followed up with a freaking soccer kick that came down from the heavens so it was a very strange finish I didn’t even know why Petroski went down I thought I missed it I just saw Andre Petroski miss a takedown and all of a sudden he’s on the

Canvas like shelling up for dear life but yeah it was the hip Jacob malc kun’s Teletubby hip he doesn’t really look to have bony hips that’s a weird thing that happened but malcun was kind of getting the better of him in the early going of that fight he got rocked in the first

Round but that always happens to malcun he has a suspect chin he tends to get rocked early but he usually does a good job of building into fights but he did kind of look to be the more technical guy when it came to the boxing he had a

Crisper jab he had better boxing whereas Andre Petroski was just throwing big meaty arm punches and just kind of like shoving himself into malcun and like overextending and missing big and he did land one big shot and he got a take down at the end of the round but just

Expended a lot of energy I think it was a matter of time before Jacob malcun just started to take over the fight anyway but hey Andre Pat’s chin is so bad he gets tko’ed with a little bit of a hip impact so it’s very unfortunate and uh kin logran versus PCO

Gets the win as well I picked cin logran he’s like the Irish Drew Dober there’s like three Drew Dober archetypes in the UFC there’s like Martin pra or Francisco pra I think his name is there’s kin login and there’s Drew Dober so another Drew Dober prototype bursts onto the

Scene with a granite chin with nasty power in his hands and he gets it done I picked him to win this fight I think I went eight and four on the card overall I got the main event right I got most of my picks right so we did pretty all

Right in general not the most entertaining card hope you guys enjoyed the video until next time


  1. Time Stamps:
    0:00 Intro / Manon Fiorot Humbles Blanchfield
    2:09 Vicente Luque Flat Out Quit
    5:21 Chris Weidman Wins Via Eye Poke
    8:12 Ruziboev's Anti Climactic Win vs Dumas
    11:12 Bill Algeo Gets Stopped Way Too Early
    13:26 Chidi vs McKhee
    14:51 Nate Landwehr KO's Emmers
    16:25 Herbert Burns Quits Again
    17:35 Bazuka Joe Not SO Mid After All
    19:20 The End Of The Pleasure Man
    21:30 Jacob Malkoun Hip KO's Petroski

  2. Literally the refs were the only ones to blame this card. Missed obvious eypokes leading to finishes. Early stoppages in luque fight Algeo fight . Malkoun celebrating like he won the belt after a self inflicted concussion by Petrovski WTF was this card . Goblin little ref was on edge the whole card

  3. “ Woah Bro only casuals picked Luque going into this. Everyone knows Buck is the darkhorse of welterweight bro”
    – the person Lucas thinks is in the comments

  4. Disgusting judging in weidman fight. Just gifted him the win cause he's the American hero. Should have been a non contest at worst and a disqualification win for bruno at best.

  5. You predicted a fight, between 2 fighters and picked the correct one. Congrats bro on that 50/50 guess work. The odds were stacked against you. Are you going to the bingo hall with that haircut????? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  6. Anyone else remember Manon freezing up with her eyes closed and eating 5 windmill punches? Numbers 2 and 3 in the world, btw.

  7. I honestly think Jessica Andrade is so bad at striking that Blanchfield became a shitty striker with no gameplan ever since her fight with Andrade

  8. Tracy cashing big man respect to you I lost 50 dollars this was the worst card I’ve ever bet on because of those final performances on the card

  9. Describing Erin Blenchfield as Teletubbie build is the most accurate description Lucas Tracy gave in a long time. She even has the huge forehead

  10. For you to even say it was “the worst eye poke on the card” just shows how much a problem and how common eye pokes are, every event there’s at least 3-4 eye pokes it’s so normal and a part of helping people win.

  11. Lucas Tracy speaks and looks like he has seen a Ghost after the Fight night card yesterday and I can absolutely relate

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