Improve your golf swing with the world’s best golf drill! This underrated technique is perfect for all golfers looking to fix their swing, gain power, and improve consistency. Perfect for older golfers or anyone looking for a simple and effective way to enhance their game!

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Here’s what we cover in this golf video.

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you simple tips to improve your golf swing. Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having YOUR perfect golf swing.

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This is possibly the world’s very best golf drill but I’m not just going to show you one version of it we’re going to take it just a little bit further so you can modify it to your specific needs and when you understand why and what you

Need to do you will be shocked at how quickly you can help figure out so many aspects all on your own without complication it is so simple you might even be annoyed that you haven’t been doing this constantly the main drill that I’m talking about which isn’t like

Wayy brand new I’ve done content on it before and many other people have used this I actually spent several months when I was trying to get good at this stupid game standing with my feet and knees together and making swings okay why is this so good why is having your

Feet and knees together so good for a go swing well even then just demonstrating it I didn’t do it quite right because my sequence was a little bit out of whack meaning I made a back swing and but my intention as I came through I kind of

Use my upper body too much even on a mini swing like this it’s important to allow the arms to win the race just a little bit coming down here and to collect and release through but one of the benefits of this is not just balance it is that sequence but it really does

Show us where our faults lie but when you do the feet together and knees together we can still cheat a little bit we can still sort of split the legs somewhat we can still move and counterbalance our body if you see like dead straight on here I can cheat a

Little bit and stay theoretically centered by having my feet together I can move my body over this way so technically I’m sort of moving off the ball but I’m counterbalancing myself with the lower body here if I didn’t turn or counterbalance somewhat and I went that way I’m going to fall over but

I can overemphasize and counterbalance so that’s something to sort of be aware of that you can sort of cheat this a little bit but as a baseline practicing your feet and knees together is exceptional for so many different facets of your gol swing but as I said we need

To take it a little bit further and understanding why so there’s a couple of variants and it is going to depend on what your Tendencies are it’s also going to depend on what type of Swing plane you are we’re going to go into this a lot more in the near future but there

Are basically three types of Swing plane and it mostly is dictated by your anatomy and going against it is making life so much harder for you when it comes to the golf swing your arm arm length your height your wingspan your forearm length compared to your upper

Arm just those factors alone play a huge role in what you can can’t and probably shouldn’t try and do in the goal swing we’re not going to be able to cover that in this lesson but it is the start of what we’re talking about that makes the difference the three swings basically

Come down to the plane that we’re moving down on as we get back to the ball we have shoulder plane where it’s the line of the club is a bit more nearer the shoulder right that’s going to generally happen and that’s me where the arms are longer than the height you know I’m

Almost 6’2 but I’ve got a big wingspan so no matter what I try and do my arms are always going to be a bit further away from me compared to someone who has shorter arms than their wingspan you know literally they’re going to be like

3 four in more this way for example so it’s going to be easier for them to get more shallow and in here but we have the shoulder plane we have a torso plane which is where most golf instruction focuses on but actually a very small percentage of people are within that

Range it’s quite ironic I know but we’re going to learn more about this in the future don’t worry then we also have the hit play with you know a shorter tendency uh shorter arms and a tendency to be sort of lower deeper and can actually get a bit more rounded this way

But those things are affected dramatically by even the setup that we do and how we pivot on the back swing we’re going to do a little test stand up right now you don’t even need a club we’re going to put our feet and knees together but first of all I want us to

Put the right foot forward so my heels are lined with the toes and I’m standing very narrow okay and I’m going to try and stay balanced within that Center initially you might find yourself leaning one way or the other and I was talking about counterbalancing and you’ll notice that at setup here you’re

Going to be moving your hips a little bit more this way because of the the way the setup is forcing us to sort of balance and move if I keep the hips back this way that’s going to feel very awkward especially when I try and make my rotation behind I’m off balance this

Way and that’s what’s happening to many of you because you’re setting up in correctly and you’re not able to Pivot correctly so this test is good for you know the setup but also the pivot what we need so I want you to put your feet

This way and I want you to make some rotations but I want you to almost feel that your right knee is going behind your left like so we’re kind of going nice and slowly and I want you to be aware of where your balance feels what

What feels a bit more natural to you what how can you sort of balance and get the RO rotation get the hips behind pointing the butt to the Target and keeping our head nice and steady I want that sensation here and what you’ll notice is this is creating a little bit

Of resistance for the lower body as it were so my emphasis has to be to Pivot around behind me here but what that’s going to do is going to put me in a very good place to be able to deliver the club downwards on an inside path that

Way if I do the same kind of movement and swing but I put my feet left foot in front right foot behind and I have the same setup like where my hip is a little bit further forward for a start I’m fighting going that way I’m falling this

Way it’s also going to be easy rather it’s going to be easier for me to make a rotation here to get behind and deliver it back down this way but to get back at the ball if I just use my arms I’m going to be falling backwards

And kind of getting stuck a little bit here and the wild thing is I spent a long time many many years ago doing a drill with the right foot behind the left why was that bad for me that was bad for me because I was able to get

Really behind but now to get back at the ball I can’t just drop the hands because I’m very far back and it’s all dependent on the arm length if I had slightly shorter arms for example it I could get that chest down back at the ball to

Cover it you see if I had slightly shorter arms I could get back down and cover the ball if I did that with my anatomy try to get back at the ball look where I am the club is way out here and that’s not lack of effort that’s not

Lack of ability that’s just how I am made but hitting some shots like this or practi ING with my feet split this way I start to create some awareness some calibration of okay yeah that makes sense going here but it doesn’t make quite as much sense getting back to the

Ball what does it feel like when I do this when I put my right foot in front of my left I can still make a nice tidy back swing I have to encourage myself to sort of get behind it but from here I can just throw those arms down and

Deliver it back at impact I have to do very little manipulation and this is what it all comes down to it’s reducing the feel the need to manipulate when you do patterns movements drills that are how you are designed it all becomes a lot easier you don’t have to try as much

To make the strike to make certain moves it all happens more effortlessly and doing this test is really going to help you figure where where you are and that is important you have to test it out to help figure out what does it feel like to me where’s my balance what kind of

Movements do I do what feels better and you’ll notice also that when you have the different foot positions as we talked about the hip placement you are going to start to notice the differences of how you set up if I have the right foot back if I have too much weight

Forward here I’m going to be dipping behind and catching it a little bit chunky but if I set up with a bit more balance with my hips a bit better aligned for this setup I can calibrate myself and stay a lot more centered and swing through that way and

Get the chest down and through but you’ve got to figure this out for yourself at least for now until we’ve got a really cool program that’s coming your way but if you’re not sure I do still encourage you to put your feet and knees together because that is going to

Be the mid line from from a shoulder plane golfer like longer arms very generally speaking to a hip plane with slightly shorter arms we’re going to be in the middle so you can test it out with your feet and knees together to find that sort of Baseline to start figuring out but

Play with the foot positions play with the pivot the angles at the setup and start to see what it does and what it feels like to you this is just scratching the surface and I’m just trying to create some awareness but it really is the most effective drill you

Can do because when you get it right for your swing type the rest really does start to come into fruition a nice sequence and it’s just easier so there we have it now this lesson is going to simplify your goals when you’re out on the golf course to hit more greens to

Hit more Fairways so you can help focus and just deliver a swing that feels more natural without getting in the way with your head see you next time

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