I recently had the chance to help gerry with his golf swing and specifically his driver and wanted to share that lesson with you and I think there is lots that you can learn from this session.

Ultimately Gerry wanted more consistency and predictability with his driver as many do, so we worked on a couple of key drills and finished with something that is so simple but made an incredible difference to his drives.

In this video you will see the 4 stages that we covered and I show you how you can apply them to your game to get similar results to Gerry

Hope you enjoy the video and as always just leave me a comment and ill get back to you as soon as i can, Chris



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00:00 Introduction
00:38 Set Up Driver Angle
03:06 Driver Release Drill
06:13 The Wall Drill
09:40 What Is Your Intent?

I had the opportunity yesterday to help Jerry with his golf game specifically looking at the drive he came to me kind of struggling a little bit lacking in confidence not hitting it as well as he’d like we did some great things in that lesson I really wanted to make this

Video and share it with you because there going to be so many things that you can take through to your golf game and we did kind of four really key stages something that setup something through impact and then we finished up with something which I think is going to

Completely surprise you it’s so simple it had such a big effect on his golf game and anybody can do that and it really helped him hit the High draws with his driver and they were going further as well so let’s get into what we did the first thing I wanted to do

With Jerry was to get him more comfortable over the ball now you might resonate with this you might be thinking yeah that sounds like me I’m of and over the ball and it just doesn’t feel comfortable I can’t get myself set this is the case with Jerry and there was one

Reason why he was doing that and I want to show you what that was okay I would like to see your hands a little bit more back okay generally what we tend to see with one average tour players hands with a driver actually tend to be slightly

Back of impact now as soon as you get that hands little forward we know that the what you do with the grip affects the face it’s more likely to push the face to the right so if you have the hands little forward either the face is

Going to align on right or for some golfers they’ll say things like I just can’t get the club to sit right because the hands are forward and they’re trying to twist it back and it it kind of gets a bit uncomfortable most of the drivers these days are pretty good in terms of

They they sit very neutrally and pretty well but obviously if we were to push the handle forwards or move the handle back it changes where where the clip points so with the driver if we don’t have the club Chef nice and neutral if we have it little forward the face enter

Sit a little open now the majority of golfers wouldn’t necessarily like to see that little open so it’s setup they’ll try and twist the club a little bit and it’s it’s interesting actually if you just take your normal setup so don’t do anything different just your normal

Setup yeah I’m already okay right now I’m holding the golf club you take your hands off watch what happens to the club head go this how it’s kind of falling back so what that tells me is that you’re trying to you’re setting the club in a certain way and then trying to

Change it a little bit with your hands and and it’s just an element of inconsistence that we don’t really want so the first thing I want to do is really get good at aligning the golf club and having the club shaft nice and neutral so try this at exercise you’re

Going to take the driver in your Trail hand and you’re going to go through your techniqu so I like to pick an intermediate Target so I’m going to be picking this divot here and I’m just going to take my right hand and I’m just going to line the club face at that

Intermediate Target but just have the club sitting nicely on the the ground now I’ll straight away see whether handle being forwards Club is open or handle being back Club is closed so I want that club shaft nice and neutral which allows the club to sit nice and

Neutral then I can build my stance around that what we would generally tend to see with great drivers of the golf ball is they tend to have the hands nice and neutral and if anything they have the handles slightly back the last thing we want is to have the hands forward

Because that opens the club face and then you are in a whole world of trouble cuz you’re going to have to start twisting the club club and it won’t look right and it’ll look very very different over the ball this was really key that we did this to Jerry the next stage was

To do some work on the lead arm now this is so important in his goaling in your goaling in my goaling everyone’s goaling if you’re struggling what do you often see through the golf ball we’re looking at drive you see this with irons well you often see these elbows kind of

Separating bending it just looks a little bit cramped so with Jerry’s ging his follow through so targets side of the ball tended to be quite low and too much around his body the reason for that is what his left arm is doing so as he went through the golf ball his left arm

Was sort of bending this way but it wasn’t folding correctly and that was tending to leave the face open and it was tending to mean that he wasn’t getting the maximum amount of speed into the golf club so I’m going to show you the drill that we did really really

Simple I’d love to go ahead and try this best done with this mid iron but you can see what we did here with Jerry the majority of golfers on the way through the lead arm will bend which is not necessarily a problem it’s the fact that there’s no rotation in there okay so

There’s a big difference between an arm which is bending yeah this has got Bend in it versus an arm which is bending but also rotating rotating i’ still got Bend here but I’ve got rotation okay and when we do that the club goes a lot further but it also causes

The club face to to rotate and fold over good okay hold it there okay so what’s what s there which is kind of what tends to happen a lot too much tension yeah okay so softer softer softer there we go good just going to go a little

Turn better okay better just let that club head work this way good yeah so if you sort of mimic that movement now look at the toe of the club as you do that it just wants to overtake so it’s just sort of square ing movement if you like it’s

It’s something in the golfing which squares if this arm sort of bends you can see what the club does yeah number one it hasn’t got as much speed but number two it doesn’t tend to you know it doesn’t tend to want to square up it tends to want to point in that direction

So just have a little couple of swings like that just take the better good better so on these practices I’d love it to just be it in a little softer okay just we’re trying to get as soft as much softness as we can like I said reality is at speed

The the idea of this right arm is to keep this sort of on the side better much better okay and all we’re going to do is we just going to go a little chip maybe 20 to 30 yards which just going to sort of finish

Here all I want to do is be a to take that trail hand off and be in this sort of same position I’ve got some rotation but my arm is close good here love that love that really good wherever you finish just hold there we go perfect okay take this hand off perfect

Perfect so taking that on a stage I wanted to give Jerry a different sort of feel or something he could do away from the bay something he could do where actually’s making some swings rather than just some moving to that lead arm you could go this way but if you were damaging think

About d wall this way so if I was to make demonstrate your go thing and make it far worse than it is okay probably can’t make a action cu the wall to get in the way you’d get down to here yeah but then on the way through because what

Your arms do you’d almost drag the club right into here so if you were to stand with you know your feet probably some 6 in away okay and the feel would be you’re almost trying to from here get the club working all the way through without hitting the wall there

You go and you’ll feel how you’re doing a lot more with your hands and arms there you go yeah it’s a good feeling for it okay just go a little slower on the back back I’m just con you hitting there it there you go perfect so on that on

That drive that you leaked out to the right you know what we did we see in your follow through we saw this sort of very much this sort of drag across across here where you were trying to sort of save it with your hands so that

You can’t really do this at at massively high speed but it gives you a little idea of trying to fold the arms up more yeah with the body rotation okay a good little exercise to sort of feel what that would be all right that would be

Like if I do do nothing with my body and just fold my arms the club goes upwards yeah but my lead arm is folding but as soon as that lead arm buckles it yeah it wants to go this way so I could just go ahead and nor you know get this feeling

Of get the club up this way that lead on fold right okay nice and slow there you go beautiful we used that wall as a barrier and we got him to make some swings where he wasn’t making contact with the wall so here’s how you do that

When you don’t have that wall you’re going to take a starting position and you can see that my bag is probably some 6 to 8 Ines in front of my sort of toes now bearing in mind this is to create a feel this isn’t necessarily the exact

Movement that you would want but this is great because in this stage of the change that’s what I wanted to give Jerry the right feels that he could latch on to so had we looked at Jerry’s goal thing to begin with and he’ just made a normal swing with his lead arm

Movement H have hit that bag every single time we gave him 10 swings he’ have hit it 10 times watch what happen happens if I don’t do anything with my body and I hold the top of my lead arm like that little first exercise we did and just let the club release through

Well you’ll see now that that club starts to go more up and over the golf bag because my lead arm is starting to fold correctly now at this stage I obviously don’t have any body turn but it’s really training my lead arm to fold and release correctly so what I can do

Is I can actually Place both hands on the golf club make some little swings and just rehearse just I click my head over there these movements and you can see how my release of my forearms is causing the club to go much more up and over that golf bag now

I’m not really using a huge amount of body turn the reality as we would in a swing but if you move around to the front on view you’ll see that when I do that what does that do to my lead arm puts me in this perfect position that

First position that we were working on before we jumped outside so if you see this in your gol s try that use that Ward drill but even if you’re on the golf course place your golf back here have some little swings you’re going to start to get that lead on folding much

Better so the last thing we did with Jerry this is the thing that was the game changer for him really got him to perform better we tapped into this the 6 Ines between your ears often we think of the goal sing in terms of positions and

Club face and play and delivery but we don’t think about this all I wanted to do with Jerry is change his intent so let’s see just out of in chest I want to say what happens to your release if we change the path okay if you were to try

And imagine you’re going to hit that logo right that would sort of create a slightly more right path and then I’m interested to see how I how you would get the ball to come back back into the middle because I’m hoping that to get the ball to come back you’ll do it

Through kind of folding this arm correctly so if you’re holding just your left hand only the feel would be hitting that logo which do you would feel as this Ball’s going to go way into the trees but then letting the toe of the club really wrap over okay through that

Left arm right okay just see if we can sort of change the release through a little bit of intent that’s it there we go really get that club going high over your left shoulder that was perfect straighter that was perfect get that club finishing High the left arm

Fold much better much better yeah probably could go higher on the fold to thing but it feels that was good that was really good feels better definitely it’s probably the best three hit that’s probably your longest One path good face slightly closed ball speed was

Up smash fact was up that was good speed was yeah spin was good different ways of changing the golfing if you wanted my head to go a little bit more forward in the down swing you you could tell me to do that which would be the technical

Aspect or you could just say um I say what Chris just hit me a drive and just from a normal setup hit it as low as you can there’s a good chance I’ll move my head so you’ve moved my head but you never told me to you just

You just laid out this yeah visual task that I was trying to achieve and as soon as we got you to swing a little bit more out to the right and bring it back it got you to almost yeah sort of change the way I I you can’t do that if you

Youve try to swing out to the right because by moving your path more out to the right what we did is we gave you a right element yeah path right so your golfing brain says well I better put in a a left element which is a bit more of

This yeah this release so suddenly we got this sort of path right better release and suddenly we get in sort of high draws so good now that was actually higher in the face which is a really good sign that’s probably your longest one I mean it’s

Going to be close but it’s probably yeah technically your longest one we focused on the golfing brain and that’s so so powerful so think about that with your golf game what type of shot is going to change your golfing so on the course use your brain it’s incredibly powerful and

Like Jerry you might get some incredible results


  1. The curiosity and thirst for knowledge displayed here are infectious. It's a testament to the insatiable human appetite for understanding.💕

  2. I personally have developed a slice over the past month or 2. Never realized it until I watched this video that I was pre setting with shaft lean. Definitely an aw huh moment right off the bat.

  3. Had to subscribe after watching this upload . The way you explain things with drills 'feels' and pupil interaction were some of the best understandable instruction I've seen . Top job 👏 👌

  4. Chris, thank you again, was great having this lesson. You really helped me to clear my head of too many swing thoughts and give me some simple things to work/focus on. I'm already starting to see the benefits, with more consistency and less dispersion with the Driver. As the confidence builds and the better weather arrives, I hopefully can start to wind back up the speed and add a little more distance.

  5. Chris, are you left arm dominant with your golf swing? Or do you use both arms equally? Thanks for answering, and keep up the great videos!

  6. Thanks for the lesson! I have exactly the same fault and never realised that it is all due to the setup, alignment and lead elbow hinging….can't wait to take this to the course!

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