Feet are touching so you can see the ball is right in the middle of my feet now what I’m going to do is take the tiniest little step and I mean like half an inch and step the left foot out okay as you do that you notice as I stepped I

Turned my left toe out so foot flare just a little bit okay now with this one we’re going to take a bigger step much wider than you would take with a SV iron or even your hybrid okay so here now we’re in a nice solid base we’ve got our

Ball position got our left foot turned out and what you’re going to do is you’re going to make sure that your spine is tilted the appropriate amount it’s not about trying to get it’s not leaning back what we’re going to do is put the club across our chest so it

Represents my zip here I’m going to lean until the club just touches the inside of my leg right now I’ve got the right amount of tilt I can set up like this this is our driver setup okay

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