

GOLFBUDDY (Use code GBRYAN for 10% discount)

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#golfdrills #golfswing #golftips


00:00 Introduction
00:36 Key Terms
02:47 What Great Players Do
05:51 1st Drill
07:34 2nd Drill

In this video we’re going to talk about how to start the down swing such an important part of the golf thing it’s going to give you more power it’s going to improve the quality of your strike all the great players do this but before we get started look if you’re new to the

Channel I’d love you to consider subscribing the videos are free and my job is to help you play some better golf if you do enjoy the video give it a thumbs up and I’d love to hear your thoughts and drop down in the comments box below down swing we got to start it

We all have to we we set up we all make a back swing we’ve got to start the down swing and this is such an important part of the Swing because if you get this wrong you’ve got 0.1 0.2 seconds to fix that not a lot of time great golfers

Generally start the down thing exceptionally well so let’s start with a couple of really important terms and kind of then we can go into how it’s going to work it is starting to rain we’re going to push through hopefully it’s not going to get too much worse so

Let’s talk about Mass that’s my my weight and something we call center of mass okay I’m not going to get into too much detail but these terms are really important for you to deeply understand it’s going to help you move better the average mass of me around about here

Okay and you can see that that would be equally distributed between both feet so if I was to very very simply not move my mass which is right in the middle of me but lift up one of my feet so I’m going to lift up this back foot because my

Mass is in the middle of my feet if I lift up that foot I would very simply fall over okay simple if I lift my foot up I would fall over however if I took my center of mass here if I moved it over and above my

Lead foot and then I lifted up this foot I wouldn’t fall over because I’m now much more in Balance because I moved my mass over the only contact Point I’ve got with the ground so that’s our mass now in the Go sing we do move our Mass a

Little bit not a huge amount but what we also do is move pressure and that’s very different that’s the amount of force that you’re putting on the ground so let’s go through a really easy exercise I’d love you to do this with me take the Golf GL pop it across your shoulders get

Yourself into setup and and posture and obviously your mass is going to be pretty centered in your heels I want you to take a set it with maybe a little bit more weight on that lead side maybe 55% on the lead side now from here I’m

Going to try and keep my weight in the middle of my feet and I’m going to just make a little back swing this way so you can see there’s my my turn now if I was to very very quickly lift up my lead foot because of what we’ve just said

That discussion of kind of mass and my contact point with the ground if I lift up my lead foot what’s going to happen well I’m going to fall forwards my body is going to move in which direction it’s going to move towards the target but it’s also going to move

Slightly down because I’m Falling Towards the ground so this would be the direction that my body is moving in now when we look at great players which direction they move as they start the downwing well exactly that they move towards the Target and down towards the ground so what are they

Doing in transition well they’re effectively unweighting that lead foot now they don’t physically lift it but they’re taking weight away from that foot which starts the dowsing so we I would love you to start the ding because of a sequence of events keeping your mass centered and taking weight away from

Your lead side what I really don’t want you to do is start your dcing intentionally by bumping the hips or feeling like you lunge with the upper body this way these are all conscious movements and when we start douncing correctly it’s not conscious now what are many golfers sort

Of doing in their back swing this is a a real thought that I see it’s pretty rare to see someone sort of swaying or drifting towards a Target it kind of does happen but it’s not uncommon to see a golfer drift away from the Target and

When we drift away from the Target guess what our Mass moves more above our Trail leg so when I do that if I drift towards away from the target should say and I get to the top and I search for that feeling that so many goers are searching

For wait on my back leg because that’s what maybe you’ve been told in the past watch what happens when I lift up my le foot nothing I don’t get that downwing start I get kind of stuck on that back foot and that’s why so many golfers come

To me and say how do you start the dcing when I get to the top how do I initiate that dcing it’s because they’ve drifted off the ball their mass is above their Trail foot and for them to start the downwing they have to intentionally try

And fire the hips push them out towards the Target and that raises the lead shoulder you get stuck in your back foot you’re going to start to flip it thin it fat it scoop it all of those kind of horrible terms that you might have kind

Of experienced in your game and it’s all because they drifted off to the right and they weren’t able to start the dcing in the correct way so this is the first little exercise I love you to do just take a golf club cross your shoulders and just make some little movements

Where you rotate back and lift the foot that’s as simple as I want you to keep it and you will be only be able to lift that foot for a millisecond your instincts are going to kick in you’re going to plant that foot again but just

Watch as I go back lift the foot turn lift the foot turn lift the foot turn lift the foot and without any cont effort it’s really simple for me to start and move in this direction down into the ground forward towards the target so important when you’ve got an

Iron in your hand that you get into your lead side you have the handle forwards and you’re able to squeeze some of that Loft off the golf club this is how you do it so here’s a little dog toy that I bought from Amazon this cost me a couple

Of pounds I think it’s obviously pretty small and it squeaks so here’s what you’re going to do this is just going to give you some feedback because you know we want to shift onto that lead side but how do you know you’re doing it unless you’ve

Got a 2 or 3,000 lb piece of equipment well this will do the job for you so there’s two little exercises I’d like you to do the first one is where we step onto the toy so I’m going to take my setup to this golf for 79 and I’m going

To take my lead foot I’m just going to bring it slightly in from where it would be normally place the toy in there then what I’m going to do take my set up to the golf ball and very simply I’m going to make my backing keep my C my mass

Pretty centered and as I get towards the completion I’m going to lift my foot up and stamp I missed the toy which is why I didn’t squeak let’s have another go at that my aim wasn’t particularly good so I’m going to turn lift and squeak okay and I heard that noise

Starting the key message here okay and I can’t stress this enough is I’m not actually intentionally trying to start my downs I’m not thinking of doing anything other than turning staying pretty centered and then taking weight away from this foot and when I do that I get this beautiful kind of

Sequence of events which feels like it flows and it’s got this kind of rhythmical feel to it and I’m into that lead side really really early one of the big differences between amateurs and Pros or or really good players and poor players is when they get to the lead

Side the majority of amateurs when they hit an iron shot will finish with the weight on the left but they’re getting there you know far too late great players get there early so that’s the first exercise then what you can do is actually just kind of stand on the

Toy and put it under my heel but I’m just raising my foot off the ground a little bit okay and all I’m going to do now is do the same little exercise but without the physical step now I don’t know whether my microphone is picking up that AUD sound

But I can hear it and what I’m really starting to do here is train that first movement and you’ll notice that on those swings I’m stopping at kind of left arm level the ground now when you are basically creating that noise from that toy what that’s telling you is that

You’ve got pressure through this lead side okay your weight or your pressure is through your lead side what do you do with that well if you do nothing with it you’re still not going to have a great impact so if I have this kind of shift

In the lead side and do nothing I’m still going to have my kind of Flippy impact where my maybe my elbows separate so once you can start to get that pressure here you then use that to push up into your follow through and this is where we see all the great players tall

Extended hopefully watching a ball fly nicely through the air towards your target so let me go ahead and show what that would look like and the first one here I’m going to just do in stages so I’m going to go set up back swing and start my down

Swing there’s that pressure through my lead side left arm is level the ground then from here push up and through okay and that Ball’s only gone 60 70 yards but you can see how I got into my lead side and then I pushed up and through and then the progression

Will be to try and sort of blend that together so it’s a little bit more of a gol s so on this one I’m not going to go at full speed but I’m going to blend it together so my feeling is centered when I get to around about here I take weight

Away from my lead side I fall into my lead side and I push up through to the Finish still not going to go quite at full speed now we’re starting to piece it all together and I can tell you those strikes are feeling so good


  1. Well done Chris love it I have a tendency when I get to the top my hips drive first then the club gets stuck behind me 😊

  2. Hi Chris, you’ve nailed this one! As it makes perfect sense to assist the majority of golfers on the planet. I can only wish that this was explained to me many years (decades ago) as a junior. Personally, as living on a golf course which enables me to watch group after group tee off I actually see more falling backwards than finishing forwards and this very video explains why. Keep up with the great content you provide for free!

  3. Chris, what do think about actually starting the transition by lifting the lead foot, while playing ? Seems like major league hitters do this all the time.

  4. Great instruction Mr. Ryan. I sure wish I lived in your country. After I practice and perfect this drill, my brain will be experiencing the next fault. LOL. But for real, I feel like this movement away from the ball is what I have been doing the past few weeks.

  5. I know you said for irons, but I guess this is the same thing for driver and woods too. If you shift weight on your back leg and don't put pressure back into that lead leg, when you try to swing the driver I imagine you'd get a lot of thin drives or hitting it off the bottom of the club even. Which makes sense in our head because we don't want to "hit down" on the driver, so we feel the need to stay back and try to scoop the ball into the air.

  6. Very nicely illustrated with this toy! I like it a lot when children toys can be used for golfing (have a lot from our children at home 😉 )

  7. I usually ignore most YouTube videos of golf instruction. Some are okay. Chris though is comparable to a top 25 golf instructor. I've had a lesson before with one. The 1 hr was phenomenal and led to pure strokes and corrected a glitch id developed. After seeing some of Chris videos I have to say, I'm disappointed he's not more recognized. His videos are excellent and is embarrassing others have more subscribers. Well done. Great instruction. Simple, concise and very well explained

  8. I’m exploring stack and tilt, where you keep your weight on your font side through the backswing
    Wondering what you think of that method?

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