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Hey everybody today’s video is called from something to nothing what we’re going to talk about today is once you get a golf swing into motion if you are really truly making a golf motion you will have a sensation of things being more weightless and more effortless and the object today will be

To give you an understanding of why that is and actually how to create that more often in your golf swing all right let’s get started so we’re calling this video from something to nothing so what is the something well the something is anytime you start a golf motion you start in a

Measured out extended position you essentially measure out how far you want to be from the ball and you’re simulating actually to some degree what impact is like obviously your body is going to be in a different shape when it delivers but you’re putting the golf club in an extended position what that

Creates in the world of you know rotating objects is that you now have a fairly High moment of inertia to overcome so to get going it’s a lot more difficult than it is if everything is folded in most of our human motions that we make we’re when we stand everything

Is is is folded back into our body the acceleration of gravity is just pulling everything down and we’re just standing Balan so whenever we make movements to start it’s effortless because we’re able to extend the start but a golf motion again starts from an extended position

So there’s a something to it and there’s a bit of resistance that you have to overcome but the goal is is not to use to take that resistance and turn it into like a lifting motion which is where people get in trouble in a golf swing they they they start with something and

They stay with something they can feel the weight of the club they can feel the weight of their body we want to get our golf swing going in our takeaway such that we move in a way way that we actually get the golf club to become weightless quickly and so we need to

Actually even though we’re extended get it extending a little bit more once it extends it has an energy to it once it has energy then it’s easy to fold your arms into your line of gravity transition and re-extend the golf club and that creates a weightlessness in the

Golf swing and that is something that we want to be able to learn how to to create for the entire swing and it’s a challenge because if you start with a lift you don’t turn you’re always constantly trying to put the golf club in a position where you can hit the ball

With your muscles but if you get it going good and you really understand the full range of motion that you can create in your golf motion well then things get more more weightless and more effortless so what we’re going to do first here is we’re just going to get an

Understanding of the feel of effortlessness in this very very simple exercise here’s a simple exercise you can do to understand how to take the something and the weight of the golf club and turn it into nothing so if we just take our Golf Club I’m just going

To hold this in your right or your left hand I’m going to extend it out and I’m just going to hold it here and so because it’s rigid and I have muscles and strength I can create an opposing Force to just keep it suspended here but

Of course the longer I keep it suspended here the more it tires out my arm I can feel the center of mass of the golf club and I can feel the density at the end so quote unquote its weight trying to go down like this but I’m cranking it back

Up so I’m using I’m using a force through my my skill of being able to use muscular contraction to hold it there so it’s heavy it feels like something I can really feel the weight of the golf club but if I take this now and I just go

From here and I start to spin all of a sudden it’s like oh I don’t have to even hold that with any grip pressure at all and now it becomes more and more weightless so when you go from s when you go from still to

Movement as I turn and I rotate I start to feel I start to lose the sensation or the weight of the golf club that’s actually what you want to feel on a golf swing it’s not about feeling the CL CL head weight is actually about making the club head weight disappear and this

Happens in your body very instinctively so if I do a very such the same exercise with my arms I’m not aware of the weight of my arms when I make most of my movements but if I hold them out and suspend them it’s like oh yeah my arms are pretty

Heavy I can feel my shoulders getting tired holding them up but same thing if I go into a spin they suspend so anytime we rotate we create this ability or reach as well they’re equal and opposite we create this weightless sensation we’re so good at it we forget it we forget that we

Forget that we’re we’re good at doing it and it’s what we really need to sense in a golf swing so if you feel the muscles in your body acting and you trying to like stimulate different muscles or you feel the weight of the club dragging or

You’re trying to put a force on it you’re actually not creating the nothingness effortless feeling you’ve you’ve inevitably hit a shot that’s traveled farther than you expected with an easier swing well what happened well wasn’t that swinging slower made it go better it’s that you found some of n you

Tapped into some of your natural moving ability to make it feel weightless now one of the things that’s a little bit weird in learning weightlessness is our brains and our actually said our mind in particular doesn’t like weightlessness because we if you sense falling and weightlessness so being just accelerated with gravity

With nothing else holding you up we equate that with injury we learn that very very quickly so it doesn’t take you can fall from 20 ft and that can be a catastrophic injury even just tripping and falling on the ground you can really hurt yourself so our body is actually

Fairly hardwired to resist a lot of times when it feels an imbalance so this is kind of what happens when we swing our golf club and we create a lot of resistance our body like doesn’t want to like let go and then you kind of get

Your mind used to trying not to fall over but we most of the things we do like walking and again just doing simple things like touching our nose or reaching reaching around reaching up on to grab something off a shelf everyday movements we actually get a sense of

Weightlessness and so we need to achieve that in a golf swing so how do you achieve that in a golf swing well that’ll be the next segment of this video so in the context of a golf swing now how do we turn something into nothing well if I could go back and take

Young Dan and learn golf over again all over again there’s one thing I would have never ever done I would have never stopped my motion in my swing the intent of a golf swing is to move motions are naturally and our body naturally learns motions and we learn to make them more

Weightless as we get better at better doing them anytime you start to think about a golf swing or how to move a body part and you start thinking about it and where to put it in the parts of the golf swing you’re actually you’re you’re you’re stopping movement so just like

When we were holding the golf club out here suspended I can feel the weight of the motion but I know when I get in motion I can make things weightless so the first thing you need to do to like just have a more weightless swing is stop doing practice swings stopping and

Thinking about parts and how to move them and just keep them in motion there’s nothing wrong with being aware of how your body parts are moving but don’t stop moving because once you get it right it becomes easier and more and more effortless just like any motion

That you already do very well so in the context of a golf swing what I would want to train and people don’t do this enough we don’t just pick up our golf club and keep swinging it till it feels better the swing that you like the feel

Of is likely the one that’s getting more and more weightless we just get too lost into thinking about how to do it and hope and hoping it has a positive effect on the ball flight well get the ball out DED dedicate 5 minutes a day of getting

Rid of the golf ball entirely and just moving with the golf club so we know we start with this something so how do I get it weightless so the first thing I got to do is I got to learn how to reach it reaching more expanding is the way we

Start weightless movement so even though we’re extended in our golf swing we can extend a little bit more that’s why you see wide takeaways with really good players they’re not lifting the golf club they’re always getting it going this way so when I reach it outwards my

Body will natur start to open up to counter it it tries to make it weightless if I lift it I can feel the weight all the way through same thing if I do this and then I stop it I can feel the weight again so I’ve lost that sense

Of weightlessness so once I get it moving it’s always a reach and a rotation then you just let that Golf Club fold around your body never stop moving never stop moving in transition and just keep swinging it until it continues to feel lighter and lighter

It’s often also very help to not look at the ground while you do this but be more interested in kind of how the golf club is moving around your body the lighter it gets the Freer the movement and you’ll start to sense that your body is self-

Balancing relative to that golf club and the weight of the golf club becomes lighter and lighter the weight of your body becomes lighter and lighter and that’s when you know you’re swinging better the other thing that I would highly recommend as I usually do in my

Videos as most of you guys know swinging your pro is the way you can learn how to create a weightless golf swing so you’re a weightless golf swing is indicated very much so by the pro because it stays in a straight line anytime you’re moving all the parts of your body proportional

To their position relative to your line of gravity relative to gravity that sounds really complicated but it’s not it’s exactly this when I rotate that thing stays in a straight line so when I when I create that sense in the context of a golf swing the pro stays in a

Straight line so teaching yourself how to keep your pro in a straight line is teaching yourself a how to stay in motion and also how to make the most weightless efficient motion you can make so I’m keeping this straight not because I’m doing something magical with my hands and arms and manipulating I’m

Keeping it straight because I’m staying in motion and the pros is telling me I’m in motion and so I think that’s the best way to actually learn how to do that and it’s a lot easier to take that context back to the golf club but either way you

Want to learn how to turn something into nothing and that’s the lesson of the day N


  1. I've been using The Pro for several months, but it hasn't yet translated to swinging a golf club like The Pro. I think I'm hopeless.

  2. Dan is the best instructor in the game. The Pro is the best $100 you can spend to make you understand the swing and will transform your game! Thank you Dan for sharing your knowledge!!

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