In this in-depth analysis, we delve into the world of professional golf and explore the game of one of the PGA Tour’s most talented players, Brian Harman. Known for his precision and finesse on the course, Harman’s golf game is a masterclass in skill and technique.
Join us as we break down every aspect of Brian Harman’s golf game, from his strategic course management to his solid golf swing. Discover the secrets behind his consistent success and learn how you can apply similar techniques to elevate your own game.
Central to Harman’s prowess is his exceptional golf swing – a model of efficiency and power. We dissect his swing mechanics, providing valuable insights and tips that can help you refine your own swing and improve your overall performance on the course.

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Hey everybody thanks for tuning in I’m George Conley with scratch golf tips and today we’re going to be looking at the golf swing and the golf game of Brian Harmon Brian harman’s won three times on the PGA Tour by now he’s most well known for winning the British Open in 2023 in

Pretty epic style really blowing away most of the field at that event and I think Harmon is really a guy who’s flown under the radar throughout his career but he’s had a solid career obviously uh you know top 10 in the world currently and a pretty interesting golf swing and

Certainly an interesting way that he plays the game of golf he he goes against the grain of a lot of what we’ve seen be successful in the past few years so let’s start off by breaking down his golf swing I really like Brian harman’s golf swing it’s a fairly simple motion

And it doesn’t generate a great deal of power especially because he is of pretty small stature comparatively to a lot of those guys out on the PGA tour but a few things to note that I find interesting in Harmon’s golf swing uh one is that throughout the takeaway and at the top

Of the back swing the the club face is left fairly open just pretty slightly open throughout most of the golf swing and that’s fine because he can just rotate that club face throughout his transitionary move and threw the ball that’s totally fine but another part of it that’s pretty interesting is that his

Golf swing is slightly under plane so he comes into the ball just a little bit shallow so having that open Club face throughout the golf swing would be conducive to a little bit of a fade and having a in toout club path even just slightly would be a little bit conducive

To a draw so in Harmon’s golf swing those two things almost combat one another and it really allows him to be pretty straight with his ball striking a lot of guys really like to play that big high draw or these penetrating Fades and Harmon can do both by slightly

Manipulating either that club face or that angle through the ball that his club path is on but by and large if he doesn’t have to do any shaping he can really rely on that fairly short but very straight ball which certainly has its benefits but also has its drawbacks

Someone like Brian Haron who does hit it pretty straight but not too far will obviously be very successful on short and narrow courses we just saw him play well at TPC sass which really isn’t a beast of a course in terms of distance but you’re penalized for missing your

Spots and as we saw Harmon had a great performance there but some of those really long courses where you have to be getting the ball out there like Tory Pines uh he he may struggle out a little bit more another interesting aspect of Harmon’s golf swing that certainly goes

Against the grain of a lot of golfers is at impact and sometimes even a little bit past impact his Trail heel for him left-handed golfer his left heel stays on the ground at impact it obviously comes up after and through the ball but there are many golfers especially those

Who are uh smaller guys who hit the ball long way uh maybe Justin Thomas col morawa who at impact their Trail heel is well off the ground and they really use that heel coming off the ground to let those hips open up and generate a lot of

Power which is a fine move and I think it’s a pretty popular move but this golf swing that Brian Haron has proves that that isn’t a necessary move to you know really get the ball out there again I’m not Brian Harmon is not long by PGA Tour standards but comparatively to the

Average golfer he’s extremely long you know he’s 37 years old and and he certainly gets the ball out there pretty far so if you’re looking at your golf swing uh from a Down the Line View and that trail heel is not really off the ground at impact or it’s just barely off

The ground uh that’s totally fine you can absolutely make do with it and a few other aspects of the golf swing which I find interesting uh he does have an overlap grip which is uh something that is probably less common in professional golf compared to an interlock blocking

Grip but again if you have an overlap grip to the club and it’s a grip that you’re comfortable with and you can provide consistent results uh there’s nothing wrong with an overlap versus an interlocking grip for any golfer there is not a correct answer as to how you

Should be gripping the club when it comes to overlap or interlock just work with whatever makes more sense for you and whatever is more comfortable now let’s talk about Harmon’s game as a whole I there are have been a few times where he’s been characterized as kind of

This this Junkyard Dog a bulldog and I don’t think that he’s always referred to as a bulldog because he went to Georgia but he’s just kind of a scrappy golfer who really likes to have you know his moments when he can come through in the clutch and I think that there’s

Something to be said for that kind of golfer um he’s had a lot of performances where he has kind of start started off a tournament slow and he can really build out and continue to put his head down and make up ground which I think is a

Great quality for any golfer to have you know obviously with someone like Brian Harman he has s 72 holes to grind it out and get back into a tournament but for anyone watching at home even if you’re just playing a little bit of a basic uh you know 18-hole money match with your

With your buddies or whatever it may be if you start off slow it’s a very good quality to have to remain patient and to know when to be aggressive and and to continue to fight through a round I think that a lot of golfers you know you

Make a couple Bogies maybe make a double or a triple early in the round you kind of get down on yourself let Brian harman’s mentality be a lesson to you that you know you can always continue to fight maybe pick up a birdie go on a little par streak just keeping your head

In around can be really really beneficial to a long-term outcome another aspect of Harmon’s game that I think is extremely overlooked is his short game and you know there are a lot of great golfers in terms of short game but for someone like Brian Haron who

Doesn’t get the ball out there a lot he does have to scramble and kind of lean on his short game especially on those longer golf courses which as I said earlier they don’t really fit his game but he can still compete and has had some really solid results on those golf

Courses I think one thing to mention in his short game is if you’ve ever watched Harmon throughout a round and his scrambling he’s incredibly versatile in his shot selection because he practices all different kinds of shots I think it’s very important for golfers to have

A stock Chip Shot that they can turn to you know a particular Club ball placement and strike that you like for me I like to play a 56 degree off my back foot a little bit steep and that’s just my standard you know say 20 yard uh

Chip Shot from from the Fairway and that’s a shot that I’m comfortable with but if I don’t have a lot of green to work with I can’t hit that shot so you need to be versatile and work on different clubs different flights different types you know uh shallow

Versus steep swings from different uh you know bunkers thick grass thin grass all of that every golfer at home can benefit from becoming more versatile around the greens uh I know that everyone says oh yeah you know that guy has good hands that guy has bad hands at

The end of the day I think good hands are made by constant practice and you know working on Club face awareness and making the right selections is obviously going to help you as well so always be mindful of what you can be doing around the greens in terms of your practice now

Regarding Brian Harmon’s practice I have read in a Golf Digest article uh where Justin Parsons his coach has spoken about one of the most important things that Brian works on is his alignment now when it comes to golf instruction and becoming a better golfer I would say

Working on your alignment is one of the least flashy things that you can do it’s not a very attractive thing to do uh for a lot of people it’s not very fun to do but it is absolutely incredibly important and often very overlooked by Amer golfers all too often golfers will

Hit a very solid golf shot but as soon as they look up from their strike the ball is just not on the right line and it doesn’t matter how flush you struck your seven iron if your line is improper you’re not going to get the result that

You want so always be working on the driving range focusing on your alignment I think everyone in a pre-shot routine should have some semblance of alignment in in their golf swing uh using alignment rods things of that nature are things that Brian Harman works on all the time Justin Parson say coach always

Working on different drills different ways to get that alignment into your golf swing and I think it’s extremely important to think about and the last thing that I want to speak about in terms of Harmon’s golf swing is something that’s a little bit controversial and that is his waggling

Before the golf ball and kind of his pre-shot routine now I think a lot of people really saw this come up in throughout the Open Championship when he was you know really on television a lot he was leading a major championship you have to watch most of his shots on on

The Sunday round and he spends a while over the ball and he does a lot of waggling a lot of people are pretty upset you know from a viewing standpoint that he’s taking up a lot of time and my rebuttal on that is I I do understand

How it’s a little bit frustrating to watch it but there are golfers who also spend a lot of time over the golf ball you know whether it’s just standing still or doing little rehearsals whatever it may be Harmon is certainly one of the longest but if we’re talking

A couple of extra seconds over the ball I really don’t think it makes a huge difference uh the PJ tour does have pacing rules and if he was ever to be you know taking too long throughout the entire round they would let him know and

He would have to pick it up but the reason that does all of the waggling is actually because he he said in press conferences that he just Waggles until he feels comfortable over the ball he will not swing his Club until he’s fully committed to the shot and I think that

That’s something that anyone could learn from and and listen and and heed at home is that if you’re standing over the ball and you just don’t like the image of the shot you’re trying to hit maybe you’re trying to swing the club too hard or maybe you just don’t think that you have

You know the the ability to knock a club down a couple of your step off the ball and recommit even if it takes a couple of seconds I’m not saying do this every whole that would certainly be annoying but always be committed to your shot when you begin that takeaway I hope you

Learned a thing or two about Brian harman’s game and how his game uh his golf swing some of the aspects that he practices uh I I hope you learned how that can benefit you at home if you have any questions or comments on anything that I mentioned or failed to mention

Please leave them in the comment section down below as always thank you all very much for watching play well and take care

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