How to STOP Hitting at the Golf Ball and Swing Through

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Let’s talk about how to stop hitting at the golf ball and start swinging through and there’s two moves that you need to for this to materialize first of all the kind of golfer who is hitting out the golf ball is somebody who is is very stuck right and what that means is that

Your body is not moving so your hands and arms have to come down and this means that you as you’re pulling down on the club the club likely to get very steep your arms are likely to get very stuck and it means that you’re going to

Do a lot of arm rotation to try and get that club through without much sort of um right so how do we get out of that habit well the first thing You’ got to convince yourself to do is to understand that actually when you start the downswing your right arm should be straightening

And if you allow your right arm to straighten you just take a moment to look at the club Edge you’ll notice the way it’s moving a long way away from the from the ball so that’s the first thing you got to convince yourself through but

All of a sudden if you then start to move your chest more over your lead leg as you’re allowing this arm to straighten you’ll start to notice the way that the club actually progressively gets closer and closer towards the ball and if you then continue to keep turning

Like this and you let your arm kind of swing through a little bit you’ll start to notice actually the way that you can get that club on the back of the golf ball by moving your chest this way and straightening your arm and that’s what you’re trying to look for you’re really

Trying to make sure that this chest is moving over your lead leg this arm can really straighten and just do a few practice swings okay and just break it down that way so swing back straighten your arm okay like so turn your chest a little bit and then let your arms carry on

Through so straighten it turn your chest a little bit Carry Your Arms through and then that way you get your hands and arms working in unism together and eventually you’ll start to have more confidence to get a stronger feeling of throwing the club away from the body straightening your arm a bit quicker

Helping you generate that bit more speed as you turn through and then all of a sudden you’re going to start to produce a lot more Club head speed with less effort so stop hitting at the ball start to spend a little bit more time practicing learning a couple of these

Moves chest over your lead leg straightening that arm make a massive difference I’ll see you soon


  1. This is 100 percent me. Love this breakdown… I'll be working on this today. Brilliant as always! 👍

  2. Hi Russell; when I think of the problem of hitting AT the ball, it's more of a mental issue coming from the hit impulse rather than swinging thru impact which is probably a problem for 99% of beginners & many high handicappers including myself & it's really difficult to stop. I've managed to do it but occasionally I revert back to it if I want to hit a ball hard.

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