0:00 Turn Off The Heaters!!
2:58 New Golf Shoes I Found
4:27 New Car + Paying For Golf
13:37 Who You Date Affects Your Golf
19:05 Grip & Swing Update
31:18 Dave’s PLD Fitting

Welcome to the gab guchi golf Show what’s going on everybody welcome back to another episode of the gab guchi Golf Show Dave’s back in the building back from somoma what up Sir hey Gabe how you doing I’m good I’m good buddy I’m good how how’s your little jaunt to the south of the US uh it was good

Weather was warm and there was Sun so I was I was happy I feel rejuvenated and refreshed we finally got some sun here we had three or four four straight days of like 18 19 20 degrees nice yeah I saw in your I saw in your post you got some

Time out on the on the course actually not just beating balls on the Range yeah first first range sessions in shorts it’s pretty good this year you know the only problem is so this is the thing we’re in this awkward temperature where like some people are cold at the range

Some people are hot right and the thing that drives me nuts is that we have the heaters at the range and I don’t know if I’m I’m probably just being a bit of a princess right now but as soon as you start swinging you get warm like you

Know like even when you’re it’s minus 10 you get warm once you start swinging okay if it’s 18 degrees we don’t need the heaters on like what do we what are we doing what are we doing and so I see so these people come and like I get it

Everyone has to have their own experience at the range and I’m not trying to diminish anyone’s experience it’s like I get it maybe I’m being a total [ __ ] right now and that’s fine but I’m kind of like notice I’m not saying anything right now I’m I’m kind

Of like yo why don’t before you immediately jump to the heaters and like by the way there’s other people there we have not all turned the heaters on so you come and you want to turn the heaters on and we’re all swinging and now we’re overheating because you want the heaters

On and it’s and and also so it’s warm and the sun points at the like at the Stalls so you know like the the ranges is north south so you’re getting the Sun the entire way across the sky for the day oh man so anyway that drives me nuts

Right now when it gets too when it gets too like this with the heat and people just don’t know what to do with it so Public Service Announcement everyone if you see Gabe on the range please go on either side of him and turn your heaters on

Full and then send a photo to us oh man I and I feel bad too because some like you’ll see a couple come in they’re on like a date and I’m like oh that’s great and they want the heaters and I’m like why don’t you start swinging the club a

Little bit warm your body up warm your body up swing you’re here to swing in the golf club anyway see I so this I thought when you said you had a problem with shorts I thought it wasn’t going to be about the heaters I thought it was going to be about the way

That those Cricket shoes look when you got shorts on I think they look better now do they okay I think they look sick actually plot twist I have found a company I’m not going to disclose it yet cuz they’re incredibly expensive and I may test this but I have found

Potentially a golf shoe company that makes golf shoes the way I wish they did and I have not showed you this yet but you keeping you’re keeping secrets from me now yeah I’m gatekeeping a little bit but I’m going to send you this because this is now the problem is they

Are absurdly expensive like ABS how much is absurdly expensive uh I think it’s like I think it’s like 300 350 yeah like that’s a lot for shoe but they’re like custom handmade and the spike profile is the same as my Cricket shoes okay but they look like FootJoy

Premieres and they look like that old school shoe so you can have that like Arnold Palmer like sauce like that that wardrobe drip okay and now you get the performance so that excites me very much but we got enough things to spend moneyy on on like a new car right now so we

Can’t um we can’t be we can’t be doing that we can’t be buying $500 that’s that’s fair I know this is golf shoes I know this is a golf podcast but you and I haven’t chatted in a day or two but uh we’ve been talking about your car what’s

What’s uh what’s the update here I know traveling around to tournaments you need a reliable vehicle so yes it’s I’ve been I’ve been trying to figure out so you know what’s fun it’s like it this reminds me of like back in my early music days when I like got a vehicle cuz

I needed to do all my drum gigs and it’s like you’re trying to find a car that you know does what you needed to do but like also doesn’t like wreck your expenses right because I think when any when pursuing Any Dream right when pursuing any anything that you know of this

Nature um overhead management is so important right like like what allows me to kind of play as much golf as I do and and kind of live the life that I do is is I am very um militant on the what my monthly nut is essentially that I have to

Cover and I sacrifice a lot of things like I don’t go out I don’t drink I don’t do a lot of things that cost extra money you know there’s no vacations there’s no like extra entertainment there’s no random golf trips with Dave because those all cost extra

Cash so I’m trying to find a car right now that is reliable that I don’t have to think about random maintenance expenses cuzz like I was I was debating buying like an absolute piece of junk like for like two grand but the problem is that if something goes on that well

Now I could have like a you know three $4,000 bill out of nowhere and you know my tournament budget could get like they I you know I’m trying to find a way to get something so I think I’m GNA go I think I’m getting actually a newer a new

Car basically um and I’ve been able to like structure it to where like the payments are within a reasonable so it it allows me to play the most amount of golf while simultaneously having the least amount of mental expenditure on if something goes wrong uh you know I like I’m screwed we

We talked about this right there’s there’s the one side of it which is how cheap can you get right right but that comes with a bunch of unknown on and the other side of it is you have a budget so like what’s the peace of mind to know

This is your expenses every month you have the same car payment it’s always going to work you turn a key nothing goes wrong something happens there’s a warranty no I get it it makes sense yeah and and especially since with golf you know unlike when like once I stopped

Doing gigs for music and I just had to get to the studio I cared less about my car because I just as long as I could get to the studio and in most cases when I had the studio in my house I didn’t need to go anywhere so it didn’t it

Didn’t matter right whereas I need to make sure there’s no downtime and I got to be able to get to the course every day and I don’t want to have to worry you can’t be late can’t be late for a tea time because it doesn’t

Start no no and and I also don’t want the mental load of like issues right like I had a you know I really milked my old car cuz I it was so integral to me like every Big song i’ ever mixed I’d listen to through that car stereo right

So I really like I had this 2009 Ford Escape for forever and it was great but I just I milked it too long and from living in on IO the it became an absolute rust bucket but I noticed that the wear and tear of like of if

Something was to go wrong like one time the timing belt on it and it just stopped working so I got to get that thing towed and then you know it it it became a lot so we’re in the process doing that I rode with you in that car

Once we were going to a Blue Jay game and I was pretty sure if I put my foot down it was going to go right through the bottom of the car and on to Queen Street I was like okay I got to keep my feet in the air here I forgot I forgot

You got to ride you got to ride in in Clifford we called we called him Clifford cuz he was he was he was a big red car um and I rolled up I rolled up to band practice the first day I I had had the car and my guys in my band were

Like oh you bought a Clifford and it just it just stuck ever since so my boy Clifford rest in peace um I miss that car still but we need less stress we’re managing the expenses also you know and that’s the thing actually with this offseason we can kind of get it into a

Little bit of like the finances of of pursuing this dream cuz I think that’s something I can give you guys some insight on and and um just some realness is uh you know it’s it’s tough it’s tough to manage the finances with golf because just golf is just so much

Output right like clubs are expensive balls are expensive memberships can get expensive getting to and from it is expensive with gas and the car and all the things there’s just there’s so many expenses right and and then when you start like an athlete you eat more and

You you have uh you know all this other expenditure that comes you know supplements I’m buying more protein powder than I’ve ever bought buying creatine I’m buying all the things the addition of all those extra expenses becomes a lot so that means you have to kind of take from other areas of

Your life that are not conducive to the goal so I cook 99% of my meals I don’t eat out because that’s just that’s just a waste of money and I I would rather play more golf than eat out um you know and if we do go eat out like I order

Water mainly because I’ve kind of cut out like Diet poop and I don’t really drink at all um but again that’s just another way to save like there there you just kind of learn to shrink a lot of things you know you learn to to buy things better at the stores my

Girlfriend is incredible at uh price hunting and she kind of comes from a family where you know they they learned a lot of those skills so that’s cool too and she’s a great at at that and we save a lot of money that way part of the

Reason why I I’ve moved out here is because golf is cheaper here right my I have memberships here I can get three memberships for the price of one membership in Ontario so being able to practice more here like I don’t know if I could pull this off in a major

City uh because like you just need a lot more money like it you know you need a lot a lot more money and then balancing work and this you know I’m I’m fortunate where I can work from home basically and you know client meetings and stuff are

Are it’s it’s up to me right like my sessions and stuff are up to me to get scheduled um but the downside of my business is client volatility right so I don’t have a steady every Thursday I know I’m getting paid I don’t you know it some weeks it’s great some weeks it’s

It’s terrible it it it’s it’s all a balance I I just had an artist who’s got 19 million listeners on Spotify hit me up to mix a song but I could have nobody message me in the next month you know rarely does that ever happen but it’s

Just it’s the nature of the game so I don’t know you know I don’t know in June how much money I’m making right like that’s the that’s kind of always been my life like it just projecting out so you so you develop a lot of these habits and I think that’s

What’s kind of made this transition into golf a lot easier is from being in the musician world of not really having anything stable you just kind of learn these tips and tricks and and different habits of not overc consuming um you know I don’t buy a lot

Of new clothes I don’t buy a lot of I just don’t spend anything spend money on anything that doesn’t put me towards the goal right um but then like going back to the client volatility like I had a a a a big project that was going to be like a full year

Retainer that just after Christmas completely fell apart cuz the artist um went a bit awall which has happened before um but that sucks because I’ll be honest right now my budget for tournaments was there right like that was going to cover a lot of things and

So like I don’t really have the budget for tournaments right now that I had so I’m I’m trying to make it up in other ways while still paying for rent and all and life and food and and and the things to do this so it’s uh it’s an interesting it’s an interesting Battle

Of of managing but I think what’s been good about coming from the music side is that you know I’m so used to I’m I’m in music you’re you’re I’m so used to being so dirt poor in my early 20s that um pursuing golf almost just feels uh like you

Know I’m like oh yeah this is I’m eating so this is great I’m I’m actually I’m I’m way better off than I was you’re eating you’re hit golf balls you’re happy man exactly that’s I don’t need much I don’t need much I do think one of these episodes we need to get

Your girlfriend on the podcast we need to have a conversation about what it’s like to live with Gabe and go and and what go through this journey because I I only see a part of it on the phone right I think Vic sees all of it we we need to

Give the listeners some insight to yeah yeah she’ll be interested you know I I hit the jackpot though because like I don’t have any resistance some people and and this is actually another aside from the finances who you date in life determines so much of your success and your freedom to pursue

Things and I think I saw this in music and I definitely see it in golf too um where this trend of like you know I know guys who have to lie about golf I know guys who can’t golf when ever they choose because um you know it’s it golf is scene is like

A thing that competes with your partner versus an add-on to your life and I think if you if your partner doesn’t um frame golf in the right context for how it fits for your life and what it does for you I think it can create some battles whereas I’m very lucky like my

Girlfriend just uh you know from when I was doing music to now um and she she was in the music business as well so she kind of understands you know crazy schedules and pursuing a dream and those kind of things which which helps a ton um

But I think you know I never get told to not play golf or I can’t play more golf or or anything I have zero golf restrictions on my life you know um because of how golf is understood are you sure she’s not are you sure she’s not trying

To get you out of the house no no no she’s honestly you know what and that’s the other thing too it’s just like she I just have like an incredible amount of understanding right yeah and then the other thing too is that when you’re when when we do like

When we hang out you know try and spend more like quality time so that when you when you are home you’re present and and you’re doing all those things like it you can’t just you can’t just go play a bunch of golf and then not be a present

Partner in the relationship so there’s you know like that’s but that that goes without saying like you have to do that regardless of what your endeavors you got you got to put the work in for sure yeah so it’s so you you have to put the

Work in but at the same time I think you know it’s it’s interesting uh and I saw this in music a ton where you know you’d see an artist but then their partner would be almost like see like sabotaging them behind the scenes because they wouldn’t want them

To go to writing sessions they wouldn’t want them to play shows like there’s this like insecurity that breeds and I see that with I see that a ton with golf where I see a lot of guys who have to like hide golf from their families um and and they’re and their

Wives cuz they it’s almost like it’s like a com and I and I get and listen I you know I don’t have a wife and kids so I I you know I’m not going to I can’t speak on you know the different commitment levels and what

Life looks like at that level but even guys who just have girlfriends and you know if you’re just in a relationship um I’m surprised at the amount of tension sometimes that golf kind of creates in relationships because people see it as like and and maybe the other thing piece

This is the other piece too is that because my schedule is more free with work it’s not like I’m I can fit golf into my life better than maybe others can so I can still hang out and and and have that time whereas I think if you

Know if you’re working 9 to5 and then you have your Saturday to go play but your Saturday is also to spend time like I guess that can get tough but the mental health benefit for golf for guys I think is so big it’s a shame to not be able to just

Get to go do it freely yeah like you know when I when I was just getting into this and like golf was the Escape there was nothing worse than when you felt like either work or something else was nagging at you when you’re trying to be out there and I

Think you can you can understand that a ton right like you know when you’re out there and you just want to enjoy and then you’ve got something else that is p at you there’s been many a time where I’m golfing and I’ll look at my phone on

Whole 8 or 7 and be like okay I’m done at 900 cuz you know I just something you look at the phone you’re like I got to go back and it can be a Saturday but like something happens and you know even if it didn’t need to be addressed right

Away now it’s in the back of my head and it’s better off to leave the course and go deal with it than play shitty for the back nine and be thinking about work for the next three hours right before you get in front of the computer so I get it

Yeah and that’s BR and that’s a brutal feeling I again I’ve had that before I used to have you know i’ get I get a client to message me or need a file or something and you’re just like ah and it tor it torches your it torches your your

Round and then you’re like I don’t even want to be here and then you’re not even present you know that sucks so it’s it’s the it’s the combination of those things but yeah I think I think at some point getting her on would be interesting although she is she is quite the Unicorn

So and I’m very lucky so I I I don’t know I don’t know how applicable applicable it’ll be to to others just simply because um you know I I have won the lottery there you go yeah so anyway so that’s that so that’s so that’s the financial SL life aspect to this should

We talk about your game where’s your game at you’ve been post a lot of video from the range I see a lot of four irons a lot of drivers I’ve noticed a few drivers in and out of the bags in the imagery um haven’t really asked you in

Our personal phone calls because we wanted to save it here what’s what’s going on with the bag Gabe what’s going on with the swing so I touched on this a bit a little bit last week so max and I talking I’m going to see Ryan Holly Friday there is a

Driver so we have a we have we have a okay couple things couple things one we have a power issue right now so I went down a bit of a path with the swing that led to more accuracy but unfortunately leaked power and I think it’s got something to do with the

Grip how I was gripping the club now I’ve moved to my my grip is is pretty weak mhm um and this is from testing almost every variation of grip you can test you know I’ve tried over the past 3 years I’ve gripped the club every way I

Can trying to find the ideal matchup for me right so and that’s that’s something Max and I worked on something I’ve just tried to see what is going to make me play the most free and the most like when I get on the golf course what is

Intuitive a we grip is is the most intuitive for me to be able to shape the ball the way I need need to shape it um now I took it a step further because I’m a lunatic um I also for the last six weeks have been doing a weak grip but also uh

Going 10 finger instead of interlock okay uh part of that was because I was hitting so many balls when it was cold right when it like when we had that cold thing here in in January so so I got kind of stuck in you know

All I could do was hit balls I was hitting so many balls every day excuse me I was hitting so many balls every day um that I started to get pain in my pinky so I just was like in order to hit more balls I I went to 10 finger and it

Actually was really good and I took it and when the courses opened up I went back to it and it was great and it was very accurate the issue we started running into with this weak grip and the 10 finger um specifically with the driver is I think they just leaking

Power there’s something which I don’t to be honest to me I I I don’t understand and I need to get some clarity as to why because to me like more surface area should lead to more power like if you have more like this has less surface

Area of your hands on the grip right or even this right the overlap but if you have this you have the full surface area of all your fingers that you you know the most surface area you can get how does that not lead to more

Power um but I think it I and and this is why I want to go see Ryan is I think in something with how it makes the other parts of my body work I don’t think that grip works for the power swing so I’m using it for wedges and for chipping

Because what I do like about it for wedges and chipping is it takes speed off and I think that’s why I found so much success with it when I was practicing at Shem when I was kind of and and the last the last four weeks have been primarily finesse work I have

Not been swinging hard I have not been trying to hammer the ball I have been trying to take as much speed off of what I’m doing to hit these control shots right so some of that has been you know I just haven’t hit enough drivers and I

Haven’t been really trying to pound the ball and I think another function of it is I think I I I screwed my matchups a little bit it became very accurate like the thing I find is I am very accurate but it’s like a club difference which for wedges and for some

Finesse stuff phenomenal so maybe there’s a hybrid to be played here I think I’ll chip 10 finger for sure because I don’t get that jumpy chip that I used to get and that was a big thing I’ve noticed like you know trying to clip one and all of a sudden it it

Just kind of comes out hot don’t really get that one as much anymore um I really like it for 10 yards and in because also too I can kind of control the left uh sorry the right hand rolling over to kind of hit like this like soft draw with the

Wedges but I think for the full swing I got to go back to interlock still we grip um but inlock and I I battle tested that out over the past day or so and kind of seeing my driver come back yeah just seeing my driver come back and

Seeing some of the the ball flight and seeing some of the distance too cuz like I’d hit especially with the four iron like I’d hit a couple four irons and I’m like that was laced and it would fall 10 15 yards short and I go W that doesn’t

Make sense yeah cuz you called me the one day you were you called me and I said hello and there wasn’t even a hello Dave all you thing all you said to me is I’ve lost all my speed and I was like oh I’m like good morning to you too

Gabe it’s why you love me um yeah and that was the con that was the concerning thing cuz I’m like I my in terms of health and physical function and flexibility I don’t feel like I’ve ever been in a better position but I’m slow and I don’t now let’s just keep in mind

Though slow for you is still so just to put it in context for the listeners so pj2 or average on driver swing speeds around 112 to 115 it varies year to year and a time of year depending on uh where they’re playing and how warm it is Gab slow sits around 115 to

116 uh tournament golf for you is what 118 to 120 and then if you go all out you’re kind of 122 to 124 is that right that’s what what it used to be yeah like but I used to be able to swing there was a time when I would like I

Could roll out of bed and just hit 119 121 wasn’t hard now my mechanics are better and that’s the other thing too I was and sorry to cut you off I was also not swinging well fast I think that’s the other thing that I’ve also had to reframe in my head

Right I was fast but I was never fast and like in play or fast repeatable right so I am now 115 to 117 much more repeatable um but I was getting this like really spinny wipy right thing that was going nowhere and I’m like okay

That’s got to fix so I I think it’s the grip thing I think it’s just me going too far down a rabbit hole um but we’re going to go see Ryan Holly and just make sure the ground forces haven’t tapered off or I’m not doing something super

Weird timing wise which also could be the case because I’m saying because I know physically right now this is the best shape I’ve ever been in so I don’t understand I thought I’d be like 125 right now in terms of how I feel right do you have a Target like if

You’re playing in a tournament where do you want to be you want to be that live at 121 122 okay I think I think that’s our goal yeah I think if I can just like if my game speed is there I think that is like you can I can you can do whatever

You want from there you know anything beyond that I would reserve for wide openen par fives that I can you know sure if I can bring it up to 126 just lash at it if you need to sure but I think think I want to be strong I want to be strong and

Repeatable and I and and I know I have the speed to do it it’s just it was a lot of it has just been building up the core strength and the the ability to like hit that speed with stability yeah versus like full-on lashing at it which

Is kind of what I’d been doing previously and I need to also remember that like you know I couldn’t I wasn’t I wasn’t repeatable or accurate right with that speed prior so just because I was fast doesn’t mean it was good fast you know yeah yeah so and with

That um you know we’ve I’ve tried different drivers and and I do think there is a a driver thing like I do think um I like the the qi1 is very good the qi1 core model because I thought initially I thought too was it just like the Ping

Was just not working the Ping isn’t working like it I don’t know there’s something weird about how it feels I don’t know if it’s the shaft that’s in it there’s something off so I I’m not 100% sure yet as to where I’m going down with that path

Maybe I just got to put the ventis back in it maybe it’s just maybe trying to move off the Venus was stupid um the Rogue right now the triple diamond Rogue uh turned down at 9 degrees turned down one um and I have the special Loft

Sleeve where I can turn it down to seven I have the minus two Loft sleeve on it which I’ve played Venton um in November with that and it was great and I last night on the Range I started to see that ball flight that I had in November

Nice cuz I was thinking too I I thought it was maybe because from covid like I was losing I lost speed or something like something happened to me um because that’s what I was worried about I was like what’s going on but then I remembered I played this tournament

After I’d gotten it like I after IID had it it was like a month after so I go like and I was pounding it so I’m going like what but it was the weak grip but it was interlock so I’m wondering if it you know it it was this

Driver so stay tuned next week everyone we we get the Ryan Holly update and uh we’ll figure out where that’s at yeah and then the other thing I got to see is maybe it maybe there’s a ball thing to to look at I’ve been playing the new 2024 Bridgestone bxs it’s really good

Nice I really like it I’m hoping I don’t have to switch the ball I’m hoping I don’t have to switch the ball ni it is it is that good um specifically the short game I don’t know I I really like the 2019 the 2019 or 2020 Bridgestone and

Then the 2022 model was like it was it was it was good but it was okay I don’t know um I didn’t love it as much as I like the previous model this new one very much like it like there’s something um I find I and what I like

About the bridge stone is kind of why I don’t want to have to move away from it I feel like I can hit my irons hard if I need to and it the ball doesn’t go in a million different directions like there’s something about like when I

You really compress that ball it just kind consistent window and spin it goes to where I want sometimes I find with some of the firmer balls like maybe I could hit it further but I don’t know I don’t know if I it feels like I can just hit same that same kind of

Control um so yeah so that’s so but it’s really really good cool it’s really good um we got to talk about a little uh bag experience for you though we so you did a remote plld putter fitting which kind of blew my which kind of blew my

Mind so I want to wrap I want to wrap up on this because uh so for anyone that doesn’t know uh so ping has their uh putting lab design I believe is what PL stands for um but it’s basically their their tour putting Department that does all their

Putters for their tour staff you can go on to ping.com register for the PD program and then you can book an appointment you either do so uh virtually uh which is what I did or you can book an appointment to go to Arizona

To get fit at ping HQ uh so I did the virtual fit um so they overnight you they send you a little FedEx package they overnight you a cradle and an iPod touch and a putting disc and basically you snap the Cradle to your existing putter fire up the iPod Touch put in

Your data some basically static measurements um and then you putt uh five 10-ft putts and you do that for three sets so three sets of five of 10ft putts and it takes a reading off of every Putt and then you basically say submit send your data to ping you throw

The iPod Touch back in the pre uh prepaid package they give you goes back to Ping the Cradle uh which is really cool is yours to keep so you can use it going forward with your iPhone or anything to track your putting statistics again um and the putting disc

Is yours to keep keep and it’s really neat it uh it tracks face rotation closure rate um speed back and through uh face angle um so it was it was a really cool experience and then uh about 3 days after I sent my results I had a

1our uh virtual session over a zoom call with a fitter at ping HQ we talked about my existing stroke um the first half hour of the calls is pretty much all about this is the data this is your stroke what kind of courses do you play what’s what’s your experience putting do

You have a consistent Miss uh for me if anything on like three-foot putts I get like a little bit I don’t know my hands get jittery or something but I tend to push them so if I’m going to miss a short putt I know I’m probably going to

Push it and I always have that in the back of my mind I’m like don’t push it don’t push it don’t push it and sometimes I snap it closed of course miss it left and I know I’ve done it because I’ve been fearful of the push um

But yeah so and then the really cool thing is there’s a number of Putters uh within the pl program that we don’t have access to at retail so like I was unaware so ping makes obviously the answer and the answer to which we all know and they make the answer deep um

But access to the program I actually got fitted into what’s called an answer 30 so uh it’s got a slightly longer hosle so a typical answer has 42° of tow hang 42 to 45 I believe is what my fitter said the answer 30 hens has 30° of tow hang

So a little less face rotation um and then we went ahead and we drilled out based on where I play in the Pacific Northwest greens can sometimes be slower and I have no problem putting on Fast greens and also I prefer a little bit heavier putterhead we actually drilled out the back uh

Wings of the answer and put some tungsten plugs in there to increase the head weight to 365 grams and then it was actually really cool um he was seeing an impact that I wasn’t delivering a lot of Loft pretty consistently and uh he pretty much knew

Right away he said are you do you put cross-handed do you put leftand low and I said yeah and he said typical of people that put cross-handed because your hands end up being more forward is you’re at impact is you’re delofting the club and you’re not getting as much Loft

At impact um so we bumped the standard Loft from three up to four which should mean based on my data when I send it in I’ll deliver about 2 to 2 and 1/2 degre of Loft which he felt a little bit better at um yeah so it was a really

Cool experience the putter should arrive again choice of grips choice of head cover um putter should arrive in the next week or two well we’ll show it here on the Pod we’ll get an image of it but I’m excited for it it was a really neat experience that’s insane well yeah when

You told me about the different degrees of tow hang that they can offer as a custom option that blew my mind toang finishes there was five different finishes I went for what was a a slate finish almost kind of a picture like a gunmetal look yeah um but there was a

Ton of different finishes um what else what other options were and sorry and they buil and they build it on the on the Tour line yes which is cool like they said to you um as long as you don’t get any tour orders like you were next

In line to be built I think there was two Putters in front of mine but it’s they’re all built in the same place it’s not like your putter is going to get built somewhere else versus like where the T ones are milled so yeah it’s all coming out of the same Factory and

That’s so sick and then you did something with the sight line too remember what did you do you did the dot I did a DOT instead of a line yeah I tend to use the line on my ball uh to line up to the hole and so I think with

The with the putter here we just we just did a DOT on the top um yeah I’m excited for it we’ll see how it goes that’s unreal what a cool experience yeah um not the cheapest experience in the world but in the same breath um you

Know what is a plld putter I think down here in America PE putter is $500 you know so a few more to get custom fit honestly I think you know I think custom fitting on a putter is something probably many of us don’t put enough Credence to when you think of how

Often you use it and how things like even your own experiences game and you’ve kind of settled in the right you’re saying going to you’re saying going tolf go town and just picking random ones up off the shelf and seeing which ones you drain the most with and

Then shotgun buying that and then repeating this process is not the best way to solve a putter issue in the bag Dave it’s it’s great for GF Town stock price so like if that’s if you’re an investor in golf town by all means um for the rest of us for your for your

Wallet and your pocketbook and your sanity um getting getting Fit For A putter or just even understanding I don’t even know if both getting fit but understanding what it did for me is understanding like face rotation and what kind of hosle like I really need like I knew a heel shafted putter wasn’t

Going to be for me and I always like a plumber’s neck but understanding that the regular plumers neck is just going to have too much tow hang for me now it just is a better insight to you know which is interesting because that means a putter at retail would have never

Worked y right so a true retail putter actually you’ve potentially been fighting yeah that’s interesting so you know what maybe something I need to consider I I probably should bite the bullet and get them to send send me the send me the iPod Touch there you go we

Could film it or we just or we just go to golf town again um I do have a I do have another lab putter I’m going to test I found a guy locally who has one who’s going to let me try it for a couple days now I think that the the

Issue I had with the previous lab putter was that the lie angle that I I got fit for was too flat okay so it was a 69 degree L angle is the one I was testing and I got fit for like but I could have

I could have done a 69 to a 71 degree L angle okay from when I I got fit the guy whose one I’m going to test is a MZ at 78 o so the Bryson D Shambo like way more up exactly and I think maybe that

Could get more of what the lab is supposed to be cuz I think maybe two flat just creates Arc and that’s why I was pulling them so if it’s more straight up maybe I can cuz there’s something about the science of it like the science is the science I I I still

Believe that what they’re doing like it just makes sense so I got to figure out either if it I don’t know I’m I’m willing to give it another look yeah so yeah we’re going to buy a new car buy a new lap putter potentially buy a new driver as we talk about fiscal

Responsibility in the beginning of the podcast uh we just like it all on fire in the end stay tuned next week everyone while we go through gab’s Visa bill line by line it’s ground beef bananas Greek yogurt green fees a putter every month and uh I don’t know some other stupid some

Whatever other stupid expenses that I’m I’m I’m forgetting at this point but anyway you you got to go my friend good to see you as always much love sir guys thank you so much for watching uh Dave will have another another update next week on his bag uh we’re in the process

Of just testing something right now but he’s got another sneaky update for us so we’re going to save that for next week’s episode but hope you guys enjoyed this and we’ll catch you on the next One


  1. I picked up a LAB a few weeks ago. Its sooo good! I went through a fitting at PGA Superstore. They have an adjustable fitting club to try all the lie angles until it's perfect.

  2. BRO!!!…. Hit me up, ive got an andwer for your grip question… did this same thing myself… and i have a lab putter

  3. Membership prices at Ontario golf courses are criminal. My club hasn’t had sand in some of the key green side bunkers for years yet they raise the dues every 12 months. $6500 for a very average course!!

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