Mastering the Right Arm in the Downswing with DL Golf Tips
Welcome to DL Golf Tips, your ultimate destination for golf improvement strategies! Join me, David Leathem, as I delve into the intricacies of perfecting your golf swing with a focus on the often-overlooked right arm in the golf downswing. In this comprehensive tutorial, I’ll walk you through the revolutionary “squeeze and turn” golf drill—a game-changer for golfers of all levels.
Are you struggling to synchronize your swing and achieve that coveted power and accuracy? Look no further! This drill emphasizes the essential coordination between your right and left elbow in the downswing, facilitating optimal external rotation of the right shoulder—a hallmark move observed in elite PGA Tour and professional golfers.
But wait, there’s more! We’ll also explore the critical turning aspect of the golf downswing, ensuring that your lead wrist rotates downward, maintaining a square clubface position throughout the golf downswing. By mastering this technique, you’ll not only enhance your right arm mechanics but also optimize the position of your trail wrist, setting the stage for consistent and powerful ball-striking reminiscent of the pros.
Eager to take your game to the next level? Whether you’re in New York or New Zealand, you can benefit from personalized online golf coaching sessions with me. Click the link below to embark on your journey towards golfing greatness—no matter where you are in the world.
And before you go, don’t forget to check out our generous channel sponsor,, your go-to source for premium leather gloves at a fraction of the cost. Remember to use code “David” at checkout for an exclusive 10% discount.
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Elbow there not that way so logo to the Grind it actually puts me in a pretty nice positions hey golfers and welcome back to my channel in today’s video we’re going to be taking a look at the right arm in the down swing in particular the right elbow and the trail
Wrist and this is a position that we’re going to see a lot of elite ball Strikers in and as the handicap increases towards Club golfer and beginner golfer we’re going to see this position not there at all okay so it makes sense that if we can improve it
We’re going to start hitting way better golf shots there’s also something that when we make this move which I think a lot of people know this move but they’re not countering it with something else because when we do this the face opens we have to close that alongside this
Move so that we can hit straighter better golf shots all right so if you’re new to the channel welcome if you haven’t done so already don’t forget to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button if you’re coming back to the channel thank you so much for your
Support and if you’re here from day one I appreciate you let’s get started so Trail elbow first now the movement that this makes in the golf swing has a massive impact on what the club does okay so let’s imagine that we put it in
A bad position as I say the one that I see an awful lot right this will be arriving last parallel when the shaft is here we’re going to see this elbow kicked out okay the nature of doing that is going to push my wrist into this way
So the club’s getting closer to the ground lot of scooping okay that’s one thing now the other thing is at the top if I start to work that elbow towards that position can you see how it’s just thrown the club out over the top okay so
Very steep move down over the top some people might commit to that cutway across it or some people might then try and fix that by standing up and late shallowing to get the club on the ball each of them can hit good shots but it’s all about that consistency all right so
When we look at how the red arm should behave and this isn’t what this video is about but I did mention this in another video about skimming a stone if you were going to skim a stone how would you be here elbow in front of hand okay and
Then you would release that straight out at this side so there so there you wouldn’t be able to skim it if you were that way it would just go straight down into the ground steep trajectory steep shaft okay so what are we going to do it
Is to do with the shoulder okay and just want to touch on this internal and external shoulder rotation so internal is this way and external is this way so in the down swing if my shoulder moves internal that’s our move that’s our elbow there external this way okay you’ll see
Then that will come down in front now where do I want it try and get to Here If You Can great it if you can’t at least have it in line with your hand okay not that side of it and you can see we talk about lag there’s so many things
From this and I don’t want to make it too difficult or too complicated but as I’m bringing that more in front you can see how my trail wrist bends more I can lag the club more as soon as that goes out the wrist follows and that’s her bad
Position so it’s really really important okay now I got a simple feeling for you in order to get this what you need to do is feel in the down swing yes it’s shoulder but in the downswing I want you to try and still keep your body going
The same way but get this elbow to try and touch this one obviously mind you if you can do that let me know in the comments because I’d like to say you send me a video of that I’d quite like to see that if you can get it there but
That’s not what we’re trying to do feel like it will in there okay no this is not a good position to hit a golf shot from because when I do that move look at the club face it’s wide open my glove is to the sky I really don’t stand a
Chance of hitting that it’s just going to shoot straight to the right I might even shank it okay so we have to counter that by that move yes but closing the face as well all right we’re going to talk about our wrist and how that’s going to do that okay also sticking
Around I got a impact ball there and show you a pretty cool way that you can use that to help with this and also if you don’t have an impact ball got a little trick for you as well okay could go horribly wrong but that’s fun all right so
Here now that move but as I do it I’m going to try and take the logo of my glove good time for the advert if you’re anything like me and you like to wear a good quality leather glove when you’re playing golf but don’t fancy the high
Price tag well go and check out my channel sponsors page gxg goolg really good quality glove at a fraction of the cost use code David at checkout and you’ll save yourself a nice little bit of cash as well logo of my glove and try and turn it to the ground
As I do this okay I’ll never get it there but by doing this I can get I looks a bit mad you’ll not get here when you hit a shot this way okay so elbow there not that way so logo to the Grind it actually pitch me a
Pretty nice position something I work on it’s so cool because not that you need to think about these things because it will happen but when I do this in order for me to get that move you see how my body actually moves back out of the way to create space for
My arm in front what do we see when that move happens up elbow stuck behind trapped trying to get off okay so there’s two feelings right start the down swing elbow trying to touch that one or get down in front of your hip and counter with the club face getting that
In a nice position okay now to simplify all that we can use an impact ball you’ve probably seen these no doubt all over everybody on tour seems to have one right but we’re going to use it for the down swing if I get to the top I come down good position bad
Position falls out now I know using these things everybody’s comment is that’s impossible it’s so difficult it’s because it’s putting you in positions haven’t been in if you pull this out and hit shots and keep it in through into about this position in the follow
Through and then let it fall out and it doesn’t feel uncomfortable you got yourself a really good golf swing that’s a fact this thing is a really good training it okay so by me getting that feeling of elbow trying to touch that one I’m squishing the ball
And also making sure the face stays good as well okay it’s a bit more advanced this one today but but it’s just something I see all the time it’s really really important that we we do this all right now so that you don’t have to run
Out and buy one of those if you want to you can but I’ve got a balloon okay so let’s See okay and we will tie that so effectively I’ve made myself the same thing all right so we can put the balloon between top squish the balloon same objective okay really really good one plus the other thing I know this isn’t a back swing video but the sheer thought of keeping that in
Between gets us into a really good back swing position flying right elbow and things it’s going to fly out okay so a little bit more advanced today but really really an important piece and I wanted to get this across and I could literally make a Channel about top of
The back swing down to impact in what this righted arm has to do because it is such a differentiating factor from those best in the world to the beginner and everybody in between all right so thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed today’s video please don’t forget to hit
The like button hit the Subscribe button and as always any questions about the golf swing or a particular issue that you’re having dropping in you know I’m more than happy to help you out thanks guys
Balloon it is then!!!😂
As always, an excellent video. Thank you.