Ultimate Guide To Rotation In The Downswing

Complete Guide To Shallowing In The Downswing

Ultimate Over The Top Fix Guide

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Now this picture you’re looking at here Tiger Woods with his legendary coach back from the early 2000s Butch Haron they’re working on his right arm movement with Butch with his hand out there he is preventing Tiger Woods’s right arm from getting behind him which was a fault he had in his early career

Now this is something that absolutely all of you can work on because having that right arm where you can see here if we look at the picture again elbow pointing down right arm in front that helps you to shallow the golf club that helps you to rotate that helps you to

Strike ball than Turf pretty much every time and it helps you with much better power and consistency of Club face so of course if Tiger Woods was doing it in his prime absolutely the best golfer has ever played ever in the history of mankind this is something we need to do

Cuz what we see golfers continually do if Butch Harman was standing there with his hand out just like we saw with that picture golfers would be hitting him really early in the back swing with their arm or even early in the down swing that elbow will be plummeting into

His hand that steepen the shaft that will slow down your rotation that will make you flippy awful strikes lots of control Club face the bad golf you’ve been playing so let’s talk about how to do this Tiger Woods right arm down right elbow down towards the ground to hit way

Better golf shots and it honestly be shockingly easy at how easy it is to hit those good golf shots now I’ve got two absolutely really simple drills to do with you here but before we go and dive into those drills to doing your practice and feelings for the golf course let’s

Talk about a little bit more in detail of why this is so beneficial cuz if we just blindly do this without understanding the why we’re never going to have ownership over this movement we’re never never going to have ownership over our golf game so like we

Said in the intro right arm being more in elbow pointing down that is ultimately what we call right shoulder external rotation it’s just like someone’s beating you in an arm wrestling match that’s good in the golf swing so we want to have that movement cuz like we say that helps for a bunch

Of things shallowing the Sha rotation all the good stuff good ball striking but more in depth here when that right elbow is poting more down it stays in front of the seamline of our shirt so my Jill here stays in front of the seam line now when that right arm is in front

Of the seam line we cannot get it stuck in the golf swing so back swing it won’t be stuck down swing it won’t be stuck that means the arms are going to be more in front of your pivot not in front as in over the top in front is in under

Control and that’s going to help us massively to be able to continue to turn and down swing and have good ball striking when that right arm’s getting in front just like the classic Ben Hogan right arm in front which this makes it so much easier to do that that’s really

Going to help Drive everything nicely forward and have you have really good ball striking ultimately makes the arms and the hands under control by the body so this is where my classic thing I always talk about on this channel turning the hands and arms off you don’t

Need to feel anything with those arms to be able to get this movement happening so you then can have your hands and arms nicely just turn themselves off to where you can turn that body and strike good golf shots so this is absolutely awesome for players cuz so many players think

Okay if I’m going to let’s say feel nothing with my arms I’m going to get stuck with my arms of course as we know if that right arm is staying nicely in front That Elbow point down we can’t have that right arm get stuck behind us

So that’s where we can have those nice feels and have that good result that good body rotation like we said it helps tremendously with body rotation in that downswing it’ll be nicely in that slot so we can just turn through again I’m only really doing one little move there

With my arm I’m not technically when we get into the drill of this feeling anything for the downswing it’s more for that back swing of having that position just like we saw Butch and tiger having that right elbow down and what it also forces you to do is stay down on the

Golf ball Now by Nature when we rotate B we are going to be staying down on it but when we’re having that right arm that right elbow staying in front of that seam line you have to stay down on the golf ball to be able to hit the shot so

That’s where when golfers do the opposite they have that elbow shoot behind them so where this big gap forms between their arms that puts you into internal should rotation like you are winning the arm wrestling match don’t want to win an arm wrestling match in the golf swing so that’s where that get

That right elbow points behind hitting butcher’s hand and then from there right arm is then stuck behind you have to then stand the body up to extend the right arm to hit the shot you have to get that right arm back in front could also see golf at times Chuck the right

Arm out early swing over the top from there so that’s where it’s going to by Nature as well keep you down in that posture to be able to do this so without me saying anymore can understand why it helps let’s get into the drills and the fuels to be able to get this

Into your swing so here is how we working it the drills and feels to get it in there so when we’re having that right elbow staying down with that right arm in front of that seam line ultimately what we’re going to see there when we do this look at the gap between

My arm see how it’s quite small where conversely if I get that right elbow behind getting that hidden Butch’s arm that La mum feel that I talk about look at the space between the arms huge to where that’s going to get me in that internally rotated shoulder position

Which we don’t want so absolutely we want to have that Gap stay small now this is incredibly important you’re going to find it impossible to have that Gap stay small if you set up to the golf ball like this with your right elbow pointing inward it’s going to be

Impossible so that inside the elbow pointing this way towards Target see so many golfers like this that means they are at setup internally rotating their shoulder to where the only place they can move there is now in with the arm we want to set up to the golf

Ball like this so you can see underside of the elbow pointing at you guys grip the club from there now I’m in a position where I can keep that elbow down have a nice folding up of the arm I like to think of the back swing of the

Right arm being a lift slight lift whilst you turn but having that nice half bicep curl movement so full bicep curl just bringing that right forearm to the bicep half bicep curl it’s just half a repetition there that’s going to keep that Gap nicely between the arms that’s

Going to have that nice downward elbow move not behind in front of the seam line so keeping that Gap nice setup position you can think of half bicep curl with that right arm that’s going to keep it there cuz the trick for this is all in the back

Swing it is a back swing thing that carries on for good things in the down swing so if we are having that right arm in that nice position at the top the down swing we ultimately don’t really need to think much about it at all it

Will stay there which is what we want so we want the gold swing to be easier then we can just turn off those arms they’ll stay nicely in front of the pivot you’ll just be able to turn that’s what we want to do so now we talked about that fi

Let’s get straight into the drill to get it there cuz I always have the saying drills create the feels that’s why I talk about it so much on my channel if you want to feel for the golf course or you want to get something into your

Swing you’re not going to get there if you don’t do a drill that’s where grab a ball so this is where I’ve got Tor Striker smart ball any type of small type of ball like this would be great put it in between your arms just like so

Just like forearms here make sure you got that good setup position what’s this going to do this is going to keep that gap between your arms constant so if you have that right elbow go behind down it goes so of course what do you want to do

You want to keep this in between your arms for the entirety of the swing it will keep that right elbow pointing down it will keep it nice in front of you in that down swing keep it in between the arms the entire way like I said golf swing is going to

Be shockingly easy when you do that so drill number two is one that you do in between shots and you can do this at home as well to really get you the feel and it’ll really help you with your shoulder joint Mobility as well which would be awesome cuz I have terrible

Shoulder joint Mobility but you can see from this video I can do the movement so bad flexibility bad Mobility is not a copout for this it’s not an excuse you can do this even for someone like myself terrible flexibility of the shoulder that’s as much external rotation I can

Do most people can get it way more back than there so okay here we go grab the club by the head this is called the nunchuck drill bring it to where it’s just on the right hand side of your right forearm so then as there you grip

With your left hand the grip turn up to the top Eng golf posture look we’ve done that you’ve got it in that good spot so this is isolating the right arm move so turning way up to top brilliant and then you can turn down the down swing maybe

Give it a little pull that will really really stretch out that shoulder capsule so you’re just pulling there that grip forward as you’re turning really stretch out that shoulder that gets you as well exaggerating it when we’re doing drills without the golf ball we want to

Exaggerate we want to do what we want to do but a little bit more so so cuz with the golf swing we know feel isn’t real we want to exaggerate it a ton so that’s where we have to feel like we’re moving a mile to move an inch in the golf swing

So again up here gets in that perfect spot boom Going through so we can do that at home we can do that in between shots good setup spot right elbow on the side of it pointing forward feel those FS that you’ve just done from the drill there we go absolutely brilliant

If you can do that you’re going to have a much easier goal so mastering the right time is so important as you could see from like we said that thumbnail that beginning of the video Tiger Woods with his legendary coach bch Haron absolutely they had some pretty good

Success doing that so if you want to have some good success in your golf game go and do it so if you enjoyed this video click that like button if you want more golf interraction just like this hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell button too to be notified every time I

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  1. John this is probably my biggest problem. I used a very well known setup idea from another coach. I imagine my right arm is giving blood in my set up, I just then rotate my wrist onto the club at address without moving my arm. Brilliant 👍

  2. Great video! Should you apply this for driver too or mainly only irons?
    Rory or scheffler seem to have their elbow really far out in their swing. Why isnt it an issue for them?

  3. Tiger Woods wasn't the best golfer in the history of mankind, that accolade goes to Jack Nicholas! Too many millennials have their facts wrong! Do your homework before making bold claims!

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