The most common questions I get asked are always to do with setting the wrists in the backswing. If you’re not sure when you should set the wrists, or how to correctly move your wrists in the backswing. You are in the right place.

In today’s golf lesson, PGA pro Kerrod Gray and Alex Riggs explain how to load the wrists correctly for optimal width and compression. Then, demonstrate the correct way to move the wrists to create a powerful and consistent golf swing.

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⛳ Chapters
0:00 – Introduction
0:50 – Common wrist mistakes in the backswing
2:10 – When do you set the wrists in the backswing?
2:40 – How to load the trail wrist 👈
4:20 – Static vs dynamic movement
5:20 – Trail Arm Drill – fixes and faults
6:40 – Video takeaway


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If you are not moving your wrists correctly in the back swing you are missing out if you want both power consistency and pure strikes you have to watch this video right to the end because top level Coach Alex Rigs and myself are going to help you understand

How to do this correctly and get you crushing that ball better than ever let’s get stuck in all right rigs that was the best of the day for me uh felt really good off the face lots of compression and a big part of that is not necessarily all about the lag at the

Moment of impact it was what I did in the back swing in regards to width right and we see a lot of players amateur golfers who struggle with ball striking would tend to get quite narrow and a lot of that is an understanding of the difference between using your arms or

Loading your wrists correctly yes to create the width so let’s talk about that for sure I think a lot of players they under rotate they don’t create enough turn or pivot through the body mhm and then as a result you see a lot of lead elbow folding yep now these

Players they might think that they’ve used their wrists yeah but their wrists have actually been quite passive in a movement like that there’s no leverage there’s very difficult for us to actually utilize like a good body sequence coming down if we’ve loaded in that way I was doing an online lesson

Just before I shot these videos and I freeze frame the player at lead arm parallel and let’s say this is where the majority of professionals would be specifically from from this face on view left arm for the right hand level with the ground Club sharp somewhat creating

An L shape structure now the player that I was working with they had this same structure but it was created by doing this so from face on that camera angle there might look like this is still Level with the ground and this might still look like it’s actually pitched up

Straight but if I from this position move my arms back out in front of me what do we notice about shaft angle here RS yeah there’s been little to no leverage created here so there’s essentially there’s no load that we’ve created in through that trail rest yeah

So one of the best checkpoints for creating better load early in the back swing is actually earlier isn’t it yes it’s by the time that the end of the grip from this face on view is almost just on the outside of the trail leg we would like to see the club shaft level

With the ground and the hands anywhere from in front of the trail leg just outside and that player that I was working with if they went back to when the club shaft was level with the ground they were about in this position correct and then the last little bit where I

Freeze framed was all this folding yes with a T-Rex action at the top so we need to make sure that we’re creating some better load earlier how do we do that we need to understand how to load the trail wrist okay and the best way to

Do that is to isolate the trail arm so take the lead hand off the golf club okay hold it only in the trail hand yep I’d hold it a little bit lower get it into its normal noral position MH start the swing off with a little bit of pivot

Now I want you to be able to isolate this feeling so without moving anything else start creating that extension a little bit of that hinge feeling in this wrist now as you pivot or turn to the top of your swing what you’re going to try and feel is that that trail arm is

Going to feel like it just goes along for the ride yeah for sure and we just did a video about using the lead arm only and we’ll attach this into this one to create the sensation of width at the top of the Swing here in this video we’re talking specifically about how to

Create that load on the shaft to get the compression using the wrists rather than folding the arms exactly and isolating this works wonders in giving you the awareness of how to control the golf club correctly through this section of the Swing to give it that light feeling

That we were talking about in the other video and ensuring from here this connection point which is going to be from our back arm onto our body stays in constant contact throughout to the top of the Swing now a lot of players are going to look at this Rigs and they’re

Going to go well is that the end of your swing right it’s so short yes but the golf swing is a dynamic fluid motion we have a certain elasticity to our muscles which in a golf swing would bring it up okay but drilling it we need to be slow

And we need to be conscious for sure if we’re going through this slowly and we’re doing the movements correctly I think most of us we wouldn’t have the mobility to get the golf club to parallel I I think that that’s a concept A lot of people assume and a swing has

To get to parallel and if it doesn’t it’s a short swing they’re not going to be able to maximize power but if I do my movements to the most stripped level MH and I’m reasonable Mobility there’s no way I’m getting that club to parallel if

I’m doing it in a static way yeah for sure and we see one commonality between the best ball Strikers in the world would be their ability to to get the hands back in front of the chest through this section of the golf swing yes and the longer that the hands move away from

The midline of the chest in the back swing and in the downswing well this is where all the scooping the stalling out the flipping the chicken winging cor endless goes on and on and on correct so it really is about understanding how to load that Golf Club correctly so you’re

Saying the trail arm drill or the trail hand drill the back arm just using that ensuring that we’re getting a bit of turn a bit of wrist for setting and then turning to the top anything else you would add there where you think players could slightly get this wrong and take

It down a wrong direction I think it is possible that you still might see Players whose Trail elbow might work back around behind the rib cage more so than it should and in which case we can always use the lead hand tuck it underneath the tricep of that trail arm

In this case it’s tough to get this drill wrong so you’re going to apply just a little bit of that pressure now this is loaded you’re going to bring in your turn and what we’ll see here is that as long as you’ve got this hand here there’s no way that’s going too far

Back behind you yeah and a great little reference here guys if I simply face that camera and go down you can see we’ve almost got a square form from my shoulders uh my elbows and my arms which is the same as a dress here so hinging

And a bit of turn into this section of the Swing ensuring that we’re getting and maintaining that same feeling put two hands on you know what that feels really good a lot of width there but also more importantly that load in the wrists which is required for us to get

That compressed strike correct if you go back into that spot again you start seeing how easy it will be for you to get your arms back underneath you from right here because of where these elbows are it’s going to be easy for you to be able to get the arms underneath you and

This is that that tour pro position that we see everybody in keep those compliments going all right so let’s Groove in this tour pro position uh we’ll use the back of the right hand once more just to get the sensation so using the Torso a little bit of hinge turning turning turning

Creating the right amount of structure and width okay let’s put it together not one down there


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